Baby for Two (Curvy Women Wanted Book 27)

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Baby for Two (Curvy Women Wanted Book 27) Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  “You never thought about settling down?” He took her hand, leading her into the kitchen. Again, his entire apartment was expensive with all state-of-the-art equipment, it just didn’t have that personal touch. Clearly, he lived here, but he hadn’t settled down or put his mark on the place. “Having the whole package?”

  “I have. It’s why at thirty-five, I’ve decided to just have a family myself, you know? Speaking of which, we do need to work out these details. I’m a little confused by what you want.”

  “To have a child together,” he said.

  “I know, but earlier you mentioned me moving in with you. That’s a big leap from us both just sharing a baby, to living together. A giant one. Huge.”

  He pulled out a chair. “Did anyone tell you that you worry too much?”

  “Yeah, everyone who tried to talk me out of setting up my business.”

  “They did?”

  “Yes, they told me I worry too much to own a business, that I should just settle for working for someone else. As you can see, I totally paid attention to their advice.”

  “Some people are just so rude, but then, my family is the same.”

  He went to the fridge, and she was fascinated when he pulled out some milk and began to add it to a saucepan.

  “The same family with all those brothers and sisters.”

  “Exactly. I want to be frank with you, Meredith, I’m … wealthy. I own one of the biggest businesses in the country. I rival my family’s company, and I do it all by believing in the future but with the concept that family is important.”

  She glanced down at the table. “I checked you out on the internet. I kind of recognized the Peltzer name, but I didn’t think you could be one of them, or the one that broke away from his family.”

  “I am.”

  She pressed her lips together. “I guess I’m waiting for the joke. The reality television.”

  “If you did your searching right, you’d know I’m not the kind of person to flaunt my position. I don’t do social media. My private life is exactly that, private.”

  “I also noticed the models and actresses you like to take out on dates.”

  “But not anymore. Believe me, Meredith, I want this baby so badly.”

  She kept on watching him as he pulled out a piece of chocolate. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m making you that hot chocolate you weren’t able to get me.” He winked at her.

  She thought about what they’d done on her kitchen table, and well, the chocolate certainly took second place. No, hold that thought, second and third to what they did.

  “Do you like being in the kitchen?”

  “I am a huge fan of takeout, but I know my way around the kitchen.” His doorbell rang. “If you’ll excuse me.” He added a quick splash of vanilla and poured it into a mug. “Here you go.”

  She sat at the table and sipped at the hot chocolate. It was nice.

  Everything about Jared was completely different from the profile they’d built up on the internet.

  He was kind, considerate, and she had no doubt he was cutthroat when he needed to be. Would he try to fight her for their child? In a custody battle, she’d lose. She wasn’t hurting for money, but compared to him, she wouldn’t be able to fight him at all. He had the money and resources.

  There you go, already worrying about a future that might not happen. Chill.

  Jared returned with two large boxes of pizza. “I don’t know about you, but I’m starving.” He opened one up, took a large slice, and bit into it. “Damn, so good. So, where were we?”

  “We need to discuss all the details. From moving in to pregnancy, to everything else,” she said. In the process, she hoped she didn’t fall in love with this man. She had a horrible feeling he could have the power to break her heart, and she’d never recover.


  “Completely unacceptable,” Jared said, putting his hand down flat on the table. After two hot chocolates and their pizzas finished, they were no closer to negotiating the right contract.

  He wouldn’t give an inch, and he knew Meredith was trying to protect herself, but she didn’t need to do that shit with him. She was too used to others hurting her, and it pissed him off, big time.

  “Unacceptable? As opposed to what? Oh, right, I have to live with you from today until birth. Then you want the first year, and then you suddenly want ’til first day of school. What about when you find a woman you want to be with?”

  “Excuse me, but when did another woman come into this?” he asked.

  “We’re bringing a baby into this world. You don’t think there’s going to come a time when you’re going to want to have another woman? The woman you see yourself spending the rest of your life with.”

  It was on the tip of his tongue to accuse her of having another man to spend the rest of her life with. Instead, he kept his thoughts to himself. It hadn’t been all that long. “What about you and another man? Is that why you’re keeping me at arm’s length? You don’t want me to know that you’re on the lookout for another man. That’s it, isn’t it?”

  “How dare you.” She stood up and he followed her. “This is … way too complicated.”

  “There’s nothing complicated about it. We’re having a baby together.”

  “No, we’re not. I’m calling the whole thing off.”

  He growled. “You could be pregnant right now!”

  She put a hand to her stomach.

  He felt an answering pulse in his groin. His cock hardened at the thought of her swollen with his kid. The moment Meredith looked at him, all anger left her stare, and she smiled at him. “Do you think so?”

  Jared closed the distance between them, lifting her in his arms. He held her ass and carried her through to his bedroom. After dropping her onto the bed, he tugged at the skirt she wore. It was one of those loose kinds that flowed around her ankles.

  He removed her panties and marveled at her sweet pussy. Spreading her legs, he moved swiftly, capturing her ass in his palms and licking at her wet cunt. He plunged his tongue in her, feeling her answering quiver. Drawing his tongue back, he then twirled across her clit before pulling it into his mouth and biting down.

  She whimpered his name, crying out.

  Soothing out the pain, he moaned her name and flicked back and forth. After sliding one hand down, he used his fingers to pump inside her, working her to an orgasm that left her screaming. The sounds echoed around the room. He quickly moved between her thighs, opening up his belt, dealing with his zipper, and easing out his cock.

  He wasn’t used to feeling this damn hard.

  Working his cock between her slit, he moved to her entrance and slammed all the way home. She was still in the aftershocks of her release, and as he groaned against her shoulder, he allowed himself the pleasure of feeling every single pulse and ripple.

  Taking her lips, he rocked in and out of her, loving the feel of her wet heat on his shaft.

  “You’ve been put here to torture me,” he said, growling against her lips.

  “Fuck me, Jared. Please.”

  He pulled out of her and slammed inside, going even deeper. This wasn’t lovemaking. This was cold, hard fucking.

  Jared grabbed her hands, pinning them on either side of her head, keeping her in place as he fucked her harder, making her take every single inch of him.

  She was so wet that the sounds she made were almost sloppy, and fuck if that didn’t turn him on. Over and over, he pounded inside her, and as he stared into her pretty eyes, he let himself go, releasing his cum into her body.

  “We’re doing this, Meredith. You’re going to live with me, and we’re going to make this work. I guarantee it. I’m not like those other losers who’ve broken your heart. I only want what is best for both of us. I promise you that.” Tears filled her eyes and he cupped her cheek. “Don’t cry.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m not used to all this. I’m used to being … alone.”

  He stared at her. “Me too.�

  “You’ve got an entire family.”

  “And they don’t approve of what I do. We’re not close. They say one thing to the camera and the press, but I know the truth. I’m alone. I have been for a long time. I’m opening myself up to you. You can break my heart just as much as I can break yours. We’re both taking risks.”

  She licked her lips. “Don’t … don’t fight me for custody. I want us to always share our child. Always. No matter what. Even if we find other partners.”

  He had no interest in sharing Meredith with anyone. His feelings for her were not flash-in-the-pan kinds of emotions, but full-blown, real ones. There was no backing out for him. She was his life. He felt it.

  Jared had no idea if she felt it too, but he was willing to work until she fell in love with him.

  He knew to many, love at first sight didn’t exist, but the day he saw her outside the sperm bank he just knew. He didn’t know where the feeling came from, but it had been more of a compulsion to go talk to her. To hear her voice, to be in her life. It was why he’d approached her and come up with this ridiculous scheme.

  Love at first sight happened with him. Now he just needed to get Meredith to see that.

  Chapter Five

  One month later

  The test was negative.

  She’d uprooted her entire life and they’d had sex so many times she’d simply lost count. Her body was getting so used to his lavish attention. The way he was so attentive. Sex had never been like that. Normally, she had to finish by herself. The few men she’d been with hadn’t been interested in her own pleasure.

  Jared wasn’t like that. He paid so much attention to her.

  Her pleasure was as much a part of his. He really did fill her with warmth. She smiled at the memory of being beneath his hands, or even on top of him. The moment he touched or kissed her, she was lost.

  Now, as they stood in his apartment with the few items she’d brought with her, a huge wave of disappointment flooded her. Nibbling on her lip, she looked up at him. He was smiling.

  “Why are you smiling?”

  “Why not?”

  “We just got some bad news.”

  He shook his head, taking the test from her fingers and throwing it into the trash. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her in. His hands grasped her ass. The moment they were flush together, she became aware of his raging erection pressing against her.

  “It means we’ve got to have a lot more fun making a baby.”

  “But I thought we were, you know, going to be successful.”

  “Meredith,” he said. “We’ll get there. There’s no rush. We’re not paying for this. We’re going to keep on trying.”

  He took possession of her mouth and she wrapped her arms around him, melting against him. From the first touch, she didn’t want to stop. With the way he felt against her, her body turned to instant fire.

  “I don’t want to say no, Jared, but I’ve got that appointment, remember?” she asked, tilting her head back.

  “Right, some kind of vague appointment where they paid to have the shop all to themselves. Am I right?”

  “You’re totally right.”

  He kissed her nose. “I wouldn’t want to keep you from that.”

  “We can make up for it tonight, though, right?”

  “I’m already looking forward to it.” He took a step back and she noticed the hard length of him showing against his trousers.

  Tucking her hair behind her ear, she held her finger up as he went to turn and leave. After sinking to her knees before him, she started to reveal his cock by opening his zipper.


  “You said we don’t have to rush, and we’re not on a timeline. You’re always doing this for me. Why can’t I return the favor?” She covered the whole head of him, taking his cock to the back of her throat.

  She let out a moan as he hit there, and she closed her eyes.

  “Fuck! That’s right, baby, take it all.”

  He began to pump into her mouth, going in and out, forcing her to take it all. She bobbed her head, loving the feel of him filling her mouth, especially the way he held on to her hair. His grip sent fire shooting between her thighs. She wanted his cock more than anything.

  Jared fucked her mouth and she was surprised when he gave her a warning that he was close. She continued to suck him as if her life depended on it. When he erupted, she swallowed it all down, relishing the taste.

  She leaned back and licked her lips once he finished, staring up at him.

  “You spoil me, and I will more than make up for that tonight.” He pulled her to her feet, slammed his lips down, and she melted against him. “Come on, before I call in sick and tell all of my staff to take the rest of the day off.”

  Within minutes, they were out of his apartment. Jared dropped her off at her shop. By the time she got in and opened everything up, her customer who’d insisted on conducting their business alone had arrived. Their incessant knocking at the door alerted her to their presence.

  She rushed forward, opening the door and greeting them. The moment she did, she had to keep the smile on her face. With her research about Jared, she’d discovered his family, and here stood his brother William.

  Jared rarely talked about his family. He wasn’t a big fan of their business ethics or the way they conducted themselves. Jared was the anomaly of the family, at least that was how he described himself.

  The person who’d called yesterday had been a woman and had certainly given a different name. She’d advised Meredith that a man would be coming in her place.

  Stepping back, she allowed William to come into her shop.

  “This is a rather quaint shop,” he said.

  She had a large property. It had once been a modest warehouse with a main ground floor. With time and investment, she’d turned most of it into the shop, supplying an abundance of fabrics, and sectioned off another part for use in stock.

  She’d been so impressed with her work. With William looking on, she couldn’t help but feel small and meaningless. This was her life’s achievement until she and Jared made a life for themselves.

  “So, how can I help you?” she asked.

  He reached into his jacket and pulled out a checkbook. “How much will it take to get you out of my brother’s life?”

  She tensed up. “Is that why you went through all of this? To remove me from your brother’s life?”

  “Oh, please, as if you were going to entertain him for long. You could see this as me doing you a good service. There’s no way he’s going to want to marry you. You’re not anything special. Pretty, but not beautiful. I don’t want my brother distracted, and we certainly don’t want a nobody invading the family.”

  “Your family knows about me?”

  “Your name came up while I was visiting my brother. I had to check up on you, and imagine my surprise at what I found.” He shook his head. “Now, give me a price.”


  Jared stared at the engagement ring. He’d spent all morning going from one jewelry store to another, not stopping until he’d found the right one. The perfect one. This, with the modest diamond in the center, was perfect.

  Meredith wasn’t big on extravagance. She was a woman of modest taste. He couldn’t wait to get her pregnant. He’d been disappointed this morning, but the moment he saw how devastated she was, he knew he had to make her feel better.

  They had plenty of time. Yes, he wanted a big family, but he knew more than anything, he wanted Meredith. These feelings weren’t going away.

  “Sir, I’ve got Meredith Shaw here,” Mary said.

  Jared frowned and got to his feet, going to his door to see Meredith standing at Mary’s desk. “Meredith,” he said.

  She turned toward him. There was a frown on her face as she came toward him. She stopped and turned toward Mary. “Thank you so much for coming to get me.”

  Jared looked at Mary, confused.

  “The main reception wou
ldn’t allow her up.”

  This pissed him off, and he nodded at his PA before entering his office. The ring burned in his pocket where he’d placed it.

  “What’s the matter?” It was past lunchtime, and he’d already eaten. “Do you need something to eat?”

  “I just got a visit from your brother.”

  This made him tense up. “William?”

  “Yes. He was my very important customer who needed my entire shop closed for him to come and visit.”

  “Please tell me he at least bought something.”

  She shook his head. “Nope.” She ran fingers through her hair. “He tried to pay me.”

  “He tried to?”

  “Yep. I guess it’s no surprise that your family doesn’t want you anywhere near me. I’m an embarrassment to them. He wanted to pay me off. That was why he came.” Tears filled her eyes. “I’m sorry. I don’t…” She didn’t finish as she held her hand up and stepped toward the window.

  She didn’t stand too close but she looked down over the city.

  After a few seconds passed, Jared had enough of giving her space and closed the distance between them. Putting his hands on her shoulders, he pulled her back against him.

  “I’ve got you.”

  “I don’t know why I’m crying.”

  “I know why.”

  She sniffled. “You’re nothing like your brother.”

  “I told you, when it comes to my parents, I’m always the odd one out.”

  She let out a little sob. He pressed a kiss to her neck.

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have come here.”

  He held her tightly, moving his hands from her shoulders to wrapping his arms around her. “Don’t, Meredith. Don’t push me away. I can imagine what my brother was like and I know he’s an ass. Let me hold you.”

  She pushed out a breath. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t say that. It’s on them. Not on you.”

  Meredith turned in his arms. “But look at me. It’s not like he’s wrong, is it? I’m not the kind of woman you take home to mom and dad. I’m an embarrassment.”


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