Baby for Two (Curvy Women Wanted Book 27)

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Baby for Two (Curvy Women Wanted Book 27) Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  Cupping her face, he forced her to look at him. “Don’t say shit like that.” He slammed his lips down on hers. He wanted to fucking murder his family right now. Meredith was the one for him, not anyone else. After sliding his tongue across her lips, he plunged inside. He moved her away from the windows but pressed her up against his bookcase.


  “No, you feel me. Do you feel what you do to me?” He made her feel his cock, how hard he was getting. How desperate he was for all of her. “I want you every single day. You’re all I can think about. My parents, they don’t matter. They will never matter. I want you, Meredith.”

  Tears slid down her cheeks, and he knew a visit to his parents was in his future.

  She swiped at them and smiled. “You know, I’ve never been to your office.” He picked her up and she cried out as he placed her on top of his desk.

  “What are you doing?” she asked with a chuckle.

  “Well, Meredith, I’ve got a few fantasies, and today I’m going to live them all. I think this morning I promised you a good time, did I not?” he asked.

  “I didn’t do it for you to pay me back.”

  “I know, and that’s what makes you so fucking perfect.” He kissed her, sliding the skirt she wore up and around her hips. “But I also sit at this desk nearly every single day of the week, and I want to remember how you look coming all over my cock.” He spread her thighs. Opening his zipper, he pulled out his cock, which was already hard. When it came to Meredith, it seemed to be a permanent state of arousal.

  Jared watched her as he rubbed his cock up and down her slit, seeing the pleasure rush over her. Inch by inch, he slid inside her, feeling her tight, wet cunt wrap around him. He gritted his teeth at the instant hit of pleasure. Holding on to her hips, he fucked into her, going hard and fast.

  Her cries echoed off the walls, and before he found his own release, he stopped long enough to feel hers as it swept over her body. She moaned his name. Begged for more, and he gave it to her.

  This was his woman and now, he was going to threaten his family. No one hurt her and got away with it.

  Chapter Six

  The following Sunday

  This wasn’t how Jared wanted to spend his Sunday, but after what William did this past week, he didn’t have much choice.

  Meredith came first. She would always come first.

  He wanted to spend today proposing to her, but he just knew if William failed, they would each try to break her down. To get under her skin, and he couldn’t have that.

  Arriving at his parents’ property, he stared up at the house where he’d grown up. It wasn’t exactly a thrill to be back. Each part of the house held an abundance of memories, not all of them good. In fact, a great deal of them were … awful.

  The parties. The way his parents were about money. He loved his family, he did. From a young age, he’d known he was different. He’d watch other families and wish his was similar, that Christmases weren’t business affairs, and the family dinners weren’t about telling them how they were going to live their life.

  It was why he’d arrived in a pair of jeans and a white shirt, and he’d even put on some sneakers. His parents demanded a certain dress code, even on a Sunday.

  He walked right past their butler and went straight to the dining room, standing outside the door for a few minutes.

  “I cannot believe she didn’t even give you a number. Clearly, she’s holding out for a bigger paycheck,” his mother said.

  Jared knew deep down in his gut that his family would spend today plotting against Meredith. She’d denied them, and they hadn’t been anticipating that, so now they would try to find any means possible to make her pay. It was sad and downright cruel.

  He stood still and listened, allowing his anger to build.

  “Maybe you can take the rental agreement from the owner. We can then make it impossible for her to pay, and she’ll have no choice but to come begging us. I mean, what does a little fabric shop make?” This came from one of his sisters, a little chuckle to her voice.

  “She owns the building outright. There are no landlords or banks. I’ve already looked into it,” his father said. “All of her properties are owned by her. I’ve checked into each and every one.”

  “So, she does have a business head on her,” William said.

  “Oh, please, William. She is a simple commoner, and I don’t want her anywhere near Jared. The feckless boy. He doesn’t even begin to understand these people.”

  He’d heard enough. Jared stepped into the dining room. “These people?” he asked, looking at his family. “You know, most parents would be so fucking happy that the woman he intends to spend the rest of his life with turned you down. There’s no price on her head, but instead, you’re looking for ways to destroy her.”

  “How dare you speak like that here, Jared. Please, know your manners,” his mother said.

  He burst out laughing. “Seriously? Manners? You call the woman I love a simple commoner. You insult her and look for ways—” He stopped, pressing his lips together.

  “There is no way you could love that woman, Jared. I’ve seen her pictures and believe me, she isn’t anything special. Now pull up a seat and we’ll stop talking about this nonsense.” His father pointed at a chair for him to take.

  Jared stared at his family.

  None of them saw anything wrong with what they were doing. How they lived. He guessed, to many, they had a dream life. He shook his head.

  “This is going to be the last time I come here. I know what’s happening at the company, Dad, so I’m only going to say this once. I love Meredith Shaw. We’re already trying for a baby, and I’m going to build a family with her. She’s everything I ever wanted in a woman and so much more. If you, or my brothers, or sisters, or mother, or any kind of association with the Peltzer empire try to hurt her in any way, I will make it my personal mission to ruin you. I have the power and the ability.”

  His father stood. “Jared.”

  He shook his head again. “You always told me I was different. Well, guess what, I am, because I’m in love with Meredith and this isn’t the family I want to be part of.”

  Without another word, he turned his back and left his family home for the last time. He’d always hoped his parents would change, but he realized they were far too different. After climbing into his car, he pulled out of the long driveway. He wasn’t sad, but free. He’d never felt this way.

  If his parents tried to attack, he’d deal with them. They weren’t going to ruin what he’d started to create with Meredith. Driving back through the city, he passed her shop. He pulled up outside to stare at the building. The file his PI had acquired him had told him the deal Meredith had gotten. The warehouse had belonged to a much older man who’d held on to it for sentimental reasons. He’d turned down so many offers from corporations who wanted to knock it and the surrounding buildings down to build a small mall.

  He’d never sold. Meredith had come and had shown the man her vision. He’d lowered his price and made the deal, helping her in the process.

  Jared had already reached out to the man who was enjoying a nice, long retirement in a beach house, and had even refused the extra money. His woman didn’t realize it, but her big heart had won people who had helped her to see her dream. She was also the key to his dream, and he only hoped she was willing to take the leap with him.


  Meredith hadn’t cooked herself a Sunday lunch ever. Being alone, she’d always had pasta or a pie, or something else she’d fancied on the day.

  As she placed the potatoes on the table, she looked toward the clock and saw it was getting closer to when Jared said he’d be home.

  He’d gone out for a last-minute meeting, leaving her alone in his apartment.

  She rubbed her hands together to try to heat them up. The food was all on the table. She’d poured him a generous glass of wine, while she had water. Even though the test said she wasn’t pregnant, she didn�
��t want to risk having any wine in case she was actually was.

  Sitting down at the table, she took a sip of her water and stared at the clock.

  Time ticked on by.

  When she was about to go put all the food back into the oven, the door opened and closed. She got to her feet.

  “Meredith, we need to talk,” Jared said, coming into the dining room. He stopped and looked at the table. “You prepared dinner.”

  “Yeah. You said you’d be here half an hour ago. I think it’s probably all cold.”

  “Shit, I had no idea.”

  “It’s fine, Jared, really.”

  “No, I … I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t worry about it.” She made to grab the potatoes, but Jared sat down, taking his seat.


  “It’s going to be cold.”

  “I don’t care. You made dinner for me, and I’m determined I’m going to sit here and enjoy it.”

  “You really don’t have to do that.”

  “I do.” He grabbed the plate of potatoes and put several on his plate. She watched him as he filled his plate, while also doing the same to hers.

  “Anyone ever tell you you’re stubborn?” she asked.

  “Yes. Every single day.”

  She chuckled. She was the person to call him stubborn. “Did your meeting go well?”

  He paused in dolloping gravy on his plate. “I told a little lie. I didn’t go for a meeting.”


  “I went to see my parents.”

  “This isn’t about what happened with William, is it?”

  He nodded.

  She groaned. “Jared, I told you not to worry about it.”

  “And if I tell you I happened to hear them plotting other ways of trying to make your life hell? Even so much as buying the rental agreement and putting the prices up?”

  “They couldn’t do that.”

  “I know. You own the property outright. I had to make them realize that if they so much as speak to you, they’ll have to deal with me, and I’m not joking. My parents are not good people and I see that now. They didn’t want you in my life. So, they are no longer part of me.”

  “Jared, you didn’t have to do that.”

  “Yes, I did. I know what I want, and it’s not them.” He reached out, taking her hand and squeezing it. “You’re all I want.”

  She smiled at him.

  Jared was making it so hard to not fall in love with him and start dreaming of a life with him. This baby, it was like every dream of hers was coming true. She lived with him, shared his bed.

  “They’re your family.”

  “No family of mine would send the woman I want more than anything away from me.” He pushed some of her hair out of her face. “You’re all I can think about. All I want.”

  “Jared?” Were they moving too fast?

  Her heart started to race as he slowly got down on one knee. He pushed his chair out in the process and she turned toward him.

  He took her hand.


  He smiled up at her.

  “I know you’re probably freaking out right now, and it’s a good time as any to do so.” He licked his lips. “Meredith Shaw. I know we’ve known each other about a month, but I love you. I love you more than anything else in the world, and there is no other person I want to be with than with you.”

  She watched, shocked, as he rummaged around in his pocket. When he pulled out a small velvet box, her stomach twisted.

  “Marry me? Please. I want to be a husband, a father, I want it all. If you’d give me the chance, I can prove I’ll be the man you deserve.”

  Surprise rushed through her as she watched him. A proposal wasn’t what she’d been expecting.

  “I understand if this is too soon.” He went to close the box, and she cupped his face.

  “Don’t do that. Don’t close that box.” She smiled at him. “I love you too, but I thought I was acting too fast. I love you so much. You’re the only person I want to be with. The only person I ever want to see myself with. I’ve never felt this way about anyone, and that scares me so damn much.”

  He slammed his lips down on hers.

  Jared broke the kiss and took hold of her hand. She watched, even as she shook a little from nerves as he slid the ring onto her finger.

  Staring at the diamond, she couldn’t believe it. She looked at him. “Are you sure?”

  “I’ve never been more sure of anything.”

  She went to her knees, the cold food forgotten as she tried to work his clothes off his body. Everything else could wait. She wanted to feel him inside her at that very moment. Jared had come out of nowhere, and he’d completely obliterated every single one of her senses. She’d always wanted to fall in love, but she never realized how consuming it would be. She wouldn’t trade Jared for anything.

  He pressed her to the floor, sliding her thighs open. She took him deep into her body, loving every inch of him as he worked his way inside her.

  This was the best feeling in the world.

  As he made love to her, she wondered if this would be the time they would finally make a baby.


  Six months later

  “We’re pregnant,” Jared said.

  “You don’t know that.”

  “Babe, you’ve been throwing up in the mornings and your tits are tender. Trust me, we all know the signs.”

  Meredith bit her lip as she waited for the stick to turn a pretty color. They’d been trying for a baby, and well, she’d been a little surprised with how long they had to wait. She wanted a baby so badly.

  Jared stroked his thumb across her finger, which just happened to be her ring finger. Nerves tugged at her hard.

  Their relationship had been a bit of a whirlwind, but it was one she didn’t regret for a single second. Her love for Jared had done nothing but grow. Every day, she got to know a little more about him, and the more she did, the more in love with him she became. What had started out as a crazy idea, having a baby with a stranger, had turned into the best one of her life. She was happy, so freaking happy, and a part of her was a little scared.

  Could she afford to fall in love, to give herself to a man? Jared had a way about him that forced all of her doubts out of the window. She was happy. He made her happy.

  His family hadn’t been present at the wedding. In fact, according to the press, they refused to have anything to do with their embarrassment of a son. She expected Jared to be hurt by their insults, but instead, he merely looked happy all the time, and because of that, it made her love him so much more.

  “Babe,” Jared said, kissing her cheek. “You’ve got to look at the stick.” She didn’t even realize she’d closed her eyes until she finally opened them and looked down at the stick.


  They were pregnant.

  She released a squeal and threw her arms around him. “Oh, my God. Oh, my God. We’re going to have a baby.”

  Jared held her tightly, spinning her in a circle before slowly releasing her to the ground. He cupped her face.

  “I love you,” he said.

  “I love you too.”

  When his lips touched her, she couldn’t have been happier. She was married to the love of her life, and they were soon going to have a baby.

  The End

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  Other Books by Sam Crescent:

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Straight to Hell MC, 1

  Sam Crescent and Stacey Espino

  Copyright © 2021

  Sample Chapter

  “No, please, no!” The sound of the rat’s squeal filled the air. Seeing as he was standing in his own grave, which Lord had made him dig himself, there was no one to hear.

  “You defied our laws. I can’t have that.”

  “I’m sorry, Lord. I didn’t know what I was doing. It was a mistake. I’ll do anything. I’m so sorry.”

  “Anything?” Lord asked.

  “Yes. Please. Anything.”

  Lord smiled. “Kiss my feet.”


  “You heard me. Kiss my fucking feet.”

  The hole was big enough for the rat to still reach his boots. He waited. As soon as his lips were close, Lord kicked out, hitting him hard in the face. The man fell back, cupping his jaw, blood flowing between his fingers.

  His men all laughed.

  They knew the moment a rat was declared, the only sure thing was death.

  “Please, what about my daughter? She’s not responsible. Please.”

  “Don’t worry. Ally will get the right treatment owed to her by the club. You really should have thought about that before doing what you did.” Pulling out his gun, which he only used to take out rats in the club, he fired one bullet, and it went straight through the man’s head.

  He was already in his grave and Lord nodded. Justice had been served. His men clapped their hands, all of them happy with the way this ended.

  Brick, his VP, came to him, putting a hand on his shoulder. Lord didn’t like to be touched and shrugged him off. The men knew not to put a hand on him.

  “I want the cop next,” Lord said.

  The rat, Richard Prixman, had been an accountant of sorts, working at the club’s strip joints. Not only had the son of a bitch been stealing from him, but he’d also decided to use their records to try to bring a case against the club. As if he’d ever allow that to happen.


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