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Defiled Seduce Night

Page 190

by Marie Cisneros

  "Don't make yourself too comfortable, man. I thought we were here to get off some extra poundage," I sniggered. "You promised you'd put me through one hell of a workout, and I expect my money's worth, young man!"

  He just smiled that flesh-melting smile at me and stood up, continuing to smile down at me from on high. I had to look away before it was time to go back to the bathroom and cool down again.

  He laughed. I grabbed my keys and led him out to my Camaro. Soon, we were speeding along the highway on our way to the track where we would be running. We did deceptively simple exercises that had me aching from the start. He gave me ample time to rest and plenty of time to stretch. Unfortunately for me, I couldn't keep my eyes from his abs and his ass when we were stretching, or laying down to do another rep of exercises.

  We finished up by lunging and running a lap. I was surprised that we got along so comfortably since we barely knew each other. He had to spend a lot of time curbing his long stride to match mine so that he could pace me and keep me motivated. Breathing hard and sweating buckets, we both returned to my car and sped back to my place with the windows down, not saying anything. The silence was palpable.

  I parked in my space and turned off the car. I turned in my seat and hesitatingly caught his eyes as they leapt up from my chest. I regained my nerves as my body attempted to melt, and I met his eyes as I asked him in. A tacit understanding passed between us as he suddenly closed the distance and covered my lips with his. I faltered for a split second before his probing tongue set my body to tingling. Soon, we were overheating from the late afternoon Texas heat combined with our rising body temperatures. I asked him in for some ice water.

  He sat on the couch as I schooled my thoughts into controlling my shaking hands. I filled two glasses with ice and put the tray back in the freezer. I yelped as I suddenly felt a pin prick of arctic sensation graze the back of my neck. Gasping, I turned to see Joe slowly tracing a path from my neck to my chest with a small piece of ice. His icy blue eyes met mine as he coyly said that he just wanted to help me cool down. He didn't help matters any by following the watery trail of the ice with his warm tongue.

  I was so caught up by the sudden seduction that I was desperate to catch a breath. I held him back for a second so I could breathe, and a momentary look of confusion touched his features as I looked at him. He began to speak, but I silenced him by grabbing his hips and pulling him toward me. Looking into his eyes, I yanked his shorts down over his hips and his fine, muscular ass. I heard him pant and the ice cube drop to the floor as I took him in my mouth.

  Tickling the sensitive underside of his dick with my tongue, I caressed his length and savored the taste and smell of his manhood. For some reason, a hard-working man just smells that much better. I grabbed one of his hands and fed it into the sweaty strands of my hair and felt his other hand follow. I began to lick slowly up and down his shaft while one hand snaked between his legs to gently tug at his balls. My other hand had long since wandered down inside my own shorts. My expert fingers were getting me worked up very quickly. The thought of taking pleasure in a new masculine body had me trembling.

  Before I got too excited, I quickly stood up and ran into the guest bedroom, throwing off my tank top and abandoning it to the floor behind me as I fled. I heard him groan loudly and mumble something about teasing as he followed me into the hall, and apparently, paused as he saw my shirt on the floor. I heard him grumbling more, and then him shuffling from room to room in search of me. When he had his back to the doorway where I was hiding, I stepped up behind him and ran my hands under his shirt up his ripped stomach to his rock-like pecs. I sighed heavily, running my fingers lightly over his chest and playfully tweaking his nipples. He turned around and bent down to brush his lips against mine, but I ducked under his arms and ran to the bathroom, laughing.

  In the hallway, I lost my bra. Who needs a sports bra for the kind of exercise I had in mind? I gave away my hiding place by giggling with the absurdity of the game we were playing. We both knew what was coming, and were perfectly happy to build the sexual tension until it was unbearable. He found me behind the shower curtain and, as I stood up, grabbed my wrists, pinning them above my head and pressing my bare back into the frigid tile. As I tried to squirm away from the cold, he kept me still by stooping down and taking a nipple into his mouth. He sucked hard, flicking the underside with his tongue, and looked into my eyes as he made a show of devouring me. I wriggled even harder, trying to conceal my moans and escape his grasp. He decided I wasn't appreciative enough and took his exquisite mouth from my nipple, content to slowly lap at my breasts, tasting my sweat and licking his lips.

  I finally bucked enough to throw him off balance. Dodging around him, I kicked off my running shoes and peeled off my shorts and socks while he picked himself up off the bathroom floor. I ran into my bedroom, no longer trying to hide or prolong the game. He'd already taken off his shirt, and strolled into my bedroom completely naked, his dick pointing me out before he ever laid those electric eyes on me. He gave me a wicked grin, and cornered me. Instead of running again, I turned my back on him, bending over and showing him my round ass as I slid my panties down my legs and stepped out of them. I turned around and looked at him, raising an eyebrow in challenge.

  With an appreciative sigh and an even more devilish grin, he came to me, pressing me into the wall as his mouth found mine. He roughly kneaded my breasts as I let out little squeals of pleasure. His hands roamed down my body and cupped my ass cheeks, pulling and pinching them. I slowly raised one leg and wrapped it around his legs, and he easily squeezed my ass while lifting me into the air. I enfolded him with my legs as I felt his hardness resting against my lips. I draped my arms across his powerful shoulders and looked into those lust-glazed eyes as I felt him shove his hips violently forward, impaling me on his hardness.

  I couldn't make a sound...I was completely filled up, and totally engrossed with this powerful man just taking me where I stood. I was taking in ragged breaths and trying not to hit my head on the wall as he withdrew his hips and thrust them forward again. I cried out loudly as he withdrew a third time, and moved his hips in a small circle to tease me. At my moan of protest, he entered me again, and wasted no time in fucking me hard. I found my voice and began to moan loudly as his pistoning behind had me banging wildly into the wall, no doubt disturbing the neighbors. His grunts became loud moans, which I silenced by pulling his mouth to my neck. He sucked on my neck as we threw ourselves at each other faster....faster....harder....

  I felt a wave of warmth start in my stomach and then a fluttering inside me. My entire body started to contract and spasm hard and I screamed out my pleasure as I came. He lifted his lips to mine and thrust himself into me one final time, while he sucked my bottom lip into his mouth and bit it. I could feel him shudder and convulse inside me as he emptied himself. He groaned into my mouth, then took a step back, and with me still sitting astride his big cock, allowed himself to fall back on my bed.

  That's Not For Sale

  I turned around to see where the voice was coming from and there stood women of rare beauty with the most striking blue eyes. I said, "I was just admiring the statue" and was going to pick it up to check the price. She laughingly said, "I'm sorry that one is not for sale it was put out here by mistake." I shook my head and said "too bad" because I was a big fan of Indian works of art. She said, "I'm very sorry but this one is from my private collection, and I really don't want to part with it." She told me the girl that works here for her just picked up the wrong piece and placed it on display.

  She walked closer and said in her soft voice, "Hello I'm Cindy I own this shop." She held her hand out so I reached for it and said "I'm very pleased to meet you my name is William and I really like some of the things you have here," My heart was racing because she was the thing in the shop that I really admired the most. She was about 5'7 and her body was as close to perfect as a person could get She had light brown hair hanging at least 7 or
8 inches down her back.

  She looked up at me and said "if you would like to see my private collection I would love show it to you." I probably agreed to quickly, I felt like a young schoolboy with his first crush. But she just turned around and said, "Follow me" over her shoulder. Well she wasn't kidding she had a very extensive collection of all forms of American Indian art from paintings to statues and a nice collection of pottery and a smaller collection of weapons.

  I instantly saw five or six things I would love to add to my own collection. In a tall case in the corner of the room was a full war bonnet, now that really caught my attention. Not only was it very beautiful but also it was a full bonnet of at least five to six foot in length. "Where in the world did you find this its awesome, one of the best I have ever seen?"

  Cindy smiled and said "this was her very first and favorite piece it was given to her by her father." She said "years ago he had befriended and older Indian gentlemen and over time they had become very good friends. But after a few years his friend had passed away."

  It hit my father hard he would really miss his old friend. Father told me a couple of weeks had passed when a knock was heard on his front door, when dad opened the door a young man in his thirty's was standing there. He introduced himself as Johnny lightwalker. He said that he was fulfilling a last request of his uncle as he handed dad the war bonnet and said it was his uncles wish that my father would keep his prized possession. His friendship was a great thing in his life and he wanted my father to always look on this war bonnet and remember the good times they had together.

  As my father started to face his own last days on this earth he gave his prized possession to me. And if I ever get married I will pass this down in my family. I asked Cindy if she would mind if I at least took a picture of it and she told me she didn't mind as long as I never told anyone where I had found it. I promised her that I would honor her wishes. A full war bonnet in the shape this one was in would be worth a great deal of money today. But I think she realized I could be trusted.

  As I was looking at the other Items in the room she softly asked me if I would like to have a cup of coffee with her, of course I said "I would love to," anything to be with her longer. As she walked over to a small counter in the corner of the room it was then that I noticed the coffee maker for the first time. She poured us both a cup and brought them back to the table Along with some cookies from a cookie jar in the shape of a country cottage.

  "Well then William just what do you do for a living?" I smiled and told her that I was in town looking for some property for the company I worked for, We wanted to expand our factory into another area, we make play ground equipment for parks and schools and we were looking for a new base of operation For tax reasons, and also we needed a city that had a larger work force that we could draw from.

  Cindy smiled and said "this is a nice community and It would probably fit your needs," if you would like I could introduce you to a few of the city leaders and business folks, Well yes I would like that very much you are so kind as to offer. Cindy was straightforward and I liked that in a person, she added that if we brought more jobs to the area it would be helpful to her shop as well.

  "Cindy if I might be so forward are you married or have a boyfriend," she laughed at my awkwardness and replied "no not married but I do have a man that I am seeing on a regular basis but Its not as serious as I think he would like it to be."

  "Well if you would like to I would love to ask you to have dinner with me."

  She smiled that warm smile of hers and said that she would enjoy that, and as this was Fri she would be free this evening if that worked for me. Hell I would have made it work no matter what. We agreed on my picking her up at seven, I finished my coffee and told her I was looking forward to this evening.

  After retuning to my hotel I approached the concierge and asked him to make reservations at a nice restaurant in the city. He informed me that would be no problem and if I would like he would arrange for the hotels limousine to be at my service for the evening. I thanked him and told him that would be great.

  I didn't feel it was necessary when I was with Cindy earlier to tell her that I not only worked for the company but in fact I was the owner and president of the playground equipment company and that we were a multi million dollar company.

  The Limo pulled up in front of Cindy's shop at exactly seven pm, I went to the door and was taken back by the beauty that was standing in the doorway waiting for me. Cindy looked from me to the Limo and asked what's this, I simply answered "it is just what a lady like yourself deserves." She smiled up at me and took my arm as I escorted her to the Limo, The driver held the door and waited until we were both in before he closed the door and went around the car and entered the drivers seat.

  The restaurant was very comfortable and the table was in a corner of the room allowing us complete privacy, I ordered a bottle of white wine and after it was brought to the table I asked the waiter to give us a little more time to look at the menus.

  "Do you have any idea what you would like," She smiled and said "not really what would you suggest."

  "Well I think I am going to have the New York steak and shrimp." Cindy nodded her head and said "that sounds wonderful I think I will join you and have the same thing." It was a wonderful Dinner, the food was excellent and the waiter was very attentive.

  "Well my dear the night is still young would you like to join me in a long ride through the country?"

  "yes I would like that very much" Cindy said with that wonderful smile of hers. I helped her settle in the back of the Limo then I asked the driver to take us on a drive, anywhere to his choosing,

  I was new here and did not know the country. I slipped him a hundred dollar bill and told him at least three or four hours. I climbed into the back of the limo and reached for the bottle of wine in the Cabinet grabbing two glass's, I poured one for each of us then settled back in the seat and began asking questions

  About what she enjoyed and liked to do and where she wanted to go in her life, I'm worried that I came across as a bit of a schoolboy to her, because I was sure feeling like one. But she simply just leaned back into my arms and began talking, She always wanted to be able to travel and that was her biggest wish to be able to see the things that she now just gets to see on the television.

  Then it happened completely out of the blue the Limo swerved hard to the side of the road the tires were screaming as the car came to a stop, Cindy spilled her drink all over the front of her dress and mine mostly went on the cars floor. "What the hell happened" I yelled to the driver?

  He looked back after putting the window to the back seat down, "I'm so sorry he said is everyone O.K.?"

  "Yes were fine but what happened?"

  "It was a deer sir it came out of the trees and bolted right across in front of us. I'm very sorry,"

  "well hell that's o.k. No one got hurt and the deer's still alive, so no harm done lets just go on and enjoy the rest of the night,"

  The driver raised the privacy window and pulled the car back onto the road. I reached for a towel in the drawer below the bar and handed it to Cindy so she could wipe away the wine that spilled on her dress. I asked her if she was ok and then we both began to laugh at the fact that she was really soaked.

  She laughed so hard she had tears in her eyes, it was then that she turned a little and leaned into me and kissed me. I responded to her kiss, my heart pounding and my mind racing, my lips were pressed into hers with a sudden desire that I have never felt before.

  I pulled away and looked her in the eyes and said I'm sorry I did not mean to, but that's as far as I got. Her hands reached out and begun unbuttoning my shirt. I pulled back a little and pulled off my jacket, she had my shirt completely undone now and was pushing it back off my shoulders.

  She leaned forward and began to kiss at my chest her tongue running here and there finally stopping at my right nipple she run little patterns around it, and gently began to ni
bble on it, she slowly moved from one to the other. My mind was racing at this point as I reached out and found the zipper in the back of her dress.

  I found very soon that she was not wearing a Bra under her dress; Her breasts were beautiful they were a large c at least but they did not sag at all, her nipples were long, I could not wait to suck one into my lips. My lips parted and I gently sucked her right nipple into my mouth I rolled it around with my tongue, I have always had a fascination with long nipples and hers were perfect.

  She then pushed me back in the seat and reached out and undid the button on my pants then she proceeded to slip my zipper down, I raised my hips up a little and she pulled my pants down and pulled them off my legs, she then pushed my shorts down and bent forward and then I felt her soft lips kissing at my thighs and her tongue trailing wetly from one place to another. At this point I was rock hard.

  She looked up into my eyes and smiled and then leaned forward and started licking from the bottom of my shaft to the tip, her tongue was darting here and there, her hand was under my balls gently rubbing them with her fingers, then she open her mouth and took my cock into her lips her head started moving up and down gently sucking and her tongue was running around the under side of my cock, I knew I would not last that long as it had been awhile and what she was doing was driving me nuts.


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