New Love: Blue Valley High — Senior Year (The Blue Valley Series Book 2)

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New Love: Blue Valley High — Senior Year (The Blue Valley Series Book 2) Page 47

by Mj Fields

  Sitting on the couch, reading my Intro to Psych homework while the news is on, the house phone rings.

  “Hey, birthday girl, can we do Doe Camp for your birthday tonight?” It’s Phoebe.

  “Sounds great. Low key, please,” I requested.

  “Cool. How about six?” Phoebe asks, and I hear the smile in her voice.

  “Sure, I’ll pick you up.”

  “Great. Chat later.” She hangs up.

  The cell rings, and I answer it with, “Lucas Links Fan-club, how may I help you?”

  “Hey, baby, we won our game. I got to play for more than five minutes.”

  “Awesome job, Lucas! Will I see you later?”

  “We will see. Not sure when we’ll be in early enough to make a trip out. See you tomorrow?”

  “Yeah, sounds good. Congrats, Lucas. I’m proud of you.”

  “I’m glad, baby. Love you.”

  “Love you”—I pause—“anyway.”

  He laughs and says, “Goodnight.”

  “Hey, Lucas?” I say and try not to sound bitchy, even though I’m definitely feeling it.

  “Yeah, baby?” he asks softly.

  “Call me later?” When you remember you forgot my fucking birthday?

  “I’m really beat. Tomorrow’s good, though, right?”

  “Yep, perfect.”

  He laughs. “Okay, baby, sleep well.” Then he hangs up.

  I wonder if he remembers it’s my birthday. I certainly remember his. Pretty unforgettable. Birthdays aren’t that big of a deal.

  Not feeling in the birthday party mood at all, I pick up Phoebe, who sings “Happy Birthday” to me at least five times on our way to camp, annoying the hell out of me, because there isn’t one thing happy about it, but I sure do pretend.

  When we pull down the hill to camp, I shake my head at the sight of several cars in the field.

  “You only turn nineteen once, Tessa.” Phoebe smiles.

  “You’re the best, Phoebe. The best.”

  Stepping out of the Jeep, I look around as they all yell, “Surprise.”

  Everyone is here—the hockey team, my siblings and parents, Cassidy, and Ben.

  Oh boy, I think as I walk to them.

  After the many hellos, thank yous, and birthday hugs, I make my way to the table to look for chocolate, or beer—that would work—when I see a basket of flowers—yellow roses and white daisies. I pluck the card from the flowers and open it.

  Happy birthday, baby.

  Wish I could be there. Have fun.

  Love me anyway,


  While everyone eats, I make sure to talk to everyone, because I am truly grateful they’re here and, even though I am pissed at him for not saying the words today, I have avoided much interaction with Ben, because of him.

  “Tessa, can we steal you for a minute?” Molly asks, reaching out for my hand.

  “Of course,” I say, taking her hand and following them away from the crowd.

  “Cory thinks I should wait, but it’s your birthday. I want to tell someone, and I want it to be you. Being your birthday, it’s …” She stops and smiles. “You just have to promise not to tell anyone until we’re— “

  “Are you …?” I point to her belly.

  “Yes.” Molly laughs, and I hug her. “Honeymoon baby, I guess.”

  “Oh, Molly, I am so happy for you.” I hug Cory. “And for you.”

  He smiles. “Thanks, Tessa, but we truly just found out yesterday. She still needs to have the blood test and—”

  “I pissed on four sticks, Cory.”

  “Did she just say pissed?” I laugh.

  “She’s had a bit of a short temper lat—”

  “Because she’s pregnant,” I point out the obvious.

  Cory smiles, like he wants to believe it, but is being cautious. “Blood test and—”

  “Killjoy.” Molly rolls her eyes.

  After that, that grounding moment, moments where joy and love are the most important, not feelings—screw feelings—and Molly actually almost cursed, and yes, flowers and Lucas playing “more than five minutes” at his game today, a game I missed because it was in freaking Ohio, one that I’d have gone to watch him play five seconds, I look around and smile as the lights turn on and the music begins. Alex lights the bonfire, and all the older people begin to trickle out. I drag Molly and Kendall to join the girls to the area clearly designated for dancing, and we freaking dance.

  About half an hour later, I hear Ben on the old mic that Kendall must have snuck in. “Birthday girl?”

  I shake her head, and he drops to his knees. “Please, Tess.”

  “Just go sing, Tessa.” Jade pushes me.

  So, I do.

  Once we’re done, we walk over to the table and grab a soda from the metal ice buckets, and I ask, “You still have a band?”

  He pops the tab for me and hands me the cold soda, answering, “A new one.”

  “That’s cool. Do you guys play anywhere?”

  “Right now, we’re just getting a playlist together and trying to figure it out. Want me to sing one I am working on?” he asks, not waiting for an answer as he heads over.

  I laugh and call to him, “Of course.”

  Ben gets up and sings “Shine,” the song I sang to Lucas at the party.

  He then sings “Jane Says” by Jane’s Addiction. He smiles and looks at the thirty people standing around, making every one of them feel what Ben makes you feel—happy and noticed. It takes less than a song before everyone is dancing. Everyone, and I mean everyone, because even Alex is dancing. As he finishes the song, I think I see headlights but don’t look back because I hear Ben say, “All right, solo song for our birthday girl, Tess.” He hits the small DJ equipment, and it registers. Kendall didn’t bring the mic. It’s most likely Ben’s equipment.

  The intro to “Zombie” begins and Ben asks, “You got this?”

  “Thanks to Kendall’s obsession I do.” I take the mic.

  “What?” he asks, cupping his ear

  I shake my head. “Nothing.”

  I hop up on the picnic table, my back to everyone to gain some courage, and then I turn, close my eyes, and then open them to find Kendall, and begin. I immediately get lost in my head, the lyrics, and the music as I sing my ass off into the night.

  When the song ends, the music dies, and I turn with my back to them, raise my arms in the air, and yell, “Alex, you better catch me!” as I fall back while adrenaline fills the empty.

  Thankfully, I feel two strong arms and send up a little thank you to God for giving me Alex, who is always there to catch me.

  I open my eyes when I hear, “Happy birthday, baby.”

  “It is now!” I hop down and hug him.

  “Doesn’t look like you were doing that bad, Tessa,” he says, and I look up at him.

  “It was good, but now it’s perfect.” I kiss him again and again before saying, “Walk with me?”

  “I brought some friends, baby.”

  I peer around him and see José, Miles, and Jenny standing there, all together. “Happy birthday,” they say, and then the music starts.

  “Links, can I dance with your girl?” José asks.

  “Sure,” Lucas says. “Go have fun.”

  Okay, okay, I tell myself as José grabs my hand.

  “Tessa, you can sing, girl.”

  “Thanks,” I say, looking over my shoulder as Lucas introduces Miles and Jenny to Jade and Ryan.

  When the second song finishes, José gives me a hug. “Thanks, girl.”

  “No, thank you. My guy doesn’t like to dance.” I look back toward him, all smiles as he hugs Jade and holds his hand over her belly.

  Jade waves me over, and José and I walk to them. She hugs me. “We’re heading out.”

  Ryan gives Lucas a wink. “Have fun tonight.”

  Lucas nods once. “Always.”

  “Are you staying?” I ask.

  “Yeah, baby.” He takes my hand.

/>   “All night?” I grin.

  “Yes, baby, but I’m tired.”

  Before I can help myself, I stomp my foot, and he laughs. “It’s my birthday. Go take a nap until everyone leaves then.”

  “You’ll be well-taken care of. Always are.” Then he turns and starts talking to Miles and José.

  I go grab some food, with Kendall’s help, to bring to the four late-comers.

  When I return, Ben is feeding them some bull about bears that hang out around camp, and Miles and José buy into it until Kendall and I laugh.

  “You screwing with us, man?” José asks.

  “Yeah, a little,” Ben admits.

  They talk about the game, and Miles tells us how well Lucas has done. Phoebe tells them that, so far, their field hockey team is undefeated and, next week, they play my favorite team.

  “On Tuesday?” Lucas asks.

  “Yep,” Phoebe answers as I shake my head, not wanting him to freak.

  “Alex, are you going to be there?” Lucas asks.

  “I have practice,” Alex says.

  “Our practice gets over at four. I should be able to make it.”

  I shake my head. “It’s not necessary. I’m sure I can handle it. Besides, you might be a distraction; your harem might get nastier.”

  “You a fighter, Tessa?” José asks.

  “Only when provoked,” I answer, remembering his and Ben’s fight.

  “Ex-girlfriend, Links?” José laughs.

  I answer, “Three, and they don’t like me very much.”

  José’s eyes widen. “Damn, Links, all on the same team?”

  “All at the same time.” I laugh, and Lucas shoots me a nasty look.

  “No shit?” José asks. “Links … you’re bad ass.”

  “No, not anymore,” Lucas says tightly, and I mouth, “I’m sorry.” To that, he closes his eyes briefly.

  Miles chuckles, and Jenny raises her eyebrow and looks down.

  “I want to watch a girl fight,” José jokes.

  “I’m not playing. I’m the assistant coach. My sister is on the team,” I explain.

  The three leave soon after, and my friends follow suit until Phoebe, Ben, Lucas, and I are all that is left.

  Ben hugs me. “Goodnight, birthday girl.”

  “I’d love to see you play sometime, man.” He pats Lucas on the shoulder.

  “We have a home game this weekend; you should come.”

  “Cool, I will.” Ben smiles then waves as he walks to his truck.

  Alex and Phoebe leave, and then it’s just the two of us.

  “Are you mad at me?”

  “No, it was just … you know,” he starts.


  “A little bit. I’m not the same person anymore, Tessa.”

  “I know.”

  “Don’t worry about it, baby.”

  “Baby, huh?” I wag my brows. “I’m a woman—nineteen years old.”

  “I know. Are you ready to put that ring on the other hand?”

  “Um … Can we maybe wait until December?” I ask cautiously.

  “I thought you would say that.” He chuckles as he pulls out a rectangular blue box. “So, I got you this.”

  Inside is a tennis bracelet.

  “Lucas, it’s beautiful.” I shake my head as he puts it on me. “You seriously need to stop spending so much money.”

  He smiles then kisses my neck, and I can’t help but giggle.

  “Tessa, can I have a serious moment here?”

  “Sorry. I’m just happy you didn’t forget and blinded by this.” I shake my wrist.

  “All right, I see how it is.” He grabs me up and lays me on the table. In seconds, he has my jeans off and dangling from one ankle and is removing my panties … with his teeth. Seconds later, his tongue is splitting me and shooting me into orbit, over and over again.

  He steps back, mouth glistening with my wetness, as the shadows of the bonfire illuminate the night. “We serious now, baby?”

  I nod once as he tosses a blanket on the ground before undoing his jeans, shoving them down, grabbing his rock-hard cock, and stroking it as he steps closer and scoops me up. “I’ve missed you, baby.”

  I frantically pull his shirt over his head as he lays me down, and as he hovers me, I swear those abs, that chest, and shoulders are even more defined.

  “You are so fucking hot,” I say, fingers inching up his body.

  “And you, baby, are all mine.”

  Lucas fills me and pounds out one orgasm before slowing down and giving me another.

  “Lucas,” I pant. “Come.”

  He shakes his head. “Not yet, birthday girl.” He crashes his lips against mine, cupping my breast, and groans out, “Feel so fucking good.”

  “I love you,” I cry out.

  He presses his forehand to mine, green eyes nearly black. “You love me what?”

  “Anyway,” I whimper out. “I love you anyway.”

  “Never stop, baby.” He thrusts deeper and grinds. “Never, baby.”

  “Never,” I whimper.

  “Not fucking ever,” he hisses before burying his head in my neck and fucking me like I’m his, and I totally am.

  Panting beside me, he holds my hand and asks, “You feel taken care of, birthday girl?”

  “I can’t move,” I whisper.

  “Good.” Lucas sits up and manages to get my undies and pants up. Then he stands and holds out his hand for me to take.

  “Can’t we just stay here?” I whine.

  He laughs as he pulls me up then bends down in front of me. “Hop on.”

  When he gets to camp, he opens the door and walks us in. As I take in the space before us, he looks over his shoulder at me. A fire is lit and a bed made up, sprinkled in rose petals.

  Before I ask, he tells me, “Jade helped me out. You better rest. It’s going to be a long night.”

  We lie down and snuggle.

  I wake an hour later to neck kisses and look up at him. He holds out his tongue, the tip wrapped in a breath mint, and after taking it, I whisper, “I love you.”

  “You better.” Lucas smiles, and he fulfills his promise by moving over my body all night long.

  Chapter Fifty One

  Before Tuesday’s game, I am so damn nervous about Kendall being up against them. I’m not even sure they still play but heard the two rumors about the B’s. One is they got caught cheating on their finals, so they are repeating their senior year. The other is that they missed too much school, due to partying too much, so they have to repeat.

  I’m not even sure they’re playing, but I want to make sure Kendall’s aware and knows she needs to steer clear of them.

  After she changes into her uniform, I braid her hair, and then we head out to the field. I immediately spot them.

  “Fuck,” I say under my breath when I spot Madison and Lucy.

  “You remember when I got hurt on the field last year?” I ask her, and she nods. “Both the bitches are repeating their senior year.”

  She laughs.

  “Kendall, not the point. Stay away from them. And you and I are parting ways now.”

  “Like I’ll even play,” she huffs.

  “Hey, you’re good, Kendall, but you’re the youngest on the team—be patient.” I wink. “Good luck, Kendall Ross,” I say before walking away.

  After halftime, Coach V puts Kendall in. She is on the opposite side of the field as our bench when Madison walks onto the field and faces her.

  Right from the whistle, the ball is passed to Kendall, and straight up, the girl is better than I was as a senior. She’s faster.

  She’s at the goal when Lucy swings and lets her stick fly, yelling, “Oops, Ross, my bad,” as it hits her in the back.

  Coach V grabs my shirt. “Don’t do it, T. Ross.”

  Kendall nails the ball in the net, scoring her first goal this season. Then she turns, looks her up and down, rolls her eyes, and says, “Don’t let it happen again.”

  “If that bitch touches her again, she is going to get her ass kicked,” I hiss.

  The next play, the ball is hit toward again Kendall, and Madison nails her in the knee.

  I start for the field, and he grabs me again as Kendall looks at me.

  “It’s all fine, Tessa. She swings like a girl.”

  “How about a card!” I yell to the idiots in stripes.

  The next play, Madison hits Kendall in the stomach, and that’s it. I tear off. Again, V grabs me, and I scream at their coach, “How many times are you going to let that happen? Way to teach sportsmanship, Coach!”

  “Fuck you, Ross!” Madison screams.

  Madison is red-carded.

  “Seriously? For swearing at me, not hitting a player?” I yell.

  A time-out is called, and I check out Kendall.

  “She’s got thicker skin than you, T. Ross,” Coach says when there is no blood and not even a bruise; just a red mark.

  I don’t even look at him. I turn in the other direction, and my eyes hit Lucas and José. José looks shocked, and then he grins at me. Lucas looked pissed.

  I look back at Kendall and yell, “If anyone else touches you, knock their teeth in.”

  Kendall laughs. She fucking laughs!

  “I’m not joking! You won’t get carded, so do it!”

  In the last few seconds of the game, Lucy takes off after Kendall. As the whistle blows, ending the game, I tear ass down the down the field, seeing Lucy still heading after her.

  As she raises her hands and is about to shove Kendall from behind, I scream her name.

  Kendall falls down, face-first on the field, and an arm wraps around my waist, jacking me back.

  “Lucas! Dammit!”

  Right then, Kendall jumps up and swipes Lucy’s feet out from under her, and Lucy goes crashing to the ground.

  “Go, Kendall” Alex yells, and I whip around to see him and … Ben.

  “Kendall’s got this, Tess.” Ben lets go of me as Kendall laughs, running toward me.

  Hugging her, I feel her heart racing as she holds me tight.

  “Are you okay?” I ask, fighting tears.

  “My knee and back hurt a bit, but hey, look at the score—we won.” She looks back at me, and her face falls. “Hey, don’t be sad.”


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