New Love: Blue Valley High — Senior Year (The Blue Valley Series Book 2)

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New Love: Blue Valley High — Senior Year (The Blue Valley Series Book 2) Page 48

by Mj Fields

  “I’m not. I’m pissed.” I hug her tighter.

  I feel a hand on my back and turn around. Lucas.

  “You okay?” he asks.

  “No! They’re fucking crazy! They went after my sister.”

  “I’m sorry, Tessa.” He hugs me.

  I head to line up with the girls to slap hands, and maybe kick an ass, Kendall at my side.

  Coach runs out and stands beside me. “Watch yourself, Tessa.”

  Lucy and Madison sit on the sidelines, getting their asses chewed out.

  After the girls shower and Coach V addresses the situation, Kendall and I head out, and I hold her hand, which she thinks is funny.

  Alex, Lucas, José, and Ben are standing there.

  “Well, ladies, when is your next game against them?” José asks.

  “Four weeks,” I answer.

  “Tessa, come with me.” Lucas takes my hand and leads me away from the group. Then he stops and asks, “We okay?”

  “To be honest, Lucas, I’m a little more concerned with how Kendall is.”

  “I understand you’re pissed, but you and I both know Kendall is all right.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “You took off after both of them like a momma bear, and she—”

  I hit myself in the chest. “It’s my fault?”

  He leans back against the equipment shed. “Okay, keep talking, Tessa. I knew this was coming.”

  “Really? Why is it okay for you to get pissed at me about this, Lucas?”

  “Tessa, please just let it all out.”

  Shocked that he’s being a dick, I stare at him.

  “Not trying to fight, baby. I just know I got it coming, so let’s get this over with now.”

  “Forget it. You don’t get it. Just go. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  I start to turn, and he grabs me. “Tessa, don’t. Let’s get it out now. Please, baby. Don’t want to go back with this shit in my head.”

  What the fuck is wrong with him? What part of this isn’t about you does he not get? Fuck this, I think and set to faking calm.

  I lean against him, close my eyes, and try my best to make this better for him, so I can get back to Kendall.

  “You’re so faking this right now,” he whispers in my ear.

  I turn around and kiss him, rubbing my hand down his back then resting my thumbs in his waistband.

  He rubs his hand up my side, wraps his hand around my ponytail, and pulls my head back, shaking his head. “Still full of shit, baby.”

  Pissed, I step back. “What would you like me to do? Drop to my knees to make this all better for you?”

  He glares at me.

  “You don’t get to be mad, Lucas. I’m not blaming you. This is …” I stop and shake my head. “Never mind. You’re riding with José, right? You’re keeping him waiting. I get that neither of us asked for them to go after my sister, but we aren’t the victims here. I need to be with her. I’ll see you tomorrow night.”

  “Okay, Tessa.” He takes my hand and walks fast, really fast, dropping my hand when we get to José.

  “You ready José?”

  “Sure, man.”

  “Kendall, are you okay?” Lucas asks her.

  “Yeah, of course.”

  “Good. I’m sorry, Kendall.” He hugs her. “Good game, ladies. Goodnight. Tessa.” He kisses the top of my head then walks to the passenger side of José’s car, slides in, and waves as they pull out.

  “All right, that was nice.” Ben smiles, big and fake as hell, making us all laugh. “Anyone up for pizza? My treat.”

  Ben sits across from me as Kendall, Phoebe, and Alex order. “You okay, Tess?”

  “No, that crap today was because of me,” I whisper.

  “I don’t think it was you, girl. You did good, tiger. Remind me not to mess with you Ross’s. You just have bad luck or chose guys with crazy girlfriends or ex-girlfriends.” He laughs, referring to Lauren. “How’s that toe, anyway?”

  I ignore that and ask, “You’re sticking up for Lucas?”

  “Now, would I do that? Just telling how it is. I didn’t expect Lauren to pull that nonsense. I’m sure Lucas didn’t expect them to do that again.”

  “After New Year’s Eve, Ben; what did he expect?” I ask defensively.

  “He expected that, at that point, you hate him, right? He was trying to push you away. You’re all-in now. Think about it.” He sits back and stares at me as Kendall, Phoebe, and Alex join us.

  “Kendall you’re okay, right?” he asks her.

  “Fine, thank you.” She blushes.

  “See? Not the same as what happened to you. I think we all should hit the hot tub.” He grins at me.

  After we eat, we head back to the farm. As I’m changing, I get a text.

  - I’m back … LL

  - Okay, see you tomorrow … LT

  - You sure? … LL

  - Yes, goodnight … LT

  I toss my phone aside then head out.

  “Did you get a new suit?” Ben asks, referring to the shorts and rash guard shirt I’m wearing.

  “No.” I scowl

  “You know you still look hot,” he whispers.

  I splash him.

  Needing to chill out, I take the stairs instead of the elevator to Lucas’s floor. Knowing I’m a bit early, I sit on the couch in the common room and wait.

  “Hey, girl. How you feeling today? A little less pissed off?”

  I look up and see José smile as he sits down.

  At the same time, I see Jenny and Lucas getting off the elevator, laughing. Then I see her rub his back as they pass—yes, pass—by me, and she asks, “See you later, Links?”

  Lucas nods as he unlocks his room door.

  “No, not really.”

  “Links, your girl’s here,” José calls down the hall, and Lucas turns around.

  Eyes guarded, he walks back to me, leans down, kisses the top of my head, and says, “Hello, Tessa,” as he pulls me up. “I see you’re still not happy.”

  “I’m fine. Lucas.”

  He lets go of my hand and walks toward his room. “You coming, baby?”

  I follow him in as he sets his backpack on his desk.

  “We going to talk about yesterday?” he asks.

  “I don’t need to. Do you?” I sit on his bed, focusing on his quilt.

  He narrows his eyes and crosses his arms, leaning against the wall. “What did you do after your game?”

  “Got pizza.”

  “With whom?”

  “Everyone,” I answer.

  “Yeah? Ben there?”

  “Yes, he drove Alex, remember?”

  “And after pizza?” he asks like he’s talking to a child.

  I look up at him. “We went back, and you texted me.”

  “And then what, Tessa?”

  “And then we all went in the hot tub.”

  “That’s nice,” he huffs.

  “You know you can get pissed, but he defended you.”

  “Oh really. What did he need to defend me from?”

  “He knew I was upset and pointed it out. I wasn’t talking shit, if that’s what you’re thinking.”

  He pushes off the wall, walks to his door, and opens it. “I have a great idea; why don’t you go home and call Ben?”

  I stand. “Fine, if that’s what you want.”

  “Not what I want, Tessa, but apparently, that’s what you need.”

  I walk out, through the common area, and look up to see a ton of girls, some I recognize from the party, whispering and looking at me.

  Fuck this.

  “You leaving, girl?” José calls from behind me.

  “Yep. Have a good night, José.” I open the stairway door and head down. Once outside, I inhale a deep breath and head toward the parking lot.

  From behind, I hear José say, “Hey, Tessa, wait up.” At my side, he looks at me, and I know I’m seconds from crying. “You can’t drive all pissed off.”

bsp; “I’m not pissed off.”

  He laughs. “I have seen that look on your face. Just chill for a few minutes, come sit down, and then you can jet.”

  I follow him over to a bench and sit. After a few seconds, he chuckles, and I look at him. He points to a guy picking his nose.

  “You think he realizes he’s surrounded by people who can see that?” Then he mutters, “Nasty.”

  I laugh then look toward the door as Lucas walks out with Jenny and two other girls. Again, he doesn’t see me, too busy laughing as he passes by. And Jenny, her fucking hands are on him, rubbing his back again.

  “Links, where you going?” José yells.

  “Please don’t,” I whisper.

  Lucas doesn’t look back when he says, “My dinner date bailed, so we’re all going to grab dinner. You want to come?”

  The girls all laugh hysterically.

  “No, man, I’m going to sit here with your girl for a few more minutes.”

  Lucas stops, and Jenny drops her hand. He then turns around.

  “Catch you later, Links.” They all laugh some more as they walk away.

  Lucas walks toward us, saying, “I got this, José. Thanks.”

  José gets up and walks away as Lucas sits down, looking at the ground.

  “I thought you left,” he says quietly.

  “I see that. You can go. I was leaving. José wouldn’t let me, but I certainly don’t want to stop you from doing whatever that was.”

  “What?” he asks defensively.

  “I don’t know. Where is Miles, Lucas?”

  “At tutoring,” he answers matter-of-factly.

  “Is he okay with Jenny’s hands on you?” I ask, disgusted.

  “This coming from the ‘hot tub queen?’” he jabs.

  “I was with my family, Lucas, and I can assure you that no one’s hands were on me. Hot tub queen? You really want to go there?” I shoot back.

  He looks at me with disgust.

  It hurts. It hurts really fucking bad.

  “Tessa, I’m hungry and tired. Are you going to fight with me or can we go eat?”

  “That’s all you got, Lucas?”

  He just glares at me.

  “Okay then.”

  I stand, and he steps forward, looking down at me. “I’m hungry, Tessa. Are you going to take me to eat?”

  “I’ll drop you off with your friends.” I step around him and head to the Jeep. He follows me, which I was neither expecting nor wanting. I slide in the driver’s seat, and he climbs in the passenger side. “Where to?”

  “I don’t care,” he says quietly.

  “Well, tell me where to go.”

  He grabs my face and kisses me.

  I pull away. “Lucas, n—”

  “Shh …” He kisses me again, softer this time. “I don’t want to fight, baby. Why don’t you let me drive?”

  He gets out and walks around, and I feel … numb.

  I don’t move. I just sit for a minute, and he stands outside the door, just looking at me.

  Just leave. Just leave. Just leave.

  I look back up and see him, eyes softer, scared, chest rising and falling, body tense, staring at me.

  Fuck, I think as I open the door. He closes his eyes and tension leaves his shoulders. Then he opens them, grabs me, and kisses me.

  And I don’t feel numb anymore.

  “Come inside.” He takes my hand, and I follow him in.

  When the elevator door closes behind us, he pins me to the wall, kissing me not soft, and I feel.

  A moan escapes as he slides his hand up my shirt and cups my breast.

  And I feel.

  The elevator comes to a stop, and he removes his hand from my breast, dropping it to my hip. His other hand is still pressed against the wall beside my head when the door opens. He steps back and takes my hand.

  We walk down the hall, pass José, who winks at me, and then we walk into his room.

  After using the bathroom and fixing my hair, I open the door and step out. I stop when I see Jenny knocking on his door, a brown bag in hand.

  “Wasn’t locked, ba—”

  He stops when he sees her.

  “Hey, hottie new quarterback, I brought you dinner.” She holds up the bag.

  Fuck this, I think as I hurry to his door and brush past her, and none too gently. “He’s already eaten, Jenny. Why not save that for your boyfriend?” Then I slam the door in her face and throw my hands in the air.

  “You want to tell me what’s going on?” I snap at Lucas.

  “Nothing, Tessa. She is just … nice to everyone. And, baby, your pussy tastes amazing, but I am kind of hungry still.” He laughs.

  “Get dressed. I’ll take you to dinner.”

  We walk out, and Jenny and her friends are sitting on the couch.

  “Don’t they have a place of their own?” I ask, making damn sure it’s loud enough for them to hear.

  Lucas ducks down, shoulder to stomach, and throws me over his shoulder. “No worries, baby.”

  I flip them off, and she glares at me.

  José’s laughter rolls through the hall.

  Setting me on my feet, he asks, “You flip them off?”

  I shrug and hit the G at the elevator.

  He laughs.

  We eat just off campus, and he looks much more relaxed. Me? It takes more than an orgasm, or two.

  “Do I need to worry about this, Lucas?”

  “No, Tessa, you don’t.” He takes my hand and kisses it. “Do I need to worry about Ben?”

  “You’ve never had to worry about anyone, Lucas.”

  “Okay then.” He smiles as he picks up his fork and dives into his mashed potatoes. “How is Kendall?”

  “She’s fine.” I nod.

  “How about you, TT?”

  “Perfectly fine.”

  “You were wild.” He laughs before taking a bite of his asparagus.

  “They deserved it.”

  “I know, Tessa,” he says before another scoop of potatoes hits his lips.

  When we walk off the elevator, the common area is empty.

  “Stay with me?”

  I nod. “For another hour or so.”

  “Perfect. I love you, baby.”

  “You better.”

  He looks at me, again with this look in his eye, and I whisper, “I love you, anyway.”

  “Baby, you have no idea what that means to me,” he says, tucking me under his arm and walking us to his room.

  The next day, I am called in early for practice, and that’s because I have to get my ass chewed out by the principal. He asks me to consider using a mediator where the girls are involved. I say I will think about it. Before my ass leaves the chair I do—hell no.

  After practice, Kendall and I visit Jade now that she and Ryan are settled in the house. It’s time to plan a baby shower. She decides a week before deer season will work best. Jade is happy, and I am so happy for her, and for Ryan.

  With the invitations done, we set to make dinner, and Kendall, who has the best handwriting, starts addressing the cute little invitations.

  While we make dinner—homemade pizza—Ryan comes home, kisses and hugs her, and says, “I love you,” as he rubs her belly. Then he says, “Love you, little buddy,” to her belly. “I’m going to shower.”

  “Jade, he loves you so much.” Kendall sighs.

  “I’m very blessed.” She rubs her belly. “We’re so blessed.”

  They are.

  Friday night, while finishing up my English homework, my cell rings.

  “Hey,” I sigh out.

  “Not too happy to hear from me, huh?”

  “I am. Gives me the perfect excuse to push the books away.”


  “Yeah, just wanted to make sure I have my weekend clear so I can go cheer on number twelve.”

  He chuckles. “Oh yeah, what’s he like?”

  “He’s dreamy.” I bat my lashes, even though he can’t see me.
r />   “You fucking him?”

  I laugh. “Whenever I can.”

  “He any good?”

  “Only one I ever want inside me.”

  “Damn, baby, sounds like you got it bad,” he says, voice all deep.

  “Bad? No.”

  “No?” He chuckles.

  “He gives it to me good.”

  He laughs, the good kind of laugh.

  “Can’t wait to see you tomorrow.”

  “You riding up with Jade and Ryan?”

  “Yeah, about that … You invited Ben.”

  “Got nothing to worry about there, right?” he asks.

  “No. And since you are friends now, you mind if he rides with us?”

  “Not at all.”

  “Good.” I smile.

  “Gotta trust each other, baby.”

  Jade, Ryan, Ben, and I walk into the Dome and straight to Landon’s box seats, as instructed by the dozens of texts that I’ve received from Lucas since I sent him a , Good luck. We’re on our way, message.

  The twins are all decked out in orange and blue, even their little pigtails have matching ribbons in them. They bombard me and direct me to the seat they saved me, which is between them.

  When the game starts, I stand and sign, “I love you,” to Lucas, who signs it back. Then, annoyed, he stands on the side lines.

  “Hey, Tessa, is everything okay?” Audrianna asks, glancing at Ben.

  “Lucas invited him. He’s my friend; that’s it. And Lucas and he have actually become buddies.”

  “Okay.” Audrianna laughs. “That’s actually great. He’s grown up so much this year, even after everything you’ve all been through. How is Jade?”

  “In love with Ryan, and nesting. Make sure you put the weekend before deer season in your calendar for the shower.”

  She looks at me in confusion, and I give her the date after realizing Audrianna Links isn’t type of woman who would know when hunting season starts.

  The game against Georgetown is rough. SU is down by seven at the beginning of the last quarter, and Miles takes a hard hit and has to be helped off the field.

  When Lucas walks out, the entire Dome cheers, and he looks up at us.

  “That’s my boy!” Landon laughs. “Show them what you got, son,” he yells like Lucas can hear him.


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