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The Raven Trilogy- Complete Series

Page 37

by Elle Lincoln

  “Ye are.” Patrick walks to the door, but not before snatching weapons from his hidden little pocket and handing them out like presents. He really doesn’t look thrilled right now and that bothers me. Usually, he loves the fight. Feeding the bloodlust inside him. “We’re gonna fight through ‘em.”

  “Never trusting that bitch again.” I glance at Mac, his body is practically glowing, which tells me two things. One, we are still in the freaking Realm. Two, he looks pretty fucking formidable right now. I knew without the sea he was missing something. Now that piece of him is back in place. His muscles look stronger, straining against his cotton sleep pants and jersey t-shirt.

  I turn in Balor’s arms and peer up at my giant. “How bad it is?” I question, knowing he is seeing through Casseus’ eyes.

  He shakes his head, looking down at me in sorrow.

  “That many, huh?” Well, shit just got real.

  “Balor, I know...” Aengus trails off. His eyes desperate and his own body shivering. “I won’t go back. Keep me safe and I’ll tell you where my father is.”

  I raise my brows, catching him in a lie. “You said you didn’t know where he was.”

  “I’m a God of Love. It doesn’t mean I can’t lie from time to time.” I hate to argue with him.

  “Keep her safe.” Balor pushes me into Aengus.

  Yeah, that’s a nope. “Balor.” But he’s already at the door.

  “No survivors. Stay here.” He points at me, his mouth opening and closing, the words hovering just on the tip of his tongue, but his voice fails him. Instead, he walks back to me and his lips meet mine, devouring me. Hungry. Greedy. I give back as much as he’s giving me.

  Then he’s gone and out the door where I can see nothing beyond the red glare of his eye. I close my own eyes against all he’s giving away right now.

  An arm encloses around mine and they pop back open. Aengus is trying to lead me away, but I dig my heels in. I’m not running. Not yet.

  The tap of nails on stone reminds me of the others. Logan is darting out the door, his growl loud and piercing the night, and Mac and Patrick run out after him, leaving me alone with the God of fucking Love.

  At least his face is somber, realizing the severity of the situation before us. I pull him to the steps and sit against the railing. They are going to come from above as well.

  I fidget, not able to hear anything outside over the raging storm.

  “You knew where your father was this whole time.” I pause eyeing Aengus. “Why lie?”

  I don’t acknowledge his appearance while his face contorts in thought. I can’t decide if I’m angry at him or not. It seems everyone has their own agendas and refuse to work together.

  “Do you know who my father even is?”

  His question catches me off guard, because I don’t. I haven’t exactly gotten that lesson in mythology.

  “Daghda?” I hope I’m saying it right. Sounds like dag-duh.

  “Knowing a name is often meaningless when there is no power behind it.” His voice is pensive and his eyes distant, lost in memories better left forgotten. “My father, while kind, is also fierce. It’s how they caught him.”

  “Who?” I know the answer, but I want confirmation.

  “The Fae. You won’t like what I have to say next either.” He stands and backs away. I’m instantly on alert as realization crawls up my spine. “I won’t fight this war.”

  Adrenaline flushes through me and I’m on my feet, staring at him. I should have known to check his fucking soul. A mistake I won’t make again. “Why?” My darkness is alive, crawling toward Aengus.

  “It won’t work, Bette. You can’t check me out.” He gives a humorless laugh. “The moment these worlds merge, he’s free.”

  “To see your father free, you’d risk thousands of lives?” I still don’t know if the worlds merging is a good thing or bad thing.

  “They are already dead. If it doesn’t happen, we all die.”

  “There has to be another choice.” I don’t know what his motive is, or if he sold us out, but he’s looking twitchy.

  “You have a time machine?”


  “Then no, there is no other way. It has to happen, so accept it and move on. The storm is proof of that.” His body shimmers and I get the feeling he’s about to flee.

  “Wait!” I inch toward him, hoping to stop him. “How is the storm proof of that and you never told me where he is.”

  “Because it never rains in the Realm.” His eyes glimmer and swirl in different shades of blue. “And he will be free, so it won’t matter.”

  “You don’t know that.” I see the hesitation in his eyes. The minute spark of fear. Why is this god so important above all others?

  “The isles.” His body shimmers more now. “I’ve fulfilled my bargain. I’d run if I were you.”

  Before I can protest, a swan is in his place and waddling away. “This cannot be my new reality. A fucking swan? A swan? What the actual fuck?”

  I throw my arms up, letting him go. He didn’t confirm he was the leak, but my guess is it really wasn’t Morgana. And I had hoped it was her, not this bipolar God of Love.

  Oh, the fucking irony in that.

  “That’s what does you in?” Mac’s voice surrounds me with the calming effect of the ocean. “A swan?”

  I throw my arms out to the waddling thing while my eyes bug out. “He gave them our location.”

  “We know. And hearing the last of it, we understand why.” Mac engulfs me and my entire body folds into his. Home, that’s what his arms feel like.

  “Mac. Why doesn’t it rain here?” I burrow my nose in his armpit. I don’t even care that he’s damp and smelling slightly of body odor.

  “It rains, just not in pleasant terms.” I jerk back with my brow raised in question. “It rains acid.”

  “What the hell is it with fucking acid,” I grumble, remember inhaling the acid as I died.

  “This is normal Earth rain. It’s happening quicker than we anticipated.” He buries his nose in my hair. “The fallout is going to be devastating.”

  “Is that why we are still here?”

  He pulls away, grabbing my hand and heading into the night. Thankfully the rain has stopped and a full moon shines above. I’m once again reminded of the beauty of this world. The moon shines not in brilliant hues of white, but purple. It’s something to behold.

  A wind grazes through my legs and I remember I’m wearing only a sheet.

  I don’t see the others, but there’s a horse waiting for us. Mac leaves my side, his hand resting on the beast’s cheek while their foreheads touch. I have to say it, but I’ve never been a fan of horses. They were always too big and scared the crap out of me.

  But this one holds intelligent brown eyes and the way they seem to know each other—it’s beyond words.

  “Come, meet Erin.” Mac holds his hand out to me, which I take with more hesitance than anything else in my entire life. But I trust him. As he draws me near the horse, Erin cocks her head to study me. Those deep, intelligent eyes are all-knowing. I rest my palm on her white coat.

  “She’s softer than I’d thought she’d be.” I turn to Mac, dropping my hand. “Where are we going, Mac?”

  “Away from here. The fallout is too much.”

  I sigh and back away. “We can’t do that.”

  He reaches for my hand. “Bette, I won’t see you harmed again.”

  “It’s a lovely thought, but unrealistic.”

  He smiles down at me like he knew that would be my answer all along. “Come on then, we better get going.” He lifts me up before I can even begin to protest. My legs are clumsy as I try to straddle Erin. “It was worth a try at least.”

  I smile, knowing they knew I’d never run from a challenge. I’d definitely run toward one though. He swiftly swings up and over, settling in behind me.

  The scruff of his beard tickles my neck as he leans down. “Shame you aren’t healed just yet.”

sp; I wiggle back. “Why?”

  “Because there are many things I’d like to do to you.” His groan sends chills through my body that have nothing to do with the now misting rain.

  I decide to fuck with him a little. I turn to face him. “Like play chess?”

  He backs away. “Is that what we are doing?”

  I don’t answer, just turn around as he kicks the horse into a trot. “So where are we really going?”

  “To the closest rift. They are popping up everywhere.” I don’t like the sound of that and Mac’s concerned voice gives the impression he doesn’t as well.

  “So, it’s really happening. Now?” I bite my lip, not sure what I’m going home to.

  “It is.”

  The Realm drifts by us as fallen and rotten trees fade into the night. A lazy rainfall mists my face and body. I try to picture this landscape mixed in with ours. The worlds crashing together to form a new one. So many want this. But I fear for humanity. What will they lose? Will their rights be the same, or will they be lining up for the promise of immortality that I don’t believe the other’s can provide?

  “Do you know what will happen?” The horse slows as we near a bend in the path.

  “No, I really don’t.” He kisses my forehead, just gentle and sweet enough to make me feel cherished.

  Erin turns and we near a cave, where I can just make out the outline of bodies. Erin stops and huffs as she catches sight of Logan. His huge body is still in the form of a wolf. Mac slips off then grabs my hips, and I hide my wince as my skin pulls in his arms.

  Raised voices reach us as we near. My concern grows with each advancing footstep. They are all standing just inside.

  “Alright. What is it?”

  None of them hide their wince and they all avoid looking directly at me. Shit, this much be bad if they don’t want to tell me what’s going on.

  “Don’t shoot the messenger,” Patrick says, rubbing his hands together in a nervous gesture. Logan and Casseus are still in their animal forms. I scrunch my face up, seeing their avoidance for what it is.

  “Well. It rained here,” Balor begins.

  “And?” A nervousness rises within me.

  “Well, it rained acid on earth.” Shit.

  Chapter 23


  A New Earth

  Without further thought, I step through the rift that has seemingly grown larger in the brief moments I stood there. My stomach twists. The travel between is becoming harder as the worlds bleed together. I thought it would get smoother, however the jaggedness of trying to become one isn’t smooth, and it won’t be easy.

  I step through, into the back of a store, where boxes surround me. They teeter with each rippling boom of thunder. Screams bellow in varying degrees of panic just outside the back door. I kick it open, and beyond is a scene out of a horror movie. My heart twists painfully as bodies litter the alleyway. With each drop of deadly rain, flesh sizzles and erodes away.

  Arms grab me from behind and I’m turned away from the scene. I burrow into Patrick’s naked torso. I take a few deep breaths, trying to calm myself. Swallowing down all my emotions, I pull away to swipe away at the tears that dare fall from my eyes.

  “Where are we?” I blow out a breath, watching as the guys step through.

  “Downtown.” I nod absently at Balor. My focus is still on the screams that sound just outside the door as people rushing for cover they may never find.

  “Okay.” One more deep breath. “Okay, this is a... clothing store.” I can feel their eyes burning into my back as I rifle through the boxes in search of something to wear other than a sheet.

  “Bette. It’ll be okay.” I know Cas is just trying to make me feel better, but it isn’t helping at all. This is my world, this doesn’t happen here.

  My head just keeps bobbing as I try to push away all my emotions. Later, far later when I have a brief moment to myself, I’ll allow my tears to fall and my grief to cascade from me like a broken faucet. Until then, I’m going to pull on these jeans and silk blouse, which is just going to get destroyed, and see what kind of damage control we can manage.

  I stand before them, a mess physically and emotionally. “We need a plan.”

  No sooner than the words leave my mouth, a rumble shakes the night. The rift we just came through grows as a piece of it inches toward the ground. Another rumble and the world shakes beneath my feet.

  “What the hell is this?” I fall to my knees, the impact already bruising the flesh beneath my jeans.

  “An earthquake.” Mac’s voice is harsh as he grabs my hand and heads to the front of the building.

  “Wait.” I yank his hand away and look back. The rift between worlds touches the ground and everything slows around me as it pierces the Earth like a sword. Another rumble tosses us off our feet. I land heavily on my ass, and quickly sit up as the world splits and cracks into a chasm. I lean forward, losing my hesitance, and peer down.

  I’m not sure what I expected, a hole that leads deep into the center of the Earth perhaps. There was no way to foresee how this change would implement itself, just that it would and the change would be dramatic. This? As harsh as the acidic rain is, this is destruction’s beautiful counterpart. Soil from one world spills into the next and the glimmer of a tree forms, forcing me back as it breaches worlds and solidifies.

  White bark takes over old patches of rot, and leaves and pink flowers bloom from its desolate branches. The store’s ceiling cracks and splits as the tree forces its way up through brick and mortar, where it breaks free and bursts into the air.

  “I did not expect that.” Neither did I, Mac.

  “Come on. It sounds like the rain is gone.” I rush forward to the front where the quiet night is like a black hole of silence.

  “Bette, wait.” Balor grips my arm and pulls me back. “Casseus, scout.”

  Cas salutes us before stepping outside, old bells chime at his departure. He transforms and takes flight, his wings pushing his body higher and higher into the night sky where I can no longer see him.

  Actually, I can’t see anything. “The electricity.” I walk to a switch in the wall, and the snap of it turning on and off reveals nothing. “That answers that question.” I hate to admit that I’m sad we just lost all the basic privileges that many humans take for granted. In one fell swoop, the entire world has been cast into the dark ages once more. I can almost feel the shadow of chaos beginning to weigh on my shoulders.

  “I’m going out as well.” Logan steps up beside me. His body twitches and he rubs his neck a few times. It’s almost endearing, but now isn’t the time or the place.

  “Logan.” I reach out and touch his bicep, and his eyes stray to the movement.

  A slow smile pulls at his lips. “Mark me.”

  I try not to pull back too fast, but slowly so he doesn’t think I’m rejecting him outright. “I don’t know if this is something you can go back on. Are you sure?”

  He jerks a thumb over his shoulder. “Everything is changing. But all my life I haven’t had anyone welcome me as much as these guys.”

  “And me?” Bonding with the guys is one thing, but he isn’t bonding with them first, it’s me.

  “You are a conundrum. I like you, Bette. I loved you as a child the only way a boy can love a girl. Right now? I want to get to know you, maybe more. But this? This is safety in numbers.” A stab of disappointment strikes me.

  “It’s a smart move, Bette.” Balor tips my head up to meet his gaze, I didn’t even hear him sneak up on me. “We all have something we bring to the table. We work as a team or not one at all.”

  I feel like these choices are based on strategy, not because they want to. I don’t want to take anyone’s choices from them, but I’m not really doing that, am I? He came to me, I left the choice up to him.

  I exhale slowly on a nod before letting my darkness creep inside of him. I don’t want to linger too long, or invade his thoughts and memories. There, along his soul, I leave just a sha
dow of myself. A small piece I have left to give. I realize then he’s the last one I can mark. I withdraw, casting my eyes to his neck where a feather forms in inky swirls.

  “Okay.” I smile at him in gratitude. This time he allowed me to mark him, I didn’t take a small taste like I did with the others, even though they have yet to complain about that small fact.

  He leaves a brushing kiss on my cheek before pushing out of the glass doors and transforming into his tawny wolf.

  I turn to the three who have been silent this entire time. “Damage control?” I question, just as another rumble has us reaching for something sturdy lest we fall. I think I have enough bruises to heal right now.

  I peek outside and look around for another change in the world, but everything is dark and silence still reigns. It feels uncomfortable and foreboding.

  “I wonder...” I dart to the back with Patrick and Mac hot on my heels. Balor stands as a sentinel at the door.

  “What are you looking for?” I peer over at Mac, whose skin color is a blushing pink and radiating. The more the worlds merge, the stronger his power becomes.

  “A battery operated radio.” I start shuffling through metal shelves looking for one. “Some stores carry them as a precaution. At least this way we will know what’s going on outside these walls.” A flutter of anxiety pools inside me with swirls of dread.

  Patrick grunts before helping by diving into the shelves.

  “Do you think that will work?” Mac doesn’t sound convinced. I’m not sure I blame him. Who knows if any inventions will work again. Like plumbing.

  Oh hell, I hadn’t even thought of that. And I’m not impressed with that thought. Not at fucking all. A shudder runs through me as I envision chamber pots being thrown from windows into the streets while plagues run rampant.

  Nope. I shut down that line of thinking. No need to run right into the dark ages. It’s a modern time with a small setback. Of a big setback, but I have hope, dammit!

  “Found it!” Patrick shouts in triumph.

  Riding that hope, I dart over to him and pull his face to meet mine. Whiskey and spice greet me as my lips fall on his. Both of his hands grip my waist and hoist me up. I’m guessing he handed the radio off to Mac.


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