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Defiled Seduce Night

Page 60

by Marie Cisneros

  I pull you over - knowing that I could feel this sensations that you are bringing to a slow boil in me for quite a while still, but also knowing that I love to please you, and it almost seems as if I am getting too much attention just focused on me. I pull you on top of me, and I slide inside you so easily inside of you - but still I feel the sheath of you, still griping me, softer then your hand now, but still gentle strokes, the heat and the wetness envelops me. -- I reach with my neck - head up -- our foreheads touching, I know that our thoughts pass just from my head to yours when we are like this -- I feel your need your desire - there is no other thought then the pleasure of this union of our bodies -- of our souls - of our very beings. I reach further still and with my hand squeezing and needing, your nipple now come into my mouth, my pinching lips, and teeth and tongue - giving you more sensations to swirl around in your head. Your body leaned forward you push back -- you are the one driving me inside you -- feeling every inch - and slowly you pull your body up and sit straight down on me. filled completely. I laugh again to myself at the comment you made earlier in the day when I drove your car to the gas station and said that I was going to fill you up, and you giggled - and said “you normally do” I reach up my hands -- and your hands come behind mine - making my hands extensions of yours -- your guiding touch reminds me exactly how your want me to handle your breasts -- how I go to the nipple - then back out to the whole breasts -- manipulating the muscles that are there - the tender flesh, and I am mesmerized of the beauty of you -- then light filtered in strips of light coming through the window - the way your eyes are closed - shutting out any other distraction but the feeling of me in your body - on your body - touching, feeling, being. Your hips are swaying forward and back - rolling keeping a movement of me inside you -- knowing that I am pleased you peek between partially shut eyes and see me just admiring you -- feeling the same feeling course through my body, and I see how you are now beyond me, beyond this bedroom, beyond reality - yes the first wave of your orgasm slowly slips over you and Crashes through your head - there is no better way to describe it then the sense of loss you feel of yourself when a wave of the ocean tosses you about, your body is reacting, it is out of your control - but I know that I am more in control now -- and that it is in my power to make those waves pick you up again and carry you to another orgasm -- I smile for it is the control of this, that I so enjoy, seeing you lose yours, knowing that you are safe with me, no guard needed - that you are just yourself -- being with me - just being.

  I roll you over -- with care that I do not remove myself form deep within you -- rolling into the next position for us, I detect a bit of a smile from you - perhaps you are happy that I am fully in control now - your Keeper - but perhaps it is from having a lover that is more then a single position man. what ever the reason my strokes vary a little, slow, and faster -- ahhhh -- you caught your breath when I went a little faster -- I find that stroke again, yes -- there it is, I hear your moan escape you -- your breathing - you have to think to breath -- it is not coming naturally -- yes -- this is the speed that you need -- and I feel your legs begin to quiver - as you cum again -- so quickly this time, from the faster strokes that I have in you -- but I do now slow down - as I keep the same pace through that orgasm -- stretching it out -- knowing that if I vary speed at this moment it will end your ride on this wave -- careful like the blonde, blue eyed boy that I am - careful to cut my surfboard over the top of that wave -- riding it as far as I can -- just keeping the weight at the crest - a bit ahead of the wave, having it push the board under me -- riding it through -- your legs quiver uncontrollably -- yes -- full control, but this ride is not over yet.

  But I feel my need growing in me -- to feel you -- to feel myslef -- to feel me explode in you, I lift your legs up - pushing them together - then slowly dropping your feet onto my chest -- my cock now driving in deeper -- my balls slapping against your ass -- your wetness surrounding me, the smell of you flooding my senses -- you are all I am thinking of. your legs drop a little more and cross almost like how you would cross them to sit Indian style. I once remember reading in the Joy of sex that this is called the Oyster position, not easy to achieve, but the depth and the access that it provides - the restriction of movement that it pins you down into is all deliciously to me. and my strokes are harder now, feeling your cervix with the tip of my cock, I keep stabbing at you. Yes -- I hear that breathing again -- I know that you are filled as much as you can take, and you are about to cum again for me, and as your moans mark the passage of another orgasm for you, I feel every pore in my body open up, if I was a wolf, all my hair would be standing on end, my cum is boiling and must be released, I reach for the bedpost in front of me - and now it is not stroking, or stabbing, it is actually slamming my whole body into you -- I think you are cumming around me, but actually I am in that moment that I myself am out of control -- I am releasing my seed into you, my self into you, I explode, and also join with you in that place of uncontrolled, unconditional, unreprochable love.

  I flop back, my heart trying to break out of my chest like in the song “Bat out of Hell”, my breathing is that of a track runner when he is done, yes I exerted my whole self into that single act of love, that single act of sex, into that explosion that did not blow us apart - but which fused us together even more.

  I reposition myself -- looking at you - now wondering if I should tie you up - and have even more fun with you!

  Kisses -- you like my thoughts of you?

  The End.


  She reached up, placing her hands on the "rainfall" shower head, and aimed it directly at her face, letting out a surge of warm air from her mouth. The scent of bamboo shower gel filled her nose as the nearly ice cold water rushed over her face and down the front of her body. Thoughts of "that weekend" with him filled her mind. She could feel his hands touching her, his lips on hers, his body pressed against her, and she was taken back to the time they were together, not so long ago.

  Her heart and private areas raced with expectancy as she walked to the hotel room door, looked out through the peep hole and discerned the man standing outside in the hallway. He had retrieved the room number from the desk clerk, found the room and knocked. She opened the door, smiling, almost seductively, pleased at the man who was standing before her for the first time. Their eyes met. He was way more than she had actually expected. His short, dark hair was flecked with tiny sparks of silver. His eyes were absolutely hypnotic. His smile, bewitching. His body sent impure thoughts racing through her mind. It was in the way his jeans fit, or maybe it was the white T-shirt stretched against his taut arms, she wasn't sure. It could have been the portion of the tribal tatoo peeking out from under the right sleeve. All she knew is that she never expected him to look that good, that delicious, that mouthwateringly delectable. He smiled brilliantly and pulled her close to him for a hug. She felt peaceful, yet nervous, and felt like she could stay there in his muscular arms forever. Her legs went weak without him noticing. She had gone such a very long time without the touch of a man, no less, a real man. Yet, here she was. She felt a wave of uncontrollable torridness rush from her toes straight to her head. She felt dizzy.

  Hugging her arms around her underneath the water, she yearned for that moment, yearned for those arms to be holding her again.

  They drove in his truck to dinner and talked, sharing stories of their lives. She sat beside him, hanging on every word he spoke. It was just like the times they had spoken before, the one difference being they were actually face to face. She wanted to know everything there was to know about him that she didn't already have knowledge of, which was very little.

  She smiled to herself as she let the coolness of the water run down the back of her neck, thinking about those nights when they talked for hours on the telephone, all the secrets they had shared with each other, what turned each other on, etc. She heard the song playing in the living room, "So Far Away" by Staind, and a fierce paroxysm shot through her, ju
st as it had when he had taken her in his arms. Maybe not the words, but the title was appropriate for the moment.

  Arriving back at the hotel room after dinner, she took a shower. She had braced on hand on the wall of the shower, slid her hands between her legs and began to do what she had done for so many months before. She stopped herself just before she reached her peak. She didn't want to ruin it. She wondered if he knew what she was doing.

  They watched a movie together. They lay on the bed together, side by side, thousands of thoughts coursing through her mind. Should she make the first move? Did he want her to be aggressive? Should she let him initiate things? She was so confused in thought, but so sure of what she wanted. She had to have his hands on her body. She had to take him in her mouth. She had to feel him slide inside of her and pound her into oblivion. She knew at that moment she would take the initiative.

  She leaned in close and stopped about 2 centimeters from his lips. Their eyes locked. Their breath reflected off one another. They stayed this way for a few minutes. She heard nothing, not even the television. Should she or shouldn't she? She didn't have to. He did. He kissed her and a wave of warmth flowed through her. When he moved in as close as he could get and slid up her body a bit, she felt a tingle that reached to the tips of her Caribbean Orange-painted toes. However, she had her rules, and she was not going to break them, even for him.

  "Never sleep with anyone on the first date".. Technically, a first date ended when someone left. A second date began when they came back. She sent him outside into the hallway of the third floor of the hotel for two minutes. She leaned her chest up against the door, placed her palms on opposing sides of the miniature window and "peeped" out, breathing heavily. He paced and glanced at his watch at least 20 times. Her forehead felt cool against the re-enforced steel of the door compared to the hotness of her skin.

  He came back in after the 120 seconds. He turned her around, backed her up against the door, lifted her arms and pinned her. Their lips met again, but with much more impact than the first time. He held her wrists with one hand as he plundered her mouth with his insanely moist tongue. His free hand found her body, and miraculously moved over all the right places: her neck, her upper thighs, her ample breasts, in between her legs. He kissed her fervently. She let out a small moan here and there, controlling herself from going full out "animal" on him.

  That night, they danced a beautiful dance of lust. They stripped each other of all of their garments at the door and explored each other with their fingers and mouths. They slowly made their way across the rented bedroom to the unmade bed that they had not occupied previously. The fires of passion consumed their naked bodies and they moved into a place at that particular moment in time that only the two of them seemed to share. They were a million miles from any rational thought. The two of them were void and complete at the same time, and no one existed for her except him.

  She cried out in delight as he worked his way down her body, teasing her lips, neck, and breasts with his teeth. Each touch of his lips sent a blazing chill through her, and she ached for him to be inside of her even more. A smile waltzed across her lips as he kissed her inner thighs, spread her legs and worked his face into the lair between them. In slid one finger, then two, and possibly a third. She didn't know. She was lost. It had been such a very long time since someone had "flown South of the border" on her, and more importantly, with what seemed to be such expert skill.

  He took his time and investigated, truly paying attention to her every moan, shiver and gasp. It wasn't only physical, but mental. She came, biting the inside of her mouth, spilling out moans that had quelled in her throat. She sighed and closed her eyes, wanting to be nowhere else on the planet but there, in bed with him. She caught her breath and decided that it was the time to pleasure him. She always found that as stimulating for herself as for the man.

  From his reaction, she could tell he hadn't thought that she really loved performing oral, as they had discussed on the phone before, but she proved his thoughts wrong. She took him in completely, deep into her throat, tongue darting to and fro every chance she got. She heightened the experience with the addition of her hand at times, while other moments, she just let her lips caress his manliness gently, idolizing it as if it were a God. She wanted him to know that by making him feel pleasure at this level, her arousal increased tenfold. She hoped that he felt her excitement. She aspired to believe that she had pleased him above and beyond any woman in his past.

  She felt an all-engrossing rage as she thought about that moment. Beads of sweat mixed with the water and washed down the drain. She wanted to have his body against hers again. Her forehead and palms rested against the wall as the water spilled over her. They were of no help in stopping the aching she felt and how she wanted him there, with her.

  She arched her back, head dropping back, and pressed against him with all of her might. She pulled him up on top of her, requiring to feel all of him as she shivered inside, a combination of nerves and desire, of lust and yearning. In a moment of pure gratification, he slid inside of her, grasping her hips, pushing his willing manhood to the deepest profoundness within her. He was so tender, yet so dominant at the same time. The combination heightened her every sense. She wanted it to last all night long, all of the following day, and for the rest of her life.

  She cherished every second as their bodies moved synchronously. Moans and musings spilling from her mouth as she lost herself making love to him. She wrapped her legs around his waist and drew him closer, in deeper, nearly more than she could handle without losing her sanity and control. They clutched each other in a moment of raw passion as they came to their moment of ecstasy.

  They both sounded primal as their voices filled the room with moans of sheer delectation and satisfaction. She smiled as he showed his eagerness for her body, she felt a glow radiating between them as he collapsed on top of her, kissing her once more.

  She sighed as she thought back to that moment, and the thought of the long nights recalling it that would follow. She pitched her head back and let the water bespatter her face. It tickled her nose and lips.

  She wrapped her arms around his and she nestled slightly into him. She wanted to keep him there inside of her forever. She felt so incredibly full and wonderful, Their bodies fit together so nicely, as if they perhaps were created to be one. She could feel his breath on her neck, and she just closed her eyes to the rest of the world. Did he know how good she felt at that moment? Did he know how much satisfaction he had just produced? Did he have any clue how incredible of a lover he was? Perhaps she could convince him in the shower she suggested they take together, a request he would not deny her. Two hours later, after the saturated second round, they crawled into bed and drifted off into dreamland with their arms and legs entangled.

  In the steam of her steamy bathroom, so many miles away from him, she ached for that feeling again. She closed her eyes, and he was right there behind her underneath the water, just as he had been that night. She felt his lips on the back of her neck again, felt him lift her leg up and slide into her from behind, his hand around her throat ever so delicately as she rested her head on his shoulder, her hand behind his neck.

  She had that memory vivid in her mind as she brought herself to climax again and again. The recollection of that one time was like unwrapping and enjoying a sweet piece of chocolate.

  This was the first of many nights with visions of his dark eyes and hair, his lips, his legs, his chest, his arms and how good they all felt on, around and inside of her. She would be pleasing herself every day, as usual, but now, there would be the thoughts of him to excite her instead of just her toys, hands and fingers. Getting off would be punctuated with the enticing thoughts that hopefully there would be more times than just that one night far away from home, in a hotel room, with him. It was a wonderful feeling that left her needing, and wanting, much more.

  Is This Seat Taken?

  It was Friday night after work, and
I was heading out to have a few drinks and maybe shoot some pool at Tom's Bar. Something told me that this was going to be a good night. It had been about three months since my girlfriend broke up with me for my best friend, and while the depression and resentment had lessened, my sex drive didn't. I was horny all the time. I mean, a lot of guys wake up with a morning stiffy, I'd wake up with a morning iron rod. So, needless to say, I really wanted to hook up tonight.

  I looked at myself in the mirror as I got ready. I'm not a bad looking guy. 6'0, about 210, I work out regularly. Short dark hair, olive skin and steel blue eyes that make the girlies melt. But I took extra time to shave carefully and dress my best, I needed all the help I could get. With a little splash of cologne, I grabbed my keys and headed out to my car.

  I found a parking space rather easily for a Friday night. It wasn't promising, because there's usually a good-sized crowd with a lot of ladies, but I remained optimistic. When I entered the bar, my eyes were drawn to her instantly. There's something about red hair and a nice ass, just makes me stand at attention. She was sitting at the bar talking to Vonnie, the bartender, like she was a regular, but I had never seen her here before.

  I took a seat across from her and Vonnie brought me my usual, shot of Jack Daniel's and a Yuengling lager. From this angle I could see her face clearly. Big brown eyes, a few freckles, full lips curved into an impish smile. And the best part, that sassy red hair. She had great tits, I'd have to say at least D cup. A little thicker through the body, but I like that. Thicker girls always seem to give better head and are a nicer ride. More to grab hold of when we fuck.


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