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The Dark Side of the Earl: Historical Regency Romance

Page 19

by Ella Edon

  “He confronted me at the club this morning. Said that you were his and our marriage was never happening.”

  Eleanor’s eyes widened. Then she turned away with a groan.

  “Oh, for goodness sake. Can’t he just leave me alone?”

  “He’s been bothering you for ten years?”

  “Only a year and then he left London suddenly. I didn’t think too much of it at the time as I was tending to Mother. She was very sick.” Eleanor shuddered, wrapping her arms around her waist. “Then when she died, I went into mourning. Even after I came out of it, I didn’t want to go and see anyone. I kept to myself, focused on the orphanage Mother used to help at when she was still alive. Father’s drinking and gambling had gotten worse after her death, and it was the talk of society. Even if I had gone back into society, I wouldn’t have been able to find a prospective husband with little to no dowry.”

  So, circumstances had resulted in Eleanor still being unmarried at eight-and-twenty. Nathan thought it was a shame people didn’t look past that and saw the woman at the centre of it. Then he found himself glad about it.

  So much for this being a simple marriage arrangement. You just had to get emotionally involved.

  He approached her, stepping carefully around her and leaning against the window frame. If he stood any closer to her, Nathan was going to touch her again, and he knew he had pushed the boundaries already. He needed to keep himself with a level head.

  Easier said than done.

  “Did you ever want to marry?”

  “Sometimes. Other times, I figured it was better to be on my own.” Eleanor shrugged. “Now, I suppose neither of us have any choice about it. I feel awful for putting you in this position.”

  “It’s not your fault.”

  “I feel like it is.”

  Nathan smiled. She was far too compassionate.

  Even if he could get out of it now - the banns were being drawn up already at Vanity’s insistence - Nathan knew he couldn’t. Eleanor had grabbed hold of his attention more than he anticipated.

  “Eleanor, we’re both stuck with something we didn’t agree to, in theory, but I think we can make the most of it.”

  “You think so?”

  “I’m sure.” Nathan sighed. “I will be arguing with you on your work with the orphanage…”

  “And I’ll be arguing about you being in the army and how can that be any less dangerous.” Eleanor shot back.

  “I’m fighting for my country.”

  Eleanor lifted her chin, her eyes flashing in defiance. “And I’m trying to make sure we have another generation for this country.”

  She was not backing down. It was clear in the way she returned his glare. They were going to be having a big discussion about this later. Especially if Nathan found out that Eleanor’s attack in her own home was due to her work at the orphanage. They knew where she lived and were threatening her.

  If that was the case, Nathan would be locking Eleanor in a room and keeping hold of the key. A bit too much, and Eleanor would kick up a storm, but it would keep her safe.

  “What’s your relationship with Lady Chapman, Captain Reynolds?”

  Nathan blinked. “I beg your pardon?”

  “Lady Lorraine Chapman. I’m guessing you knew her years ago. I want to know what’s going on there.” Eleanor squared her shoulders as she folded her arms. “Because while I know this is an arrangement, I will not stand for any affairs.”

  “I wouldn’t doubt it.” The thought of taking a mistress had never come into his mind. But Lorraine? Nathan shuddered. “I certainly wouldn’t have an affair with her.”

  “So, you do know her?”

  “Since our first season, but she’s someone I don’t want anything to do with. She’s been…” Nathan grimaced. “I don’t think the word obsessed quite works with her. Mother dropped a few hints in her direction when she saw us interact that I found her interesting and she should push to have a courtship. So, Lorraine did, and she wouldn’t stop when I told her no.”

  Eleanor arched an eyebrow. “You’ll be telling me next that you enlisted in the army to get away from her.”

  “It was one of the contributing factors, certainly.” Nathan pushed himself off the window frame. “Unfortunately, she saw me the same day I got off the boat. She seems to think that as she’s now a widow, and as I’m still unmarried, that we can finally have something.”

  “And you don’t want to have something?”

  Was there relief in her voice? Nathan shook his head.

  “No. I can’t stand her. Why are you asking, anyway? I didn’t think you knew her.”

  “She donates to the orphanage. I think she tries to do it to look charitable, but she just looks down her nose at them.” Eleanor huffed. “She also came here yesterday. Tried to tell me that you and she had a prior agreement.”

  “And you believed her?”

  “No, I didn’t. But I had to talk to you about it.” Eleanor’s eyes narrowed. “If she’s going to be a problem here, I want her gone. I won’t be sharing you.”

  That sounded more possessive than anything, but Nathan wasn’t offended. He found himself smiling.

  “Anyone hearing you speak would say you were jealous.”

  “Not jealous.” But a slight flush on her cheeks gave her away. “I just don’t want to share my husband. That’s not fair.”

  “You needn’t worry. You won’t share me with her or any other woman.” Nathan raised his eyebrows. “Just as, I hope, I won’t be sharing you with another man.”

  “No. I like to say that I’m loyal.”

  “Same here. I may not be for marriage, but I’m not a cad.”

  Eleanor nodded. “Nice to know where we stand.”

  Then Nathan realized where he was standing. He had been shifting closer to Eleanor as he talked, and he hadn’t even noticed. Now he stood before her, close enough to touch her.

  And he did. He reached out and brushed his hand over her cheek, the one that wasn’t injured. Eleanor sighed, her eyes fluttering closed as she leaned into his touch. Nathan cupped her jaw in his hand, feeling her soft, warm skin. A slight smile drifted across Eleanor’s mouth, and her lips brushed against his palm. Lust slammed into him.

  She was not cut from the same mould as other people. Whatever strange things were going on that had pushed them together, Nathan was beginning to feel glad about it.


  Nathan froze. She hadn’t said his name before, and Nathan had felt his chest tighten. Just hearing her say his Christian name had emotions he wasn’t used to swirling around in his belly.

  “Say my name again, Eleanor.” He brushed his thumb across her lips, shivering as Eleanor kissed the pad of his thumb. “Say it.”

  Eleanor opened her eyes, looking up at him with a burning displayed that had Nathan groaning.


  It sounded good to hear that, but Nathan was frozen. He knew if he kissed her now, he wouldn’t be able to stop. There was something about Eleanor that made him want to throw the rules about society out of the window.

  Instead, Eleanor took the initiative. She pressed her hand to his chest and rose up on tiptoe, pausing with her mouth inches from his. Then she kissed him, a soft, gentle kiss that had Nathan groaning again. Even with all the fire there, she was delicate. Sweet.

  It was almost too much for him, but Nathan managed to hold himself back. He had to. Anyone could walk in. Even now, they were walking a fine line. Nathan would not have Eleanor embarrassed.

  Eleanor pressed herself against him as she kissed him harder. Then she broke away with a gasp, almost falling back. Nathan grabbed her and held her close. Eleanor stared at him with wide eyes, her pupils so dilated they turned her eyes black. She swallowed.


  Nathan didn’t need to guess. His arousal had built to a level that he couldn’t hide physically. Now Eleanor was practically up against his hardness, her belly pressed to his erection. It would
be difficult to hide how he was really feeling right now.

  Nathan swallowed. “I think we’d better stop.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I won’t ruin you by giving in to basic desires. But know that it’s for you.”

  Eleanor was panting, her cheeks flushed. Her mouth opened and closed, her tongue snaking out to lick her lips. Then she cleared her throat and eased back, smoothing her hands down her skirts. She was now looking anywhere but at him, her face getting even redder.

  “Would...would you like some tea, Captain? I’m sure Cook can rustle up something.”

  She was remembering where they were. Nathan needed to do the same himself. Much as he didn’t want to. He swallowed and turned away.

  “I’d like that, thank you.”

  Hopefully, by the time the tea tray came in, he would be in a state that wouldn’t be embarrassing.

  You need to make your excuses and get out of here before you do something stupid.

  Too late.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “So, how is it?” Marion slipped her arm through Eleanor’s as they walked through the garden. “Is Captain Reynolds growing on you?”

  Eleanor found herself smiling, warmth blossoming in her chest at the mention of Nathan.

  “I’d say he is. He’s not like anyone I’ve met, certainly.”

  “I can tell.” Marion grinned. “You go red and smile whenever he’s mentioned. And I swear you walk with a lighter step.”

  Eleanor knew that much. It had been a change to her since first meeting Nathan. It had been ten days since their first meeting, and on seven of those days they had met and spent time together. They didn’t go out anywhere - Eleanor’s bruises were only just beginning to fade - choosing to meet either at Eleanor’s home or at Nathan’s house where they would walk in the gardens or simply sit on the terrace. The weather had been very accommodating for that. Each time they were together, Eleanor felt herself feeling warm, protected. Happy, even.

  Nathan was not like anyone she had encountered before. He was a remarkable man, and even he seemed to be loosening up to the thought they were entering a convenient marriage. And those kisses...he certainly could kiss well. Eleanor had longed for another kiss, but they weren’t alone long enough for her to taste him again. They were closely monitored. But Eleanor could still remember those two kisses and how aroused Nathan had been. It made Eleanor shiver thinking about what could happen on their wedding night.

  He’s certainly going to leave you shaking all over.

  He was still urging her not to go to the orphanage, but Eleanor wasn’t going to stop because he told her to. She had already taken a week off after the attack - she didn’t want to scare the children or the nuns with her bruises - and as soon as she looked presentable enough to be outside, Eleanor was going back. Nothing was going to stop her looking after the orphans, not even the handsome man she was about to marry.

  Marry. Eleanor hadn’t thought that would ever happen. She thought she would become a spinster and live alone for the rest of her life. The only way she would end up married would have been nothing short of a miracle at her age. Now that miracle had happened.

  Eleanor was still concerned about how it had come about. Something shady was going on, she was sure of it. But she couldn’t argue with the man who had been chosen. Nathan was showing himself to be a good man, through and through. He was very interesting, and Eleanor was happy to listen to his stories about his time in France. Especially if it meant listening to his voice.

  If only she could stop the desire building. She did find him desirable. Eleanor had to keep her hands to herself, otherwise she would be reaching out and touching him at any given opportunity. She hadn’t touched him since he held her hand in her drawing room that day, except for Nathan to kiss her hand as a parting farewell whenever they went their separate ways. Eleanor could still feel his lips on her knuckles even a day later. And from the way Nathan had looked at her when his guard lowered, he was thinking the same thing.

  How many times had there been a moment when she thought Nathan was going to kiss her? Quite a few, and Eleanor shivered as she remembered each one. If only he would kiss her. She certainly wouldn’t be pushing him away if he did. A few times Eleanor had wondered what Nathan would do if she took the initiative to kiss him, but then she pushed it away. She didn’t want to be pushed away and Nathan emotionally pull back. He had done that a couple of times himself, and Eleanor didn’t want to go through that.

  Where was her confidence when she needed it?



  Marion jiggled her friend’s arm. “You wandered off in your own little world there. Where did you go?”

  “Oh?” Eleanor cleared her throat, knowing that her face was going even redder. “Apologies, Marion. I was...a little distracted.”

  “I noticed.” Marion giggled. “I never thought I’d see you falling for a man like Nathan Reynolds.”

  Neither did Eleanor. Men like Nathan didn’t come along every day. She would be a fool to abuse her chance. Strange. Only two weeks ago, she didn’t want to get married and was furious at the thought of having that decision taken away from her. Now Eleanor couldn’t wait to get married. The banns were due to be posted on Sunday and while Eleanor hadn’t been proposed to, both her and Nathan knew what was going to happen.

  Still, it would be nice to be proposed to. Even if it was a proposal of friendship rather than love.

  Love. Eleanor was in love, and she couldn’t say it out loud. Not if she didn’t wanted Nathan to back away. He had made it clear that he wanted a friendship out of this marriage, that’s all it would be. A marriage of friendship and respect.

  So why did he look like he wanted to kiss her?

  “Do you think you’ll be able to cope being married to him?” Marion asked as they reached the koi pond. “Seeing as he’s going back to France once you know you’re pregnant.”

  “I think so.” Eleanor shrugged, staring out at the fountain that sprinkled water in a delicate waterfall into the pond. “Although I have a feeling, I’m going to be lonelier than I anticipate with Nathan being away so much.”

  “You never know, you might get lucky.” Marin squeezed her arm. “He might want to stay here.”

  “He’s a career soldier, Marion. I’ve known that since I met him. Nothing’s going to keep him away from that.”

  “Not even the love of a good woman?” Marion teased.

  Eleanor sighed. “Not even then.”

  “Then maybe his love for you might get him to stay.”

  “Don’t be daft, Marion.”

  “You don’t think he loves you?” Marion smiled. “I know he’s more than impressed with you. Every time you’re together, he can’t take his eyes off you. You might not think he’s in love with you, but I know he is.”

  Eleanor had to smile at Marion’s optimism. She wasn’t the only one who was experiencing the fluttering in her chest whenever she was around a man. Marion had chaperoned Eleanor each time she and Nathan were together, and on two occasions the Earl of Reading had come along to be with his friend. Eleanor had noticed the way Marion blushed and became a stuttering fool around him. She couldn’t blame Marion for that; Lord Reading was certainly a very handsome man. Any woman would be blessed to have his attention.

  Marion had just added herself to that group of women.

  But Eleanor didn’t want to get her hopes up about Nathan loving her. It would make her start thinking about having a marriage that was loving. As in to love her future husband more than a friend, not a convenient marriage for both. Eleanor knew if she started thinking that, she was going to get disappointed when that fell flat.

  “Oh, Eleanor.” Marion wrapped her arms around her friend. “Come here. There’s no need to look like that.”

  “Look like what?”

  “Like the world is about to collapse. Your smile dropped, and you started to look sad.” Marion squeezed Eleanor’s shoulders before stepping back. “
It’s going to be all right. That man loves you. You don’t need him to say it aloud to know it.”

  “I need to hear it, though. Then I’ll know I’m not a fool for feeling like I do.”

  “I know.” Marion took Eleanor’s hands. “It’s going to be fine. At the very least, you’re going to have a marriage where your husband likes and respects you. If he doesn’t love you now, he certainly will soon.”

  Eleanor had to smile at that. Marion sounded so sure about it. It was like she was determined that this was going to happen more than Eleanor. She had always been a romantic at heart, and the notion of a romance made Marion turn into a silly sap. It would always work out because love went that way. Love was everything once it got involved.


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