Alpha's Mate (Curvy Women Wanted Book 18)

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Alpha's Mate (Curvy Women Wanted Book 18) Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  He laughed, and she was about to yell at him. His fingers stroked over her clit.

  “This time, when you come, I want it to be all over my dick. I want to hear you scream and the sound to echo around these walls, so I know it’s my cock you want. My cum inside you.”

  “It’s only you I want.”

  She wasn’t lying. The feelings that were building inside her were getting harder to ignore. Was it the mating call again? She didn’t know what was responsible, the mating heat or her own feelings. She had never taken the time to sit down with a mated woman and ask her if it was possible to love her mate.

  She had always assumed it was, but now, she didn’t know.

  Did she love Beast? Was it the hormones?

  Nothing made sense to her.

  He stroked her clit, and she didn’t want to think or to worry about what any of it meant. None of it was important, not right now. Maybe not even ever.

  The only thing that mattered was Beast being her mate and she being loyal to him.

  When she came, it was around his length, and the scent of his alpha permeated the room, stronger than ever.

  Their mating was drawing closer. Soon, their smells would combine and link together, and any wolf close to them, would know they were mates.

  Beast grabbed her ankles and fucked her, taking her, making her his over and over again. She watched his cock as it slid in and out of her, and she felt his cock get harder, thicker, and then spill his cum.

  He grabbed her hips, and went deep, as far as he could, within her, filling her with his cum, each pulse flooding her womb.

  “Please, please, please,” he said.

  She wrapped her arms around him, knowing what he wanted.

  It … ruined the moment just a little bit. If he wanted children because he couldn’t wait to start a family, she would have been touched. This wasn’t about starting a family though.

  No, this was about protecting her because he truly believed she couldn’t protect herself. He wanted a baby so no one would be able to hurt her.

  He wrapped his arms around her and held her close.

  She wasn’t hated in the pack. She knew there would be women who wanted her dead, but she was still Beast’s mate, and some would fight for her. She was sure of it.

  Chapter Six

  Beast traced his fingers across her back. His cock was already hard and ready to go again. He wanted to fuck her so badly. She released a little moan as he got to the base of her back and trailed the tips over the curves of her ass.

  He couldn’t resist taking a bite, and as he sank his teeth into the sweet flesh, she let out a giggle, followed by a gasp.

  “You shouldn’t do that,” she said, pulling away with a laugh.

  “Why not? You’ve got a juicy ass, and it is designed for biting and fucking.”


  “Yeah. I know those sexy stories you read talk about being fucked in the ass.” He couldn’t resist touching between her ass cheeks, stroking over that little puckered hole.

  “I don’t think I’m ready for that.”

  “How about I let you have a little taste?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Do you trust me?”

  She hesitated, and he couldn’t help but bite her ass again.

  “Hey, stop biting.”

  “You know you trust me. You’re loyal to me, and the only way someone can swear such an oath is if they mean it and out of fear. You’re not afraid of me, Suzy.”

  “And I mean it. You’re right, I’m not. I never have been. How is that possible? You scare everyone.”

  “Because you’re a fighter.”

  “I’m weak.”

  He moved to straddle her legs, grabbing a pillow and shoving it beneath her stomach to lift those curvy cheeks up.

  “You’re not weak.”

  “It’s why you didn’t claim me when you knew.”

  “It doesn’t have to be because you’re weak. Besides, my wolf, I know your secret.”

  “My secret?”

  “Yes. You think you’re weak, but I know you’ve got a very special gift. One I will never exploit but know is powerful.”

  “You know?”

  “Yes. You let it slip a couple of times. Why didn’t you ever come and tell me about this?” he asked. He cupped her ass cheeks and spread them wide, staring down at her puckered anus. He was going to fuck it, just not tonight.

  Sliding his fingers to her slick cunt, he began to gather some of their combined release and spread it over her asshole.

  She cried out as he pressed his finger to her anus but didn’t penetrate. Just getting her used to the feel of him being really close.

  “I don’t know why I didn’t tell you. It didn’t seem important, and when I realized how rare this gift is, I was afraid.”

  “Of what?”

  “Of being cast out. I can’t even turn into a full wolf. I’m part broken. I was worried you’d want me out of the pack.”

  “I’m not a monster, Suzy. I will never throw anyone out of my pack unless they have done something so despicable there is no punishment other than banishment. You haven’t got a single despicable bone in your body. You’re beautiful.” He kissed her cheek as he pressed against her ass. At the same time as he stroked her ass, he also played with her pussy, teasing her clit.

  She pressed against both of his fingers, wanting what he could give her, and it was a true sight of beauty to behold. He wanted to fuck her so badly, but he was going to bring her off as he finger-fucked her ass.

  As he pinched her clit, she cried out, whimpering his name, and he pushed a single digit inside her, making her scream but not in pain.

  Her pussy was getting wetter as he continued to play with her.

  She began to rock back and forth, taking his finger deeper. He knew her body already, better than she knew her own, and she was so close. He loved how easy it was to bring her to orgasm, to have her ready to go over the edge into intense pleasure.

  Watching her come was one of the single most amazing pleasures he’d ever experienced.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he said. “I want to fuck you all day long, and I will.”

  Adding a second finger to her ass, he didn’t play around anymore. He brought her to orgasm. The sound of her pleasure echoed around the walls. Only when her release began to subside did he draw her up to her knees, align his cock to her cunt, and slide on home.

  She was still rippling from her orgasm, and as he took her harder, her climax continued. Her pussy was like a vise around him, squeezing him harder.

  Holding onto her hips, he pounded inside her, watching her cunt open up and take his cock. His length was already coated in pre-cum from her release, and he was so close.

  He felt the stirrings of his own orgasm, and he didn’t stop, fucking her harder, making her take the whole length of his cock, and when he finally spilled inside her, he wanted it to take so badly.

  Only, another wave of need overcame him.

  He pushed her hair out of the way, pulled her up close, and sank his teeth into her neck.

  The mating was so strong he couldn’t fight it anymore. There was no time to wait to make her his. The entire town, by the time of the full moon, would know exactly whom she belonged to, and he didn’t care. She was the love of his life. His mate. Destined to be his and he wasn’t going to hide that.

  She was his everything.

  Just as he was hers.

  And now there was no getting away from each other. They were going to stay together, and he would protect her with his life, and make sure the pack knew that to attack her would carry serious consequences.


  Suzy hated to see Beast so nervous. It wasn’t a good look for him, and as he paced their cabin, she nibbled her lip.

  She didn’t know how it was possible, but in a short time, she had grown to love this man. Sure, he’d pretty much kept her locked up in his cabin until tonight. She knew he was going to take he
r with him. There was no way he couldn’t. After he marked her, their scents merged, and now everyone would know she belonged to him. Before he bit her and sealed their fate, he’d have been able to mask her on his body.

  Now, there was no masking.

  Walking down the hallway, she went right up to him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  “You need to stop worrying.”

  He pressed her up against the wall, his body moving close to hers, and she let out a little moan, feeling the length of his cock.

  “I’m not worrying.”

  “You are. You ever thought that maybe some of our pack might like me?”

  “I know they do, but putting you as my alpha mate, I don’t know what they will do.”

  She cupped his face. “Have a little faith.”

  “No. When it comes to you, I can’t have anything. I can’t risk your life. You are my everything, and even though I tried to stay away from you, I would do anything just to capture a glimpse of you. I love you, Suzy.”

  Tears filled her eyes, and she couldn’t help it.

  “You love me?”

  “Yes. I have for a long time now, and it scares me. I’ve never had anything other than my love for the pack.”

  She didn’t care.

  Pulling him down, she kissed him back, sliding her tongue across his lips until he opened up and deepened it.

  “I love you too,” she said. “I didn’t think it was possible to love someone so fast, but with you. It’s … everything. I love you more than anything else in the world. I want to stand by your side. To face the pack together.” She took his hand. “No more waiting.”

  Like all full moons, the pack would be waiting in the center of town. Of course, no one would actually turn into a wolf, or do anything to raise suspicion. It was why some of the community, who no longer turned because of age, set up bars for food and coffee to make it look like they were just having a friendly neighborhood meeting, or something.

  Many of the tourists rarely stayed for more than a day or two.

  Hand in hand, they left his cabin.

  She smelled his nerves but didn’t comment on it. She was a little … apprehensive.

  Like Beast had said, they liked her while she was feeding them and taking care of their kids, but this was something more.

  This was her taking her role as the alpha’s mate, and well, she would soon find out exactly who was her friend, and who wasn’t.

  As they neared the town, Beast stopped and pressed her up against the tree. “What you’re about to see and witness if they don’t accept you, you cannot hold it against me. I will do everything to protect you.”

  She touched his hands. “I know.”

  “I love you, Suzy.”

  “Love you too.”

  She was never going to get tired of hearing his love. Especially as she felt it too, and it truly was a magical thing.

  He moved his head against hers, and she closed her eyes, simply basking in the feel of him surrounding her.

  When they couldn’t wait another second, he took her hand, and together, they walked united before their pack.

  They were already gathered around. Scents of coffee and greasy food filled the air.

  The moment they were spotted all conversation ceased.

  Suzy forced herself to look at them all, even as her embarrassment went a little higher. She had never been mated before, and she didn’t hide her mark. No, she showed it off proudly for all to see.

  No one would be able to see it unless they had wolf blood running through their veins.

  For the most part, the wound was healed, and had done so instantly. It was part of the mating charm.

  She was now bound to Beast just as he was to her.

  Silence rang out among them all.

  Her nerves picked up.

  “What is the meaning of this?” One of the stronger, more dominant females stepped forward. Chloe. She was one of the many women who’d been vying for Beast’s affection.

  Suzy had watched, and it had been difficult to stomach as each woman tried to win him.

  She wondered now if her revulsion was down to the simple fact he belonged to her, and she couldn’t stand for another to touch, or have anything to do with him.

  “I stand before you with my mate. The love of my life. She is everything to me. Suzy is mine. If you have any doubt of my claim to her, know this; any harm you hope to do will not only have you banished, but if she so much as gets a cut or a shove, you will deal with me.”

  Chloe and another woman, Rebecca, stepped forward and burst out laughing. “You expect us to follow her? She’s nothing. She can’t even turn. This is a disgrace.”

  “Watch how you speak to my mate.” Beast let out a growl as he stepped forward.

  “She has no right to be your mate,” said Rachel, another of Lorna’s friends. “You shouldn’t be with someone so weak. It makes you look so.”

  “Don’t,” Lorna said.

  “You cannot just stand by while she takes the man who is meant to be yours.” Rachel looked angry, annoyed, and pissed, all at the same time.

  “Meant to be mine?” Lorna frowned.

  Suzy gripped his arm, hoping to keep him … sane. She didn’t know. Her heart raced, and suddenly, there was another growl, and this time, Lorna stepped forward. Only, she didn’t step against Beast or her. She stepped in front of Beast, and growled at the women.

  “Suzy has been mated. It doesn’t matter what you want. She is the alpha’s mate, and as such, you will show respect.” Lorna stood tall.

  The power coming off her was intense.

  Chloe and Rebecca were strong, but not as strong as Lorna. Even Rachel, who didn’t back down, looked shocked. “You can’t be serious.”

  “I am.”

  Lorna gave them the ultimate insult as she turned her back on them. She looked at Beast with a smile before turning to Suzy.

  “I offer myself as protection. I wish no harm come to her. She is a wonderful person, and will do amazing things for this pack. Her kindness is legendary. Our people will thrive.” She bowed down, going to one knee.

  “But you wanted the position,” Suzy said.

  Lorna lifted her head. “I always knew there was something special about you. Amazing sense of smell. I know what you can do, and I’ve seen it with my own eyes when we were growing up. You were able to find the tourist’s missing boy when no one else could. You gave me the credit for something you did. We’ve never spoken about it until now.” There was a murmur around the pack. “I speak of it now so they know how powerful you really are. You may not be able to turn, but that doesn’t make you weak. You are strong in many ways. I wanted to be his mate but only because he didn’t have one. I wanted to help make this pack strong, and be by his side. You are both mated. I can see the mark, and the bond you both have. No one should ever tear apart mates, and it’s a practice I’ve never agreed to or even wanted any part of. Love and mates, they go hand in hand, and you and Beast, you’re meant for each other.”

  Tears filled her eyes, and she felt the emotions building inside her.

  “I had no idea you felt that way,” she said.

  “You’re a wonderful person, Suzy.” Lorna took her hand. “May I have the honor of protecting you?”

  “Yes,” Suzy said.

  Beast cleared his throat.

  “If he says so, of course.”

  Lorna chuckled. “This is going to be interesting.”

  With Beast back at her side and Lorna on her other, Suzy was shocked as one by one, the pack knelt down, showing their respect and loyalty to the both of them.

  Even Chloe and Rebecca did the same.

  “Don’t worry about them. I will keep an eye on them and make sure they know their place.”

  “Thank you,” Beast said. “This means a great deal to me, and I will never forget it.”

  He nodded at each man and she smiled. She saw the happiness in his eyes as she did so.

  This was wha
t was supposed to happen. What she had hoped for.

  As the men and women got back up, they all came toward them, hugging and congratulating them on their current mating.

  By the time the moon was high in the sky, she pulled Beast to her and kissed him hard. “Go, run. I will stay here and cook you all some food.”

  She watched them go, but Lorna stayed back. “I will run when Beast returns.”

  “But you’ll miss the fun.”

  “I pledged my loyalty to you. I will keep you safe, and it means more to me you staying alive than dying.”

  Suzy gave her friend a hug. “Thank you.”

  “Thank you for not leaving us or giving up. I know I’ve not been the best of friends to you, but I hope to change that.”

  Suzy knew she was telling the truth. It was why she could trust her. For several minutes, she stood, watching into the darkness. A little yearning inside her wished she could go and join them, to enjoy the feel of the full moon, to have her wolf break out, but she wasn’t ever going to feel that.

  Just as she was about to turn to leave, she heard the distinctive sound of a twig snapping.

  Rachel was there with Chloe, both women naked.

  “Lorna may think you’ve won, but there’s no way we’ll let you be an alpha’s mate. You’re an abomination!”

  Suzy tensed as the two women pounced, but she didn’t feel a thing. Lorna was there.

  “Big mistake.”

  With one snap, she’d killed Chloe. Rachel had stopped.

  “You shouldn’t have followed Chloe,” Lorna said.

  Just as quickly, Rachel was tied up just as Beast came through the trees. “I saw what they were trying.” He rushed toward Suzy. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. I’m all right.”

  “I sensed them head back,” Lorna said. “I figured they would try something. Chloe’s dead, Alpha, I’m sorry.”

  Rachel didn’t struggle against her bindings, but she glared at Lorna like she was the devil.

  “It all happened so fast,” she said.

  “They would have killed you. Do not mourn them. They don’t deserve it,” Lorna said.

  Beast walked over to Rachel. She didn’t even beg for her life. “She’s not worthy.” As Lorna had with Chloe, Beast snapped Rachel’s neck, and Suzy rushed toward Lorna’s side.


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