For Keeps

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For Keeps Page 6

by Jeannette Winters

  She wasn’t comfortable with lying to Phil, so she looked over her shoulder and let Jett respond to him. He’s your uncle. You do the lying.

  “You know I have a month vacation. I don’t see why I should rush back to work.”

  Oh, you’re good. You said something and nothing all at the same time. She’d need to remember to watch for that when Jett spoke to her.

  “Then I’m sure we will be talking again soon. I don’t want Lisa to think that just because I’m in Boston, I’ve forgotten all about her.”

  She leaned over so she was in front of the monitor again. “I know better than that. Hope your kn— ankle heals quickly.” Lisa closed the laptop before she ended up saying something she wasn’t supposed to.

  “Ankle?” Jett asked as he grabbed the computer and put it in his bag.

  Lisa nodded. “That’s what your uncle said.”

  “Guess the icy sidewalks are taking a toll on him. He better get back to a warmer climate before he hurts anything else.”

  She hadn’t thought about that. Phil now healing from two injuries was really going to slow him down. “With age, the body doesn’t heal the way it used to. He might need physical therapy in order to regain full mobility.”

  Jett cocked a brow and asked, “How do you know that?”

  “Know what?”

  “About PT? For a moment you sounded as though you…worked in the field.”

  Lisa closed her eyes and for only a second, she saw a name badge.


  Physical Therapist

  Squeezing her eyes tightly she tried forcing more, but there was nothing.

  “I think I might be…have been a physical therapist.”


  “I see a name tag. It must belong to me.”

  Jett asked softly, “Tell me everything about that tag. What exactly did it say and look like? Leave nothing out. It might be important.”

  “It’s white. Had the name ‘Melissa’ on it.”

  “I thought you said your name is Lisa.”

  She shrugged. “I chose Lisa because the name Melissa seemed so…familiar to me. But I wasn’t confident enough to claim it as mine. But now, I guess I need to. My name is Melissa.”

  “You’re positive about that?” Jett asked.

  “Why else would I see that? You even said I spoke like I worked in that field.”

  He shook his head. “I believe I asked why you knew about those things. There are other explanations.”


  “Maybe Melissa was a person who you went to for PT?”

  That was as good of a possibility as any. “Wait. Her badge said VA on it. Could I be a veteran?” If she’d been in the military, it could explain why she’d been wounded.

  He nodded. “It would explain a few things, but once again, I warn you about guessing. We want to work off facts. But this is good. It gives us something more to go on.”

  “It doesn’t sound like much.” To her, it was just a first name. Jett seemed to see more value in it.

  “When we get on the boat, I’m going to do some digging. It’s possible there was a PT person in the military named Melissa who went MIA. I just have to be careful not to get flagged.”

  “Flagged for what?” Lisa asked.

  “There are times the government doesn’t like a person looking into things they don’t want to be…public knowledge.”

  “You mean you’re going to—”

  “Hack into a system I shouldn’t be in?” She nodded. “Yes,” he said, “but I think what you remember is worth the risk. I’d prefer to do it while at sea.”

  “I would think it would be more difficult there.” But Lisa didn’t know anything about such things. Hacking sounded like espionage. One thing she knew, she hadn’t been a spy.

  “Roman brought me a few things to help me maneuver around undetected. I didn’t bring anything like that with me, because I never anticipated needing it.”

  She huffed and dropped into the chair. “I’m sorry to have gotten you involved in all of this.”

  “Lisa, this is what I do.”

  She looked up at him, puzzled. “You’ve helped someone like this before?”

  He shook his head. “Not exactly like this, but I do help people who have…unusual situations. So does Roman.”

  “Bet you get paid very well for what you do.” I don’t even have a dollar to my name.

  “Yes, we do.”

  “I can’t afford to pay you,” Lisa said flatly.

  “Who knows? Maybe you’re a millionaire, or a princess or—”

  “An alien from Mars,” she joked. “I get it. I’ll stop guessing and let you do what you do.”

  “Good. Now let’s get our stuff together. I know it’s hot, but I want to make it to the dock and get out to sea before dark.”

  “We’re really doing this aren’t we?” Lisa couldn’t believe she was about to leave the only place she knew and board a boat with a man she’d just met. She should be shaking in her shorts and reconsidering this, but for some odd reason, Lisa really trusted him. That didn’t mean she was positive he would be successful, but she believed he’d do everything in his power trying.

  He reached out a hand and said, “Come. Let me show you my boat.”

  “Show, not tell, right?” she teased, placing her hand in his.

  Jett laughed. “Well, it’s a long walk down the hill, I’m sure I can review all the mechanics before we get there…”

  “Only if you agree to eat fruit the entire voyage to the States,” Lisa threatened.

  “You win this one,” Jett said as they grabbed their bags and left the cabin.

  Before she left the clearing, she turned back one last time and looked at the cabin. Although it wasn’t much to look at, she didn’t want to forget this place too. “I can’t believe this is the last time I’ll see this place.”

  In a consoling tone, Jett said, “You can return any time you want. But if you want to regain your memory, or at least find some answers, you’re going to need to leave for a short time.”

  She turned to him and said, “You mean I really could come back here?”

  “If you want to, I’ll bring you back. The choice is always yours, Lisa. You’re not a prisoner. You’re free to come and go as you choose.”

  “Even when we get to the States?”

  She could see in his eyes, he regretted saying it. But to her surprise, he was frank with her. “I stand by my word. But I would prefer it if you don’t go out, and you speak to me before doing anything when we get to Boston. You’ll have entered the country illegally. Until we know who you are, you’ll be at risk, and so will I, for helping you.”

  “You have my word as well. I won’t do anything without consulting you first.”

  “Thank you. Now can we go?” Jett asked.

  She nodded, and this time she reached for his hand. Giving it a slight squeeze, Jett began to lead the way down.

  When they finally arrived at the dock, she was blown away by what she saw. Lisa didn’t know what she thought his boat would look like, but if this belonged to Jett… Nothing he’d said had prepared her for such a large vessel. Or maybe it was because each time he started talking about it, she had zoned out. But if this was in fact his boat like he said, then Jett had some serious money. The thing was huge and looked fairly new.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me, right?”

  “About what?” he asked, as he helped her aboard.

  “All of this?”

  “I told you I had a boat.”

  “Yes, you did. And somehow I expected some…”

  “Lisa, it’s a boat. Don’t over think it. Right now, it’s our best mode of transportation. So why don’t you go and get comfortable, because we’re about to shove off.”

  She went to the bow of the boat, sat on one of the white leather seats, and watched as Jett double-checked everything. Lisa felt useless, sitting there doing nothing. But if she tried helping and actually got i
n his way, that would be worse. So she tried to focus on something positive. Looking out at the vast ocean before them, she knew this was where she needed to be.

  A journey that hopefully will link my past to what will be a happy future.

  * * *

  For the first time in more than a week, Jett felt at home. If he had his way, he’d live on his boat. He got them out to sea and set course. There was a lot of ocean to cross before they made it to Boston.

  He’d avoided contact with Lisa while he set sail. She was only going to be a distraction. But now as he looked at her, she seemed…green. He hadn’t anticipated her being seasick. Walking over to her, he said, “Don’t look at the waves. Stare out at the horizon. It’ll help.”

  “I don’t think I can do this, Jett. My head is spinning.” Lisa looked up only briefly, then hung her head again.

  They had only been out on the ocean for about an hour. It’d get better. At least, he hoped it would. Jett never had been sea sick, but that didn’t mean he didn’t feel for her situation.

  “Lisa, you need to take some deep breaths and lift your head. The wind on your face will make you feel better.”

  Once again, she lifted her head. “How many days till we reach Boston?” Lisa asked.

  “About seven.” Rubbing her back gently, he added, “You can do this, Lisa. I know you can.” He pointed at the sun, which would set fully in another twenty minutes or so. “Look how it reflects off the ocean. The orange color seems to go on forever.”

  “Yup. Nice.”

  Jett knew it was hard to appreciate the beauty when you felt like puking your guts out. But he needed her to think of something other than the churning within her.

  “This is nothing compared to what the moon looks like. And as far as stars, you’ll never see as many as you do when you’re out in the middle of the ocean.”

  “Jett, can you please do me a favor?”

  “Sure, what is it?”

  “Stop talking about water and just keep rubbing my back.”

  He had a few witty comebacks, but decided now was not the time. Jett adjusted himself closer to her and gently rubbed her back up and down. After a few minutes, he felt her body begin to relax and her breathing calm. As he had hoped, Lisa was getting used to the rhythm of the boat. Now he just hoped the seas were this calm the entire trip.

  After a while, Lisa leaned into him and rested her head on his shoulder. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Did you want to go below deck and get some rest?”

  She shook her head. “I’m not sure I want to move. Are there any rules against sleeping where we are?”

  Jett had spent many nights on the deck, but he wasn’t sure he was going to sleep well with her lying against him. But she was settled in, and he wasn’t about to have her move. Wrapping an arm around her shoulder, he said, “The only rules on the boat are the ones we make.” Jett had no idea what had possessed him to do it, but he placed a kiss on the top of her head and said, “Sweet dreams, Lisa.”

  She moaned softly and snuggled closer. “Goodnight, Jett.”

  Jett was frustrated with himself. This was not the way to start this journey. He’d kept his distance on land, and really should’ve done the same here. The boat felt a lot smaller now, and he was going to need to make sure he didn’t forget why they were there together. She needs me, but not in the way I want her.

  Beating down his desire for her, he forced himself to do something productive while she slept in his arms. Making mental notes, he planned out his entire day tomorrow. Now all he needed to do was make it through the night without doing something they’d both regret. Like kissing her until we both forget our names. He let out a long exhale. Damn ocean air.

  Chapter Seven

  Lisa had no idea how she’d ended up below deck and in a bed. If she didn’t know better, she’d have thought she’d been drugged. As she rolled over, she vaguely recalled Jett carrying her and laying her on the bed. Since she was alone, she wanted to believe that’s how she slept as well. He could’ve made a move on the island, if that’s what he was interested in. Even last night, when she snuggled up to him, he could’ve done more than just kiss her on the top of her head. Although her stomach was giving her trouble, she…wanted him to hold her.

  She felt guilty for wanting something that she had no right to. Until she had her answers as to who she was, she couldn’t think about having any kind of relationship with a man. If she was married, she’d be…cheating on a spouse. One I don’t know.

  But no matter what her head said, there was a part of her she couldn’t deny. The woman in her was attracted to Jett. Physically, he was…yummy to look at. But there was something so much more. He made her feel…safe…alive. And oddly, for the first time in as long as she could remember, she felt happy. None of it made any sense. He wasn’t here to get to know her on a personal level, yet somehow, they were building a connection.

  It was going to be difficult to deny or hide her feelings. There was only so far one could go to hide on the boat. Thankfully, they had one day under their belt and only six more to go.

  She could stay where she was all day, but the aroma creeping into the room was overpowering. It smelled heavenly. Slipping from the bed, she opened the door and made it to the galley. The only thing better than the smell was the view. Jett was standing there in a pair of white swim trunks that hung low on his hips. Damn, this is going to be a long week.

  Forcing herself to look away, she said, “Is that breakfast I smell?”

  He didn’t turn to her. “If you mean sausage and eggs, then yes.”

  She watched him scoop the contents and plate them. When he turned, she gulped. The first time she’d seen him, he’d had his shirt off. Since then, Jett had remained covered. Given how her heart raced, that was a good thing.

  “That sausage looks…” Lisa licked her lips as she stepped closer to him, “delicious.” Only then did she think of how that must have sounded to Jett. Her cheeks flushed. “I mean…it’s been a long time since I’ve had any sausage.” Oh, that’s not much better. “What I meant was—”

  “That you’re glad it’s not fruit,” Jett said.

  She didn’t miss the curl of his lips as he so kindly offered her a way out of the corner she’d put herself in. Nodding, she took the plate and said, “Exactly.”

  “You’re going to see a lot of sausage on the boat.”

  And it’s going to be sweet torture. “Would you mind if I ate on the deck?” Where she could get some fresh air and stop ogling the sexy cook.

  “It’s where I eat all my meals,” Jett said.

  And probably shirtless, too. What was up with her this morning? Was this what happened after a good night’s sleep, one that wasn’t haunted by nightmares? Ocean air was supposed to be good for a person, but it was playing havoc on her libido.

  As she climbed the stairs and made it onto the deck, Lisa instantly felt much better. Being in cramped quarters with a half-naked man was affecting her. It wasn’t anything to be alarmed about. Any person would have a similar reaction. She didn’t need to know who she was to appreciate human contact. If anything, not knowing was probably enhancing it.

  But that wasn’t going to be the case for long. Her eyes may have been admiring Jett’s physique, but she hadn’t missed the look on his face. He didn’t seem quite as rested as she was. Had he been up all night?

  She was about to find out. “Did you get any sleep last night?”

  Jett sat down across from her. “I had some things I wanted to look into.”

  She assumed that. “And did you learn anything?”

  “I pulled every person in PT with the VA who has the name Melissa. There was nobody listed as missing.” He looked down, as though he hated delivering that news. “I’m sorry.”

  “That’s okay. You just started. I’ve gone almost five years not knowing. I wasn’t expecting you to figure it out in two weeks. I won’t be angry if you can’t figure it out at all.”

; Jett shot her a look. “We will. I promised you that. I never break my word.”

  So you have said before. “Jett, I’m serious. I appreciate that you’re willing to help me, but this isn’t your job. I’m not your job.”

  “You’re right. But do you think I only do this for money?”

  She looked around at the boat. He could say whatever he wanted, but something like this took serious dollars. That didn’t come by doing charity work. And I don’t want to feel like that either.

  “No, I didn’t think you did, but I don’t want you to feel like—”

  “Why don’t you let me worry about how I feel?” Jett said, his tone a bit snippy.

  “And what am I supposed to do?”

  “Enjoy the view,” Jett said flatly.

  She was positive he wasn’t referring to himself. Not wanting to test her luck, she dropped the conversation and looked out to see nothing but water in every direction. Shockingly, she wasn’t afraid. There was a feeling of familiarity, as though the ocean was a place she’d visited often. Not so much on the water as near it. She could hear laughter and the sound of a man’s voice. No, not just one, but maybe more than one man. Her brothers maybe? They were talking about… She tried harder to remember, but the voices began to blend and become garbled. But what was crystal clear was that they had been by the ocean. And happy.

  “What are you thinking about?” Jett asked.

  “My family.”

  “You’re remembering something. What is it?” Jett asked.

  Lisa turned back to him. “I think I…or my family, lived by the ocean. We were all on the beach.”

  “Anything more than that?”

  She shook her head. “But I hadn’t heard these voices before.” This was all new. And unfortunately, it seemed like listening to a radio, as opposed to something from a piece of her life.

  “One thing about being out on the ocean, there’s not much to distract you. You’ll have plenty of time to sit and just open your mind to whatever comes.”


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