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Defiled Seduce Night

Page 24

by Marie Cisneros

  He ran his hand over her hair and looked down at her. He took his cock in his hand and stroked it lightly.

  "Remember when I told you to let go?" he whispered. She nodded and smiled at him. She moved toward him as much as she could, let her breasts brush against his cock, never taking her eyes off of him. He groaned and pushed his hips toward her mouth. She opened her mouth and licked the head and heard him moan as he held her head and pushed his cock into her mouth slowly.

  She sucked the head into her mouth, swirling her tongue all over the head, and then fully stroking the head with the length of her tongue. She looked up at him, seeing him looking down on her and whispering to her not to stop, stroking her hair. She tugged on the scarves, wanted to be let go so she could touch him. She pulled her mouth off of him and leaned back.

  "Untie me, please." She whimpered.

  "No." he whispered and leaned over her and settled his hips between her legs, and bracing himself on his arms above her.

  "Please David, let me go. I want to touch you." She tugged on the scarves, and whimpered.

  He shook his head and leaned down and kissed her mouth softly. He shushed her against her lips and kissed down her cheek and buried his face in her neck and bit down gently. He shifted his hips and pressed his cock to her pussy, pushing the head against her clit and stroking slowly.

  She moaned and pushed her hips upward, loving the feel of him against her. He slowly pushed his cock downward, letting it rub her clit all the way as he rocked against her. He leaned back bracing his weight on his knees and put his hands under her knees and lifted her legs and spread them wide, and slowly pushed the head of his cock downward and into her opening.

  He groaned and pushed deeper into her pussy, feeling her warmth encase him. He felt her raise her hips up to meet his and thrust himself all the way inside her. He leaned forward and braced himself over her and began to pump his hips slowly against hers. She moaned and lifted her hips up and wrapped her thighs around his hips. She arched her back, loving the feel of him inside her and on top of her. She tugged on the scarves, and whimpered at not being able to touch him and hold him. She looked up at him with her eyes wide and pleading.

  "Please." She begged.

  "Alright," he whispered and tugged on the scarves one at a time and released her arms. She sighed and pushed herself up with her feet and arms and forced him to sit up and bring him with her. She wrapped her arms around him and moaned into his chest.

  He held her close to him and tangled his hand in her hair and raised her head up to him and met her mouth with his as he settled back on his knees with her against him. She moaned into his mouth and wrapped herself tighter around him, rocking against his hips. She suddenly rocked harder against him and pushed him onto his back.

  He lay back, stunned she'd pushed him over and laughed. She raised an eyebrow at him and leaned over him and lifted up her hips and thrust down quickly. He groaned loud and bucked his hips up against her. She smiled a womanly smile and began to pump her hips against his and ride him. She lifted her hips up and down over him. Lifting herself almost all the way off of him and then thrusting back down onto him, she rode him until she began to whimper and moan.

  He opened his eyes and saw her biting her lip, her eyes closed, and her head falling back. She began to grind her hips onto his wildly, moaning his name over and over. He reached up with one hand and held one breast, brushing her nipple with his thumb, and with the other brushed her clit with his thumb, sending her over the edge.

  She cried out and ground onto him, clenching his cock inside her and arched her back and came. She fell forward and he reached up to catch her and hold her to him as her body shook on top of his. She fell against him and buried her face in his neck, panting hard. He stroked her hair and whispered her name as he let her calm down, feeling her breathing slow, and her heart beat begin a regular beating.

  He felt her lips against his neck, her little licks with her tongue, and moaned into her ear. He stroked her back and gently rolled her over with the weight of his body. She looked up at him with glazed eyes and smiled. She stroked his lips with her fingers and whispered his name.

  He leaned down and kissed her deeply and pushed his hips forward. She moaned into his mouth and wrapped her arms and legs around him and shifted her hips upward. She pushed her tongue against his and sucked it into her mouth.

  He kissed his way down her neck and buried his face against her shoulder. She leaned in and whispered into his ear.

  "Cum inside me, David."

  Her words sent him over the edge and he began to pump fast and furious inside her. He thrust his hips against hers, grunting against her shoulder, hearing her whisper into his ear, urging him to cum inside her, hearing his name on her lips, he pumped once more and came hard inside her. He went rock still for a moment, and then fell on top of her, his face buried in her neck breathing hard and fast.

  She stroked his back and shoulders, whispering his name and telling him how much she enjoyed him. He rolled over and pulled her with him, so they were both on their sides facing each other, kissing her gently on the lips, sucking her lower lip into his mouth. He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her deeply.

  She kissed him back, holding his face with her hands, tangling her legs with his. The lay holding each other for a long time, enjoying each other and relaxing against each other. She pulled back and smiled at him. She ran her fingers over his lips.

  "You did all this for me?" she asked, looking around at the room, seeing the candles, the roses, and seeing petals strewn all over each others bodies as they had moved all over the bed.

  "Well," he began, "I think both of us benefited from it." He chuckled, and kissed her softly. "But yes, I did this for you." He then lay back and pulled her with him, resting her head on his shoulder.

  "You are so sweet." She whispered and kissed his cheek and laid her head on his chest and closed her eyes.

  "Yea well, only for you. Don't let it get around. You'll ruin my reputation." He chuckled softly.

  The Salon

  Breann pulls into the nearly deserted parking lot and shut off her car. Peering through the sheets of water cascading down the windshield she thought, I hate rain! Seeing the umbrella beside her on the seat she just shook her head, it would be an act of futility to try and carry it. The wind was so strong it would just turn it inside-out. She looked around the lot to see who else had braved the storm and saw only Todd’s pick-up. Well that was good, she wouldn’t have to wait in line for a tanning bed. Todd’s parents owned the salon and he came in on Saturday afternoons to give them a break.

  Breann opened the car door a crack and rain began running down the inside the car, soaking her t-shirt and shorts. Make a break for it girl, you can’t sit here all day! Opening the door wide and then slamming it closed, she made a mad dash to the entrance of the salon. Just as she reached to push the door it swung open and her momentum carried her right on through, her feet sliding on the tile floor. An arm appeared from nowhere and grabbed her around the waist.

  “Hey, slow down sweet thing” Todd’s deep voice said as he stood her upright once again.

  “Oh my gosh, thank you” Breann’s cheeks colored with embarrassment as she looked up into the face so close to hers. “I

  nearly busted my……well thank you!” Damn, he must think I’m a clumsy idiot. I wanted him to notice me but geez. Just look at those eyes, such beautiful blue eyes, and that voice…

  “We can’t have you busting that cute little backside now can we?” Todd said as he removed his arm from her waist and swatted her on the bottom. He winked at Breann, “In case you haven’t noticed, we are having a tropical storm. As a matter of fact I was about to close up when I saw you running across the lot, it’s been a slow day. I guess everyone with good sense stayed home” the last said with another wink.

  Why does he do this to me? One little wink and I turn to jelly “Well I have never claimed to have good sense and
now you have a customer so you can’t close up. I want to use a tanning bed.”

  Todd smiles and with a long-suffering tone of voice says, “Ok, I guess I can wait on you. I’ll put you to bed in room nine ”

  Room nine? Put me to bed in room nine? I love the poster in room nine, a big tanned muscular cowboy, his jeans undone at the button. He looks a lot like you “Nine is just fine, I won’t be long”

  “Alright darlin’, have fun.”

  Have fun? Just what do you think I do in there? “Just set the timer for 20 minutes ok?”

  “Ok, hey, we have a clothes dryer in the back, why don’t you let me dry those wet clothes while you tan?”

  hmm, I don’t sense any ulterior motive….dang it “That would be great, thanks. I’ll hand them out in just a minute.”

  Breann steps into the tanning cubicle and shuts the door. She glances over at ‘her’ poster as she begins to strip off her clothes. Todd could have posed for that photo, it looks just like him. I can feel his eyes watching me, hehe you want me to dance for you baby? She does a little strip tease for the poster. Naked she examines herself in the full-length mirror on the wall. Wiggling her hips at the poster, Do you like what you see honey? No tan lines for moi. Gathering up her wet clothes she hands them out the door to Todd. She lies down on the bed, the plexi-glass cold against her bare skin. A shiver runs the length of her back, hardening her nipples. Wow, I guess it really has been slow today, it’s cold in here she reaches up to turn on the machine and pull the top down putting her in a cocoon. The bulbs begin to warm her damp skin ummmm much better.

  In a very short time the bed has warmed Breann to the point that she is sweating. The droplets run under her breasts and down her sides to the small of her back tickling on their course. She reaches up to wipe them away and her hand brushes against her breast, bringing her nipples back to life and she smiles to herself. Here I am, lying bare-naked just a few feet away from a totally hot man. I wonder what he’s doing She reaches up and idly twists her nipple between her fingers. I wish you were doing this as she runs her fingertips over her breasts and down her belly that’s it baby, tickle me, tease me with those big strong hands Her hand moves slowly toward her mound, her fingers lightly brushing the top of her thighs oh yeah baby, you’re getting closer to where I want you. I am so hot She shifts her hips parting her legs and slides a finger between her moist lips, rubbing circles on her swollen button. Yes, ummmm that’s good, but please……I want you, I need to feel you inside me….I’m almost there…..Moving her hips against her hand she pushes two fingers inside. Oh yeees, harder baby, harder I’m going to…

  Suddenly, with a low rumble of thunder, the lights go out. Startled, Breann rises up and hits her head on the lid of the tanning bed. “Ouch, damn!” well isn’t this just dandy She hears Todd outside of the door, “Are you alright in there?”

  Trying to regain control of her voice, Breann answers, “Yes, I’m fine. I’ll be out in a minute.”

  “Well be careful, I know it must be really dark in there with no windows”

  Well there’s an understatement. Pushing the lid up the rest of the way, Breann gets up and cautiously feels her way to the door. “Hey, did you bring me my clothes?”

  “Sorry honey, no power, no clothes dryer, I can’t let you put wet clothes back on.”

  “So what am I supposed to do? I can’t just stand around like this!”

  Todd gives a low chuckle, “No, I suppose you can’t. Here, put this on.”

  Breann opens the door just wide enough for him to hand it to her. This is the shirt he was wearing! Oh God, I can smell him on the fabric. Breann buries her face in the soft cotton of his t-shirt. Deeply breathing in the scent of him.

  “Well? Are you coming out or are you going to sit in the dark until the power is restored?”

  “I’m coming, I’m coming” if you only knew hehe. Breann pulls the t-shirt over her head and down as far as it will go. It reaches to about mid-thigh, the worn folds of material draping around her curves.

  She opens the door and steps into the light of the salon. Todd grins at her, “I have to say I’ve never seen that old shirt look so good.”

  Breann gives a nervous little giggle, “well thank you sir, it’s the latest fashion straight from Paris.” Oh baby, you are the one that’s looking good! Ummm ummm, look at that flat tanned belly, those hard thighs under those tight Wranglers. She walks over to the window and looks out at the rain-drenched parking lot trying to avoid staring at him. He walks up behind her and his image is reflected in the glass. That soft curly hair on your chest, making a trail down to the top of your jeans. I would love to bury my face in your chest, hear your heart pounding, the hair tickling my nose as I move farther and farther down your body…..

  Todd puts his hands on Breann’s shoulders, “where are you?”

  “Huh? I’m sorry, daydreaming I guess”

  “What I said was, we are going to be here a while, at least until the rain lets up and your clothes are dry. As cute as you are in your ‘Paris fashion’ I don’t think you should go out like that.”

  Another giggle, “you’re probably right” good grief girl, get ahold of yourself, you sound like a nervous teenager

  Todd begins rubbing her shoulders. “You are really tense!”

  YOU are making me tense! “I know, it’s just been a long week.”

  “Well, I have the perfect solution. Wait right here for a minute.” Todd turns and walks toward one of the rooms in back of the salon.

  A few minutes later, “Ok Breann I’m ready for you, come back here to the massage room.” Breann follows the sound of his voice and stops outside the door. He has candles burning in every corner, casting soft flickering lights around the room.

  “We might as well make the best of the situation, sit here in the massage chair and I’ll give you the full treatment”

  I don’t know if I can handle you touching me! “I didn’t bring my checkbook, I can’t pay for a massage…..”

  Todd raises his hand to stop her objection, “It’s on me. You are wound tighter than a ten-day clock. Now come over here and sit down.”

  It’s just a massage, pull yourself together and sit down! “Alright. Thank you, a rubdown would be wonderful.” Especially with those hands.

  She walks into the room and sits in the chair.

  Todd puts his hands on Breann’s shoulders and says with a grin, “Now relax and let me ease some of this tension with my magic fingers.” He slides his fingers under her hair, his fingers lightly brushing her neck, and begins to knead the muscles of her shoulders. Ummm, that feels good you do have magic fingers, your hands so strong and yet gentle. He pushes her head forward to expose the back of her neck and runs his thumbs along the sides of her neck and the tops of her shoulders, down her upper arms. His fingers curled slightly to brush along the sides of her breasts with each stroke. Breann’s traitorous body responds to his touch. She feels the familiar dampness growing between her legs and her body stiffens. Is he deliberately rubbing my breasts?

  Todd leans down to whisper, “You need to relax honey, let me take care of you, I know just what you need.”

  Todd walks over to a table and picks up a bottle of massage oil. He kneels on the carpeted floor at Breann’s feet and pours oil into his hands. Locking his eyes with hers he rubs the oil between his hands, warming it. Reaching down he takes her feet in his hands and begins to rub his thumbs in the arches.

  I know he can see straight up this t-shirt, he must see how badly I want him. He’s going to think I’m a tramp! Oh God that feels good!

  Todd’s hands make their way slowly up Breann’s legs, stopping to tickle the sweet spots behind her knees then to the top of her thighs. His hands open wide, the palms rubbing farther and farther up her leg, fingers slipping between her thighs gently pushing them open. Breann’s breathing becomes ragged. Fingers splayed, he pushes his hands under the hem of the t-shirt and across her hot belly. Rising u
p between her legs he leans toward her, his hands moving up to cup her breasts. His mouth close to hers he growls “Can you see what you do to me you silly woman?” and captures her mouth with his. Breann reaches up and tangles her fingers in his hair, pulling him closer and feels his erection against her pelvis. Todd sits back to look into her eyes.

  Yes, I am tramp, I am a slut, I want you right now. She spreads her legs a bit wider and puts them around him, her heels resting on the back of his thighs.

  With a groan Todd grabs the bottom of the shirt and pulls it over Breann’s head. Pressing his bare chest against hers he reclaims her mouth, nipping her bottom lip and pulling it into his mouth. His hand returns to her breast, his fingers playing with her hard nipples. His lips wander to her neck, biting and teasing the soft skin in the hollows of her throat with his tongue. Todd replaces his fingers with his mouth on Breann’s breast, sucking her nipple into his mouth and gently tugging with his teeth. His hand slides down across her belly and between her legs. Parting her lips with his fingers he finds her swollen button and runs his fingertip across it. His finger strokes Breann’s sensitive clit and snakes it’s way down and inside her. Breann gasps with pleasure and slides down in the chair, giving him easier access, her hands on the back of his head, pressing his mouth to her breast. His finger moves in and out of her excruciatingly slow. Her hips begin to rise and fall with the motion of his fingers. Todd’s lips leave her breast and make a trail of heat down her body. He stops his decent to spread her legs wide, putting one over his shoulder. Pushing two fingers deep into her he leans down and takes her clit between his lips, flicking it with his tongue, sucking on it, while moving his fingers faster and harder with each stroke, fingers bent up slightly to hit her g-spot. Breann’s back arches and she begins to shake with orgasm. Todd pulls his fingers from her and covers her with his mouth, his tongue penetrating her, lapping up the sweet juice of her cum.


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