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Three Words (Whiskey River Road Book 3)

Page 13

by Kelly Moore

  “That’s a lot coming from you.” He chuckles.

  He and I have come miles since I first stepped foot back on the ranch. I thought him only an asshole. Who knew he had a sweet side? He hid it well under his gruff exterior.

  “To think, all this time, I thought Bear was the sweet one,” I tease.

  “Don’t you going telling anyone otherwise.” He kisses the top of my head.

  Ellie’s phone rings. She answers it as she walks through the screen door to the house.

  “We’ve got a couple more hours of work to do with the cattle,” Boone tells the men. Ethan, Bear, and Noah follow him into the corral.

  “Can we bake cookies now?” Missy whines.

  “We sure can.” Nita smiles at her.

  Daddy follows the two of them in the house.

  Ellie comes back out, looking as if she’s in a hurry.

  “You okay?” I grab her hand before she steps off the porch.

  “Yeah. Ian says that Watkins has been unusually grumpier today. He needs me to review some contracts for him.” She turns to Wyatt. “I left them at your house the other day when you were reviewing them with me.”

  “I’m headed there now,” he says.

  “Wait,” I holler at Ellie.


  “We haven’t had time to catch up the last couple of days. How are things going with you and Ian?”

  “He’s left the ball in my court.” She blows out a long breath.

  “What are you going to do?”

  “I’m going to find the words to tell him how I feel. The thought of him leaving again breaks my heart.”

  I hug her to me. “I’m so glad. He’s the perfect man for you.”

  “What if I’m not perfect for him?” Tears glisten in her eyes.

  “Why, Ellie Calhoun. What would ever make you think such a thing? The man clearly adores you.”

  She whispers. “You know the things I’ve done.”

  “And so does Ian.” I hold firm in my response. “Don’t you go letting doubt seep into your heart, or you’re going to lose him again. You’re lucky enough to have a second chance with the man that owns your heart and soul. There won’t be a third one.”

  She hugs me hard. “Thanks, Sis.” She lets go, rushing down the steps.

  “Go get ’em, Ellie!” I cheer her on.

  Boone stomps in my direction. “What was that all about?”

  “Nothing. Just some girl talk.” I bat my eyes.

  “Should I warn Ian.” He chuckles, grabbing my ass and pulling me close to him.

  “I love you dearly, but you smell like manure.” I scrunch my nose.

  “Does that mean you don’t wanna go roll in the hay with me.” His voice his husky on my skin, lighting a fire between my legs.

  “I thought you had hours of work to do?”

  “The men can handle it for a bit without me.” He rubs his scruff on my neck. “I promise to make you scream.”

  “Now that would be worth you making my Twinkie stinky,” I purr.

  “One of these days you’re going run out of them naughty words of yours.” His laugh vibrates my entire body.

  I take his hand, leading him to the barn. “Then I’ll just have to make up some new ones.” I giggle.

  “Gawd, I love you,” he says, shutting the door behind us.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I call Ian on the short drive to Wyatt’s place. “Hey, cowboy,” I say when he answers.

  “Hey, beautiful.”

  “I need to see you. Do you think you could come to my place tonight?”

  “Try to keep me away.” His voice sounds smooth and sexy.

  “I won’t have time to cook, so I’ll order us something.”

  “I’ve got to go into town. I’ll pick a couple of the daily specials from the cafe.”

  “That sounds good. Can you get a bottle of wine while you’re at it?”

  “Are we celebrating something?” I can almost hear the corner of his mouth lift in a crooked grin, and he sounds so hopeful.

  “You’ll have to wait and find out.” I’m all smiles wanting to tell him now, but it’d be much sweeter done in person. He deserves to be looking me in the eye when I tell him I love him.

  “I’m nothing, if not a patient man,” he responds with a chuckle.

  “Plan on putting that piercing to good use,” I say breathlessly. Just thinking about that little ball on the tip of his cock makes me squirm.

  “I look forward to it,” he chokes out with a sexy groan.

  “I’ll see you then.” I hang up as I get to Wyatt’s house. I go directly into his office, where I know I’ll find him. He’s already on the phone. I help myself, rummaging through his desk drawers. I grab the file, and when I start to leave, I hear him say something that stops me.

  “All his assets are frozen. What about the charges brought against him?”

  I do an about-face and sit in the leather chair opposite Wyatt, waiting to hear the rest.

  He listens, then responds. “Tell the judge, thank you for the favor.” He hangs up, slapping his hand on the desk. “We did it! Granger’s been arrested, and all his money will be tied up for a long time.”

  “That might explain Watkins’s bad mood,” I say.

  “You need to be done with him, and so does Ian.”

  “Now that we have him by the balls, there’s no reason for me to work for him anymore. I’ll convince Ian tonight to break his contract.”

  “I don’t think you’ll have to twist his arm.” He chuckles.

  “That’s not what I was planning on twisting,” I snort.

  “Lord, Ellie. As if Clem wasn’t bad enough, I have to hear about your sex life too?”

  “You know, I could give you some pointers with Margret.” I laugh.

  “No, thanks. I don’t need your help. I got moves of my own.” He sits up tall, and I nearly pee my pants, laughing so hard.

  “Oh please, do tell.” I slap my knee.

  “Not on your life.” He points in my direction.

  “What’s so damn funny?” Watkins's voice behind me has me jumping out of my chair.

  There’s a big burly man walking in behind him. A rush of fear mingles with my blood when he reaches his hand behind him, locking the office door.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask. My words sound shaky and clipped.

  “I’ve come for those files.” He motions toward the ones sitting on the desk.

  Wyatt makes a beeline to my side, moving next to me. “What’s your hired hand doing locking my door?” His tone is threatening.

  “Neither one of you have any right asking me questions after what you’ve pulled off.” His man pulls out a gun.

  Wyatt protectively pushes me behind him. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Of course, it’s a lie, but hopefully, my brother has covered his tracks.

  “Your sister knows exactly what happened.” Watkins hikes up his pants.

  “Whatever it is, I’m sure we can settle it without a gun being aimed at us.” Wyatt’s hands are in the air.

  “She drugged me, then stole private information.” Watkins spits as he talks.

  I move from behind Wyatt. “How’d you find out?” I act brave, trying not to let him hear the panic crawling at my throat.

  “Ellie, shut the fuck up,” Wyatt snarls with his teeth clenched together.

  “Your boyfriend, Ian, missed one of the cameras. None of it felt right for days. Imagine my surprise when I had my men go back and watch the feed from that night.”

  “Did you really think a woman like me would fuck a man like you?” I get in his face, ignoring my heart beating against my ribcage.

  He snatches me by the hair. “A woman like you would fuck anyone!”

  Wyatt tries to grab him, but the big guy presses the gun against his temple.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” he grits out with an ugly snarl on his face.

  “Let her
go,” Wyatt barks.

  Watkins lets out a mirthless chuckle, tossing me backward. “You don’t get to tell me what to do, Mayor,” he spits. “I’m sure your hand was in this since my partner went to jail. You’re the only one smart enough in this family to pull this shit off.”

  “It was all my idea. Let Ellie go.”

  “No!” I yell in Watkins’s face. “You came to this town to steal our land along with all the other ranchers. You were dumb if you thought we’d sit back and let you get away with it!”

  He rears back, smacking me across the face so hard, I fall back against the desk with a sudden dull ache gathered behind my brow.

  Wyatt goes after him, and I hear the gun go off. A sharp scream of agony fills the room as Wyatt goes toppling to the ground. His hand is grasped on his thigh, blood bubbling between his fingers.

  “You bastard!” I scramble to Wyatt only to have Watkins pull me back by the hair again.

  “I may be a bastard, but you’re nothing more than a whore.” I can’t get away from him. His fist hits me hard in the face several times.

  Pain racks through my cheek, feeling as if the bones might shatter. I claw at his neck, scratching him deeply, and ripping his skin. “You bitch!” he belts out with a punch to my stomach. It hurts so bad, I double over, trying to catch my breath.

  Between the layers of my hair, I see my brother trying to get up but collapses before he makes it to his knees. Watkins’s man aims his gun at Wyatt’s forehead.

  “Stop!” I cry loudly. “I’ll do whatever you want. Just leave him alone.”

  “Ellie!” Wyatt has sheer fear in his eyes. “Don’t!”

  “How sweet, you two trying to save the other.”

  “You won’t get away with this.” My gaze bites down hard on him.

  “Oh, but I will. By the time they find your body, we’ll be long gone.”

  “You bastard!” I charge with all my might toward him, getting in a few good licks to his gut before he twists my arm behind my back to the point my shoulder snaps out of its joint. My blood-curdling scream fills the room. He pushes so hard I bend forward. When I do, he throws a knee to my ribs. Falling to the ground, he kicks me with his boot. The sickening crunch of my ribs breaking has me sprawling to the floor, clutching my side.

  I hear Wyatt move and another gunshot. He falls back with another bullet in the same leg. Sucking in what air I have left, I crawl over to him. His hands are pressed hard on his thigh, keeping him from bleeding out, and his face is growing paler. My hands shake as I unfasten his belt, slowly pulling it out of its loops. I get it around his leg before Watkins stops me, yanking me off him.

  The big guy leans down, grasping the belt, tossing it out of Wyatt’s reach.

  “You don’t get to save him.” Watkins punches me again in the face. Then he turns me around, facing the desk. He rips my dress up over my ass. The sound of his zipper coming down has me begging for him to stop.

  “Please don’t do this!” I cry.

  He has one hand in the middle of my back, pushing me into the hard desk. His other hand is at his crotch. He cusses a few times. I feel his soft dick attempting to push into my backside. An uncontrollable laugh bursts from my throat.

  He jerks me up by the hair. “What’s so fucking funny!” he roars.

  “You can’t even get it up!” I continue laughing. I have no idea why I’m antagonizing him.

  “Kill him!” He points to Wyatt, who’s passed out on the floor.

  “No! I’m sorry!” I scream. I bend back over the desk, hiking my dress up. “Do what you want to me, but leave him alone.”

  He picks me up, throwing me against the wall. I fall, hitting my head on the corner of the desk. Pain seers through me as my vision blurs.

  “Boss. We need to get out of here. I’m sure they’ve heard the gunshots by now. Do you want me to kill them?” he asks, raising the gun in my direction.

  Watkins squats, brushing my blood-soaked hair out of my face. “No. It will be more fun when they don’t expect it. Just about the time you think I’m out of your life for good, I’ll show up again to make your families’ lives a living hell. There will be dead bodies in my wake.” He stands and spits on the floor, shoving his man out the door with him close behind.

  Every part of me hurts, but I force myself to drag my aching body over to Wyatt. I’m barely able to stretch out to pull the belt over to him. I let out a cry of pain when my ribs protest. I strap it around his thigh and pull with all my strength with one hand. Once I see the bleeding has slowed, I try to wake him.

  “Wyatt!” His face is so pale I’m afraid it’s too late. “Wyatt!” I smack his cheek. His head falls to the side, his eyes never opening.

  With all my might, despite the pain raging through my body, I use the corner of the desk to pull myself up. Knocking the receiver off the phone, I dial Boone’s number. It’s the only one that comes to mind quickly. The room starts to spin right before I hear Boone answer as the room goes dark.

  My eyes slit open to Boone’s desperate voice. “Ellie.” He eases me onto my back. “Let me check your injuries.”

  “Wyatt.” His name barely comes out. I roll my head to the side to see Ethan and Bear working on him.

  “Did Watkins do this?” Boone’s hands are gently roaming over me. “Fuck!” he growls.

  “What is it?” Bear turns in my direction. “Her ribs are broken, and her shoulder is dislocated. She may have internal injuries.”

  “Watkins and one of his men,” I whisper because it hurts to talk.

  “An ambulance is on its way,” Ethan says.

  I close my eyes, again, only to be woken by Ian this time. “I’ll fucking kill him with my bare hands!”

  “Ian,” I say through the dryness of my lips. I look over, and Wyatt’s gone.

  I attempt to sit, but I’m jarred back down when pain slices through me. “Where is he?” I cry.

  “Bear and Ethan loaded him in the truck to take him to the hospital.”

  “Where is the damn ambulance!” Boone yells out the door.

  I try to move again.

  “Don’t. Lay still. You may do more harm if you move.” Ian is brushing my hair out of my face.

  “Did you catch Watkins?” I say to Boone.

  “No. He was long gone by the time we figured out where the gunshots were coming from. I’m so sorry we didn’t get here in time.” Boone is squatting over me.

  “Did he…” Ian’s tears fall on my skin. “Did he rape you?”

  I reach up, cupping his face. “No.”

  “Finally!” Boone says, standing with the sound of sirens. He rushes out, and in a few moments, two paramedics are bringing in a stretcher and equipment.

  Ian gets up, letting them examine me. “Start an IV,” one guy tells the other. “Can you follow my fingers with your eyes?” He holds a single finger out, moving it from side to side. It makes me nauseous, and I close my eyes. “We need to get her to the hospital,” he says.

  They place the gurney beside me and gently lift me onto it. I wince, and Ian is at my side. “Sorry, baby.” He kisses my forehead. “You’re going to be okay. I promise.”

  “I’m so tired,” I whisper, barely able to keep my eyes open.

  “Go to sleep.”

  My eyes drift close, then pop open. “Don’t leave me,” I say.

  “I’m not going anywhere. I promise to be by your side when you wake up.”

  My head hurts so bad it feels as if there’s a hostile squatter inside, and I succumb to the pain, shutting my eyes.

  Chapter Eighteen


  “When I get my hands on him, I’m going to fucking kill him!” My voice hisses through the truck as Boone speeds down the dirt road, following closely behind the ambulance.

  “I don’t think anyone is going to fight you on that.” Boone turns onto the main road hard, jarring me against the door.

  “This is all my fault. I should’ve drug her ass kicking and screaming out of Watkins�
�s house that night.”

  “Ellie’s headstrong. She was determined to protect our family from him. There wasn’t anything you could’ve done to convince her not to go after Watkins.”

  I slam my fist on the dashboard. “Bullshit! She’s mine to protect, and I let her down.”

  Boone presses me with a hard stare. “I don’t think a woman like Ellie belongs to anyone. She’d tear you a new one if she heard you say that.”

  My shoulders sag as I lean back, letting a long sigh. “I was wrong to ever leave her. I should’ve taken her any way I could have her. I knew she loved me. I saw it swimming in her eyes. I loved the way her breath would hitch right before I’d kiss her.” Tears warm my face talking about it. “Why wasn’t that enough for me?”

  “It just wasn’t at the time,” Boone says. “I wasn’t enough for Clem all those years ago. It hurt like hell, but I never stopped loving her, wanting a life with her. She found a way back to me like you have with Ellie.”

  “I’ve been such a damn fool.” I let the window down for the wind to blow in my face cooling my anger.

  “Ellie’s not the easiest person to love. At times, I think it was her goal to push away anyone that made her feel anything real.”

  “That’s my fault, too.”

  “You can’t blame yourself for everything. Ellie had choices to make, and she chose to let her stubbornness be her strongest feeling.”

  “That’s when I should’ve loved her enough for both of us.”

  “You did what you had to do. You’re here now, that’s what matters.”

  “What if she doesn’t make it?” I get choked on my words.

  “Ellie’s too pigheaded to die.” I chuckle. “She’ll be wanting to string Watkins up by his balls.”

  “She’s not going to get the chance. As soon as I know she’s going to be alright, I’ll find him and kill him myself.”

  Boone’s large hand grips my shoulder. “You let me handle Watkins. Ellie is going to need someone to care for her whether she likes it or not.”

  “You’ve done enough of the dirty work for Chet. This should be on me.”


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