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Alpha's Mate (Curvy Women Wanted Book 18)

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by Sam Crescent


  Copyright© 2019 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-0-3695-0059-5

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Curvy Women Wanted, 18

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2019

  Chapter One

  Beast Smith stared across the parking lot where Suzy Cain was loading up her van to deliver the day’s sandwiches. The town of Ville housed some of the deadliest werewolves in the country. It was a pack that he was the alpha of, and because of that, he couldn’t allow himself to be weak.

  Suzy was a weak wolf.

  She didn’t dominate or force her hand for power. She took her time with everyone. To the pack, she was the caring mother they all wanted to be. No matter what people wanted, she was there for them.

  What made it so hard for him to look away was Suzy was also his mate. But her wolf gene was so weak that she couldn’t even sense he was her mate.

  There were so many women within the pack that would hunger for his touch, for his attention, and yet it was little Suzy, the young woman he always saw as weak and worried about constantly because she couldn’t defend herself, who was in fact his mate.

  If he let anyone know that she was his mate, women would challenge her for the right to be by his side, he was sure of it.

  Since he was the most feared alpha in all the land, women were drawn to him and to the power he held within his grasp.

  No other alpha could force a wolf to change on a whim. He controlled his beast, unlike most of the men and women within Ville, who were always at the mercy of their monster.

  Climbing out of his car, he knew the pack sensed his presence.

  Just because he couldn’t claim Suzy didn’t mean he wasn’t drawn to her wherever she was.

  She had just finished loading the last of the sandwiches, which would be filled with all kinds of meats and cheeses.

  The moment he approached, she tensed up.

  “Alpha,” she said, casting her eyes downward as a sign of respect and bowing her head slightly.

  With him in control, his beast never demanded subservience. In fact, he wanted to look into Suzy’s pretty blue eyes. Staring at her neck made him think of marking her. Of shoving her up against the nearest tree and fucking her hard and deep. Making her take every inch of his thick cock as he spilled his cum within her.

  She’d be overflowing in no time with how badly he wanted to mate with her.

  “Suzy.” He voiced her name but said nothing more. He inhaled sharply, his mouth watering at the hint of vanilla and cinnamon.

  She loved to bake, and well, he loved to scent her. She truly was … a beauty.

  Her long, black locks would look so good wrapped around his fist as he fucked her. She was a curvy woman as well. Big, juicy-looking thighs that would hold him as he plowed into her. A rounded stomach he wanted to see full with his babies. Big, ripe tits he thought about sucking every second of every day. Well, most of the time he thought about it. He couldn’t have his way though, even if he wanted to. He had to always be a good boy.

  “What can I get you?” she asked.

  He noticed her hands shook a little. This was the only thing he hated about himself, his ability to make someone as sweet and nice as Suzy fear him.

  “Anything.” He’d eat anything she had touched.

  “Okay. I know you love ham and cheese with all the extras.” She hummed and then pulled out a long, baguette-looking one. “Here you go. Freshly made today.”

  “By you?”


  “Did you make it?”

  “Yes. I even prepared all the sandwiches.”

  Since he had discovered this woman was his mate, he could only eat food made and prepared by her. He didn’t know why, but he had a real distaste for anything made by another woman. He wasn’t going to complain.

  She was meticulous, a fabulous baker and cook.

  The men and women in the pack adored her.

  If he didn’t have some evil, spiteful bitches vying for his affection, he would have claimed her already. First, he had to make sure she was protected.

  With her being weak, he couldn’t allow another woman to touch her, to even think for a single second they could hurt her. He would slaughter anyone who thought they could take his woman away from him.

  Suzy didn’t realize it yet, but she would belong to him soon.

  He wasn’t going to put her at risk though.

  “Will you be coming to the dance tonight?” Suzy asked.


  “It’s the last Friday before the full moon. We all have the monthly dance where we relax, have fun.”

  “You don’t turn with the full moon.”

  “I know, but I like to walk during that time.”

  He sensed the shame, and he wanted to do nothing more than hold her close and let her know she would have nothing to fear.

  Out of the entire pack, she was the only one who hadn’t been able to turn into a wolf. Parts of her could. He’d seen them, a hand, a foot, her face, but she had never been able to succumb to the pressures of the full moon.

  One day, he was going to help her, but that time wasn’t now.

  “Thank you for the sandwich.” He pulled out some money, but she shook her head.

  “For you, alpha, it’s on the house.” She offered him a smile, and his dick twitched. He wanted to fuck her so badly, but he couldn’t do it.

  Forcing a smile to his lips and telling himself repeatedly in his head to walk away, he turned and left.

  He had so many jobs to do, and dragging Suzy off to his cabin and showing her just how well suited she would be on the end of his dick, wasn’t how he could spend his Monday morning.

  When he could finally claim her, he intended to make sure the pack knew he couldn’t be disturbed for at least a month.

  His mission with Suzy was to put his baby inside her as soon as possible.


  So far there was no bloodshed to contend with at the dance, and for Suzy, she was happy. She hated the sight of blood, and it often made her feel sick. Not that anyone would ever know that. She would never tell anyone her reactions to blood. They would all laugh, and it was hard enough being the unchanging wolf, let alone one that couldn’t stand violence.

  She hated it.

  She loved the pack though, even if they were overly judgey of her. Her inability to shift was in fact the talk of the town. Most of the pack looked down on her because of it. If she couldn’t cook or take care of them, she truly believed she’d be tossed out of the pack.

  There were times when Beast was near that he sent her confusing signals. What none of the pack knew about her—and she kept it a closely guarded secret—was she could sniff people’s lies and deceit.

  Every time Beast was near, there was a scent coming from him, something that made her mouth water, and the temptation to lie down and spread her legs for him was strong. Nearing the bar, she smiled at the bartender, Phillip, who handed her a glass of water.

  “I’m telling you, tonight I am going to fuck the alpha. He’s going
to belong to me, and he’s going to see how good I can make this pack,” Lorna said.

  Lorna was one of the strongest, most dominant women in the pack. Even as the scent of her strength surrounded her, Suzy detected a hint of lies and insecurity. The alpha didn’t show her any interest. She knew it, and so did Suzy.

  “He wouldn’t be able to find a more capable female,” Rachel said. She was Lorna’s number one champion and from what Suzy could tell, someone who was very much in love with Lorna.

  She wasn’t going to go there.

  “You did a good job, Suzy,” Lorna said.

  There was a time they were friends in school. When Suzy wasn’t able to turn into a wolf though, Lorna distanced herself from her.

  “Thank you. I hope you enjoy and don’t forget to dance at least, please.” She offered Lorna a smile along with Rachel.

  “You know you don’t have to talk to her,” Rachel said. “Everyone knows she is lame. I can’t believe we even keep her in the pack.”

  “Mind your tongue,” Lorna said. “Suzy is pack and always will be. Your dislike of her is unfounded and frankly, cruel. She has done nothing to you.”

  Suzy left, seeing no point in trying to fight her corner. Lorna had done it for her, and Suzy made a note to send her a gift basket of goodies in the morning.

  She needed some fresh air.

  The scent of need, sex, and violence was heavy in the air, and when this happened, it made her feel a little overwhelmed.

  Once out the door, she rounded the building, going to the back of the bar toward the lake.

  She loved being by the lake as the still water helped to calm her nerves in ways nothing else could.

  Taking a deep breath, she stared out at the lake, seeing how beautiful it was. There were fish swimming beneath, but the pack preferred hunting to fishing.

  “You shouldn’t be out here by yourself,” Beast said, startling her.

  She spun around, and sure enough, the alpha, who was twice the size of her, in pure muscle stood there, looking a little … torn.

  “I’m sorry. The dance is in the barn. There are a lot of women waiting for you.” There was that scent again. The one that made her want to walk up to him and run her hands all over him.

  She didn’t cave to scents though.

  “What are you doing out here? Did someone upset you?”

  “No. Of course not. I’m just taking some time to relax.” She smiled at him. “You came.”

  She was so happy that he did.

  He surprised her as he took another step toward her.

  Suzy stayed perfectly still as he approached. Tilting her head back, she had no choice so she could look at him.

  “I don’t want you out here by yourself.”

  “I’m perfectly safe.”

  “I’m the alpha. My word is law, and when it comes to you, you’re not safe.”

  She put her hands on her hips. “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me. You’re not safe, and I won’t have you hurt.”

  “Is this because you think I’m weak?”

  “You are weak, Suzy.”

  He grabbed her arm, and the moment she touched her, she couldn’t help but hold onto him. Even as she tried to fight it, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her face against it. He smelled like heaven.

  So rich and addictive.

  Her pussy went slick.

  She was a virgin, and right now, she wanted to press herself against the length of his cock and rub him until he came.

  Beast let out a growl, and within a matter of seconds, she was pressed against a tree. Her heart was racing, only it wasn’t out of fear. She didn’t know what was happening, only that she couldn’t stop herself from aching for more of his touch.

  “What is going on?” she asked.

  Beast stared at her for what felt like the longest time, his green eyes turning to a light amber before flashing back to green. He grabbed her arms and pressed them above her head.

  “You’re going to keep your fucking mouth shut about this.”

  Before she could even ask him about what, his lips were on hers, and she was melting against his touch. His lips took possession of hers, and as he bit down just a little, a need for him began to build stronger than ever before.

  Chapter Two

  This was what heaven felt like. For the longest time, Beast had been trying to ignore this need for Suzy, but seeing her all alone, vulnerable, sexy as fuck in her sweet little dress, there was no way he could just walk away. He didn’t want to. She was designed to be fucked, and the fates had made it so she was his mate.

  He’d known for a long time, and now, he couldn’t walk away from her.

  He didn’t want to.

  She was everything he ever wanted, and he couldn’t let her go. Not now.

  Sinking his fingers into her hair, he held her in place as he ravished her mouth. There was nothing gentle about his need for her.

  Breaking from her lips, he trailed down to her neck, right over her pulse, which was pounding. He could smell her arousal, and it was a heady fucking thing. Flicking his tongue across her pulse, he didn’t wait to take a bite, and as he did, she let out a gasp. He covered her mouth with his hand.

  The last thing he wanted right now was for anyone to find them.

  His cock was threatening to burst out of his pants, and even though he wanted her, he wasn’t going to take his mate up against a fucking tree.

  Not tonight.

  He bit down a little harder. The sounds of her cries were muffled by his hand, but he didn’t mind. He wanted to fuck her so badly, but he had to keep reminding himself that he had to wait.

  In the distance, he heard people coming toward them, probably in the hope of enjoying the water.

  He stopped biting and kissing Suzy, and instead picked her up and carried her further into the woods, to mask their scent.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “Shut up.”

  “Don’t tell me to shut up.”

  “I’m your alpha. You will do as you’re told.”

  “Then why don’t I have to listen to you?” she asked.

  This made Beast stop. He put her down on the floor again and pressed her against the tree. The scent of the earth surrounded them.

  “You don’t want to shut up?”


  “How interesting,” he said.

  It wasn’t interesting. When he issued an order to the pack, they had to follow it without question. He’d never given Suzy a direct order, but this would be the first time in his life as alpha that he hadn’t been obeyed. He didn’t know if he liked it.

  “You don’t want to shut up?” he asked.

  “No. In fact, I want to know why you just kissed me just now.”

  “I think it’s obvious.”

  “What? You go around kissing all the women in the pack?” she asked.

  There was a hint of defiance in her voice, and a sparkle in her eyes that made him so hard. He just wanted to fuck her, but he would have to wait.

  “No, I don’t.”

  “Then what is it?”

  He pressed his dick against her stomach. “This is what matters.”

  She gasped.

  “And you can sense what I want, Suzy. Question is, what are you going to do about it?” he asked.

  A lot of women would have opened their legs, spread themselves for him, and told him to have his way.

  It would seem Suzy wasn’t like other women. She grabbed his shoulders and gave him a hard shove.

  He barely moved, but he gave her the distance she clearly craved.

  “I’m not going to do anything about it because there is nothing to do. You may like to sleep around, but I made a promise to save myself for my mate and I will. He’ll be the only man to have me. Alpha or not, I don’t owe you anything. I’m loyal to you, but that doesn’t mean you get to have my body.”

  Her lips were swollen. The scent of her cunt was heavy in the air, a
nd she didn’t want to fuck him?

  He found that a little hard to believe, especially as she was aroused by him.

  But he also knew one thing she didn’t: he was her mate.

  Suzy had saved her virginity for the man she intended to be with.

  He’d get a virgin.

  A tiny part of him was really fucking excited about that. A woman who hadn’t been touched by anyone else. Someone he could show, instruct, and guide to how he wanted her. To give her all the pleasure she deserved. Then another part of him was a little pissed. She was going to be a virgin, which meant he was going to have to go slow. There was going to be pain.

  A woman’s first time was never easy.


  He didn’t know if he could be gentle.

  Being gentle had never, ever been in his nature, and now, he would have to be. For her.


  He just wanted to keep repeating that one word so it no longer bothered him.

  No, he was going to have to be gentle with Suzy.

  “Now, if you’ll excuse me. I know there are a couple of women back at the bar who would really like to dance with you.”

  He let her take a couple more steps, but he couldn’t keep up this charade any longer.

  She wouldn’t tell anyone, and he had hoped she’d sense he was her mate as well.

  It would seem her weakness extended to not knowing who her mate was. He didn’t even know how he got the short fucking straw, but he certainly had.

  “You’re my mate,” he said.

  She stopped walking, and he looked at her.

  Her back was to him, but she’d tensed up.

  “What?” she asked, turning toward him. He loved her eyes, sharp, blue, warm.

  “You’re my mate, Suzy, which means that little cherry you’re saving is all mine.” He didn’t mean to be crude; it just came to him naturally.

  Suzy was his, and whether she liked it or not, one day soon, she would belong to him.


  “You’re lying,” she said.


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