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The Dark Side of the Earl: Historical Regency Romance

Page 15

by Ella Edon

  She was at the end of the road when she turned and looked again. She could hear the footsteps, but there was no one there. Nobody there at all. Eleanor was confused. There had been someone following her, so where…?

  It was probably someone heading home in a different direction. Eleanor slumped in relief and shook her head.

  “I’m getting spooked at shadows now,” she muttered.

  “Serves you right for going out on your own.”

  Eleanor shrieked and spun around. A tall man with his face bathed in shadow was leaning against the wall in front of her. How had he managed to get there? Surely Eleanor would have seen him. She backed away, shoving her hand in her pocket for her knife.

  “Keep back.” She hated that her voice was wavering. “I’m armed. I will hurt you.”

  “No more than I’ll hurt you for being out on your own, Lady Eleanor.”

  He knew who she was? Then Eleanor peered closer. His face shifted so she could clearly see him under the gaslight overhead. And she found herself staring. What was he doing here?

  “Captain Reynolds? What...what are you doing here?” Eleanor stared at his clothes. “And what are you wearing?”

  Reynolds wasn’t dressed as he had been earlier. That refinery had disappeared, being replaced with simple street clothes the working class would wear, dark-coloured and dirty from his simple cloth cap down to his sturdy boots. It was a strange look on him, as was the grime wiped on his face.

  What the…?

  “It’s just something to help me blend in with the crowd down here.” Reynolds shrugged. He simply lounged against the wall with his hands in his pockets.

  He smelled like a lowerclassman too. Eleanor resisted the urge to wrinkle her nose. She was more confused as to why he was wearing it in the first place. She had heard noblemen could have some weird hobbies, but this was one of the strangest.

  “What on earth are you doing?”

  “I’m on army business.”

  Eleanor rolled her eyes. Army business. “That requires you to walk around in clothes that don’t match your title?”

  “I need to be inconspicuous. No one is going to talk to me if they know I’m a member of the nobility.” Reynolds pushed off the wall, his expression hardening. “And I need answers.”

  “Answers to what?”

  “Like why I’m heading back to rendezvous with my friend, and I see you walking home without an escort.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Eleanor knew that she was blushing, but she didn’t look away. She simply squared her shoulders, lifting her chin defiantly.

  “My footman was unwell, and I didn’t want him getting the children sick, so I sent him home.”

  “Without asking for a replacement to be sent.”

  “I thought I would be home before it got dark, but I got swept up in things again.”

  Reynolds was standing close. A little too close, but Eleanor didn’t back up. She wasn’t going to back up to him, even as she could feel the heat from his body and the smell that threatened to overwhelm her senses. Reynolds adjusted his cap further off his head, his expression set into a stern mask. Eleanor found herself shivering. Why did the sight of an Earl wearing regular clothes, stinking and covered in grime make her heart flutter just as much as he did when he was clean and looking every bit the soldier and gentleman that he was?

  Eleanor had to put her hands behind her back to stop herself from reaching out for him. She was going to get into trouble if she did that.

  “As if I needed more of a reason to stop you from working at that place,” Reynolds grunted.

  Eleanor gritted her teeth. “I’m working there because I need a purpose and they give me that. I love it there. Don’t you dare think about taking that away from me, Captain Reynolds.”

  His eyes flared, and Eleanor bit her lip to stop herself from gasping. Even annoyed, Nathan Reynolds was devastating. She should not be finding him attractive when he was upset.

  Is it possible to find someone this attractive so quickly?

  I’m finding out the hard way.

  “You do realize you could be harmed if you’re out on your own.” Reynolds’ voice was practically a growl. “This is not exactly the most desirable place to be.”

  “I know that, but I can take care of myself.” Eleanor narrowed her eyes. “I’m not as genteel as you might think, Captain.”

  Reynolds’ jaw tightened. He seemed to lean towards her, his head lowering. Was he going to kiss her? Eleanor froze. The last time someone had tried to kiss her, that hadn’t ended well. It had been Leyton, and Eleanor hadn’t allowed anyone to get close since. Was she really contemplating kissing a man she knew only briefly and wearing foul-smelling clothes?

  He could be wearing a sack and you would still want to kiss him.

  Reynolds’ mouth was inches from hers. And Eleanor’s eyes started to close as she waited for his lips to touch hers.

  “Eleanor.” Reynolds sighed and drew back a little, which had Eleanor suddenly feeling cold. “I shouldn’t be telling you, but you’re going to end up getting hurt.”

  Eleanor bristled. “I think we’ve already established that I’m not completely innocent.”

  “I’m being serious here.” Reynolds grimaced. “There are people around here kidnapping children and either using them for various crimes or making them disappear completely. They’re not kind people, and they will happily kill anyone who knows anything about them. With your working at an orphanage, you’ve made yourself a target, someone who could get in the way.”

  Eleanor stared. Now his concern about her charity work made more sense. He was worried that she would get hurt. Normally, that would make Eleanor feel warm and happy that someone cared about her. Instead, it made her suspicious. Reynolds was up to something. No normal man would know about this.

  “How do you know about this?” she demanded. “And don’t you dare say it’s nothing to do with me, because I’m soon to be your wife. I think I deserve to know what’s happening when my future husband keeps sneaking out wearing some garments and smelling like he rolled in horse manure.”

  Reynolds flinched. He rubbed the back of his neck and glanced away. He looked a little uncomfortable. Good. Now he knows how I feel when I’m around him.

  “We rescued many children in France, those who lost their families. We’re fighting a war, but children do not need to be involved.” Reynolds swallowed. “They were meant to come here, be placed in homes and looked after. And they kept vanishing between leaving France and meeting up with our contacts here in London. Some of the crew of various boats we sourced ended up dead.”

  Eleanor was beginning to understand now. Reynolds was showing he was more than just an ordinary noble and soldier. He was involved in something more dangerous than simply fighting the French. Something else was going on, and he was concerned enough to investigate it.

  Captain Nathan Reynolds had compassion. He could truly care about people. This wasn’t just a simple shell with a simple duty to do. He was getting right into it.

  He cared about these children.

  “Is that why you’re prowling around here dressed like you are?” she asked.

  Reynolds nodded, his expression grim.

  “I may be on leave, but I said that I would find out what I could.” He reached out and brushed his fingers over her jaw, which had Eleanor catching her breath. “And I know that you could be in danger if you carry on working with the children. Especially if several of them have vanished recently.”

  He had legitimate concerns, and Eleanor could see his point. Especially when he kept touching her like this. But it wasn’t going to stop her. Eleanor carefully moved her head away. She couldn’t focus properly when he was touching her.

  “We don’t know that they children vanished because of this gang. I’m not going to stop helping these children. They are vulnerable, they’re more susceptible.”

  “Those protecting them could end up hurt or worse,” Reynolds shot back. �
��That means you.”

  Eleanor lifted her chin. “I’d die before I let anyone hurt those children.”

  Reynolds’ eyes flared up, either with anger or something else. Maybe a bit of both.

  “That’s what I was afraid you’d say.” He stepped towards her, his chest brushing against hers. “A woman of your standing shouldn’t be doing that.”

  “And a man of your standing shouldn’t be creeping about the streets of London dressed like a chimney sweep or a dung-gatherer,” Eleanor shot back.

  His mouth twitched in a slight smile, and Reynolds gave a slight nod. “Fair play, my Lady.” He cupped her jaw, his thumb brushing across her lips. “Fair play.”

  His kiss was soft and sweet, brushing his lips over hers in a simple caress. Eleanor sighed and found herself leaning into him, her hand resting against his chest. She could feel his heart beneath her fingers. Reynolds groaned, sliding his fingers into her hair. It made some of the pins dig into Eleanor’s scalp, but Eleanor ignored the pain. It faded away as Nathan Reynolds kissed her.

  “God, Eleanor,” he growled as he broke the kiss, resting his forehead against hers, “the things you do to me. This shouldn’t be happening.”

  “What shouldn’t?” Eleanor blinked up at him. “Nathan?”

  Reynolds’ eyes seemed to glow under the gaslight. A rumble sounded deep in his chest, and Eleanor thought he was going to kiss her again. Dear God, she wanted him to. But then Reynolds let her go abruptly, making Eleanor sway. He stepped back, out of reach, and cleared his throat as he shoved his hands into his pockets.

  “I’m going to walk you home, and if you do go back to the orphanage, do not send your escort home. Under no circumstances.”

  “I…” It took a moment for Eleanor to gather her thoughts again. She narrowed her eyes. “You worried about me, Captain Reynolds?”

  Reynolds didn’t immediately respond, his eyes drifting over her face. His gaze settled on her mouth for a moment before he cleared his throat and looked away.

  “You think I shouldn’t worry about my future wife?” he growled. “Even if she is infuriating?”

  Eleanor had no response to that.

  Nathan walked Eleanor home, taking care not to walk too close or to touch her. The urge to touch her back or offer his arm to her was great, but Nathan knew it would look very suspicious if someone saw them walking along. They would certainly not be impressed, and while Nathan could explain himself, he didn’t want to put Eleanor in that position of being embarrassed - and it would mean explaining why he was dressed like one of the masses.

  He had talked his way out of things before, but this was something different. Now it involved someone else.

  Keep telling yourself that. You just know if you touch her that your resolve to keep restrained is going to disappear like it almost did when you kissed her.

  Was it possible to find one’s control lowering when one was around a particular woman? Nathan hadn’t thought it was possible. Simon had said it was, and he had felt that way when he first met his wife. But Nathan thought it was utter rubbish. It couldn’t be possible that someone could lose their self-restraint because of one person.

  Now he was finding out very quickly is was possible.

  He shouldn’t have kissed her. Nathan should have kept his hands to himself. But Eleanor...she just made him want. He wasn’t sure what, but he wanted a lot, and all of it involved her. She had tasted so sweet as well, she was so innocent, but Nathan could sense her fire. Eleanor Heavenly was a remarkable woman, even if he didn’t know whether to shake her or kiss her. Probably both.

  Nathan took her to the side door and waited until Eleanor had stepped inside, looking over her shoulder with a sweet smile in his direction. Nathan had to stop himself from going after her for a goodnight kiss, shoving his hands into his pockets as he turned away and headed back towards the orphanage. He was going to meet Simon there and then they would head to his home to wash and change. Vanity would certainly be asking questions if he came home like this.

  As he walked back, Nathan couldn’t stop thinking about Eleanor. Seeing her walking along the street on her own had brought up a myriad of emotions. Nathan didn’t know whether to be scared for her, annoyed that she was alone or angry that she thought she was going to be fine.

  The urge to kiss her won out. And from the way Eleanor had started to lean into him, she was a willing participant. She had kissed him back. It had taken all his self-control to step back and stop himself from doing more than kissing her right there.

  How could a woman be so infuriating and so desirable at the same time? And so quickly? Nathan had only met her twice, three times now, and while they seemed to converse well on a lot of topics, Eleanor was an opinionated, open-minded person who wasn’t about to let someone walk all over her. Someone like that shouldn’t be so attractive, but she was.

  Nathan had thought his mother was mad about this arrangement. Now he was curious. Where had Vanity managed to find her? From what Eleanor said, she preferred to keep away from social engagements. She was practically a recluse with her father. Vanity was a social magnet. Everyone flocked to her and she loved the drama. They were as opposite as you could get, so how did they even meet? Vanity seemed just as surprised as Nathan that Eleanor was showing herself to be surprisingly suitable for him.

  Then Nathan thought back to what Eleanor had said earlier. She had told him earlier in the day about the letter she had received and had shown it to him. Nathan was surprised at the content. It was far too flowery for him, almost like it had been written with a forced hand, and it was signed by the Earl of Brixton. Eleanor had said as soon as Nathan had told her how he wanted to be addressed she knew the letter wasn’t from him. She hadn’t been fooled.

  Which begged the question of who had written the letter in the first place. Nathan had no idea what was going on. Vanity had somehow plucked this woman out of thin air and presented her to him. She had to have had help, asked for a favour, or called on a favour owed perhaps. It was the only thing Nathan could think of.

  Something wasn’t right at all. Nathan was going to get to the bottom of this. He didn’t think he was going to get out of this marriage, especially since he had now reluctantly agreed to it. It kept his mother off his back, and at least she had managed to choose someone he could get along with. Eleanor was suitable for him, and she certainly wasn’t boring. Frustrating, but not boring.

  Nathan had wondered over the last couple of days why Eleanor hadn’t been married years ago. She was a beautiful woman, and even with her temperament and her firm beliefs she would have been considered a perfect wife. Her family’s wealth wouldn’t have been so bad ten years ago during her first season. If anything, she might have been considered quite a catch. So why was she still unmarried? A woman like her should be married with several children by now.

  Was there something in Eleanor’s past that stopped her from getting married? Was there a dark secret that she feared revealing? Nathan highly doubted it but was intrigued as to why she was still unmarried. An extraordinary woman like Eleanor Heavenly without a champion.

  Nathan found himself wanting to be that champion.

  So much for seeing this as a business arrangement. You just want her for more.

  Nathan ignored his jeering thought. He had to keep this as a business arrangement. No getting his heart involved. But that was easier said than done when he was struggling to stop thinking about kissing her.

  Eleanor was going to be far more trouble than she was worth.

  Nathan was sure that there was someone following him, but each time he turned around there was nobody there. Footsteps were coming from somewhere, but Nathan couldn’t see who they belonged to. Was someone following him or was he just jumping at shadows?

  Nathan reached into his pocket for his pistol. He wasn’t taking any chances.

  Then pain exploded in the back of his head. Nathan stumbled and fell onto his hands and knees. Stars were appearing before his eyes, and the w
orld tilted. Someone then kicked him in the ribs, knocking all the wind out of him. Nathan ended up on his back, clutching at his chest. Another kick went into his side, which made Nathan want to be sick.

  Get up, you fool. Get up and fight!

  Nathan tried, but the world was still spinning. Then a heavy weight landed on his chest and something long and thick pressed down on his neck. Nathan tried to cry out, but he couldn’t breathe. He bucked and writhed, but he couldn’t get out. He was truly trapped.

  Now he was beginning to panic. This can’t be happening. No! I don’t want to die like this.

  He was starting to slip into blackness when there was someone shouting. Nathan couldn’t hear the words, but he knew someone else was there. Suddenly, the weight on his neck and chest disappeared, causing Nathan to gasp for air. He rolled onto his side, pressing his head against the cobbles as there was the sound of a scuffle and running feet.


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