New Love: Blue Valley High — Senior Year (The Blue Valley Series Book 2)

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New Love: Blue Valley High — Senior Year (The Blue Valley Series Book 2) Page 31

by Mj Fields

  He thrusts his fingers quicker then stops to turn me as he sits on the bench. “Lie back, baby.” Then he throws my legs over his shoulders and looks up at me. “Now.”

  “Oh fuck,” I cry, gripping the edges of the table above my head as he spreads me wider, licking, nipping, sucking, fingering me until … until … until … “Oh yes, yes, yes! Lucas … Oh, Lucas!”

  He doesn’t stop, and I come again and again and again.

  Lucas stops then moves around the table, shoving his jeans down as I watch. With one hand stroking his huge erection, he beckons me to move closer with the other.

  “You want this, Tessa?” he asks as he slowly rubs up and down the length of him.

  “Yes.” I lick my lips and begin to turn.

  “No, baby, stay just like that.”

  He stands there, out of reach, stroking his beautiful cock.

  “Please, Lucas.”

  “Beg me, baby.”

  I repeat in a voice I barely recognize, “Please, Lucas.”

  He steps forward. “Suck my dick, baby.”

  I do. I suck him deeply as he moves his hands down my body, pushing fingers into me again. I cry out around him now. Moaning and crying, sucking and licking.

  He pulls out of my mouth, grabbing his cock to rub the tip over my lips. I circle my tongue around and around, memorizing the ridges. When he trusts in deep, deeper than I’ve taken him before, I gag and he pulls out fully with a hiss.

  He moves swiftly, now on top of me, guiding his dick to my entrance and slamming into me, taking my breath away. He then stops, stills, doesn’t move as he grinds in even deeper, over and over, and over again.

  He looks up at me. “Shit, are you—”

  “Don’t stop, Lucas,” I beg again in that voice that I didn’t know I have but am growing accustomed to.

  He moves faster, fucking me harder than he ever has, and I cry out loud as I come … again.

  He pulls out and jumps off the table. I watch as he makes quick work of putting a condom on.

  Unable to move, I use pure willpower to force myself to sit up.

  “Come, baby.” He helps me off the table. Then he turns me around and demands, “Touch your toes.”

  I do, on shaky legs, and he squeezes my ass, spreads me, and then slowly enters me.

  “Stay that way as long as you can,” he instructs.

  He fucks me, and it feels … it feels … My legs start to shake, and he wraps his arm around my waist, holding me up, as he continues.

  When he lets go, I grab the table, and he moves us forward, pressing his hand between my shoulders until I am lying on his shirt, trying to catch my breath.

  “Hang on, baby.” He squeezes my ass and powers into me again.

  When he comes, it’s intense, and then he calls my name into the sky, like I did his.

  Unable to move, I lie in the same spot, panting, as I hear him move around behind me.

  When he returns, he’s dressed, except for his shirt, and setting my clothes on the table beside me.

  Chuckling, he pulls me up. “Love you, baby.”

  “Love you,” I mumble as he lifts one leg and slides my panties on, then the other, and then he does the same thing with my jeans, stopping just below my ass.

  The fact that, just months ago, I hid my boobs under big shirts yet have no qualms letting my ass hang out right there, bare, makes me laugh to myself.

  “Gonna need a little help here, baby.” He chuckles.

  “No,” I sigh out as I push up and turn around, allowing him to put my bra on for me then pull a shirt over my head.

  “You okay?” he asks, and I can’t stop myself from grinning. He pulls my pants up the rest of the way, zipping and buttoning them. “All right.” He then grabs his shirt and puts it on.

  “Tessa, we kind of have to go, baby. I’m already late.” He laughs.

  I shrug. “Can’t move my legs.”

  “Oh God, Tessa.”

  Smiling, I close my eyes. “They feel like Jell-O. You’re going to have to give me a minute.”

  “Oh, thank God, I thought I hurt you.” He swoops me up. “But we have to go. I want to get this done so I don’t have to use those things anymore.”

  After depositing me in the vehicle, buckling me, shutting the door, and hurrying around, he slides himself in, starts the engine, and does a U-turn, pulling back onto the road.

  “We okay?”

  “Yes, Lucas, we’re fine.”

  “Okay. Why are you so quiet?”

  “My body is still throwing a party.”

  “Are you kidding me?” he gasps.

  “No joke.”

  And it’s not. I feel like I’m having tremors in places.

  He reaches over and grabs my breast.

  “That’s not going to help.”

  “Baby,” he whispers, “you are so fucking hot.”

  “Lucas, please,” I say, pressing my thighs together, hoping to stop whatever is going on. But it intensifies.

  “Shit, Tessa.” He pulls into a parking lot, and I assume we’re here. “Okay … you stay here. I’m hoping it will be quick, and then we are going back. I want you again already.”

  “Good luck.” I throw a thumbs-up.

  Within a few minutes, my belly cramps up, and it hits me.


  Walking out of the medical room, he sputters and kicks the tire once, twice, three times. He’s throwing a fit. Oddly, I find it amusing and wish that someone would come up with some sort of pocket sized video camera to capture moments like this. Ones where a big, old football player throws a two-year-old tantrum so I can show him, laugh at and with him.

  He whips his head around and locks eyes with mine, and I can’t help it … I can’t.

  I laugh so hard, and he charges at me, like a defensive player.

  Shoulder to my belly, my feet leave the ground, and he starts laughing as he spins me in a circle, smacks my ass, and then heads back to his vehicle.

  I reach in my pocket and pull out the keys. “You lose something?”

  “Shut it, Tessa Ross.” He sets me on my feet and takes the keys.

  “Please, tell me why the hell you were flipping out?” I laugh.

  He shrugs as he opens my door. “Thought I scared you off.”

  I slide in and huff out, “Links, please.”

  Hands on the roof, he leans in. “You okay?”

  “I had to use the bathroom.”

  He studies my face then says, “You need a cell phone.”

  “I have a pager, and I don’t even use it.”

  He shuts the door, walks around, and gets in. “You need to give me that info.”

  “I don’t even know how to use it.” I laugh.

  He starts up the vehicle. “You’re gonna learn.” Then he takes my hand.

  Pulling out, I tell him, “I need to stop at the store.”


  A few minutes later, he pulls into a parking lot, throws the car in park, and I hop out. “Be back in a minute.”

  I start walking then hear footsteps behind me. I look back and see him walking behind me. Face burning, I stop and turn. “Lucas, I can go by myself.”

  “No, I’ll go with you.”

  I start back toward the vehicle.

  “Tessa, what’s going on?”

  “I got my period.” I look at his face, expecting disappointment to show.

  “Oh, well, that happens, right?” Lucas looks down then quickly up at me, smiling. “That means you can start your pills on Sunday.”

  “You’re not disappointed?”

  “No.” He laughs grabbing my hand. “Come on.”

  “You really don’t have to come with me.”

  “Are you embarrassed?”

  “Aren’t you?”

  “No, I’m pretty sure they aren’t going to think they’re for me.” He laughs.

  I nudge him.

  Walking into the store, he smirks. I try to let go of his hand, and he lau
ghs, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me in close.

  In the health and beauty aisle, I grab a package of pads.

  “Seriously, that’s what you use?”

  “Lucas, yes,” I whisper.

  Lucas looks at all the different types of pads. “Now, what the hell do you need wings for? And why not these?” He picks up a box of Tampons.

  “I’m not shoving something up me.”

  “Why not?” he asks.

  “Because I’m a vir—” I pause. “I don’t know.” Again, my face burns.

  He wags his brows. “I can help.”

  “Oh no, we are officially on a break for a week.”

  “I can still help.” He throws them in the cart that he insisted on grabbing. “We need chocolate?”

  I nod. “Yes, of course.”

  “Ice cream?” he asks.

  “Gallons,” I joke.

  Cart full of snacks, we head to the checkout.

  I yawn, and he pulls me against him.


  I nod.

  “This is the shortest line, and I think it’s going to take a while.”

  At the checkout, we load the belt.

  “Hello, Lucas,” the cashier says.

  I look up at her.

  “Hey, Leah. This is Tessa, my girlfriend.”

  Leah. Bitch.

  “Hello, Tessa.” Leah looks away.

  She scans all the items, and when she comes to the feminine hygiene products, Leah smirks. “Going to be a fun stay, huh?”

  I swear my jaw hits the ground, but before I’m ready to spout off, Lucas tells her, “Yeah, it will be.” He hands her cash, and she gives him the change.

  I bite my tongue because I really want to tell her what she did to us. However, it’s clear she likes being a bitch.

  “By the way, they are for me,” he tells her.

  He tugs my hand and, laughing, we walk out the doors, with pads and snacks.

  Chapter Thirty Four

  Lucas runs upstairs with all my hygiene products while I help Audri put the snacks away.

  “Lucas, there is a lot of junk food here,” Audrianna says.

  He smiles. “I know. Tessa has horrible eating habits.” He kisses her cheek. “Gotta meet the gang at the mall.”

  “Be back for dinner?” she asks.

  “I’ll help cook,” I call over my shoulder as he drags me out.

  * * *Jade and Phoebe play with the girls while I help cook dinner and the guys sit around and eat my “unhealthy snacks.”

  “Lucas, got word today that the Ithaca job’s mine. You sure you’re up for it?”

  I look at Lucas, who nods. “Sure am.”

  Landon looks at him proudly. “It’s not a huge job. It’ll start at the end of June and end in the middle of August.”

  “Perfect,” Lucas says. “Do I get to boss people around?”

  “Well, you’ll get to do a lot of things. I’ll spend a few weeks there. I found a house on Cayuga Lake that we can rent, if Audrianna would like to stay.”

  “Cool. Will we need a lot of people?” he asks.

  “We might need a few extra hands; why?”

  “I was thinking of Ryan and Alex. I would love to tell them what to do all day, and they both operate equipment already. And maybe we can hire the girls to make us lunch?” Lucas jokes.

  “Well, the boys, yes. It’s not work for females.”

  I narrow my eyes, and Lucas must catch it because he chuckles.

  “What’s so funny?” Landon asks.

  I glare at Lucas, willing him not to say anything.

  “Oh, nothing. Ryan, Alex, what do you say?” Lucas asks.

  “I’ll have to work on the farm. Dad’s going to need me before I go away,” Alex answers. “But, thank you.”

  “I’m in.” Ryan nods then looks at Alex. “I can help with hay after work.”

  “Perfect.” Landon claps his hands together.

  “Do you know what would be perfect?” Audrianna asks. “You and the boys cleaning up dishes. I know it’s women’s work, but I think you might be able to handle it, dear.” Audrianna winks at me, telling me she caught on to my disdain for his sexist remarks.

  “Not a problem.” Landon chuckles, looking at me, too.

  Audri adds, “And maybe dinner tomorrow night.”

  “Oh and breakfast,” I whisper to her, and I do it loud enough for Landon to hear me.

  “And breakfast in the morning. Landon, can you manage that?” Audrianna challenges.

  “I can, Audri, but you’d better be able to handle what I have in store for you tonight,” he replies, walking out of the kitchen. “Come on, girls; let’s set the outdoor table. It’s paper plates tonight.”

  She rolls her eyes. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. Have fun with that.” Jade laughs.

  “Audrianna, how did you two meet?” Phoebe asks.

  Audrianna tells us that Landon and Kate had Lucas young, at sixteen, and it was unplanned. Landon had started working construction and taking night classes to get through high school. Landon became a foreman at eighteen. He also started playing around then. Kate drank a lot, trying to dull the pain she felt as a result of his infidelities and hers. After the divorce, Landon started his first construction company. Landon met wife number two shortly after. He also left New York, since most of his jobs were in Jersey. He was able to afford giving them the lifestyle he thought Lucas deserved.

  Wife number two only lasted three years, and he was onto wife number three, who was more his age and lasted five years. She made him seek marriage counseling, and that is where he met Audrianna. She was a couple of years older than Landon, which I want to point out that you would never be able to tell. Wife three had an affair with the counselor, and Landon was less than happy when he found out. Audrianna was wife three’s counselor’s supervisor. She was single and planned on staying that way. One thing led to another, and she fell in love with him. They have been married for seven years now. Of course, they had taken a break. She wanted him to be more present and felt that, if he missed her and the girls, they would get back together and life would be perfect again.

  I learn more in those ten minutes from Audrianna than in the game me and Lucas played at Mom’s apartment back in the fall.

  Alexandra comes running in and asks, “Will you sleep in our room tonight, Tessa?”

  Lucas stands behind her, shaking his head.

  “I would love to,” I say as she dives into my arms.

  After dinner, Lucas reads stories to all three of us, tucks us in, and kisses us all goodnight.

  He whispers in my ear, “When they fall asleep, please come outside. We’ll be there.”

  I must have fallen asleep, but when I wake up, I sneak out and find everyone asleep. Looking at the clock, I see it’s three in the morning. Of course they’re asleep.

  I sneak into Lucas’s room to use the bathroom, and when I look at him lying there, all hot and bare, I decide to climb into bed.

  When I snuggle up to him, he wakes up. “Finally made it out?”


  “Then sleep, baby.” He pulls me into his arms, head to chest, and I fall asleep.

  I wake to a loud clearing of a throat and Lucas’s saying, “Hey, Dad.”

  I jump up and nearly fall off the side of his bed. Lucas grabs the back of my shirt and stops that from happening.

  “Good morning, Lucas,” he says, trying not to smile, but his pompous tone isn’t hidden in the least. He looks at me. “Tessa, thanks for getting all three of my princesses to sleep last night, but if the other two wake up and you’re gone, they’re going to be very upset.”

  “Okay, I’m sorry. I really am. Nothing happened, I promise. I even have my bra on, and I have my period.” I slap my hands over my mouth and slide off the bed. Why the hell am I telling him all this? My face catches fire.

  I look at Lucas, who’s green eyes are all sorts of amused.

  As I’m sneak
ing back in the girls’ room, I hear Landon chuckle. “She is a treat, Lucas.”

  “Yeah, I know,” Lucas replies. “What’s up?”

  “Breakfast is what’s up. Let’s do this.”

  There isn’t a rock in sight to crawl under.

  I pull into the driveway with all the breakfast food that Dad ordered, thinking this is genius.

  Dad is in the kitchen when I walk in, making a mess to make it believable while checking his email.

  “Multitasking.” He winks.

  After setting out the scones, which I’ve never had in my fucking life, and scooping all the fried potatoes into a dish, the scrambled eggs into another, and making the fruit look like something out of a woman’s magazine, Ryan and Alex walk into the kitchen.

  “Everything already done?” Ryan asks.

  Dad and I both look at each other and smile. “All set.”

  Dad grabs a plate that he made for Audri and heads out of the kitchen. “You guys have this. I’ll be serving my wife breakfast in bed.”

  As soon as he leaves, we hear the girls coming down the stairs, and we plate them up some food.

  “Scones?” Phoebe beams.

  “What are scones?” Jade asks.

  “Lighter and sweeter than a biscuit. Great with tea.” Phoebe breaks one apart and gushes, “Oh man, Lucas, you’ll have to give me your recipe. These are better than the ones I had in England.”

  “Wait—what? You’ve been to England?” Tessa asks.

  Phoebe shrugs. “Yeah.”

  Tessa and I look at each other then at Alex, who shrugs. Obviously news to him.

  “A vacation?” Jade asks.

  “Yeah, kind of,” Phoebe says, looking down.

  “And how about these potatoes?” Tessa changes the subject as she takes a bite, and her eyes do some shit that looks a lot like her almost there face, and then she looks at me. “Lucas, it tastes great. What spices did you use?”

  “Well, what ones do you taste, baby?” I ask, looking away, not wanting to lie or watch a fucking potato do what my fingers do to her.

  Everyone eats, and we men clean up, as promised.

  Somehow Karma decides to show up and prove she’s a woman by bringing Tess and Audri into the kitchen together.

  Audri whispers to Tessa, “Breakfast was good, huh?”


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