by Tommy Baker
Chapter 10
Work Sucks: How the Movie “Office Space” Proves Radicalism Lives in the Mainstream.
Majority of Workers Are Unhappy Employees, Study Finds.
What the Literature Says about the Earnings of Entrepreneurs.
James Altucher Podcast with Robert Kurson:
From the Kitchen to a Billion-Dollar Food Company, HustleCon. food-company/
Chapter 11
Rich Roll, Finding Ultra. ultra/
Meet Rich Roll—One of 2009’S Men’s Fitness Magazine’s “25 Fittest Guys in the World,” and Dedicated Vegan.—-one-of-2009s-mens-fitness-magazine-25-fittest-guys-in-the-world-and- dedicated-vegan.html
Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain, John Ratey.–02933–000
Resist Average Academy, Ep 33: How to Forge an Unbeatable Mind, Body and Spirit with SEALFIT Founder Mark Divine.
Chapter 12
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Tried the Meditation Craze That Requires No Sex, Drugs, or Talking for 10 days. Business Insider.–1
Why Silicon Valley Billionaires Are Obsessed with Burning Man, Vox.
Resist Average Academy, Ep. 59: How Floating Can Change Your Life with Shane Stott. shanestott/
The Tim Ferriss Show Transcripts: Meditation, Mindset, and Mastery.
Chapter 13
School of Greatness Podcast by Lewis Howes, Ep. 697: Rachel Hollis.
Rise Together Podcast, with Rachel Hollis and Dave Hollis. “Why Hard Conversations Are Key to Building an Exceptional Relationship.”
Scott Stossel, “What Makes Us Happy, Revisited.” The Atlantic.
Brené Brown: The Power of Vulnerability TED Talk, 2010.
Chapter 14
Leap of Your Life Habit Worksheet:
Chapter 15
Benjamin P. Hardy, “How to Radically Change Your Goals and Success,” Inc.
Chapter 16
Leap of Your Life Declaration Form: http://www.leapofyourlife .com
First, I acknowledge you, the reader, who showed up and got to the end because it tells me a lot about who you are. I don’t take that lightly, and I’m always humbled.
No book or creative work is done alone, and although plenty of mornings started out at 3:30 a.m. in the darkness, it took a team. To my fiancée Taylor, thank you for being a support system during the tough stretches. I love you so much and there’s no way this exists without you.
This work started out as a feeling I couldn’t not express. Then, it took shape because of all the people I had conversations with or consulted directly with. This includes: Lisa Nichols, Lisa Terner, Kelly Exeter, Debbie Reber, Jeff Goins, Mike Zeller, Marion Roach, Jim Steg, Seth Mattison, Shannon Graham, Jay Nixon, Brandon Duncan, and several others.
Thank you to both Megan Nichols and John Hill for extensive early research. Thank you to all of my mentors, including Dr. John Demartini. A deep hearted thank you to all my incredible clients from the past, the present and the future; your trust in my work and ability to guide you means the world, and I’m honored to walk this path with you.
I want to thank the entire publishing team at Wiley who put up with my unabashed enthusiasm (sometimes, to my own detriment) and helped keep me sane. Thank you to Richard Narramore for taking a chance, and to Vicki Adang for helping me improve the messaging and delivery.
To all the podcast guests who have been part of the Resist Average Academy: your message is part of this, too. Your willingness to share your challenges and bold steps into the unknown made all the difference. You have all inspired me with your willingness and courage. Thank you for treating our conversations as authentically as you did.
Lastly, I’m often asked about who my mentors are. And while I can rattle off a list, they don’t hold a candle to my parents: thank you from the bottom of my heart. I quite often feel as if I won the parent lottery. None of this happens without you.
A = C model of reality, 115–116, 116
action for business leap, 152–156
consistency of, for vision, 114–116, 116
adventure, 8, 172
adversity, handling, 69
airplane mode, for cell phones, 117
The Alchemist (Coehlo), 52
alignment, for business leap, 141, 142
alternative histories, 37
amygdala, 50
anger, reacting to, 69–70
Apple, 38, 64
aspiration, 65
attention span, 116–117
avoidance, overcoming, 190
baggage, 205
Baker, Tommy, 246
Why (Real) Entrepreneurs Don't Work From Home (blog post), 85
Baraj, Karan, 77–78
Baumgartner, Felix, 3–4, 45, 52, 63, 121, 245
beginner skills, identifying, 97
behavioral change, 85–86
Be in the Right Environments (Risk Pillar 3), 53–54
beliefs moment of leap and overcoming doubt, 123–124
reframing of, 28–30
taking inventory of, 82
undeniable belief for vision, 113–114
belonging, sense of, 201
“be more to do more” model, 180–181
Bilyeu, Tom, 150–151
brain exercise and, 165
mind sharpening, 217–218
risk and, 50
skill acquisition and, 102
breakthrough, 228–229
break-ups (romantic) letting go and, 203
rejection and, 198–199
breathwork, 191
Brown, Brené, 206
Bruno, Giordano, 47–48, 55
Buffett, Warren, 140
Burning Man, 178–180
business leap, 139–162 business as endless series of leaps, 156–160
excitement test for, 144–147
for fulfillment, 139–140
Graham on, 143
impact of, 140–142, 142
Stephens on, 148
taking action for, 152–156
types of, 148–151
window of opportunity for, 151–152
work as anchor, 143–144
Campbell, Joseph, 181
career shift, 139
categorization for skill acquisition, 102
cell phones, airplane mode for, 117
cemeteries, visiting, 38
change behavioral, 85–86
sustaining, 73–74
Chase, Stuart, 30
clarity of edge, 7, 10–11
moment of leap and, 122
as process, 101
of purpose, 52, 91, 92, 92–94
in relationships, 201
relentless clarity
for vision, 112–113
Clarity Around Your Purpose (Risk Pillar 1), 52
Closet Principle (80/20 Principle), 80–82, 222, 232–233
Coehlo, Paulo, 52
cold-water therapy, 191 commitment
avoiding over-commitment, 222
at moment of leap, 128, 131–132
to personal relationships, 203–204
to physical leap, 169, 174
complacency, 205
connecting reconnection in personal relationships, 202–203 (See also connection leap)
reconnection with temple (body), 169–170 (See also physical leap)
for spiritual leap and, 183, 184
See also connection leap
connection leap, 195–208 benefits of, 200–201
example, 195–196
Going All In (Connection Leap 4), 203–204
for happiness and fulfillment, 196–197
Leap Tips, 200, 207
Letting Go (Connection Leap 3), 203
Matiash on, 204
overcoming obstacles for, 205–206
Reconnection (Connection Leap 2), 202–203
rejection and, 198–199
self-love as priority for, 199–200
taking a chance for, 207
Turning to You (Connection Leap 1), 201–202
vulnerability and, 206–207
for yourself, 197–198
Copernicus, 47
core principles identifying, 65–66
spiritual leap for, 183
counterfactual thoughts, 37
courage to take leap, 146–147
Cultivate Your Life Philosophy (Step 1), 63–64
Daigle, Craig, 124
decision making to achieve dreams, 11–12
by future self, 53
identifying core principles for, 65
making bold decisions, 153
opportunity cost in, 51–52
point of reference for, 155
declaration, 127–128
commitment of taking leap, 242–244
Leap of Your Life Declaration form, 246
ownership of, 247
satisfaction of taking leap, 241
writing your declaration, 244–245
deep texts, 87
Deida, David, 225–226
deletion 80/20 principle of, 80–82, 222, 232–233
practicing deletion for success, 222–223
for skill acquisition, 102
Demartini, John, 226
Digital Relevancy, 148
discomfort, 29–30
distraction, eliminating, 117
Divine, Mark, 171–172
Dorsey, Jack, 177–178
doubt, overcoming, 123–124
dreams, 3–15 decision making about, 11–12
the edge as invitation, 7–11
insight vs., 14
Leap Tip, 11
motivation for, 12–14
personal quest as, 4–6
riskiness of, 3–4
duality, embracing, 215–216
Duncan, Brandon, 179
Eat, Pray, Love (Gilbert), 21–22
edge clarity of, 7, 10–11
as daunting, 7–8
as invitation, 7
leaning on (See dreams; fear; regret; risk)
recognizing, 9–10
turning point for, 57–58
ego, 205, 229–231
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 8
emotion developing emotional intelligence, 68–70
releasing, 71
See also connection leap
empathy, 184
environment noise release and, 84–86
risk and, 53–54
taking inventory of, 82, 83
See also tribe
evolution of you, 225–240 breakthrough for, 228–229
long-term growth and, 229–231
Mattison on, 226–227
90-day model of goal setting for, 232–234
oasis myth and, 227–228
ongoing work of, 225–226, 231–232, 239
relationships and, 234–239
excitement test, 144–147
execution, 128–129
exercise. See physical leap
exponential shift, 151
fear, 17–31 accepting, 21–22, 25-26
avoiding focus on, 20
being held back by, 17–18
feeling controlled by, 18–19
Leap Tips, 24, 25
overcoming, for spiritual leap, 189
Pugmire on, 19–20
reframing, 22–24, 23, 26–30
of rejection, 205
releasing conditions of, 21
of worst-case scenario, 45
feedback asking for, 66
detaching from, 109
hiring someone for, 104
Feel the Fear . . . and Do It Anyway (Jeffers), 24
Ferris, Tim, 189
financial issues business leap for financial prosperity, 142
for hiring help, 156–158
income and fulfillment, 51–52, 152
investing in physical leap,
warm relationships and, 197
Finding Ultra (Roll), 164
The First 20 Hours—How to Learn Anything (Kaufman, TED Talk), 96
flipping script, 43–44
Float Tank Company, 188
float tanks for spiritual leap, 188–189, 191
for tuning into signal, 87
flow state, 91
focus intensity of, for vision, 116–117
on relationships, 205–206
for skill acquisition, 102
Fogg, BJ, 84–85
FOMO (fear of missing out), 190
4–1–4 model, 77–78
fulfillment from business leap, 139–140
relationships for, 196–197
Functional Life Coaching, 154
future self, vision for, 115–116, 116, 155
game plan for skill acquisition, 102
Gervais, Michael, 63
Gilbert, Elizabeth, 21–22
Girl, Wash Your Face (Hollis), 196
goals 90-day model of goal setting, 232–234
for physical leap, 167–168, 174
setting, 12–13
studying and learning for vertical goals, 103
Godin, Seth, 94
Graham, Shannon, 143
Grant Study, 196–197
gratification, delayed vs. instant, 52–53, 87
gratitude, fake vs. authentic,
growth (business), series of leaps for, 156–160
growth (personal) long-term growth, 229–231
physical leap for vitality and, 170
health. See physical leap
Heish, Tony, 179
Hero's Journey (Campbell), 181
hierarchy of needs, 168–170
hiring mentors and, 104, 226
timing of, 156–158
Hollis, Rachel, 195–196
Homeless Paradox, 169
House of Blues (Atlanta), 108
“how,” releasing worry about, 122–123
The Ideal Road Not Taken (2017 study), 39
Identifying Your Core Principles (or Values) (Step 2), 65–66
identity, core principles for, 65. See also knowing yourself
“in” business vs. “on” business, 158
Infinite Jest (Wallace), 26–27
infrastructure, investing in,
Inner Goddess Health, 67 insight
dreams vs., 14
spiritual leap for, 178–180
interest, identifying, 95–96. See also passion
intermediate skills, identifying, 97
intuition, 64, 122
“it's the not knowing that kills you,” 44
I've Been Changed (Perry), 108
p; J
Jeffers, Susan, 24
Jobs, Steve, 38, 64
journey, beginning. See knowing yourself; moment of leap; noise release; purpose; vision
judgment accepting, 27
reframing, 28–30
Just Luminate, 226–227
Kaufman, Josh, 96
Kipp, Mastin, 145
knowing yourself, 61–75 Cultivate Your Life Philosophy (Step 1), 63–64
Developing Emotional Intelligence and Resilience (Step 3), 68–70
Examining and Reframing Your Stories (Step 5), 72–73
Identifying Your Core Principles (or Values) (Step 2), 65–66
ignorance of, as painful, 62
importance of, 61–62
leap as direct path to, 73–74
Leap Tips, 64, 71
physical leap commitment and, 169
Radical Self-Assessment (Step 4), 70–71
Stone on, 67
Kokoro (heart), 171–172
Kondo, Marie, 83–84
Kurson, Robert, 145–146
labeling, 189
language, importance of, 130
leap as coming home. See declaration; evolution of you; unknown
leap of your life consequences of playing it safe, xi–xii