For Keeps

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For Keeps Page 7

by Jeannette Winters

  “I just wish something useful would reveal itself. Right now, all I have are flashes of things that don’t add up to an entire picture.”

  “I’m not an expert, but from what you’ve told me before, this is more than you were recalling.” She nodded. Jett said softly, “Then don’t push it. We have six more days, and I’m sure you’ll learn more.”

  “And hopefully you will too.” She wasn’t counting on a miracle happening, but a name would be great. It’d be a start.

  A phone rang, and it wasn’t the cell he’d been using on the island. When Jett looked at it, he said, “I should take this.”

  “Is it about me?” Lisa asked.

  “Most likely.”

  “Then I want to hear it,” she blurted. “No secrets.” In a pleading tone, she added, “Please.”

  Jett obliged and answered on speaker phone. “Turner and Lisa here. What do you got Roman?”

  “Are you alone?” Roman asked.

  “No. Lisa is here and we’re both listening.”

  Lisa knew that meant Roman didn’t approve of her being on the call, but this was her life they were talking about. If Roman didn’t like it, then she didn’t want his help.

  “Hello Roman,” she said, trying to sound upbeat, but internally, she was a wreck.

  “Jett, if you’d rather call me back when—”

  “No. I want to hear whatever it is you called for.” Lisa was going to show the strength that Jett kept telling her she possessed.

  Jett reached out and grabbed hold of her hand, as though he knew she was going to need it. Lisa hoped it wasn’t going to be that horrible.

  Roman finally spoke. “I did the digging on Melissa like you asked. There’s a guy at the VA in Rhode Island who knows a Melissa. She, is alive and well.”

  “Then maybe I’m not from Rhode Island. I could be from anywhere.”

  “I think it’s worth looking into.”

  “What is?” Jett asked.

  “Melissa is one of seven children. She had five older brothers and had one younger sister,” Roman said.

  Had? “What happened to her?”

  “She died about five years ago,” Roman declared.

  Lisa’s eyes widened. “Well, I’m not dead, so that’s not me.” It would’ve been one thing if the girl was MIA, but Lisa wasn’t a walking zombie. Just a shell of a person.

  “Jett, I think we should have a conversation alone.”

  “Why?” Lisa asked.

  “Because I want to approach this family and it’s going to be…difficult,” Roman said.

  “Do we know them?” Jett asked.

  “I don’t think you do, but I’ve crossed paths with one of them before.”

  “And you really think this somehow might be connected to Lisa?” Jett asked.

  “If not, then they would also be the type of people who would be willing to help Lisa find her answers.”

  “I don’t want anyone else being brought into this. The more people who know I’m coming to the States, the more likely I’ll be arrested. What good will being in jail do me? I might as well have stayed on the island.”

  “Do you really think I’d allow that to happen?” Jett asked. She shrugged. “No one is going to put you behind bars.”

  “But Jett, he wants to bring in more people. People you don’t even know.” She wanted to hide her fear, but he was asking too much of her.

  “Lisa, I trust Roman. He didn’t need to talk to us first, but he did, because he’d never risk harm to you, any more than I would. If he really believes they could help, I say we let him talk to them.”

  Jett really wanted her to say yes. “I thought this was only going to be us.”

  “We have the final say, but utilizing our resources isn’t a bad thing.”

  “Roman, what if they don’t want to help? Or can’t help?” Lisa asked.

  “I highly doubt that will be the case. Like Jett and me, they have dedicated their lives to assisting those nobody else can.”

  She turned and looked at Jett. She really had no idea what he and Roman did, but this was shedding a bit more light on it. They didn’t sound like mercenaries, more like hired hands. The computer kind. Lisa was going to ask Jett more about that, when Roman wasn’t listening.

  “Can I ask one more thing before agreeing to you doing this?” Lisa asked.

  “Of course,” Roman replied. “I’m not out to keep anything from you. I just also don’t want to get your hopes up and then shatter them either.”

  “I understand, and I appreciate that too.”

  “What do you want to know?”

  Lisa really wanted to know more about Melissa. “What is her name?”


  “Melissa. What is her last name?”

  “Melissa Stratton. Does that sound familiar to you?” Roman asked.

  “No. How about her sister, the one who died?”

  “You might not want to focus on that. Let Roman talk to them first. The more names you put in your head, the more likely you are to bring forth false memories.”

  That kind of made sense. “Okay. Just promise me you’ll call back after you speak to them and let us know what they said.”

  “Will do.” Roman ended the call.

  Lisa turned to Jett and said, “I don’t know why I’m scared, but Roman talking to people without you there scares the crap out of me.”

  Jett grinned.

  “You find that amusing?” Lisa asked.

  “No. Just wish Roman had still been on the call to hear that.”

  Lisa pulled her hand from his. “You can joke at a time like this?”

  Jett nodded. “Obviously, yes.”

  “Poor timing?”

  Grinning even bigger, Jett replied, “Yes again.”

  She got up and reached out for his plate. “Well at least you’re honest. I’ll be below deck cleaning up.”

  “I don’t mind doing it,” Jett said.

  “Neither do I,” she said as she headed below. Lisa needed a bit of time alone. She was glad she’d been there when Roman called. If she hadn’t been, she wasn’t sure Jett would’ve told her about Melissa Stratton. Even though the last name meant nothing, she couldn’t get Melissa out of her mind. I wish I had a picture.

  She knew next time Roman called, she was going to ask for one. Even if Melissa Stratton had nothing to do with who she was, she still wanted to put a name with a face. Just like I’d like to do for my own.

  * * *

  Jett waited until Lisa was below deck before calling Roman back. Although he didn’t want to keep things from her, he also needed to know more about who Roman was bringing into the loop.

  “That was quick.”

  In a soft voice, he asked, “Who are we dealing with?”


  Jett knew the name, although he’d never actually met any of them. In his line of work, Gabe Turchetta was well-known for his computer skills. Outside of that, the rest had been in the military or something.

  “Tell me about the sister.”

  “She was overseas on some education mission. Her and all the other volunteers were tortured and killed.”

  Fuck. He hated hearing shit like that. “Then why the hell would you reach out to them about Lisa?” He could only imagine how Melissa would take such news.

  “Because these two could easily pass for sisters.”

  “But Melissa’s is dead. She’s not going to want to discuss that with you.”

  “You’re right,” Roman replied. “That’s why I’m reaching out to her brother Rafe.”

  “Why not Gabe? He’s got the computer skills.”

  “So do you. I want someone who can back us up with muscle if we need it,” Roman added.

  “You think we’re going to need it?” Jett asked.

  “Not sure, but it won’t hurt to have a family like the Turchettas on our side. If we don’t need them this time, it doesn’t mean we won’t next.”

  In their line of busine
ss, it was very important to watch who you aligned yourself with. The wrong people could be what got you arrested. The Turchettas were known for living in the gray zone, no different than he and Roman. But once again, they didn’t help anyone whose lifestyle was…questionable.

  “What are you going to tell Rafe?”

  “The limited information we have. Either he’s willing to help or not. Either way, we keep looking for Lisa’s identity.”

  Jett was grateful that Roman understood this was important to him. He wanted to be able to do this alone, but he couldn’t. The best thing Jett could do for Lisa was to admit his limitations. Waiting and hoping he could find all the answers himself when they got back to Boston was an arrogant move. And the only one who’d suffer would be Lisa.

  “Just make sure Rafe understands that she is vulnerable. I don’t want anyone coming in and forcing her to remember. She’s slowly regaining memories, but this has to be done at a pace she can tolerate. I’m concerned that whatever she went through might be more than she can handle.” And if anyone pushed too hard, she might slip backwards and her pain would once again take control of her life.

  “Not my first rodeo, Jett.”

  “I know.”

  “I’m going to give you one more warning. Careful how involved you get.”

  “I’m all in,” Jett replied.

  “Meaning?” Roman asked.

  “That I’ll do anything to help her.”

  “And if stepping aside and letting someone else take the lead is the best thing?”

  “That ain’t going to fucking happen,” Jett growled out.

  “Understood. I’ll be in contact.”

  Jett ended the call and headed below deck to check on Lisa. She had gone back into the cabin and shut the door. Was she sleeping? He didn’t think so. Was she struggling with what Roman had said? Most likely. Jett really wished Lisa hadn’t heard that Melissa’s sister was deceased. It was an added grief that she didn’t need. Somehow, he was going to need to limit, without lying, what she learned. Her psyche couldn’t take another major shock.

  He was tempted to knock on the door and check on her. Instead, he opted to go back up top and grab his fishing pole. While waiting to hear what Roman learned, he might as well try to catch dinner.

  As he sat there soaking up the rays, hoping to get a bite, he thought back about how Lisa had flirted with him before breakfast. She was morphing into a different person from when he’d first arrived. Was this the old Lisa returning, a fun, easygoing one? Or was this just another defense to protect her from what lay below?

  If the mind was as easy to decipher as a computer program, I’d know how to help you. Know what you need. The signals she’d sent this morning spoke to a need he was fighting hard not to give in to. He understood why Roman told him not to get too personally involved. Jett was attracted to her, and the way she was looking at him, he was pretty sure his body was giving that away. It was yet another reason why he shouldn’t knock on the door to the bedroom. The same reason why he laid her down there last night and left right away.

  Jett trusted himself on many things, but the closer he became to her, the more difficult it was to hide his feelings. He was an intelligent man who’d had his share of women. But there was something he couldn’t explain about how he felt around Lisa. Even if she didn’t want his help any longer, told him to take a hike, he wouldn’t be able to stop. There was something pulling him towards her.

  I just hope I’m not doing more harm than good.

  He was going to need to heed Roman’s advice. Expanding the amount of resources they had was exactly what was beneficial for Lisa. I don’t need to be a hero in her eyes. He really didn’t need to be anything. Yet deep down, he knew he wanted to be. Just what that was, he wasn’t quite sure.

  He reeled in the line and sure enough, something had taken his bait, leaving his hook bare. Jett shook his head. I hope I’m better at finding her answers than I am at fishing.

  He laughed to himself. Jett had no idea what he was going to make for dinner, but he knew one thing that he wasn’t putting on the menu again. Sausage.

  Lying down on the deck, he closed his eyes and let the exhaustion take hold. He needed sleep, and this was the only place he was going to get any. Hopefully when he woke, he’d not only feel rejuvenated, but Roman will have called with answers.

  Chapter Eight

  There was no way she could forget what Roman had said. Melissa’s sister had died. She didn’t need to know someone to feel sympathy for what she must’ve gone through. It also made her think of what her family must’ve struggled with, knowing that Lisa had been missing all these years too.

  Jett must’ve sensed her torment yesterday, because he avoided any topic that came close to mentioning friends or families. It was his way of showing her he cared. But was not talking actually helping her? She wasn’t sure. Either way, it was a new day, and it still felt fresh and raw. Lisa couldn’t stand it any longer. She needed to talk to someone about this, and her options were limited.

  Lisa opened the door expecting to find Jett, but he wasn’t anywhere in sight. When she went up on deck, he wasn’t there either. Her heart raced as she worried he’d fallen overboard during the night and was lost at sea. She rushed to the side of the boat and screamed his name, hoping to hear him calling her name in return. “Jett! Jett!”

  Lisa strained to hear, but there wasn’t a reply. This couldn’t be happening. It wasn’t the fear of being alone on the boat in the middle of god knows where that scared her. It was that the one person who seemed to really get what she was going through, might be gone for good.

  Please let me find him. Let him be okay. She started scanning the water as far as her eyes could see. When there was nothing, she rushed to the other side of the boat and did the same. That’s when she saw splashing in the water. Jett’s arms came up briefly, then disappeared again. She found him, he was alive for now, but he needed help.

  There wasn’t anyone else who could help, and without hesitation, Lisa climbed up and dove off the side of the boat. The cold ocean stung, but nothing was going to stop her from getting to Jett. Losing him would feel like losing the only thing that felt real in her life right now. She couldn’t bear that and was willing to die trying to hold on to it.

  Before she could come up for air, she felt herself being tugged firmly. As she surfaced, even with salt water blurring her vision, she found herself face to face with Jett. Keeping herself afloat, she reached out, trying to pull towards her, and he seemed to be doing the same.

  “Stop struggling,” Jett barked at her.

  “I’m…I’m trying…to…save you,” Lisa said as she held on to him, her legs kicking violently.

  “Lisa stop before you drown us both,” Jett ordered, holding her so tightly she could barely move.

  She gulped a mouthful of sea water and choked it back up. He was right, she didn’t have the strength to do this on her own. He needs me and I can’t save him. As though the world was crashing down on her, her body went limp. If this was the end, she was going to go holding on to someone she cared deeply about.

  But she wasn’t sinking. Jett’s strong arms were around her. “Hold on to me, honey.” She did as he said. He released his grip on her, spun around so she rested on his back, and he started to swim, bringing them back toward the boat. She knew he was struggling more with her weight on top of his, but she couldn’t bring herself to let go.

  Within minutes, they were by the ladder and his hands were on her waist lifting her up so she didn’t need to do it all on her own. Once she was back on deck, she turned and watched Jett climbing out of the water as well. He had one hell of a scowl on.

  “What the hell were you doing?”

  “Saving you. What did it look like?” Lisa asked.

  “Like you were trying to get us both killed. What exactly did you think you were saving me from? My morning swim?”

  His sharp sarcasm was misplaced. “You were in the water intentionally?”r />
  He nodded. “Hard to swim without getting in the water.”

  “Jett, we’re in the middle of the ocean. This is no place to go for a swim. What if you got a cramp and couldn’t make it back to the boat? Or how about a—”

  “Don’t say shark. Because we can go through a list of things that could go wrong, but the fact is, I do this all the time and nothing ever has.”

  If that was meant to ease her concerns, it had the opposite effect. She didn’t want to think of Jett risking himself like this all the time. She was here this time, not that he’d needed her, but if he had, at least she’d been there.

  “Glad to see your safety doesn’t matter to you, but it does to me.” Lisa huffed and turned around to head below deck. She wasn’t about to stand there arguing with him. She was cold and wet and shaking on the inside from the ordeal. No matter how he played it off, she’d been scared, not just for him, but for herself as well.

  Lisa was angry at herself for jumping into the ocean without even grabbing a life preserver. It was just as irresponsible as his behavior. Maybe even more so because at the time, she didn’t even know if she knew how to swim. Thankfully, this had revealed yet another thing she hadn’t known about herself. I’m one hell of a strong swimmer.

  As she entered the bedroom and closed the door, she thought, Maybe I was a lifeguard. Then, laughing to herself, she said out loud, “No way, my brothers were too protective to allow me to have that much fun.”

  She stopped and realized yet another connection to her past had surfaced. Part of her wanted to rush back up the stairs and tell Jett. So far, she’d shared with him every new development. But what did this really do besides prove to her that her brothers loved and watched over her? But where were they when this happened to me?

  Her laughter faded as Lisa lifted her wet shirt and ran her fingers over some of the scars. She might know that her family had loved her, but in the end, it didn’t matter. She knew however these scars came about, she was alone. No one had been there to stop them.

  Tears rolled down her still-wet face. Not just because no one had been there to stop it, but also because she knew it hadn’t happened at the hand of just one person. Faces might not be clear, but the shadows were starting to take form.


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