Baby for Two (Curvy Women Wanted Book 27)

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Baby for Two (Curvy Women Wanted Book 27) Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  “I’m going to level with you. I find you attractive. I want to fuck you, and I don’t want to have to use the excuse or wait until you’re fertile.”

  No man had ever spoken to her like that before.


  His guy had been thorough when it came to finding out everything he needed to know about Meredith. Jared had already gotten the results of her medical exam even before tonight. She was an amazing woman. Hard-working. The relationships she’d had in the past hadn’t been great. His guy had even checked out one or two of the men on social media and the shit they’d said about Meredith, well, it left a lot to be desired. Quite frankly, it pissed him off that they were talking about her like that. He had a good mind to destroy them, but instead, he’d looked at the positive. He didn’t have to worry about any other man trying to fight for her.

  He’d gladly take this woman.

  All those other men didn’t know what they were missing out on. That sucked for them, but not for him.

  He couldn’t wait to enjoy her. With every passing day, he felt the excitement building. Not only was he going to get a baby out of this arrangement, he was going to enjoy every single part of this woman and have her all to himself. He didn’t care what his parents thought. They were going to judge him no matter who he wanted in his life, and once a baby was involved, they wouldn’t get the chance to judge, ever.

  “You can’t mean that.” She licked her lips.

  He’d noticed she did that a lot when she was nervous.

  Closing the distance between them, he stood toe-to-toe with her. Her head tilted back, and he stared into her eyes. Reaching out, he took her hand. Without any warning, he placed it on his already stiff cock. Rather than hide what she did to him, he was going to be open and honest with her. “You see, that is what you do to me, Meredith. This has nothing to do with the baby, but all about me and you. I want to see you get naked. I want to fuck your brains out and to know what your cunt feels like on my dick. I bet you get nice and wet.”

  “I’m not good, Jared. I’m awful in bed.”

  “Not fucking possible.” He cupped her face, slammed his lips down on hers, and kissed her hard. He didn’t let up, didn’t stop. Just took what he wanted, and the truth was, it was never going to be enough, not when it came to this woman. She made him ache, and it had only been a week. These feelings were all new where it came to Meredith. He’d never lived like a monk, but those other women didn’t compare to his woman.

  His woman.

  He relished the title.

  Meredith, as far as he was concerned, was his. Every single part of her belonged to him. He was going to keep her and be completely selfish with her. No one else deserved her sweetness, only him.

  When he slid his tongue across her lips, she let out a gasp and opened up to him, just how he liked it. Plunging his tongue inside, he met hers, tasting her, pressing his cock against her body. He ran a hand down her back, going to her ass and cupping the sweet flesh. The moment she moaned, he caressed up her body, aiming toward her tits. They were ripe, full, and his mouth watered for a taste of her.

  The shirt she wore had way too many buttons. Gripping the edges, he tore it open and then pushed it down her arms. Beneath lay a crop top. He broke the kiss long enough to get it off her body and over her head. After tossing it to the floor, he held on to her hip, kissing her some more.

  She moaned his name as he trailed his lips down her neck, sucking on her pulse.

  Her tits beckoned him. He reached for the catch at the back of her bra and easily opened it. Her large, ripe tits sprang free and ready for attention.

  Without waiting, he took a nipple into his mouth, flicking his tongue back and forth, hearing her moan and gasp as he did. He moved to the next bud, lavishing attention as he circled the button of her jeans.

  He worked them down with ease as Meredith finally sank her fingers into his hair.

  “Jared, please?”

  “I’m clean. You’ve seen the results. Tell me you want this?”

  “I want this. Yes, I do.”

  He picked her up, but rather than go and find a bedroom, he placed her on top of the kitchen table. Once he’d torn the panties from her body, he quickly released his cock and found her sweetness, rubbing his cock along her slit. He bumped her clit and heard her sweet moans. Damn, she was the best thing that had ever happened to him.

  It wasn’t enough, but he promised once he was done, he’d make her come. Pressing his cock to her entrance, he filled her, going inch by inch, slowly, until that wasn’t even enough. As he slammed to the hilt inside her, they both cried out. Her legs wrapped around him, and he kissed her again.

  Rocking in and out of her, he watched his arousal-covered cock as she opened up.

  He tightened his hold on her flesh, needy, desperate, almost like a drowning man with his desire to have her.

  “Please,” she said.

  He was so close to coming. Jared didn’t know where he found the willpower, but he stopped to tease her clit, stroking that swollen bud. Each touch had her cunt tightening around his length. She was pushing him to his limit. He didn’t know how he was going to last. When she came, it wasn’t long before he filled her to the hilt and flooded her pussy.


  Baby making was the furthest thing from his mind.

  Chapter Three

  The following morning, Meredith rolled over, reaching out to touch Jared, only to find the mattress empty.

  Disappointment flooded her and she hated herself for even being a little surprised he wasn’t around. Rather than wallow in what couldn’t be, she shoved the blanket off her body and sat up on the edge of her bed. Last night, she’d clearly misread all the signs. They’d had sex six times. Running fingers through her hair, she glanced at the bed.

  The first time had been in the kitchen, but then they’d been headed for the bed when Jared had taken her bent over the back of the sofa. The way he’d touched her ass, spreading her cheeks, and what he’d said brought a blush to her cheeks even now. That came to a total of twice, then, of course, they had gone for a shower, and that had been three. When they got to the bed, they’d fucked, fallen asleep, and he’d taken her twice more.

  She’d never had so much sex in one night, or so many orgasms. Jared had been so attentive. She wasn’t used to a man caring if she was enjoying herself, and last night, wow, had she been enjoying herself. She couldn’t recall another time when she’d had so much fun.

  Obviously, she’d misread everything because he wasn’t here.

  Getting to her feet, she was about to reach for a robe when Jared appeared, wearing an apron and nothing else, carrying a breakfast tray.

  “Damn it, I tried to be quiet.”

  She stared at him, a little dumbfounded. She didn’t think he’d make it.

  “You’re here.”

  “Yes, and I was trying to leave you to sleep so you’d regain your strength. I fucked up.”

  She still couldn’t believe he was here. “Why are you here?”

  “Wow. Is that any way to talk to the future father of your baby?”

  This was about the baby? “Oh, right, yes, of course, you’re right.”

  “I think we’re getting off on the wrong foot here.” He still held the breakfast tray and she noticed there were two plates. “Meredith, I want to have a baby with you, but last night wasn’t about boosting our chances. I wanted every single part. I couldn’t keep my hands off you, and to be honest, I’m thinking about foregoing breakfast and taking you right here and now.”

  She couldn’t help but look down and yes, he was hardening. The apron had started to tent around his length. “You stayed.”

  “I wanted to,” he said.

  She tucked some hair behind her ear and smiled at him. Damn it, she wasn’t going to fall for him just because he’d shown her a small bit of attention. She wasn’t that desperate, at least not yet.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “Meredith, I don’t
know who did a number on you, but it makes me want to fucking hurt them. I can tell you there’s absolutely nothing wrong with having sex with you. Nothing wrong at all.” He placed the tray on her chair in the corner and came to the bed. Then he sat beside her, pushing some of her hair back. “You have no idea just how beautiful you are, do you?”

  “I … I’m not good at this.”

  “Well, neither am I, Meredith, but with you, I’m willing to give it a go.” He leaned in close and brushed his lips against hers.

  Last night had been the best night of her life. Almost as good as the first day she opened up her haberdashery. The day she’d made a start to her own life, chasing her dreams.

  At the sound of a growling stomach, she pulled away, but it wasn’t hers this time. Nope, the growling stomach was all Jared.

  “I’m sorry, I guess I’m rather desperate for some food.” He kissed her. “But I want to feel you again.”

  “I don’t want you to pass out on me. Let’s have breakfast.” She touched his cheek. At first, she hesitated, but Jared guided her.

  “I don’t bite,” he said. “I want you to touch me.”

  She stroked his cheek. It was smooth. “Did you shave?”

  “Yeah, I did.” He kissed her again before grabbing the tray of food and carrying it back to the bed.

  She took the plate and thanked him for the fork he handed to her. She dived in, eating what he’d cooked. This was so surreal.

  “So, I was thinking tonight you could come to my place. What do you think?” he asked. “We need to make plans for where you’re going to live during your pregnancy.”

  She paused in putting more food in her mouth. “Wait, what?”

  “I want to be able to keep an eye on you during your pregnancy. I want to be completely involved. I’ll go to classes, the doctors, you name it, I want to be part of it.”

  “Are you sure? That’s a lot of work.”

  “So? Also, I’ll pay for everything.”

  “Jared, I can pay.”

  “I have no doubt, but I’m going to be the daddy, and seeing as I’m not going to have the stomach, sore breasts, or the horniness and hunger cravings, I’m going to contribute something.”

  “You don’t like my apartment?”

  “I love it. I love everything about it, but if you were to slip or fall or anything, and I couldn’t get to you, I’d never forgive myself. Moving in together is the best option.”

  “You really think this is the best option?” she asked. “I thought we were agreeing to share a child so we didn’t have to get entangled in a sticky relationship mess?” For her, she wanted a child because waiting for Mr. Right wasn’t happening. Happily-ever-after wouldn’t happen to her.

  “We are in this together, Meredith. We both want a baby, and I know we can work as partners.”

  She wanted to believe him, but after last night, the thought of another woman capturing his attention shouldn’t bother her, but it did, in a big way.


  Jared hadn’t been this excited to go home in a long time. At six, he’d arranged to pick up Meredith, grab some takeout, and then he was showing her his place. He knew she wasn’t totally sold on the idea of being with him during the pregnancy. With all the information he had on her, he wasn’t surprised about her nerves. He was going to prove he wasn’t like those other men. He was his own person, and he intended to enjoy her.

  “Sir, you can’t just go in there.”

  Jared looked up, instantly recognizing the voice of his brother, William, who responded to his assistant. Jared was the oldest of all the Peltzer kids. William had come three years after him and was his father’s true protégé.

  Standing up, he stared at William.

  “I’m so sorry, sir, he just wouldn’t let me call through,” Mary, his PA, said.

  “It’s fine, Mary. Have you rearranged all of my meetings to next week?” he asked.

  “Yes, sir. Also, a Ms. Meredith Shaw said she’d be a bit late. If you could pick her up at seven, rather than six.”

  He didn’t want his brother hearing her name. Once his family realized what he was doing, they would try to destroy it.

  “Thank you, Mary.”

  She left.

  “Who is Meredith?” William asked.

  Damn it. “None of your business. What are you doing here?”

  “I need a reason to come and see my big brother?”

  “Most of the time, yes,” he said, taking a seat. He was disappointed he’d have to wait another full hour before he got to see his woman. He had no doubt in his mind Meredith was going to hate his apartment, but that was another reason he wanted her to see it. His hope was the moment she did, she’d start flooding his place with all her stuff. The blankets, pillows, throws, he wanted it all. The truth was, he’d never been good at the bachelor lifestyle. Screwing random women and having a little notebook with a woman on call didn’t appeal to him. What he wanted was a family, but one that wasn’t set on world domination and building an empire. He had all of that.

  What he truly wanted now was a family. A woman to come home to every single night. Children. He didn’t want to even start talking about holidays and celebrations.

  The newspapers had his entire life and who he was as a person all wrong, but he’d always been good at hiding who he really was. With Meredith, he could see his other dreams coming true. He also didn’t expect Meredith to give up her life either. He’d help her businesses in any way that he could, without taking over, of course. It was all a balancing act, one he intended to excel in.

  “I was worried about you. We missed you at Sunday lunch.”

  “William, you know I don’t go to Sunday lunch. I haven’t in a long time.” The last time he’d given in and gone to his parents, a woman, a little heiress, had been seated right next to him. The entire time, she’d talked about her social media presence and what she hoped to gain and how she was in a rivalry with another heiress.

  He’d been so bored he’d wondered what it would take to get him out of there fast. At one point, he’d been tempted to drive his steak knife right through his thigh, just for the fun of it.

  “Okay, fine, Dad sent me.”

  “Of course he did.”

  “He wants you to take the Baller account.”

  The Baller account was a new and upcoming software developer who was looking for investment. He wasn’t interested in what the man had to offer, and he hadn’t even put in a bid, but he hadn’t been surprised to hear his family had. They were all about moving forward, going from fad to fad.

  It was what differed between their companies. His family was in it for the now and the big. For him, he was in it for longevity. To most, it was an outdated business model, but it had worked more than once.


  “Come on, Jared. Stop being a royal pain in the ass.”

  “I’ve told you, William. I’m not going to take these clients you have no idea what to do with. There’s a reason I didn’t go for the Baller account. The man is completely unethical, and his little popularity contest app sounds like fun, but it’s insulting.” He’d briefly read the description and hadn’t been impressed, which was why he was now having this conversation with his brother.

  It wasn’t a good one.

  “You’ve always been a bit of a weird one, but I thought you’d appreciate a heads-up.”

  Jared stared at his brother. “Do I look like I was born yesterday? You go out trying to get all the latest people and software, for what? Trying to piss me off?”

  “Oh, please, this is about business.”

  “If it was exclusively about business, you wouldn’t be here. Now if you don’t mind, I’ve got actual clients and accounts that need me. Get the hell out of my office.”

  “You know, we could all work together if you were to just get your head out of your ass,” William said. “No one cares about your family and pansy-ass approach.”

  Jared sat back and looked at his brother. He smi
led. “Really? Then tell me why I’m sitting on my own empire, going from strength to strength, and you’re here trying to sell me a client. Even though I’m family, I know everything comes with a price, and it’s one I’m not prepared to pay.”

  He’d heard through the lines that his family was having a few difficulties. At first, he hadn’t believed it, but now, looking back, he couldn’t help but wonder if the rumors were in fact true. It wouldn’t surprise him, not really.

  William glared at him, but rather than dispute him, his brother turned around and left.

  Good riddance, but he had a feeling his parents were going to start making his life a little more difficult.

  Chapter Four

  “You hate it,” Jared said.

  Meredith chuckled. “I don’t hate it. It’s very … you.”

  He pressed a hand to his heart. “You hurt me. I promise, whatever you think, it’s all lies.”

  “You’re not an eligible bachelor?”

  He pursed his lips. “I guess you do know a lot about me.”

  “I have to know. Why pick me?” she asked. “I guessed with the hand-tailored suit, the watch, and the entire package.” She held her hand out toward him and moved up and down the length of his body. “You’re wealthy. Don’t you have tons of heiresses waiting to sweep you off your feet?”

  Jared sighed and took her coat from her. “You’d think so, wouldn’t you? And I guess, in a way, I do, but the truth is I’m not interested in extending my businesses that way. I want to have a family that I love.”

  She tucked some hair behind her ear as he put her coat on the hanger, then removed his own. He’d put his briefcase down. Even though she’d asked him to collect her an hour later than planned, she hadn’t finished checking through her delivery of stock, and it was now closer to ten. Jared had helped her, though. He’d rolled up his sleeves and dived in as if he knew and understood fabric and everything it took to run a shop.

  “You want a family?” she asked.

  “I do. I’m a little old-fashioned.”

  She frowned. “We’re having a baby by mutual agreement. How can that be, you know, old-fashioned? The old-fashioned way is getting married and having kids. Not that I want marriage or anything.”


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