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A Carpino Series Collection, Books 1-3

Page 80

by Brynne Asher

Paige: A break-in? Holy shit! What happened? Did they take anything? Can I do anything to help? I can’t believe it.

  I shake my head and start typing.

  Me: No. Sleep. Getting the kids to camp would help.

  Paige: Are you sure? I don’t mind if they hang with me today. I mean, all I have to do is edit some pictures and articles then go to the store. I even brought stuff to make them pancakes, and not the kind you just add water to, the homemade kind. Maybe we can stop by later and bring you lunch?

  Me: No. Sleep. Camp.

  Paige: Well, how about we see if they want to go to camp or want pancakes? And what do you want for lunch? A Dr. Pepper?

  Fucking-A, she just doesn’t stop. With the police surrounding me, my business torn to shit, and my broken door that needs fixed today, I do not have time for this. Even so, I can’t stop from shaking my head as I bite back a smirk.

  Me: I don’t care. The police are waiting on me.

  Paige: Oh, sorry. Okay, we’ll just surprise you with lunch. Let me know if you need anything or get hungry for something specific.

  Me: Sleep.

  Paige: You know, if you added a cute little emoji with your bossy text, it would come across nicer.

  That’s it. I’m done.

  I toss my phone to the desk and open up the files on my computer to get the home address for Michael Gheer. I’m anxious for him to have as good of a morning as I’m having. His ass needs to be arrested. I could still be in bed with Paige right now, but no. We’re both up and I’m dealing with this shit because of him.

  My phone vibrates again. I print off Gheer’s information for the officers and nab my phone, not surprised to see it’s the now very awake woman I left in my bed.

  Paige: Seriously, though. I’m sorry you’re dealing with the police again. Smooches to you. xoxo

  Smooches? What the fuck do I do with “smooches”?

  I look back to my screen and can’t believe I’m doing what I’m doing when I type the one word.

  Me: Ditto.

  She immediately hits me back.

  Paige: See? This can be fun.

  The only way she’ll stop is if I ignore her, so I stand and slide my phone in my pocket. I need to look at the damage closer and see what the police are doing. Once the sun is officially up, I have about two million phone calls to make—the first being to my Athletic Director. Fucking Michael Gheer is done playing football for me.

  “Here’s the initial check to get you going, less your deductible. Once you start getting bids for the damaged items, we’ll work out the difference. But this should be a start,” the insurance adjuster says, reaching out to shake my hand. “Sorry this happened. Hope this won’t put you out of commission for long.”

  I’m not out of commission, we’ve moved everyone outside for the day. My guys and I have already started ripping out the damage. I’ve ordered new turf and mounds, we’ll be able to clean up the cages. A set of heavy construction doors will be here in the next couple of hours so I can lock up for the night and not have to worry. It’ll take a couple weeks for new doors to be installed.

  It’s late afternoon and just like she promised, Paige and the kids brought lunch from the burger joint where I made my first impression, dumping my drink on her chest. She found this funny and refused to bring me a Dr. Pepper. I got a Coke instead and when she handed it to me, said, “I like this top. No Dr. Pepper for you.”

  Jordy and Cara told me all about pancakes, going to the grocery store, and how after they ate lunch with me they were going to visit Rosa and eat fudgesicles. I got Jordy in the batting cages and pitched to him for a good twenty minutes as Paige and Cara laughed while talking to Zeke. Paige told me her car is ready to pick up earlier than expected since all they had to replace were tires and the piece of glass was in stock. Now I’ve got to make time to clean out my garage tonight so she can park in it. There’s no way I’m taking another chance with her car parked outside. Plus, we need a full night’s sleep. I finally had to send them on their way when the adjuster got here.

  I head to my office to file the insurance papers, but am stopped when I look to the front door. Paige’s brother walks in wearing a suit with another guy I saw at Tony’s birthday party, but didn’t get the chance to meet. He’s tall, big, and looks slightly Hispanic. But what catches my attention is the badge he’s wearing on one side of his belt, with a gun holstered on the other.

  I turn and move to them. Tony’s eyes are alert—and not a happy alert. The one with the badge is looking around, taking in his surroundings.

  I meet them in front of the batting cages and greet them with a chin lift. “Tony.” Looking to the other guy, I stick out my hand. “Cam Montgomery.”

  He greets me. “Jude Ortiz, I’m with the FBI. Good to meet you. My wife, Gabby, is Paige’s cousin.”

  “What the hell happened?” Tony frowns.

  “I had a break-in last night,” I explain. “We’re getting it sorted.”

  “This place is the shit,” Jude says looking around. “Wish I had this when I was young.”

  “You have a lot of people after you?” Tony frowns. “I heard about my sister’s car, not to mention what happened to her. Seems you’ve got some enemies.”

  I do my best to calm my expression. “Just an asshole quarterback who wasn’t happy with a decision. Now he’s not my quarterback anymore and has probably screwed his chances at getting a scholarship. I have surveillance of him trashing my place. My guess? He fucked up Paige’s car, too. It’s the only reasonable explanation.”

  “It’s been a long time since I’ve been in a batting cage.” Jude ignores Tony, still taking everything in.

  “Your shit seems to be pulling my sister in this week. My dad filled me in. I’m pleased your kids are okay, but I’m not pleased about my sister getting hurt,” Tony says, crossing his arms.

  I feel my jaw go hard and lower my voice. “I can promise you, I’m even less pleased.”

  “That’s why we’re here,” Jude cuts in and shoots a look to Tony before turning back to me. “I have information on your ex.”

  I say nothing, but raise my eyebrows and wait to hear what in the hell he could have on fucking Bekki. I almost don’t want to know.

  “She was arrested this morning,” Jude says.

  “Again?” I ask. That was not what I was expecting to hear.

  “Yeah. Detectives had to get their shit in order, couldn’t tell me or Tony, Sr. anything the last couple of days because they were building their case. You remember the guy they caught the night she left your kids alone?” he asks.

  “What about him?”

  “He made a deal with the DA, pled for a lesser charge. He gave up your ex and his buddies—who’re brothers. She was selling them patient files from the hospital where she works,” he informs me.

  “Come again?” I ask quietly, not believing what I’m hearing.

  “Your ex was using her job to steal private patient information and selling it to those thugs. Apparently, building quite a side business for herself and doing it for some time. Hospital security got the tip from police after interrogating the guy arrested the other day. They’ve been watching her every move since she went back to work. It didn’t take her long, the second she downloaded more patient files onto a flash drive this morning, they moved in. They’re looking into her past on every system she had access to at the hospital. They’ll have some hefty charges built against her. Apparently she was late providing what she promised to her buyers the night she left your kids alone and went to download them after hours. She was processed earlier today, I doubt she’ll be getting out on bail this time,” he explains.

  “No shit?” I ask, because even I can’t believe this and I hate fucking Bekki more than anyone.

  “No shit,” Jude affirms. “I hear they have a lock on the brothers. Hope they’ll be in custody soon.”

  I shake my head, thinking Bekki is whacked in the head for trying to pull off that shit. She’s even more selfish and gre
edy than I ever gave her credit for. And that’s saying something, because I thought she was the most selfish, greedy bitch I’ve ever known.

  “Dad’s in court this afternoon, but wanted me to tell you he has all the information and is on top of it. You can breathe easy, you won’t have a problem getting sole custody after this. She’s nailed her own coffin shut,” Tony says, still frowning, which I’m pretty sure is the only way he’s ever looked at me.

  “Tell him thanks. And to send me a bill,” I say with a sigh. I look to Jude, “I appreciate you taking the time to fill me in.”

  “Are you kidding? I got to see your place and meet the man who’s decided to take on Paige Carpino. She’s a handful—you’ve got my respect,” he shoots back with a grin.

  “That’s my sister,” Tony bites out to Jude.

  “I know she’s your sister, but she’s still a handful. The Carpino women are something else. I’m gonna lock Gabby up if she lifts one more rug or oversized piece of decorative shit in and out of her car while she’s pregnant. You got off easy. Leigh’s agreeable,” Jude argues with him.

  “You think she’s so agreeable, you take her car shopping,” Tony mutters.

  I realize I have no fucking clue what they’re talking about, so I change the subject. “You come back in a week or so when I get the cages up and working, I’ll get the pitching machine out, you can hit all you want.”

  “Really?” Jude asks.

  “Anytime.” I look to Tony, “You, too. Just call and I’ll let you know when they’re not scheduled.”

  We say our goodbyes—Jude’s friendly and Tony’s terse. I move to my office to finish what I was doing and try to put fucking Bekki out of my head. Still not able to absorb all she’s done, I’m thrilled I don’t have to worry about my kids going back to her. I’ve got to figure out a way to tell them about their mom. I doubt they’ll be asking anytime soon after what she put them through this week. They’re smart kids, they know she did something wrong.

  But even after getting the call in the middle of the night about the burglary, dealing with the police for the third day in a row, kicking my asshole quarterback off my team for good, and learning what I learned about my ex-wife, I can’t help but smile. And that’s because right now my kids are eating fudgesicles with Paige and her eighty-something-year-old friend. It’s crazy, but at this moment, I don’t think I’ve ever wanted anything more than for my kids to breathe easy and be happy while eating fudgesicles.

  Them having Paige give it to them is icing on my cake. A cake I thought I’d never get, let alone taste. But I’m learning quick that Paige makes everything sweeter.

  Eleven-thirty that night.


  For two hours, that asshole and the black guy have been cleaning out the garage. I’d wonder why he has so much sporting equipment, but after watching him at that Shed place over my lunch hour, I get it now. I can’t see in the garage from where I’m parked down the road, but I can see his driveway and they’ve taken away two truckloads of sports shit. I haven’t followed. If I turn my car or headlights on now, I’ll draw attention to myself.

  I feel my body get tight when I see her for the first time. She walks out of the garage and goes straight to that asshole. Damn if he doesn’t hook her around the neck and pull her to him for a kiss. She looks up at him and smiles so fucking big, I can see it from here, even through the dark. I can’t help but fist my steering wheel so hard my fingers go numb.

  She disengages from his hold and walks straight to her car she just got back today. It didn’t take long to make the repairs from what I did to it the night before last. I can’t believe she got it back so soon. The tires I can see, but the glass? Maybe I should’ve done more damage, but I really just wanted to fuck with him and there was no better way to do it than to fuck with her new car.

  Even though I want to believe she’s leaving, I see she’s barefoot and wearing what I know she calls her “comfy” clothes she lounges in. She gets in her car that her parents just gave her and fucking pulls it into his fucking, fucking garage. It’s all I can do not to scream at the top of my lungs.

  A minute later she walks out, that asshole claiming her around her neck again, pulling her back into his front and they say goodbye to the black guy. He leaves, driving off with the third truckload of sports shit. I about come out of my skin watching him lean down and kiss the side of her head before leading her back into the garage, where the door goes down. It’s clear to see she’s not leaving tonight.

  She’s not leaving.

  And she’s with him.

  She’s fucking with him.

  I’m almost certain she’s never been with anybody and, dammit all to hell, I planned on being that somebody. I waited to be her first for a long fucking time. I had my one-nighters through the years to get me by and had to hide that shit from her. I had our first time planned out—thought through. It was going to be fucking great. I’ve thought it out for so long, I can almost taste her in my mouth.

  But I lost that.

  Okay. All right. Fuck.

  No, it’s okay. She’ll still be mine, but I won’t have to be careful with her now. She won’t be new to it. I can take her hard, do what I want, and our first time will still be fucking great, just in a different way. And I’ll make sure she’s only thinking of me when it happens. Only me.

  I duck as I’ve done the past two times he’s driven by from my spot in the trees. I’ll stay here a little longer, wait for some lights to go out and maybe move in for a closer look. I don’t know, I’ll have to feel it out. I know Paige’s sister and brother-in-law are right next door and he’s always got animals there. I’ve got to be careful, I can’t have a dog barking at me.

  Yeah, I’ll sit back and wait, decide what to do next. I need to think this shit out.

  Or maybe I’ll make new plans since it won’t be her first time. I can write it down later. I lay my head back on my seat and free my cock. Closing my eyes, I start to think. I know once I have her, she’ll want it as much as me. She’ll want it so much, she’ll be willing to wait on it—wait for me to have her whenever I want her.

  I’m already half-hard just thinking about it. But it never takes long when I’m thinking about Paige, and knowing I won’t have to ease her into it is fucking brilliant. Maybe this’ll all work out better than I thought.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Taking A Turn


  “Here’s your prescription and receipt. Thanks,” the clerk says to me as I take them, tossing both in my purse.

  “Thank you.” I smile bigger than my thank you necessitates to the gal checking me out at Walgreens.

  I just left my doctor and came straight here to fill my prescription for birth control. I’m excited, but I think Cam is more excited than a kid at Disney World wearing a mouse-ears hat, with a huge sucker in one hand, cotton candy in the other, and just got an unlimited fast pass for Thunder Mountain.

  Okay, so he might not have shown that much excitement. But in his big-gruff-football-man-way, I could hear him smile big over the phone when he said, “Good news, baby. Something to look forward to.”

  And that right there was enough to make me have to fight back my smile. He had a checkup and got a clean bill of health. I was up next. Even though I can’t start until after my next period, I’m looking forward to it. Just another week or so and we’ll be good to go.

  It’s been a little over five weeks since Cam dumped his drink on me and right at four since we’ve “been together.” It seems like a whirlwind but at the same time I can’t, nor do I want to, remember what my life was like before Cam, Jordy, and Cara. I feel like the shades have been lifted on my life and, where I’d been living in the shadows, the sun now shines big and bright on me every single day. And that sun has given me warmth like I’ve never known.

  But recently, I stopped falling.

  Over the past four weeks, I’ve toppled. I’ve slipped. I’ve tumbled. I’ve skinned my knee. I plummet every ti
me I call Cara “sweet girl” and in return she giggles, “Okay, sweet Paige.” I even took a nose dive when, before his bedtime, Jordy came to hug me tight for many long moments and whispered into my neck, “Thanks for staying with us.”

  And not too many nights ago, that same night he stood in his family room intensely watching Jordy hug me, Cam made love to me slow and sweet, and it was different than it’s been. Ever since I gave him my V-card, it’s been heated and passionate and fiery—we’ve been unable to get enough of each other. But not that night. That night he took his time and, don’t ask me how since I’m learning all this as I go, but I knew it was different. That night he made love to me and afterwards but before sleep, he whisper-thanked me for making life sweeter for them.

  That was when I crashed.

  I’m gone for him. For them.

  I’ve fallen completely and there’s nowhere else to go. I’ve seen it happen a few times with my sisters and cousins, but I never knew it would feel so complete. So right. So perfect, that I know for a fact if it was ripped away, the pain would be unbearable.


  Loving how it feels to have fallen and landed right where I am with Cam, Jordy, and Cara, I turn to move away from the checkout at Walgreens. I’m anxious to pick up the kids from camp because Cam wants us to meet him at The Shed this afternoon.

  But I stop in my tracks when I look up and see him standing there.

  “Hey,” I greet, trying to keep the shock out of my voice.

  Brian’s standing a couple feet from me, trying to look casual, yet appearing alert. Almost hyper-alert with his hands stuffed in his pockets. He doesn’t greet me when he narrows his eyes while tipping his head toward my purse. “You sick?”

  His question sounds like an accusation and, out of instinct, I take a step back. I feel my body go tight, my heart pound, not comfortable with his allegation or why he’s here when I haven’t seen him since our tense meeting at the coffee shop.


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