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By-Line Ernest Hemingway

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by Ernest Hemingway

  Casey, Hugh, 403

  Cezanne, Paul, 155

  Chamberlain, Neville, 292, 293

  Chamby sur Montreux, Switzerland, 20

  Chartreuse de Parme, La (Stendhal), 187, 218

  Chen Loh-kwan, 336-339

  Chengtu, China, 309-310, 317, 335-39

  Chiang Kai-shek, 308, 309, 315-317, 325-328, 333, 336

  Chiang Kai-shek, Mme., 308, 315-316, 316-316

  Chicago, Illinois, 13

  Chico, Armillita, 148

  Chicuelo, 94-95, 97

  Chinese air force, 332-333

  Chinese Army, 306-307, 318-319, 329-331, 333

  Chinese-Japanese War, 303-339

  Communists in, 306-307, 316-317, 325-326, 327-329, 335

  Germany and, 326-327, 333-334

  guerrillas in, 313, 329

  Japan’s need to end war, 324-325, 329

  Russia and, 315-318, 326-328

  Chinese National Aviation Corp., 308

  Chink, 124-125, 127, 129

  Christian X, King of Denmark, 81

  Christmas, 124-131

  Chungking, China, 307-308, 317, 325, 335

  Circulating Pictures movement, 3-4

  Clark’s Fork Valley, Wyoming, 298-300

  Clausewitz, Karl von, 291-292

  Clemenceau, Georges, 181-182, 226-227

  Cobra, 426-427

  Cockfighting, 403

  Cohn, Roy, 462-463

  Cojimar, Cuba, 404

  Colleville, France, 344, 345, 346

  Colomo, Felix, 150-151

  Colp, Frank, 154


  in China, 306-307, 316-317, 325-326, 327-329, 335

  military defeats and, 180

  Condition Humaine, La (Malraux), 187

  Congo, 426, 427

  Connolly, Cyril, 470

  Connolly, Maureen, 453

  Conrad, Joseph, 132-133

  Constantinople, Turkey, 49, 50, 53-55, 190

  Cooke City, Montana, 153

  Corrochano, 150

  Corum, Bill, 451

  Crandall, Montana, 153

  Crane, Stephen, 218

  Criqui, Eugene, 156-157

  Crocodiles, 432, 442

  Cuba, 403-406, 417-418, 472

  fishing off, 137-143, 172-178, 239-254, 405-415

  See also Havana

  Cunningham, Jock, 266-267

  Currie, Lauchlin, 332

  Currier, Frank, 341, 349, 354

  Curzon, Lord, 67, 226

  Czechoslovakia, 323

  D-Day, 340-355

  D’Annunzio, Gabriele, 64, 65

  David (Anarchist), 270-271

  Davis, Curt, 403

  Death, seeking of, 460

  Deauville, France, 108-114

  Delmar, Tom, 280

  De Maupassant, Guy, 218

  Denison, Col. George Taylor, 8

  Dental College (Toronto), 7

  Dictatorship, 234

  Dolphin, 199-200

  Dominguez, Fernando, 150

  Dorothea M. Dix, U.S.S., 346, 355

  Dos Passos, John, 265

  Dostoevski, Fydor, 218

  Dreams, 461-464

  Dubliners (Joyce), 186, 218

  Duck shooting, 189

  Dundee, Johnny, 156-57

  Dutch East Indies, 313

  Japan and resources of, 320-324

  Dysentery, amoebic, 159-161

  Eastman, Max, 31

  Ebro River, 105, 282, 284-289

  Eden, Anthony, 208

  Education Sentimentale, L’ (Flaubert), 218

  Elephants, 236-237, 425, 431, 434-442

  Eliot, T. S., 132-133

  Elizabeth, Queen of the Belgians, 81

  England (Great Britain)

  Ethiopian war and, 208-209

  Japan and, 321-332

  V-bombs (pilotless aircraft) on, 356-363

  Enrique, 246-254

  Entebbe, Uganda, 431, 453-455

  Ethiopian war, 206-209, 211-212, 229-235

  Evans, Wallace, 187-188

  Facta, Luigi, 32

  Far Away and Long Ago (Hudson), 187, 218

  Farrell, James, 474

  Faulkenhausen, Gen. Alexander von, 310

  Faulkner, William, 200

  Ferdinand I, King of Bulgaria, 79

  Ferdinand I, King of Rumania, 77-78

  Fielding, Henry, 218

  Finland, 206

  Finney, Ben, 451-452


  dolphin, 199-200

  excitement of, 237-244

  marlin, 137-143, 172-178, 203, 239-245, 407-416, 473

  sailfish, 174-175, 202-203

  shark, 174, 198, 199-202

  tarpon, 405

  trout, 9-12, 33-35, 109-114

  tuna, 16-17

  Flaubert, Gustave, 218

  Flight to Strasbourg, 41-44


  marlin fishing off, 175

  See also Key West

  Flying fish, 406

  Flying Fortresses, airfield in China for, 336-339

  Fox Green Beach, 340-355


  D-Day in, 340-355

  fishing in, 109-112

  a “Friend” of, 145

  Italy and, 206-208

  military defeat in, 181-182

  See also Paris

  Franco, Francisco, 272, 280

  Franco-Rumanian Aero Company, 41

  Frank Mildmay (Marryat), 218

  Franklin, Sid, 269

  Frederick the Great, 291

  Fuentes, Gregorio, 406-409, 473

  Galan, Augie, 403

  Geneva, Lake, 33-34

  Genoa, Italy, 26-32

  George II, King of Greece, 76-78

  German air force, in Spanish Civil War, 284, 287-288

  German army

  Russian army compared to, 317-318

  See also World War II


  bad feeling in, 36-40, 112

  Ethiopian war and, 209

  getting into (1923), 70-75

  inflation in, 45-48, 75, 116-118

  in next war, 292-293

  Pacific war and, 321, 326-327, 333-334

  refugees from, 155

  revolution in, 182

  Gin Bottle King, 93-95

  Gitanillo, 92, 150

  Goltz, von der, 292

  Gómez-Mena, Pepe, 415

  Gonzaga, Gen., 31

  Gonzáles, Esteban, 151

  Gordon, Sir Charles Blair, 32

  Gray, Prentice, 169

  Great Britain, see England

  Greb, Harry, 357, 359

  Greece, George II of, 76-78

  Green, Simon, 188


  in China, 313, 329

  in France, 365-383

  Guest, Winston, 403

  Gulf Stream, 237-238, 404, 472

  Gustaf V, King of Sweden, 81

  Gutierrez, Carlos, 138, 239, 241-254, 409

  Haakon VII, King of Norway, 81

  Hadley, 125

  Haggard, Sir Rider, 413

  Hail and Farewell (Moore), 186, 218

  Hamid Bey, 49-50

  Havana, Cuba, 137-139, 172, 245, 254, 470, 474-478 404-406

  Hemingway, Gigi, 422-423

  Hemingway, Jack, 420

  Hemingway, Martha Gellhorn, 304

  Hemingway, Mary, 408, 414, 426-428, 432-454, 461, 466, 468-469, 471, 473-474

  Hemingway, Patrick, 427, 455, 466

  Hemingway, Pauline, 429

  Hepburn, Katharine, 437

  Herman, Billy, 403

  Hipolito (chauffeur), 271-274

  Hitler, Adolph, 209, 211, 212

  Hong Kong, 304-306, 313, 315, 318

  Horn, Tom, 422-423

  Horse, how to shoot a, 198

  Hotels in Switzerland, 18-19

  Huckleberry Finn (Twain), 186, 218

  Hudson, W. H., 218

  Hungary, 183


  in Africa, 159-171
/>   vs. fishing, 237-244

  lion, 161, 162-166, 428, 456-459

  memories of, 186-191

  of men, 236

  moose, 153-154

  mountain-sheep, 298-299

  pronghorn antelope, 418-424

  what to do when shot at, 419-420

  Hyenas, 429, 465

  Illinois, 474


  in China, 309

  in Germany, 45-48, 75, 116-118

  Ingersoll, Ralph, interview of Hemingway by, 303-314

  International Game Fish Association, 412

  Ireland, imported gunmen in, 13-15

  Irrawaddy river, 310-311

  Ismet Pasha, 62-63, 225

  Istanbul, see Constantinople


  Christmas in, 128-130

  fascists of, 26-29, 180-181

  Genoa conference, 26-29

  Victor Emmanuel of, 80

  World War I in, 180-181

  See also Ethiopian war; Mussolini

  Jackson, Willie, 157

  James, Henry, 218


  earthquake in, 83-89

  war supplies needed by, 320-322

  See also Chinese-Japanese War

  Japanese Army, 324, 325

  Jarman, F. S., D.D.S., 7

  Joffe, Adolf, 32

  John II, Prince of Liechtenstein, 81-82

  Johnson, Nelson, 335-337

  Jones, Bill, 109

  Joselito, 97

  Joseph Andrews (Fielding), 218

  Joyce, James, 218

  Jude, R. C., 438

  Julio, 242-244

  Kees, 361

  Kehl, Germany, 45-48, 71

  Kemal, Mustapha (Kemal Pasha), 49-50, 55, 62, 179

  Kenya, 208, 425-427; see also Nairobi

  Ketchum, Idaho, 466-467

  Key West, Florida, 138, 192-197, 199, 202, 213

  Kid Francis, 157

  Kilbane, Johnny, 156

  Kilimanjaro, Mount, 431, 455-458

  Kimbrough, Sgt. John, 387-389

  Kings of Europe, 76-82

  Kipling, Rudyard, 218, 313

  Krassin, Leonid, 32

  Krieger, Lt. Irving, 365-367

  Kung, H. H., 308, 315

  Kunming, China, 311

  Kweilin, China, 307

  La Audiencia, Chiquito de, 150, 151

  Lake Albert, 431

  Lake Geneva, 33-34

  Lake Kivu, 430

  Lake Natron, 428-429

  La Serna, Victoriano de, 149-150

  Lausanne Conference, 61-69, 222-227

  League of Nations, 206

  Leahy, Cdr. W. I., 346, 347

  Ledoux, Charles, 156, 157

  Leclerc, Gen. Jean, 373, 374

  Lelanda, Maricial, 148

  Lenglen, Suzanne, 81

  Leopards, 425-426, 465-466, 467-468

  Les Avants, Switzerland, 18

  Lesser bustard, 190

  Lettow-Vorbeck, Gen. Paul von, 212

  Lewis, Sinclair, 265

  Liebknecht, Karl, 182

  Liechtenstein, 81-82

  Lim, Dr. Robert, 330

  Lions, 161, 162-166, 428, 456-459, 464-465

  Litvinoff, Maxim, 32

  Live-pigeon shooting, 403-404

  Lloyd George, David, 32

  London, England, V-bombs (pilotless aircraft) on, 356-363

  Long, Huey, 463

  Lopez Mendez, 245-254

  Lord Jim (Conrad), 133

  Louis, Joe, 360

  Luxemburg, Rosa, 182

  Lynn, Wing Commander, 358, 361

  Lyons, Leonard, 450-451, 452

  McAdam, Mr., 441, 443

  McCarthy, Joseph, 450, 462-464

  Machiavelli, Niccolò, 30

  Madam Marie, 56, 57, 59, 60

  Madame Bovary (Flaubert), 186, 218

  “Madame de Mauves” (James), 218

  Madrid, Spain, 144, 151-152

  bullfighting in, 90-95

  in Civil War, 259-276, 294-297

  Maera, 105, 106

  Maestro (Mice), 213-220, 246-253

  Maison Tellier, La (de Maupassant), 187

  Mako shark, 174

  Malraux, André, 187

  Mandalay, 310, 313

  Mann, Thomas, 218, 219

  Maravilla, 150

  Marie, Queen of Rumania, 77, 78, 79

  Marlin fishing, 137-143, 172-178, 203, 239-245, 407-415, 473

  tackle for, 415-416

  Marryat, Frederick, 218

  Marsh, Roy, 429, 433-436, 438, 441-445, 453, 455

  Matthews, Herbert L., 280

  Medical attention, free, 7-8

  Menocal, Martin, 415

  Midshipman Easy (Marryat), 218

  Milan, Italy, 181

  Christmas in, 128-131

  Mills, Mrs. W. Gordon, 3, 4

  Mitchell (B-25 bomber), 360-361

  Miura, 151

  Mombasa, Kenya, 171

  Money, sale of, 115-119

  Moore, Alexander, 152

  Moore, George, 218

  Moose hunting, 153-154

  Mortars, Chinese, 329-330

  Mountain-sheep, 298-299

  “Mountains of the Moon, The” (Haggard), 431

  Murchison, S. S. (African Queen) 437-438, 441-443

  Murchison Falls, 432, 434, 441

  Murder for Profit (Bolitho), 222

  Mussolini, Benito, 233

  Ethiopian war and, 206-209, 211

  at Lausanne Conference, 64-65

  Victor Emmanuel and, 80

  Mustang (P-51 airplane), 357

  Myitkyina, Burma, 311

  Nairobi, Kenya, 159, 161, 425, 427, 468-469

  Napoleon Bonaparte, 65, 156

  Nash, Thomas E., 349

  Nash, William E., 41, 42

  Ngorongoro Crater, 429

  Night in Africa, 464-466

  North Africa, 206

  Oak Park, Illinois, 187-188

  Oberprechtal-in-the-Black-Forest, Germany, 36, 112

  Obituaries, reading one’s own, 455-456, 459-460, 468-469

  O’Brien, Frank, 416

  Offenburg, Germany, 70-75

  O’Hara, John, 184

  Oil for Japan, 321-324

  Old man and the sea, 239-240

  Old-Timer, 420-424

  Olmos, Rosario, 105, 107

  Open Boat, The (Crane), 218

  Ortega, Domingo, 148

  Palazzo San Giorgio, Genoa, 30

  Pamplona, bullfighting in, 95, 99-108

  Paniushkin, Alexander, 315

  Paris, 41, 155-158

  American bohemians in, 23-25

  American underworld characters in, 13-14

  battle for, 364-383

  Christmas in, 130-131

  Parker, Dorothy, 197

  Pelkey, Pvt. Archie, 364-366, 381-383

  Percival, Philip, 167-171

  Peru, 472, 473

  Peter, King of Serbia, 79-80

  Peter Simple (Marryat), 218

  Peterson, Lt., 367, 368

  Philippine Islands, 323

  Pigeon shooting, 403-404

  Pilar, 248, 404-415, 472, 473

  Pilotless aircraft (V-bombs). 356-363

  Pladner, Emile, 157

  Player’s Club, 194

  Portrait of a Lady, The (James), 218

  Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (Joyce), 218

  Pound, Ezra, 475

  Power, malady of, 226-228

  Price, G. Ward, 223-225

  Pronghorn antelope, 418-424

  Ptarmigan, 190

  Pylon (Faulkner), 200

  Rainbow trout fishing, 9-12

  Rakovsky, Christian, 62

  Rambouillet, France, 364-373, 375

  Rangoon, 312, 313

  Rathenau, Walther, 32, 182

  Raven, Jay, 263-267

  Reine Margot, La (Dumas père), 187

  Renoir, Pierre, 155

  Revolution, military defeat and, 180-183

bsp; Rhone canal, fishing in, 33-35

  Robertson, Sparrow, 157

  Roehm, Ernst, 182

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., 152, 227

  Rouge et la Noire, Le (Stendahl), 187, 218

  Routis, André, 157

  Rover, The (Conrad), 133

  Royal Air Force, 356-362

  Ruanda-Urundi, 430

  Rubber for Japan, 320-322


  Ferdinand of, 78

  men’s use of makeup in, 78-79

  Runyon, Damon, 452

  Russell, Joe, 138, 451


  Chinese-Japanese war and, 315-318, 326-328

  a “Friend” of, 145-146

  Russian army, Germany army compared to, 317-318

  Ruwenzori Range, 430-431

  Ryall, Bill, 221-228

  Sailfish, 174-175, 202-203

  Salamanca, Spain, 147, 149-150, 151

  Sanchez, Thorwald, 403

  Sand grouse, 190-191

  Sandburg, Carl, 474

  San Sebastian, Spain, 147

  Schine, David, 462-463

  Sembry, Ella, 38

  Serengetti Plains, 159-166, 429

  Serna, Victoriano de la, 149-150

  Sharks, 174, 198, 119-202, 410, 413

  Sheridan, Clare, 65

  Shevlin, Tommy, 403

  Shiflet, Lacey T., 349

  Shooting, 198-204; see also Hunting

  Shor, Toots, 451, 453

  Sidley, Bill, 154

  Siegfried Line, 392-393

  Singapore, 320

  Skiing, 124-128

  Slave trade, 208

  Slocombe, George, 68-69

  Smedley, Agnes, 307

  Smith, Sgt. James C., 396-399

  Snake wine, 307

  Snipe, 187-188

  Snow, Edgar, 307

  Snows of Kilimanjaro, The (film), 429, 456

  Sofia, Bulgaria, 56

  Soviet Union, see Russia

  Spain, 144-152

  Alfonso of, 80-81

  bullfighting in, 90-108, 147-151

  a “Friend” of, 145-146

  1931 revolution in, 182-183

  tuna fishing in, 16-17

  Spanish Civil War, 257-289

  Americans in, 263-267, 282

  German planes in, 284, 287-288

  Madrid front, 259-276

  “terror” in 294-297

  Teruel front, 277-280

  Sportsman’s Sketches, A (Turgenev), 186

  SS troops, 399, 400

  Stambulski, Alexander, 61-62, 79

  Stendahl, 187, 218

  Stewart, Donald Ogden, 197

  Strasbourg, France, 45-46, 71-72, 74

  flight to, 41-44

  Strater, Henry, 199-204

  Suez Canal, 208, 229, 334

  Sun Valley, Idaho, 420-421


  Christmas in, 124-128

  fishing in, 33-35, 112-114

  hotels in, 18-19

  Lausanne Conference, 61-69, 222-227

  luge of, 20-22

  Szechwan Province, China, 332, 335-339

  Tanganyika, 212, 426

  hunting in, 159-171

  Tarpon, 405

  Tchitcherin, Grigory, 32, 62, 63, 66-69

  Tempest (airplane), 356-362

  Teruel front, Spain, 277-280

  Texas, U.S.S., 341, 342, 343

  Theisen, Earl, 458

  Thil, Marcel, 156, 157

  Thrace, 49, 51-52, 56-60


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