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Defiled Seduce Night

Page 31

by Marie Cisneros

  After nearly ninety minutes, she noticed that the pavement had given way to gravel. She held on to the door as they continued on for another ten minutes before stopping. "Where are we now? Another mall?" she asked with a grin on her face.

  "Not exactly," he replied. "However, after I open your door, I will remove the blindfold if you wish."

  She contemplated that thought as she heard him open and then shut his door. She was acutely aware of the sound of birds chirping and leaves rustling softly. So lost in her reverie, she gasped as she heard him open the sliding door. "What are you doing?" she questioned.

  "Gathering supplies," came the response. She remained still while she listened to him rustling around in the back of the van, sitting up with anticipation as she heard him slide the door shut.

  "Are you ready, my love?" he asked with a smile as he opened her door.

  After she nodded, he reached behind her head and untied the scarf that had served to effectively to keep his secrets for the day. He kissed her softly and lowered the sun visor so she could finally see her necklace, grinning when she gasped upon seeing it.

  "Oh honey, I love it! It's beautiful! Thank you!" she gushed as she pulled him in for a kiss.

  "You're welcome, honey. Now, would you like to eat?" he asked, showing her the picnic basket and blanket which he had stashed in the car. Taking his hand in hers, she nodded while exiting the car. She squeezed it affectionately when she saw their surroundings.

  Parked in a grove of trees, individual rays of sunlight illuminated the lush green grass underfoot. Small shrubs and wildflowers dotted the clearing while squirrels flitted about, seemingly unbothered by the pair of intruders. Hand in hand, they started for a small break in the trees.

  Her silent recollection of the day's events was interrupted by the soothing sound of his voice. "How's this?" he asked softly, indicating a small clearing in the meadow.

  She smiled and kissed him gently, "Perfect, hon."

  He grinned and opened the picnic basket as he set it down. With a flourish, he pulled out a soft, white blanket and spread it on the ground, placing the basket on top of it. Taking her hand tenderly in his, he assisted her to the ground. He pulled out a bottle of white zinfandel and two glasses. Setting the glasses to one side, he popped the cork loudly and then proceeded to pour each of them a glass.

  She took a sip while he pulled crackers and cheese out of the picnic basket. While she watched his hands, she couldn't help but admire the grace in his movements, which brought thoughts of the softness of his skin against her body. She took a long drink of wine, trying to hide her smile in the bottom of the glass.

  "What's with the grin, Hon?" he inquired.

  Flushing slightly, she responded coyly, "Oh, nothing. Just thinking about things."

  "Really, now? Pray tell, what sort of 'things' were you thinking about?" he asked, playing her game right back to her.

  "Nothing of consequence, honey. But I am starving. Mind if we go ahead and eat?" she requested, closing the subject from further discussion.

  His warm eyes twinkled as he answered, "Anything for you." They ate in silence, smiling and taking turns feeding one another.

  She rested her head on his chest while they lounged after the wine and cheese and looked up at the deep blue sky. He ran his fingers through her hair and then gently grazed the back of her neck, sending chills up her spine and eliciting a soft, contented sigh. "Je t'aime, love," he whispered as she snuggled closer, aware of the pounding of his heart.

  She noticed another sound and sat up slowly. "What's wrong, sweetie?" he asked.

  "Listen. What do you hear?"

  Sitting up as well, he cocked his head to one side, closing his eyes to block out everything but the sounds. "It sort of sounds like running water."

  "That's what I thought too. Come on. Let's go check it out."

  He assisted her to her feet and retraced their path, leaving the picnic basket behind. She led the way, almost dragging him along, as they wove between trees and around bushes. Stopping suddenly about a half mile from where they started, she gasped and said simply, "Oh wow."

  He wrapped his arms around her from behind and looked with her, "It's beautiful."

  They stood at the top of a small gorge watching a small waterfall pour over smoothly worn gray rocks. One large, old oak stood watch over the spillway on the opposite side of them, its heavier limbs having long ago broken and fallen around the banks to generously provide homes and shelters for various animals. They could see tracks from deer in the damp, mossy earth. Rocks and stones dotted the shore, weaving and intricate mosaic of color on the green canvas.

  Almost entranced, she picked her way carefully down the gully into the streambed with him following close behind. He plucked a small, delicate white flower from the dirt and, after breaking off half of the stem, tucked it behind her left ear and kissed her tenderly on the cheek. She gazed longingly into his eyes and kissed him sweetly with genuine gratitude. Then, getting a mischievous glint in her eyes and a playful grin on her face, she turned and faced the small pool that fed the stream after the ten-foot waterfall. He looked at her quizzically, watching her slip off the sandals she wore. His puzzled expression melted into astonishment when she strode forward delicately into the pool without removing her dress.

  He stood with his mouth agape as she continued forward, making her way to where the water poured down over the rocks from above. She fanned her slender hands over the water as if spreading it out of her way while her dress clung to her like a second skin. The pool leveled out at mid chest on her at the center, becoming shallower closer to the waterfall. She stood at the fall's base and turned to face him, a soft smile on her lips. With the water lapping at her waist, she backed under the water, her eyes never leaving his.

  A smile crept across his lips as he sat on a graying dead log and watched her. She raised her arms above her head, allowing the water to cascade down her hair and body, soaking the dress, which was now transparent. Her graceful hands ran over her hair and down her neck slowly, grazing lightly against her breasts and down to her thighs. Her eyes locked on his, she carefully began to pull the dress higher, taking an eternity to do so. Completely enthralled by her angelic beauty, the only thing he could do was watch her.

  Slowly she turned around as the dress continued its trek up her body. His breathing began to get heavier as the delicate curve of her back, neck, and shoulders were revealed. Arching her back to accentuate the curves, she finally pulled the dress over her head, tossing it backward in his direction. While he retrieved it, she turned back around to face him, cupping her breasts in her hands. She extended one finger and summoned him to her.

  He pulled his shirt out of his slacks and started to unbutton it, gazing at her beckoning him. When he started fumbling with the small buttons as his fingers started to fail him, he gripped both sides of the shirt and pulled it open, the buttons popping off and landing in the pool making soft plinking sounds as they hit the mirrored surface of the water. He hopped on one foot then the other, pulling his loafers off and tossing them near the log upon which he had rested only moments before. Quickly, he shed the rest of his clothing, leaving it strewn on the ground behind him as he walked toward the pool.

  He shivered involuntarily at the chill in the water while he crossed over to her. She in turn began a leisurely walk to him, still covering herself modestly with her slender hands. Once within reach of each other, she extended her arms to him, welcoming him into her tender embrace with a passionate kiss. His hands wandered a random path up her back and into her damp hair while his tongue sought hers in a slow, erotic waltz. Holding each other tightly, they kissed as if there would never be another one.

  Her hand found their way through the damp hair on his chest and down to his growing hardness as his lips moved from her lips to her neck. She threw her head back, a sigh escaping her lips while nibbled at her neck and ear, his hands wandering over her firm nipples. Whispering, he sa
id, "I want you."

  Her response came with a slight gasp, "You may have me, my love."

  He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his lower torso, feeling safe and secure in his strong, tender arms. Magically, he slid inside of her in one slow, languid movement. Kissing her deeply, he looked into her eyes, seeing her desire, her passion, her love. They moved slowly together, savoring the ecstasy of their tender lovemaking. Rings of water rippled away from their entwined bodies as they crept toward the pinnacle of their union.

  Loud moans signaled the onset of her orgasm. He continued to slide in and out of her, increasing his speed and making his rhythm and tempo more aggressive. She cried out, digging her fingernails into his back, the combination of which sending him audibly over the edge along with her.

  They stood locked in their loving embrace for an eternity. She smiled lovingly and kissed him gently on the mouth. "Thank you, my love, for today."

  He smiled back, "You deserved it, darling. I love you for everything that you are."

  A lifetime later, they broke their embrace and made their way hand in hand over to where their clothes lay. He gave her his shirt to wear, throwing her soaked dress over his shoulder to carry. After dressing, they made their way up the side of the gully and back to the meadow to retrieve the picnic basket.

  They took their time, strolling hand in hand.

  The End.

  The Suprise Party

  Brian Allen sat in the restaurant trying to keep his mind on business. He knew the two investors were excellent prospects since he had checked out their portfolio thoroughly before agreeing to the meeting. He also knew they were two single women in their mid-twenties with graduate degrees, substantial bank accounts and nothing but wide open futures ahead of them.

  He had only his fiftieth birthday and the inevitable surprise party his wife was certain to throw for him to look forward to. He dreaded going home. It wasn't that he was depressed at passing the half century mark. His twenty-six year marriage was a good one. His three children all excelled in school, and his business was thriving. He just wasn't very enthusiastic about spending the evening listening to over the hill jokes and being reminded that he had gained more weight and lost more hair than most of his friends. Another time, another place and he would have been trying to pick up the two attractive women, not close a business deal with them. Who was he kidding? Their ages together didn't even add up to his own.

  Brian tried to concentrate on business, but his eyes kept drifting from the contracts on the table to Sandra's soft, delicate fingers that caressed the pen as she signed her name. He watched her put it gently in her mouth as she read the contract, her tongue traveling around the tip. How he envied that pen! To distract himself, he checked his watch. The guests would be arriving around seven o'clock he guessed. so he'd best wrap things up and proceed to the inevitable.

  Brian collected the contracts from the women. He extended his handshake to Elizabeth who held it gently in her own, her deep blue eyes fixed deliberately on his. Brian felt himself getting uncomfortably warm. He quickly finished his drink and called for the check. As he tried to signal the waiter, his vision started to blur. Brian put on his glasses, apologized inanely to the women for his physical flaw, and tried to read the check but the glasses didn't help. Suddenly, the room started to spin. He knew he hadn't had that much to drink, but he was dizzy. Sandra and Elizabeth didn't seem to notice that he was in any discomfort.

  "Ladies," he started, "I'm afraid, I'm not feeling too well. If you could..." but he never finished the sentence. The last thing Brian thought of just before passing out was his wife, Denise.

  It was pitch dark when he woke up. He tried to move, but his wrists and ankles were shackled to the bed. He was naked. What kind of hospital is this? he thought.

  "Nurse. Doctor. Is anybody there?" Silence. He heard a door open and someone turned on a small light.

  "Who's there? Where am I?" he called out. Silence again.

  Brian was getting nervous. This certainly wasn't any hospital he'd ever been in before. Then he saw them. Sandra and Elizabeth... Their business suits replaced by strands of leather and very sheer lace. In spite of his apprehension, Brian could feel himself getting aroused.

  "Well, I see we're awake. Now the fun can begin." Sandra said, her voice low and seductive.

  "Sandra? Elizabeth? What's going on?"

  "Shhhh" Elizabeth whispered. "We just wanted to thank you for all the work you did for us. Now just lay back and relax, but not too much." She giggled.

  Brian did what she asked as Sandra began rubbing his feet. Elizabeth was behind him and started massaging his shoulders. She'd put some warm oil on her hands and it felt wonderful. He'd tried to move, but forgot he was tied to the bed.

  "What's with these?" he asked, pulling at the ropes.

  "Shhhhh. We don't want you to do anything but lay there and enjoy us."

  "We want you totally helpless and at our mercy." Elizabeth giggled. " It heightens the pleasure to surrender yourself, so don't resist."

  "Trust us." Sandra whispered, her hands moving up from his feet and teasing the top of his thighs. Elizabeth's hands slowly moved down Brian's arms, reaching out to either side, she leaned over him so her breasts were just out of reach. He could see her erect nipples teasing him, dangling in front of his eager mouth. He stuck out his tongue, but she moved away.

  "Not so fast. I'll tell you when." She laughed wickedly. Brian could feel the heat rise in his cock. He ached to have it touched, Sandra was only inches away, her tongue teasing the top of his thigh, going closer and closer...

  "Please...." his voiced nearly cracked, which made the two women laugh even more.

  "Oh, we're begging already?" Elizabeth said. "And we're just getting started!"

  "Liz, can't I just give him a little sample?" Sandra asked.

  "Yeah, Liz......can't she?" Brian held his breath. He didn't hear Elizabeth say anything, but she must have giving Sandra permission, because the next thing he knew, she felt Sandra's lips on the tip of his cock. She wrapped her lips around him and took him deep into her mouth. Brian started to move. Sandra stopped abruptly and gave him a hard smack on his ass. "No moving allowed." She commanded.

  "OK, ok, whatever you want."

  "We know, whatever we want." Elizabeth said. "And right now I want you to suck on these."

  She moved in front of Brian, and held her breasts up to his waiting mouth. At the same time he felt Sandra resuming where she'd left off. Although he desperately wanted to ram it down her throat, he forced himself not to move, all the while his mouth was sucking Elizabeth's nipples. First the right one, then the left. When teeth lightly grazed over the tips, he was very pleased to hear her moan. Brian was getting dangerously close to orgasm.

  "Not yet, Mr. A.....we have a long way to go before you come." Elizabeth said.

  "I haven't even gotten wet yet." Sandra's hand gave Brian's balls a tender squeeze. "Time to switch, Liz."

  Sandra straddled Brian's face so that her clit was directly over his mouth. Elizabeth faced the wall and mounted him at the end of the bed. Brian felt her slow decent onto him as his tongue entered Sandra. She was instantly wet and her juices were exquisitely sweet. The women moaned softly as they took their pleasure. Their sweet sounds brought Brian the heights of ecstasy he had only reached when he was a teenager. He felt young, he felt alive. He felt himself reaching the most intense climax of his fifty years.

  "YES!" Elizabeth screamed. "NOW!"

  The last thing Brian thought of just before he came was his wife, Denise. Then everything went dark.

  "Mr. Allen, Mr. Allen, are you all right?" Elizabeth's voice came through the haze and cleared his head. Brian was back in the restaurant. Sandra and Elizabeth were dressed as before. In fact, everything in the restaurant was exactly as he remembered just before he passed out. Was it all a dream?

  "How long have I been out?" he asked.

  "Just a c
ouple of minutes. You were paying the check then you fell against the table. You hit your arm and passed out." Brian looked at his watch. It read 7:45.

  "Are you sure you're OK?"

  Brian felt confused, but otherwise fine. His right shoulder hurt a bit, a result of where he'd fallen. "I feel fine. Well, ladies, I guess I was more tired than I thought. I apologize, but I see the papers are all signed and I really have to run. If you don't have any more questions."

  "No, we're fine. And thank you, Mr. Allen. Thank you for everything."

  Was that just my imagination, thought Brian, or did Sandra wink at me? C'mon you old man, it was just a dream. Now let's get on with the nightmare.

  Brian pulled his car into the garage. As he suspected, all the lights were out. Better get this over with. he thought as he put his key in the door. He turned on the lights and braced himself for the loud "SURPRISE," but none came.


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