New Love: Blue Valley High — Senior Year (The Blue Valley Series Book 2)

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New Love: Blue Valley High — Senior Year (The Blue Valley Series Book 2) Page 3

by Mj Fields

Grabbing for my phone, it rings.

  Before I have a chance to even say hello, her voice booms through the speaker. “Merry Christmas, Lucas!”

  “Merry Christmas, Tessa Ross.” I laugh.

  “Okay, I seriously can’t accept your gift. They’re beautiful, but too much, my friend—”

  “Tessa,” I attempt to cut her off.

  She continues, “So beautiful they made me cry. But, like seriously stunning.”

  Smiling, I sit up. “Not even close to what you managed. And I have no idea how you pulled that off. I’ve never received a gift with such meaning. I love it and will always cherish it. I might have cried, but Audrianna beat me to it when the girls opened their gifts. As always, I’m in awe of you.”

  Tessa made albums of my time with her family, though she purposely left the pictures of just the two of us out. She included newspaper clippings that have my name in it from local papers and lots of pictures of me and my sisters. She also managed to get a couple of me and my mom.

  She also started photo albums for each of my sisters that included the same photos as she put in mine, and a couple of her and the girls, and the girls and Chewy. There are also empty pages to be filled in later and a note with where to find the stickers and embellishments.

  “I’m glad you liked it. Now, can we get back to talking about the earrings I can’t accept? And the gift from your family that’s seriously so over the top that I can’t even stand it?” She laughs.

  The night before I left, I had stashed a box that Audri and Dad had sent under the tree. On it was a tag that read, “To the Ross family. From the Links family.” It was full of beach items and gift cards. There was a voucher for a family getaway to Myrtle Beach to be used at a condo that Dad owned for whenever they chose.

  “Again, insane, but I cried again when I read your dad’s note.”

  He told me that he thanked them for letting me stay and that he specifically thanked Tessa for her kindness.

  Chapter Three

  It has been forever since I cracked open a book—the dust on the cover proves it—when I opened my old copy of Double Love. One page in, and it sends me down the rabbit hole, but I don’t go it alone this time. No, Kendall grabs it as soon as I finish and devours it in one night, while I read Secrets. Now she’s reading Double Love, and I’m on to Playing With Fire. I seriously wish the library was open, or it didn’t take so long to order a copy.

  I quickly realize how nice it is to get lost in someone else’s drama when you’re drowning in your own. I also learn this is mostly a female thing since Jake, who wanted to join in on the group read, got through three chapters then told us, ‘girls are stupid’. This caused Kendall and I to laugh so hard that we cried. To be fair, it’s not actually what he said that caused the twenty-minute laughing fit; it was the actual watching one another laughing that was so hilarious. This is something I had to point out to Jake, who tried to make ‘girls are stupid’ a thing. Five or so times of him saying that, hoping to make us laugh as hard again, I had to tell him the truth. And I had to do this, not so much to sort his thinking out, as to save his ass from saying it outside of this house. Especially at say … school, or to his crush, Sarah. I’m trying to save him from getting beat up by Kendall, who no longer found it funny when he replaced the word girl with Kendall.

  So, reading is what I’ve done to pass the evenings from Christmas day until right now.

  As soon as I see headlights reflecting in the window, I close my books, shove on my feet in my boots, and then throw—yes, throw—open the door. I bolt to Lucas who just got out of his vehicle, giving me a full view of him—as well as a glimpse of his V—as he stretches his arms across his body then over his head. It’s insane how much bigger and even more beautiful he looks after not seeing him for just shy of seventy-two hours.

  They say distance makes the heart grow fonder, but it seriously also makes something beautiful even more so.

  I tackle him right into the snow hill that Dad made when he plowed the driveway with the tractor.

  “You’re slipping, quarterback.” I laugh as I hop up and Chewy replaces me by pouncing on him, licking up the entire side of his face.

  Totally understand, Chewy. I laugh to myself.

  “Some tackles are worth taking.” He chuckles as he grabs Chewy’s face and scratches behind both his ears, distracting him from sobering on him anymore.

  Once he gets up, I help him carry in his things.

  Inside the kitchen, he inhales. “Do I smell chocolate?”

  “Coco. Would you like some?”

  “Let me get dried off first, and then yeah, that sounds great, Tessa Ross.”

  I love the way he says my name, Tessa Ross, with a smirk and that glimmer in his eyes.

  He runs his hand over his head, ridding it of the snow as he looks me over, which I love, too. He then steps out of his boots and starts to walk away, and as fine as his ass is, I hate seeing him do that. The walking away part makes my heart ache.

  I call after him, “Tommy and Jade are going to ride snowmobile to The Spot for dinner. Wanna go?”

  He looks over his shoulder and smiles. “Sounds like fun.”

  Tessa drives, and I hold on tight. She’s pretty damn wild on the green sled. I’m not complaining, though. I love wrapping myself around her, and the fact she’s all layered up keeps it PG. What isn’t PG is what we pull up to when arrive at The Spot. Jade is straddling Tommy on their sled and making out like, well, like two teenagers in love. They don’t stop, either, until they realize the noise from the engine isn’t purrs or growls from one another, and the lights aren’t some warm tunnels leading to the land of ecstasy.

  It’s uncomfortable, and not because my best friend has two layers of clothing from getting it on in front of me, but because I am already on edge. I have three days in a place that seems a lot like a heaven—that I never deserved to be in—where I’m staring at the apple I know I have no business biting into. But the fact that I’m about to spend the rest of my life in hell is making it close to impossible not to say screw it, and Jade and Tommy’s little show is yet another kick in the dick.

  “You two need a minute?” Tessa laughs as she takes off her helmet.

  “Just waiting on you,” Jade says, face emblazed red, compliments of the make out session and the embarrassment of getting busted, I suppose.

  “Yeah.” Tessa barks about a laugh as she makes her way toward the door.

  The place is packed, as it usually is when people are out on sleds, but the big table next to the fireplace is open. We could sit somewhere else, free up some space for others, but Tessa makes her way through the crowd. She says hello to nearly everyone, all of whom she knows, as she heads toward the table.

  We order dinner, my favorite, prime rib, and we talk about Christmas.

  Once we’re done with dinner, Tessa excuses herself, and so does Tommy, leaving me with Jade. But not for long. Alex, Ryan, Phoebe, and Becca all walk in and sit with us.

  Once they sit down, the place starts to get quiet, and all eyes are looking beyond me.

  I turn to see Tommy carrying out a cake, Tessa walking beside him with a stack of plates. Beyond them, the kitchen staff and the whole place sings “Happy Birthday.”

  Totally unexpected, and my one-winged angel reminds me what a blessing she is.

  Tommy sets the cake in front of me, winks, and then nods to Tessa, telling me this was all her.

  I mouth, “Thank you,” to her then blow out nineteen candles, and yeah, I get a bit choked up.

  Tommy always tries to make a big deal out of my birthday but, like this year, it usually falls at a bad time.

  We eat cake, we talk, we laugh, and I allow myself to pretend that everything is perfect. That next year will be just as good, knowing damn well it won’t, and that there’s no way that will happen.

  Tessa asks me if I want to drive home, and I say, “Hell yes!”

  Even though I love being wrapped around her, her being wrapped around me
is even better. I take my damn time, too, sucking up every second I can, all the while wishing this moment could last forever.

  When we finally get to the farm, I pull the sled into the barn then turn it off.

  Tessa hops off and takes off her helmet, waves of golden hair falling in her face. She laughs, and that sound—her laugh—I want it etched in my memory.

  “Lucas, you drive like my grandma.” She tugs at the zipper on her bibs, and it gets stuck. She stomps her foot and scowls.

  Also something I’ll miss—the tantrums. Tantrums are a hell of a lot different than fits of anger or rage, all of which I’m used to. None of which I miss for even a second … some of which I caused.

  “Let me help you.”

  Fully aware that, under her coat that she has already taken off, and bibs—an article of clothing that I never found at all sexy until Tessa—she’s wearing a tight navy thermal. I am even more aware that the zipper is stuck breast level. I am also painfully aware that Tessa doesn’t wear padded bras, so to say there isn’t much between my finger and her tits is an understatement.

  I’m careful not to get her caught in the zipper, and I do this by sticking a finger behind it, being vigilant not to touch her … until I do.

  I don’t react, but her body does. Her nipples pebbles instantly, and the feeling of her tight little peaks now pressing against my skin, covered in clothes or not, makes me look up.

  Tessa closes her eyes and arches her back ever so slightly. When her lips part and a gust of sweet breath releases, I am done … and I’m not alone.

  Her eyes flutter open and, unmoving, we stand and look at each other, both trying to control ourselves, neither able to do so.

  Closing her eyes tightly, she whispers—no, begs—my name.

  I close the distance before she even finishes it.

  Mouth to mouth, I pull her lower lip down with my teeth as she wraps her arms around my shoulders and slides her tongue against mine. Reaching behind her, I grab her ass and lift her up. She wraps her legs around me as if I am hers, and at this moment, I am. Truth be told, I know a part of me always will be.

  She grips the sides of my face and, leaning over me, she deepens the kiss while sliding one hand down my neck, my chest, and then down my pants.

  I love the way she touches me. It kills me. I won’t allow it to reach drowning depths that I know neither of us will ever recover from, because no touch has ever felt so right.

  I move my lips to her neck and whisper against her skin, “I love you, Tessa.”

  “I love you, Lucas … so much.” She begins grinding against me, whimpering, driving desire like a freight train. And in my head, I see it driving right fucking over her and me both.

  I curse the one-winged angel and force myself to enjoy just this moment with her.

  The angel wins, however, and I pull my lips from her skin and stand.

  Releasing my dick, she grips my shoulders, her face showing confusion mixed with anger as she looks me over.

  Panting, I begin, “Baby, I … we—”

  “I just want to feel you, Lucas. I need to feel you.”

  And feel me, she is.

  She reaches between us again as I crash my lips against hers, stripping her bibs, hands rubbing down the thin thermal pants as she reaches down and unsnaps my snow pants. As she pushes them down, I cup her little ass, lift her up, and she wraps her legs around me.

  Three steps, and I have her against the wall. Her hand still gripping my cock, stroking me.

  I kiss her hard as I push her against the wall and rock against her. Even covered, I feel her warmth against my cock.

  “You’re so hot, baby,” I groan out. “Fuck, Tessa. This is …”

  “Please, don’t stop. Please, Lucas, it feels so good.” Her voice is shaky. “I wish you were inside of me.”

  “I would give anything to be, baby.” I grind my hips harder against her, and she gives it right back. “Aw … fuck. Yes, just like that, Tessa.”

  I pull her away from the wall and walk over to the snowmobile.

  Setting her down, she protests, “No.”

  “I’m gonna lay you down. I’m going to lay on you. I need to make you come, Tessa.”

  Body to body, lips to lips, we grind.

  When her body tenses, she rips her lips away from me, gasping, “I think—”

  “What’s it feel like, baby?” I know what she’s thinking, but I want to hear it.

  “Hot, burning … Lucas.” She throws her head back, and I catch it in my hand to stop her from injuring her head. I love that she lost control, forgot where we are, forgot what we truly are.

  She starts to pull away.

  “No, baby, you’re right there. Stay with me. Fuck … go off with me.”

  I grind harder as I push a hand between us, under her pants, above her soaked panties, and begin to thumb where I know her clit is.

  Again, she gasps and tries to pull away, but I hold on tighter, press harder. She has never come undone like this before, and it is beautiful.

  “No, baby, let me be the first to make you come, really come.”

  She clenches her teeth tightly as she rocks against my touch. Then she holds her breath, attempting to cage a strangled scream. I rub faster, knowing she will not be able to hold back. She begins to quiver, her thighs shaking, and then she cries out her orgasm.

  My balls tighten around the liquid fire burning inside of them, and I can’t hold back. I come, and I come hard.


  Tessa wraps her arms around my neck, and I press my lips against her cheek, kissing over and over again as we both fight to catch our breaths.

  When I finally stand, Tessa lies there, almost lifeless, a sated, soft smile on her lips as she keeps her eyes closed. For a moment, I watch her and pretend that we are in my bed, surrounded by only each other, our love a soft blue on the inside, but on the outside, an unbreakable barrier that no one could possibly penetrate. I pretend that we would fall asleep beside each other then wake up with the dawn, and that soft, sated smile would still be on her face.

  I reach down and push my hands underneath her shoulders and under her legs then lift her.


  “No one’s here but us, baby, and I’m carrying you to bed.”

  She doesn’t fight me as she rests her head against my chest and yawns, allowing me to do just that.

  As I lay her on her bed, I press my lips to her forehead and inhale her intoxicating scent, hoping to never forget it, to never forget the smell of Tessa Ross after orgasm.

  When I begin to stand, she grabs my shirt. “Please, don’t go. Please, stay with me tonight.”

  “Give me a minute. I’ll be back.”

  After running out to the barn and grabbing our discarded outerwear, I hurry back inside, wash up, and change into my pajama pants. I know I promised John not to sneak in her room, but since he’s not home and the door will remain open, I lay with her until she falls asleep. It might be selfish, but I’m sure even my one-winged little angel would agree that holding the person you love until they fall asleep isn’t wrong.

  Chapter Four

  When I walk into the kitchen, she looks up then quickly down, cheeks pinkening as she folds towels and washcloths.

  I swallow back my anger at myself and force out, “Good morning, Tessa.”

  She drops the handmade, woven, multicolored washcloth and hurries to me, giving me a tight hug. “Good morning.”

  “Tessa, I’m sorry about—”

  “I’m not.” She grins.

  I shake my head, pissed at myself. “Tessa, I am. Do you know what today is?”

  She picks up the washcloth and continues folding. “Yep, three days before your birthday.”

  “The sonogram … the fucking sonogram, Tessa.” Pissed at myself mostly, I slam my palm on the table.

  Tessa jumps. “I’m sorry, Lucas. I forgot.”

  When she looks at me, her eyes are misting over. Now, I’m pissed at her.
I fucking hate tears.

  “Okay, don’t. No water works, Tessa.”

  She looks at me, shocked, and then nods as she looks away.

  I immediately feel like a dick because, let’s face it, I am. “Dammit, I’m sorry.”

  Tessa swallows hard as she turns around and clears her voice. “No big deal. We can forget it happened. Just a mistake. Sorry. Breakfast is in the oven. It’s a casserole. I need to go to the bathroom.”

  I give myself a minute, maybe two at the most, before I’m hurrying after her to fix the shit I just caused.

  When I walk in the bathroom, she’s standing, back to me, folding more clothes at the dryer.


  I watch her wipe away tears, and she clears her throat. “Lucas, do you need something?”

  “Tessa, look at me.”

  “I’m a little busy … Just give me a minute, okay?” she asks in a sweet as hell voice.

  I close the distance between us and lightly brush her hair over her shoulder, and she starts to shake. “I’m sorry.”

  “You don’t have to be. It’s not a big deal.”

  “Look at me, baby,” I whisper.

  She shakes her head. “Look, last night was fun. I know you’re leaving, and I know you’re going to have a baby, but for just a few minutes …” She stops and takes a deep breath. “I forgot, so my mistake. I’m sorry. I’m not mad, and I hope you can forgive me.”

  Instinct drives me to wrap my arms around her, to stop or at least calm the shaking. “I’m not mad at you, Tessa. I’m mad at me.”

  Silent sobs become less silent as she covers her eyes. Not a damn thing I can do but hold her.

  Eventually, she clears her throat. “I don’t want that, Lucas. I don’t want you to be mad at yourself. The reality is that this sucks. The whole thing. You’re trying to tiptoe around me because you don’t want to hurt me, and I’m doing the same thing. It sucks, and what really sucks is that I believe we love one another and there isn’t a damn thing either of us can do about it. It’s the forbidden fruit.” She laughs. “We never even really bit down on the damn apple because we actually give a shit about each other.” She laughs as she turns around, tears now gone, but the stains remain on her cheeks. “Never, in my wildest dreams, did I think I would be seventeen, in love with a guy who got another girl pregnant. I don’t regret it, but damn is it hard. Because I have to share you, with so many people, and it’s not fair.” She puts her head on my chest and laughs again before looking up at me. “You got anything, Lucas? You’re being awfully quiet, and I’m sick of hearing my own voice”


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