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Defiled Seduce Night

Page 58

by Marie Cisneros

  We never saw each other again despite living in a small community. I figured she saw my family pictures in the house and knew I couldn’t get into a relationship. I did however get an email one day marked “”from Stacy“”. I opened it and inside she thanked me for helping expose her to the passion of art. She said that she had since moved to a large city and begun painting. She included a couple of pictures of her work. They were as amazing as she was.

  The End.

  Possum Hollow Tales: Sadie Mae's

  Sadie Mae was washing dishes when she caught sight of something in the woods, down past the old Buick Uncle Bud had dumped back in '46. She dried her hands as she went outside for a better look.

  The woods were oak and walnut and even a few chestnuts. Most all were over a hundred feet tall. Around her trailer, thick undergrowth grew up where it could get sunshine. Between the brush and the trees and the deep shade, Sadie Mae couldn't get a good look at whatever was wandering out there.

  She searched the woods from the back porch. "Must have been a bear," she thought as she turned to go back in. The sound of a cracking branch had her looking again. There it was again, down by the creek, a bit of light brown hair. It could be a bear. She craned her neck to catch another look.

  She listened but heard nothing. No grunts, no footsteps, no sounds but the birds. And it was too tall for a bear. In the shade of the trees, she saw a branch twist. "Now, that's shoulder high to Ned Leach if it's an inch" she thought. "That must be a man down there. What's a man doin' sneakin' about my house?"

  She retrieved her gun from behind the screen door. Holding it across her scrawny chest, she peered across the dirt yard into the trees. "Someone come pokin' around my place better think again. Ain't been on my own out here since Old Willy run off with Sophie Chase without taking care of myself!"

  What would someone be doing out in the woods behind her trailer? She didn't have anything to steal, that's for sure. She left folks alone, no call to do her harm, much less murder.

  "Oh my gawd!" she thought, "It's a molester!"

  She could just see him, tall and broad with a long ponytail hanging down his back. "He must be wearing some leather jacket" she thought, "and boots. I bet he's got a motorcycle parked down on Frog Hollow Road!"

  He'd overwhelm her, that's for sure. Just scoop her up in his arms and carry her back to the bedroom where he'd toss her on the bed. There wouldn't be anything she could do but let him have his way with her. "Why, I'd be just too weak to fight him off!" she thought," Not some tall, strappin' young man with a motorcycle and a pony tail!"

  There with her on the bed unable to resist him, he's take off that leather jacket. His tee shirt would be black with something painted on the front. "Something with a motorcycle and a skanty dressed woman." Sadie Mae thought.

  "Why, you sure are pretty, Sadie Mae." he'd say, kicking off his heavy boots," Ever since I saw you down at the Stop N Save, I just knew I had to have you." He'd crawl up on the bed with his belt unbuckled and blue jeans open at the waist. Sadie would roll from side to side as his weight rocked the bed.

  He'd start unbuttoning her dress, slowly undoing each button. His big hands with their scarred knuckles would brush aside her sundress, exposing her breasts. "Sadie Mae, your boobs are as pretty as they were back in 1964 in the back seat of Hobie's Chrysler at the County Fair! Just as soft and smooth as when you were a girl and I ain't lying!" He'd lean over and take a nipple in his mouth. He'd swirl his tongue around as it became hard, "not gnawing on it like Old Ned used to do, the bastard."

  He would open her dress right down the front, every button, exposing her front from top to bottom except for her crotch which would be hidden by her best panties, the ones with little flowers. "Why, Sadie Mae, you look good enough to eat!" he would declare, and he would lick on her belly, just below where her ribs poked out.

  He would slide a hand down her belly, under the elastic of her best panties. His thick fingers would comb through her soft, curly bush, right down to her pussy. As his hot tongue slathered over her belly his fingers would burrow into her pussy, running up and down each side and the palm of his hand would be pressing down on her bush.

  "I got to get a little closer to that pussy of yours, Sadie Mae!" he would say as he abruptly got up. He would tug her best panties down her legs and past her ankles, then toss them onto the pile of dirty laundry in the corner by the closet. She would rock back and forth again as he climbed between her legs. "My, but that is a pretty pussy, Sadie Mae. That is just as pretty a pussy as I have ever seen!" he would say as he pushed her legs apart and leaned down between her knees.

  Then he would run that devil tongue right up between her legs! He'd be holding her down with his arms, of course. As soon as that tongue touched her pussy all kinds of tingles would rush through her, just like when Abe Martin used to do that to her back in her daddy's barn. Abe thought she had a pretty pussy, too. "I declare, Sadie Mae, that is the prettiest pussy I have ever seen!" he'd say as she leaned back against the hay bales. Of course, Abe wasn't any older than she was at the time, so who knows how many pussies he'd seen?

  There she would be, powerless as this stranger licked at her pussy right in her own trailer, doomed to be ravished over and over by this man with a ponytail and a motorcycle!

  A moving shadow caught her attention. Then she saw a shape move through a gap in the brush. Dark brown head and shoulders maybe? "It's a black man down there!" A black man had come along to ravish her! She almost swooned at the thought. A big, tall, broad black man, with arms like tree trunks and a shaved head like the man she seen pumping gas into his car outside the Stop N'Save just last week. "It could be the same man!" she thought. "He could have seen me, too! He could have been thinking about me this whole time! Thinking 'I just got to go back and get me some of that Sadie Mae! A fine looking woman like that needs some loving' he'd be thinking! He could of been thinking that all week!"

  He would sweep her up in those big arms and carry her back to the bedroom. He'd throw her on her very own bed and rip the dress right off of her. There she would be, plumb naked in front of the big, black stud.

  He'd laugh and say "Sadie Mae, you're one fine looking white girl. You may be skinny, but you have the sweetest little knockers I ever seen. And you shore do have long legs for such a short woman." He'd reach down and take one of her boobs and squeeze. Her nipples would pop up like strawberries in springtime. "Most times, I like my women with a bit more meat, but you do something to me, Sadie Mae. You just cast a devil over me!"

  He would pull her panties down to her ankles with one swipe of his hand. Then he would slide his hand back up her leg. His big fingers would find her snatch and slide around her pussy lips. She couldn't do nothing, him all big and powerful and her just a little slip of a woman. She would be completely in his power as his fingers dipped in and out of her pussy. "You're all wet and ready, Sadie Mae. I think you're liking this!" the big black man would laugh.

  "I think I'm going to have a piece of that pussy of yours, Sadie Mae. I 'm just going to have to dip my johnson in there." He would laugh again and unbuckle his belt. His trousers would slide down, revealing legs like tree trunks, dark brown and glistening. Between his legs the biggest pecker Sadie Mae had ever seen. As she lay there on the bed, it began to twitch and grow.

  "You're not gonna get that in me!" She would cry," That's bigger than anything I've ever seen before! Hell, you're bigger than Hobie White!"

  He would throw back his head and laugh, "You bet your ass I'm goning to get this in you! By the time I'm done with you, you're goning to be bouncing up and down on me singing the "Star Spangled Banner" like you did with Hobie at the Fourth of July party out at the lake in 1971!"

  Then he would leap on the bed right between her legs with that huge johnson swinging back and forth. He'd flop it right down on top of her pussy. She could feel that prick sliding against her pussy lips even now. Just the head would feel as big as a fist!

Sadie Mae heard a branch crack. Down in the woods she saw something move. Just then the thought occurred to Sadie Mae, "What if he's a chinaman?" She nearly dropped the gun. "Lordy, I hope he ain't a Chinaman!" she thought, "I don't speak Chinese!"

  Then she caught another glimpse. He has headed away! He was leaving! Sadie Mae raised the rifle to her shoulder smooth and quick. The old Enfield bucked against her shoulder, shoving Sadie Mae backward as the report thundered through the woods.

  Bark and splinters stung the sasquach and a bullet whined overhead. A huge white gouge appeared in the oak tree. The gunshot echoed through the dark forest. He wasted no time in running the other direction. "This is what I get for wandering this far out of the forest." he thought,"All I wanted was a quiet stroll down to the river and what do I get? Shot at!" He'd hoped that the men around had developed some manners. "They haven't." he thought. He put distance between himself and the shining trailer as fast as he could.

  Sadie Mae could hear crashing in the underbrush. It was sure as hell going fast. "Good riddance," she thought. She went inside to start laundry.

  The End.

  Taking Taylor

  Taylor smoothed her short skirt as she stood up from her chair. She grabbed her legal pad, her pen, and headed toward the door of Mr. Allen’s office. Her heart fluttered nervously in her chest, as each step took her closer to him. Mr. Allen was much older than her, but she was drawn to his handsome, distinguished maturity, and wondered if he found her attractive at all. If so, he had never indicated it. However, he was now separated from his wife, and that could change things, she hoped.

  Tapping on the door, Taylor hesitated before entering, awaiting his invitation. Looking up from a stack of papers on his desk, he smiled, and motioned her forward, towards him. She smiled back at him, and walked in slowly. His eyes focused on her, watching closely, as she moved the feminine lines of her body across the room. The fragrance of her, met his sense of smell, almost as quickly as his eyes welcomed her vision. He felt his breath catch in his throat, stalling momentarily, before being forced into his lungs.

  Yes, he thought to himself, as he watched Taylor intently, she is indeed a beautiful thing. Soft locks of blonde curls gently flirted with her narrow, petite shoulders, before falling just below them, and rested against her silk blouse. Her eyes were a bright blue, and twinkled like a lake under the summer sun. Her lips were full, sensuous in their expression, and were colored a natural, slight shade of pink.

  Taylor sat down, smiling broadly, and crossed her legs, under Mr. Allen’s constant gaze, and appreciative smile.

  “I need you to take some notes for me, Taylor,” he began. “You are already familiar with the case, Jones vs. Stephens, and I need to prepare my opening statement by the end of this week,” he concluded.

  “Oh yes sir, she responded quickly, flashing him a quick smile. “ I have read the complaint several times.”

  Mr. Allen smiled at her, and said, “Oh good, then my thoughts will make sense to you, even if I lose myself, and begin to babble,” he chuckled at Taylor. She giggled at him, and adjusted herself slightly in her chair, exposing the white lace of her slip, inadvertently. The white lace shimmering against the golden, brown skin of her smooth thigh, caught his attention, and he rested his eyes on her thigh. He stood up from his chair, and walked around his large desk, choosing to lean against it, directly in front of Taylor. A mischievous smile accented his handsome face now, as he continued to watch his secretary.

  Taylor, looked up, and said to him, “I am ready whenever you are, Mr. Allen.”

  “Please Taylor, he responded, call me Jeremy.”

  “We don’t need to be so formal, do we?”

  “No, I guess not,” Taylor, stammered slightly as she answered, “ok, Jeremy, whenever you are ready.”

  He began his dictation, and Taylor began to write. “Crap” she said to herself, as she began to beat her pen against the paper. Chuckling at her demise, Jeremy stopped speaking and watched her for a moment.

  “Uh, I need another pen,” she stammered nervously, crinkling her face into a cute frown. As she stood up, her feet tangled together, and she lost her footing, stumbling forward. Jeremy instinctively reached for her, holding her by the arm tightly, until she could regain her balance. “Are you ok?” he asked quickly.

  Taylor, giggling now at her own clumsiness, shook her head positively that she was. “I am fine,” she assured him.

  Jeremy, feeling the warmth of her body so close to his, could no longer resist. He pulled her closer to him, and kissed her soft lips lightly. Taylor, although a little surprised, welcomed his kiss. Having gained her acceptance, he kissed her again, more passionately this time, parting her lips with his tongue and pushing inside the warm wetness of her mouth. They continued to kiss each other deeply, hungrily, each one’s mouth seeking the others, as their bodies pressed tighter and tighter together.

  Jeremy’s hands caressed her gently, until he cradled her soft breasts in each of them. Ooooh, she moaned, as she enjoyed the warmth of his touch, and the firmness of his hands. She felt a deep yearning building inside her, making her pussy become hotter and wetter. He pushed against her closer, and the hard swelling of his manhood pressing tightly against her sent a tingling quiver through her loins. She reached down and began to stroke him through his clothes, at first, before pulling down his zipper and slipping her hand inside. She wrapped his cock in the warm, silkiness of her hand and began to pump him up and down. Uhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmm, Jeremy groaned loudly, as he thrust his hips forward and back to meet the strokes of her hand.

  He bent forward slightly, and ran his hand up her thigh, and over to her wet, waiting pussy. He slipped his finger inside her damp panties, and pushed it deep within her silky glove. Ahhhhhm, Taylor moaned, “oh yes, Jeremy, yes.” He thrust his finger in and out, as she wiggled and pushed her wet pussy up and down, and around the hardness of his finger, as she continued to stroke his cock tightly in her hands.

  Jeremy whispered, “I want you so bad,” and lifted her up in his arms. Taylor opened her legs, as he lowered her down on his throbbing cock. He thrust himself inside her hot wet hole, and she wrapped her legs around him tightly, pushing his fullness deep within her. She worked her hips up and down, as Jeremy thrust his cock in her harder and deeper with every stroke. Taylor moved her hips up and down, around and around, while her pussy tightened around his cock, sucking and squeezing, coaxing him to climax along with her orgasmic quivering. Ahhhhhhhhhh, he groaned loudly, thrusting his hard cock deep within her, spewing his hot liquid inside her wet canal. “Mmmmmmmmmmm Jeremy”, Taylor moaned out her lover’s name, as she felt the final quake of her own orgasm. They shared a passionate kiss, as Jeremy pulled himself from within her, and lowered her back down to the floor onto her weak, shaking legs. He leaned back against the desk and sighed deeply, trying to still his rapidly beating heart. Taylor looked at him and smiled. He smiled back at her and said, “I have wanted you for so long now. I cannot believe it finally happened.”

  Surprised by his words, Taylor answered, “But you never let on Mr. Allen, I mean Jeremy, I never thought”, her voice trailed off.

  Smiling, Jeremy reached for her, and pulled her close to him. He kissed her lips lightly, and said, “Well now you know, we both know. May I take you to dinner tomorrow night?” he asked.

  “You betcha,” Taylor answered smiling. “Desert at my house?”

  The End.

  The Picnic

  It was starting out to be a beautiful day, perfect for our plans. Master and I were going out for a picnic and to spend the day wandering through the woods. I had just finished putting the last of the food into the picnic basket and was waiting for Master to come upstairs. Smiling to myself, I thought about the fun we were going to have and secretly hoped that this would be the day my fantasy of having sex outdoors would come true.

  Master came upstairs, carrying a small bag. I looked at the bag but restrained myself from asking what was
in it, though my curiosity was running wild.

  "Hey, baby, let's get this show on the road." He gave me a kiss and swatted my ass as I grabbed up the basket and headed out the door. We stashed the basket and Master's mysterious bag in the trunk of the car and started down the road.

  I smoothed my short denim skirt down, noticing that my nipples were hard through my blouse. Feeling his gaze, I turned to look at Master, blushing slightly at his knowing grin.

  "Feeling a little horny?" He laughed as my cheeks got redder.

  "Maybe a little, Master" I said with an embarrassed giggle.

  "Well, I think we should let some others enjoy the sight of my horny eel. Lean the seat back a little and unbutton your blouse." Hearing his pet name for me, because I tended to wiggle a lot, made me smile.


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