Alpha's Mate (Curvy Women Wanted Book 18)

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Alpha's Mate (Curvy Women Wanted Book 18) Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  “You already know me so well.”

  “It’s not like you give me much to work with.” She touched his arm. “I’m not in pain now.”

  “I know, but the bite; we both need to be ready for the pack when I do claim you.”

  “Do you really think there will be a lot of opposition? I am liked.”

  “Liked and taking a position of power are two different things.” He kissed her knuckles and stood up. “For now, I want to wash you. It will help me feel better.”

  He picked her up in his arms and carried her through to the bathroom. Lowering her down into the tub with all the bubbles to help her relax, he left her to remove the sheets. He gathered them up, changing them for a new set.

  The blood didn’t make him happy.

  The pain she’d experienced, he wished to wipe the memory away as soon as possible. With the bed looking much better, he returned to the bathroom to find her resting.

  She opened her eyes the moment he entered, and she smiled.

  He liked her smile so much.

  Climbing in behind her, he wrapped his arms around her and pressed his face against her neck, breathing her in.

  “I’ve missed you so much,” he said.

  “I was here the whole time.”

  “I’m not talking about just now,” he said with a chuckle. “You have no idea how many times I’ve wanted to be with you and couldn’t because of the pack.”

  “You’re the only one who held us back, Beast.” She snuggled against him. She moved her arm up around his neck and tilted back so he could look her in the eyes. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  “You believe me now?” he asked.

  “I can feel a part of you.”

  His cum was inside her. He wanted more than anything for it to stick, for them to have a baby.

  So much time had already been wasted by him denying the truth. He wanted to start a family with her. Reaching down, he placed a hand on her stomach, and wondered if he would be so lucky as to have already gotten her pregnant.

  “When will we tell the town?” she asked.

  He stroked her belly and wondered if there was a way to keep her locked here until he did make her pregnant.

  A pregnant mate couldn’t be attacked. The laws of the pack forbade it. Cubs had to be protected at all costs.

  “Soon.” He kissed her neck. “For now, I just want to take care of you.”

  “I know you feel guilty, but it’s not that bad. I promise. It doesn’t even hurt all that much anymore.”

  It didn’t give him comfort.

  “I promise you, Suzy. It won’t hurt like that again. I will show you sex will never be painful again.”

  She moved in his arms, and he waited as she turned, straddling his waist.

  Staring into her blue eyes, he pushed some of her black hair off her shoulder. They would make the most beautiful babies. He didn’t care if they had a son or daughter or both. Now, twins, he could totally go with two babies.

  “I need you to stop worrying. I knew it was going to be painful, and I don’t blame you, not one little bit.” She kissed his lips.

  “Don’t get me wrong, I’m loving this more … amenable woman, but what has changed from last night?” he asked.

  She had been so adamant he was wrong.

  “I can feel who you are,” she said. She placed a hand over his chest. “There’s no fighting the mating call. We’re destined to be together, and even though it scares me, I’m not going to run from you.” She kissed him again, and he sank his fingers into her hair, ravishing her lips. She was everything to him and so much more.


  Suzy tried the front door of Beast’s cabin for the hundredth time. It was locked. A wolf she may be, but she didn’t have the strength to break through his enforced lock.

  Two days ago, she’d finally found out they were mates.

  Yesterday, he took her virginity.

  Today, he’d locked her in his cabin as he went to deal with the pack in town.

  She didn’t know why he had felt it was necessary to lock her away. It wasn’t like she was any trouble, but here she was, locked away, and she couldn’t get out.

  “Seriously. Why, Beast?” She let go of the handle and moved toward the back door that was at the edge of the kitchen. Sure enough, that was locked.

  She’d be able to smash a window, but she didn’t want to actually cause any damage to his cabin.

  Stepping away from temptation, she sat down at the kitchen table, pressing her hands together.

  She wore a pair of his shorts and a long shirt. They were at least two sizes too big for her, and they smelled of him.

  With the full moon almost upon them, she could sense her wolf even clearer now than ever before.

  She was always aware of her wolf, but never like this. With how close her wolf was to the surface, it was how she believed Beast that they were mates.


  Suzy smiled. She had always thought her mate would be different. Not an alpha. Never the leader.

  His fear of her being attacked was definitely founded. Women were known to get rather mean and cruel when they felt someone had taken their place. None of this ever made any sense to Suzy.

  If men and women were supposed to be mates, their wolves designed by fate themselves to fall in love and be together, she didn’t know how anyone could even think to take a woman or man away from such a union, but she had heard tales of that happening.

  Getting up from the chair, she moved toward the bedroom, opening up his closet. The scent of Beast was everywhere, and right now, her wolf wanted to feel him near.

  Running her fingers along the shirts, she smiled, recalling the number of times she saw him walking through town.

  Even as she tried to look away, he’d drawn her gaze. Was that the mating call? She didn’t know.

  Beast was such a powerful man. She had witnessed his power before when he had to deal with the pack.

  He never allowed anyone to cause trouble within the pack.

  Dropping down to his pants, she smiled as she caught a few pairs with holes where he’d been walking through the woods. She stroked over the torn bits of fabric and made a note for him to get her sewing kit from home. She could more than repair any damage he’d caused.

  She jumped as the cabin door opened and closed.

  Rushing out of the room, she found Beast in the kitchen, unloading bags of food.

  “You locked me in,” she said, folding her arms across her chest.

  He turned toward her with a smile. “I had a good reason to.”

  “Yeah, what exactly do you consider a good reason?”

  “Food.” He winked at her and held his hand out for her to look. “Or do you disagree?” Her stomach chose that very moment to growl. “You see, I’m just taking care of my woman.” He pulled her in close, and she smelled other women and the pack on him.

  She tried to pull away.

  “I wasn’t near anyone, I promise you. I went to the town hall. A couple of people asked where you were because of the sandwiches, and I told them you weren’t feeling well so you wouldn’t be available for a couple of days. I was taking care of you.”

  “You told people that?” she asked.

  “Yes. No one would ever dream of coming here.” He ran his hands down her back, cupping her ass. “Did you miss me?”

  “No.” The lie fell easily from her lips, but as he raised his brow at her, she rolled her eyes. “Yes. You didn’t have to lock me in.”

  “I don’t want you wandering around. Not with my smell all over you and inside you. I’ve not taken you yet, and if we have any enemies close by, they would try to take you from me.”

  “We haven’t had any enemies come into town for years, Beast. You worry too much.”

  “I’ve taken care of our enemies before they have even gotten to town, Suzy. I take the pack’s safety seriously.”

  Her heart started to race. “Our enemies have gotten close?”

bsp; “Yes. Several times. You don’t have to worry though. I do everything I can to ward them off.”

  “You kill them?”



  “You’re not upset with me?”

  “No, of course not,” she said. “If they pose a threat to the pack then we have to kill them.” She winced.

  He chuckled. “This is another reason why I want to keep you away from the pack. You’re too good for everyone.” He kissed her cheek. “Let me get you something to eat.”

  She wasn’t too good for them. Watching Beast as he unpacked the food and started to chop up some vegetables, her nerves were once again back.

  “Who do you take with you when you encounter the enemy?” she asked.

  “No one. I patrol alone. I can’t have anyone there. It’s too dangerous.”

  “So you put your life at risk to protect others?”

  He looked up. “Don’t fret, my love. Honestly, you don’t need to worry. I’m a strong and capable alpha. I can protect the pack and you.”

  “But what about you? I don’t want you doing this alone.”

  “I’ve been doing this for some time now. I’m still alive.”

  “It doesn’t make it right, and if at any time mistakes happen, what then?”

  “You think I’d make a mistake?” he asked.

  “No. What I’m thinking is we’ve finally found each other, and if anything was to happen to you, I don’t know if I could handle it.”

  He put the knife down and moved toward her. “Nothing will happen to me. I will always be careful and I will always come back to you.”

  He cupped her face and kissed her.

  It didn’t ease her fears.

  Chapter Five

  “You’re a good cook,” Suzy said, wiping her lips with a napkin. “That was so good.”

  “I’ve had years of practice.” He picked up his plate then hers and took them into the kitchen. He’d made her a vegetable stir-fry with lots of chili. Unlike some of the other wolves within the pack, she didn’t eat a lot of meat. He knew her love of spice, and since he discovered it, he had been doing as much experimenting as he could.

  With the plates in the sink, he went to the fridge and pulled out the chocolate fudge cake he’d also purchased.

  Cutting them both a slice, he put each on a smaller plate before getting the ice cream out of the fridge. With a nice, big serving of the frozen dessert, he carried their plates to the table.

  “Wow,” she said. “I had no idea this was how a date should go.”

  This was more than just a date. Beast intended to treat her like a queen from now on. There was no more hiding.

  He knew she was a little sore, but she’d be able to take him again. Once dinner was done, she wasn’t leaving his bed until he’d completed the mating.

  Heading into town had been risky. He’d done a perimeter check before venturing into town, covering himself with the scent of the forest before even risking a chance in town. There had been a couple of women there, and it had been near impossible to hide the revulsion that they inspired.

  Being back in his cabin, alone with his woman, he could handle anything.

  He watched her take some of the ice cream and a bite of the cake. Her eyes closed, and she moaned.

  Soon, his cock was going to be in her mouth, and she’d be moaning around his length.

  “This is so good.”

  “I’m glad you approve.” He winked at her, and her cheeks heated. “Yes, I’m thinking dirty thoughts.”

  “I didn’t even go there,” she said. She took another bite. “What exactly are you thinking about?”

  He chuckled. “Your lips wrapped around my cock.”

  “Oh,” she said.

  “Don’t worry. I will show you what to do.”

  “I bet you say that to all the girls.”

  “None. I’m not going to lie to you, Suzy. I’ve been with other women, but none of them will ever compare to you. I don’t even want to think about them. I wish I could have come to you a virgin, but that wasn’t possible. Not for us.” He took her hand in his, giving it a gentle squeeze, trying to offer her some kind of reassurance.

  “It’s fine.” She laughed. “You’re all mine now.”

  “And no one will ever know how good I am.”

  He finished his dessert and watched her.

  The moment she was done, he couldn’t wait anymore. He lifted up the table, moving it out of his way, and he went to his knees in front of her, pressing his face against her pussy. He couldn’t smell yet if he got her pregnant, but now, he had all night.

  Lifting the shirt he’d given her over her head, he removed the pants he’d also provided her with, and she sat on the chair naked.

  “Now this is what I’ve been thinking about all day.” Spreading her thighs, he pressed his hand against her pussy and slid two fingers into her slick heat. She was already wet for him, and she didn’t wince or pull away from his touch.

  He finger-fucked her, watching her as she cried out and nudged her body toward the edge of the seat.

  Sliding his fingers up to her clit, he couldn’t look away as she got so close to her orgasm.

  He had to have a taste of her, and he replaced his fingers with his tongue, flicking over her clit.

  She sank her fingers into his hair, pushing her pussy against his mouth as he sucked at her clit. She was the best thing he’d ever eaten, and he fucked her pussy again with his fingers, spreading her cunt wide so she could take his dick. He wanted to take his time tonight. When he finally put his cock inside her, he was going to make each moment count.

  “Beast!” She cried his name.

  “Come for me, Suzy. Come all over my face.”

  She whimpered, and he bit down on her clit before soothing it out with the flat of his tongue.

  “Yes, yes, it feels so good.”

  He smiled, loving how she gave herself to him so easily. There was no fighting between them. This was exactly how it was supposed to be.

  He’d been stupid to keep the truth from her for so long. She had a right to know long before now, and he wouldn’t have had to spend many a lonely night with just his thoughts of her, of this moment.

  When she came, he lapped up her cream, basking in the taste and feel of her surrender. She was everything he could ever want, and there was no denying his need for her.

  His cock was so hard as it pressed against the front of his pants.

  Tearing into his jeans, he shoved them down his legs as he stood, removing his clothes quickly.

  One day soon, he was going to fuck her in every single room and surface of his cabin, and the surrounding forest. Today, and until she was used to taking his dick, he was always going to have her on the bed.

  Lifting her up in his arms, he carried her through to his bedroom, dropping her to the bed.

  She looked so right in his room, in his cabin, in his life. Their future was together, and he was never going to give her up. Never.


  Part of Suzy was nervous.

  They’d had sex yesterday, and it had hurt more than anything she could ever compare it to. Today, she was wet, so slick and ready. Staring at his cock now, she couldn’t resist wrapping her fingers around the length and feeling him.

  Pre-cum leaked out of the tip, and she worked it into his shaft.

  He let out a little growl, the sound echoing around the room and making her nipples harden.

  “I don’t know how long I’m going to last. Tonight is about you.”

  “Then fuck me, Beast. Show me how good it really can be.”

  He pushed her to the bed and spread her legs open. “Look at me, Suzy. I want you to watch my cock. Watch as I fuck you.”

  The tip of his cock went between her slit, and she bit into her lip as she stared at them. His cock was long and thick. She didn’t know if he would ever really fit inside her without it being painful, but she pushed those doubts and fears aside, and instead, fo
cused on him. They would fit together because that was what they’d been designed to do.

  She wasn’t a virgin anymore.

  He slid his cock to her entrance, and she couldn’t help but tense up.

  “Relax, baby. Don’t go tight on me now.”

  This time, Beast didn’t fuck her hard or fast. He slowly, inch by inch, slid inside her. When the first inch of him filled her, she couldn’t help but flinch even as there was no pain. Nothing.

  He hadn’t hurt her.

  With each second that passed, she stopped tensing up and instead loved the feel of his cock inside her.

  His hands went to her hips, and as he went to the hilt, she cried out his name.

  It felt so good, even better than she had ever imagined.

  “Oh, fuck, you’re amazing,” he said. “So wet.”

  She cupped his face, and he slammed his lips down on hers. He started to pull out of her, and as he pressed forward, she moaned for more.

  He did this for a couple of thrusts, getting her used to the feel of him as he filled her. In and out. The sensation was more than she could have ever wanted. His cock was so hard that he touched a part deep within her that only served to arouse her even more.


  Beast broke the kiss, trailing his lips down her neck, sucking on her pulse before his thrusts started to speed up.

  He lifted up and ordered her to watch.

  She stared into his green eyes before moving down his powerful body to look at where they were joined.

  His cock was slick with her cum as she watched it. Veins stood out thick, and seeing him fuck her as well as feeling it, she moved up, taking as much of him as he could.

  He suddenly pulled out, wrapping his fingers around the length. “This is all yours, Suzy. Every part of me, from my heart to my dick, now belongs to you.” He pushed back inside her, holding her thighs open as he pumped in deep.

  Beast stopped making love to her, and held her to the bed as he fucked her harder.

  He lifted her legs up until they were directly up in the air against his chest. His hands went to her hips, and she watched him pull her onto his length, until he suddenly stopped again.

  She let out a growl, not knowing how much more she could take of him stopping and starting.


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