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New Love: Blue Valley High — Senior Year (The Blue Valley Series Book 2)

Page 49

by Mj Fields

  The way Lucas nods at the same time makes me wonder if he actually did.

  His first play, he throws a thirty-yard pass, resulting in a tied game, and Ben Sawyer is the first on his feet.

  When Lucas looks up, I blow him a kiss, and he catches it.

  Then, when undefeated Georgetown fumbles the ball, SU recovers it, and Lucas takes the field again.

  “He looks good in orange and blue.” I grin.

  “Especially his butt,” Ben agrees, and Audri laughs, as do the rest of us. Well, except the twins, who look at him oddly, which makes us all laugh some more.

  At the snap, Lucas has no one to pass to.

  “What the hell is this?” Landon yells.

  And Lucas is forced to throw it away.

  When Georgetown’s offense takes the field, SU is able to hold them off.

  And Lucas heads back out.

  Again, he’s fully exposed, and Georgetown’s defense is closing in on him. Lucas tucks the ball to his side and runs, dodges, and jumps over anyone in his way, and with ten seconds left of the game, he scores his first college touchdown.

  In the box, we are already celebrating before the game ends and continue cheering as we watch the team thrust Lucas high in the air.

  Landon, Audrianna, Jade, Ryan, Ben, Lucas’s sisters, and I make our way down to the field, and Landon says something to the security team that causes them to let us through.

  I watch as they lower him on the field. I watch as Jenny grabs Lucas, hugs him, then takes his face and kisses him. He moves his head, or I’m sure she would have landed the kiss to his lips instead of his cheek.

  I start to turn, but Ben grabs my arm. “Tess, she grabbed him. Nothing he could do. Go get your guy.”

  Audrianna looked confused.

  I look back and see Lucas surrounded by fans, mainly females, as he searches the crowd.

  I find myself pleading, Pick me, pick me, pick me.

  Then I see him smile from ear-to-ear as he reaches out to someone … Landon. They do that guy hug where they beat on each other’s backs. Then his eyes find me. And they narrow a bit. He knows I saw, and he thinks I’m angry. I am but not at him.

  I hold my hand to my heart and point to him.

  He smiles and moves toward me, wraps me up, and I tell him, “You are so damn good, Lucas. So good. You should be proud.”

  He lifts me up so we’re eye-to-eye and says, “Baby, I’m sorry.”

  “I know. It wasn’t you and …” He kisses me, laughing against my lips.

  I pull back and grab his face. “I cannot wait for you to see yourself all over the news. You’re fucking amazing.”

  He kisses me again, this time harder.

  Waiting outside the locker room, I am fuming as Jenny and her bitches stand just a few yards away, whispering.

  “You have more class than that whole group put together, Tess. Let it go,” Ben whispers in my ear.

  “Links’ girl has a hot friend,” one of them says.

  I look at Ben, and he chuckles. “Well, they aren’t blind.” He laughs, and I smack him.

  “Lucas’s girl; keep that in mind, bitches,” Jade says loud enough for them to hear, and then Ben and I both laugh.

  “Mrs. Brooks, you be quiet now.” Ryan stands in front of her, now blocking her view of them, and she glares at him. “Please?”

  When Lucas walks out, Jenny walks toward him. He brushes past her and heads to us.

  “Hey, baby.” He picks me up and kisses me. “You ready to go to dinner?”

  “Are you?”

  “Two days of home cooking.” He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me close. “Can’t wait to eat.”

  As we pass by them, I catch Landon looking at the group of girls disapprovingly.

  “Daddy is hot, too,” one purrs.

  Landon takes Audrianna’s hand, and they walk out.

  “Lucas, I have to go to the bathroom.” I step under his arm and turn, hell-bent on addressing this shit now.

  “Jenny, I want to talk to you, without them.”

  She nods, and the whole lot of the hos walk away.

  “What is your problem?”

  “I don’t have one,” Jenny answers.

  “So, you think it’s all right to hug and kiss on him?” I ask.

  “You really need to grow up. You’re not married and probably holding him back,” Jenny spits quietly.

  “Really, Jenny? How grown up are you? Dating Miles and taking every opportunity to grope Lucas?” I snap.

  “We’re in college, Tessa, a real college. We aren’t like you and your little community friends,” she sneers.

  “Back off him, Jenny,” I warn.

  “Or what, Tessa?” She smiles maliciously.

  “Trust me, bitch; you’ll lose. He—”

  “Did you just call me bitch?” She acts like I just slapped her.

  I continue, “He loves me. It’s not going to happen. He’s had to deal with crazy bitches before, so whatever your game is, he’s already played it and didn’t like it. You’re no different.”

  “Game on, Tessa,” she again whispers.

  He takes my hand then pulls me behind him, saying, “Game over, Jenny.”

  “We okay?” I whisper.

  “Yeah, baby, right as rain, but you need to stop confronting crazies. I don’t like seeing you get beat up.”

  “I do not get beat up,” I remind him. “And I always walk away.”

  We pull into Jade and Ryan’s house. This is the first time he’s been back since they officially moved in, and he immediately notices the landscaping improvements.

  I squeeze his hand, and he nods. “All good, baby.”

  When he walk in, he inhales deeply and says, “It smells like cookies in here.”

  “Hey, man,” Ryan whispers as he starts to slide out from under Jade’s, who is sleeping, head on his lap. Lucas holds a hand out to stop him, and Ryan smiles as he whispers, “Jade’s been baking … a lot.”

  “Tessa, you want to help me with my bags?” Lucas asks, handing me his leather toiletry bag.

  “Sure,” I say, hitting the stairs, knowing exactly what I’m going to be getting.

  Over the next month, Lucas plays a lot more as Miles takes it easy. He hopes to be looked at by professional leagues, and the SU coaching staff understand that he needs to avoid injury. So, in close games, where they need to make bold plays, they put Lucas in, and he gives them everything, and always comes out with a win.

  I’ve been keeping busy, too, but with school and shower prep, and coaching, we manage to keep to our schedule. I head up every Wednesday, and he comes home most Saturday nights after home games and stays until late on Sunday. A lot of the day, we spend in front of the TV, watching pro ball while he does his homework.

  He just left, and I’m sitting at the kitchen table when Ben walks in.

  “How’s it going, Tessa?” he asks, pulling up a chair next to me at the kitchen table.

  “Good. How’s school?” I sit back, giving my eyes a break from my Biology textbook.

  “Great.” He smiles “You and Lucas doing all right?”

  “Yes.” I smack the brim of his hat. “How about your love life?”

  He lifts a shoulder and sits back. “I’m single and enjoying college, Tess.”

  “Do you run into Lauren?”

  “No, I avoid that. Your guy avoiding the groupies?” Ben asks, grabbing an apple from the fruit dish.

  “I think so. He better be. I trust him.” The last part feels forced.

  “Are you happy?”

  “Yes, I think so.”

  He leans forward and gives me a hug while saying, “Good, Tess. Stay that way.”

  When he sits back, he say nothing. We just look at each other. While I look at him, he tries to see something in me. Not sure what he’s looking for, and something tells me not to ask.

  When I break eye contact and look back at my book, he asks, “Whatcha thinking, Tess?”

  “I thi
nk I would be pissed if Ben”—I shake my head—“I mean, Lucas—was hugging someone.”

  He stands. “I think you had it right the first time, girl. Besides, I’m not like that—I don’t share.” He messes up my hair. “Come out and shoot, girl, when you’re done pretending to study.”

  I sit and think about how pissed Lucas would be and, feeling guilty, I call him. He doesn’t answer.

  I get a text a few seconds later.

  - Sorry, baby, just got back. Didn’t hear the phone. Kind of loud in here. I will call you before bed … LL

  - Okay, why is it loud? … LT

  He doesn’t reply, and I wait.

  When I’ve waited long enough, I get up, throw my boots on, and head to the barn.

  Walking in, I grab my bow.

  “And she graces us with her presence,” Ben’s voice booms across the barn.

  “Ready to get your ass kicked?” I ask, walking toward him.

  “Bring it, girl.” Ben laughs.

  My focus is fierce, as it tends to be when I am trying desperately not to worry about why Lucas didn’t reply, and I hit dead center every time. The trick? I picture her face.

  Once everyone starts to trickle out, leaving just Ben and me, and Phoebe and Alex, who are in their own little world, he asks, “What’s up, Tess?”

  I tell him the truth, that I sent a text and he didn’t reply, and that I could feel him distancing himself, which is the first time I’ve admitted that outside of thought.

  “Drive up there, Tess. Take Phoebe with you. You deserve to know.”

  I look at him like he’s crazy, and he shakes his head. “Go, Tess, get yourself an answer.”

  Walking up to his dorms, I immediately notice orange and blue lights flashing from not only his floor but his room, loud music filling the silent night air.

  “Looks like a party, Tessa?” Phoebe asks, and I nod.

  We take the stairs up to his floor then walk through the door into the common room that is dark, except for the flashing lights, and packed with people dancing. I don’t see Lucas anywhere, and that should make me feel relieved, but it doesn’t.

  Walking toward his room, I notice the signs with number twelve and Links, and one that says, “Hottie New Quarterback Gives Good Win.” My stomach turns, and I want to turn back, but I force myself to do what Ben told me to—get answers.

  His door is open, just a crack, which immediately brings relief … until it doesn’t.

  Peeking in, I see Jenny pinning his hands against the wall, body flush against his, and he laughs that dark and knowing laugh as he says, “No, no, naughty girl.”

  I freeze, just like before, and wish I could leave, but I can’t.

  “They don’t need to know.” She kisses his chest, and he easily pulls his hands from hers, so they clearly weren’t superglued or stuck there by supernatural forces, rendering him unable to get the fuck away from her.

  He laughs. “Not going to happen, Jen.”

  “Fine. Just stand there.” She grabs him and drops to her knees.

  Move, Lucas, move! I scream in my head.

  “Jen, get up.”

  “You already are.” She grabs him free from his track pants, and he’s hard, so hard, and not for me.

  He leans against the wall, not away from it, as he groans, “God, Jenny, stop,” as he fists her hair, and I beg him to pull her away, but he doesn’t.

  He groans, “I love my girl, Jenny,” as he thrusts deep into her mouth.

  She sucks his full length, and then strokes him as she looks up at him. “I love Miles. This is just for fun.” Then she takes him all again.

  His hips thrust. “You’re going to get me in trouble.”

  Stroking him hard and fast, she says, “Mmm … you taste as good, as I knew you would.”

  “I’m gonna come in your mouth, Tessa.” He shakes his head and chuckles. “I mean, Jenny.”

  Phoebe grabs my hand, and I can’t look away.

  “Let’s go, Tessa,” she says, voice full of hurt, and my eyes immediately fill with tears, blinding me from the sight before me.

  We walk quickly down the hall, through the doors, outside, and I throw up.

  “Tessa?” José says, jogging toward the building, and I throw up again. “Babe, what—”

  “Get the F away from her,” Phoebe says, holding my hair and rubbing my back.

  “Hey, I’m just—”

  “She’s gonna ask that you be his friend, just like she always did her brother, and she’s going to want you to be his friend, although he doesn’t deserve it, and—”

  “Phoebe, don’t,” I pant out as I stand and wipe my face with the back of my hand.

  “You tell him I hope he f’ing hurts,” she sneers as she wraps an arm around me, and we walk.

  Curled in a ball in the passenger seat of Toby’s Jeep, as Phoebe drives us away from this hell, my phone rings. No, his fucking phone. I hit end.

  It does this every two minute until we pull into the farm.

  Walking in the house, I get a message.

  - Tessa, please call me … LL

  I walk into the bathroom and another pops up.

  - Fine. I’m on my way to your place. We need to talk … LL

  I quickly reply, - I’m not home … T

  - I see. Well, I’ll be there when you get there … LL

  - No … T

  - José saw you here. We need to talk … LL

  - We have nothing to talk about ever again! … T

  - Tessa, don’t do this … LL

  - I DIDN’T! … T

  Tears falling, heart shattered, I brush the nasty from my teeth then walk through the living, up the stairs, curl up in my bed, and cry.

  My bed buckles, and I expect Phoebe, but I get Ben.

  “Oh, Tess, don’t cry.” He hugs me. “Not good?”

  “No.” And my phone—his—rings. “Don’t answer it, Ben.”

  “Okay, Tess, okay.” He leans back against my headboard and pulls me to his chest, holding me, which makes me cry harder. “I’m so sorry. Whatever happened, I’m sorry.”

  I sniff and shake through whispering, “He was getting a blowjob from Jenny.”

  He tightens his arms around me. “Tess, you are going to be all right, okay, girl?”

  A message alert comes through, and I am done, so fucking done.

  I grab the phone and flip it open

  - Tessa, are you home? I need to explain. I tried to stop her. She kissed me, and I told her no. I was in my room, baby, and she came in. Nothing I could do. Please, call me … LL

  Ben’s body tightens, and I look up into angry eyes, and then I push up to sit and thumb out my reply.

  - I told you I’m done, and yes, you told her no, but it was, “No, No, naughty girl,” encouraging her. You didn’t fight her off very well after that. I watched her go down on you, and your hands were wrapped in her hair. You told her you were going to come in her mouth! I wish you the best, Lucas, always, but fuck right off … TR

  I hit send, and Ben pulls my head to his shoulder.

  “What the hell was I thinking?” I cry.

  “Rough year, Tess. Don’t you blame yourself,” Ben whispers as he rubs my back.

  The phone rings, and I hit end.

  A message pops up

  - Tessa, I love you … Please talk to me … LL

  - Oh yes, I heard you tell Jenny you loved me, and then you let her SUCK YOUR DICK! Again, I am done, and if YOU DON’T STOP TEXTING ME, I AM BREAKING THIS PHONE IN A MILLION FUCKING PIECES! ... Tessa

  Minutes later, Alex walks into my room. “Tessa, Lucas is on the phone.”

  “Tell him I HATE HIM!” I scream. “I hate him!”

  Alex looks shocked. Phoebe held my secret. “Lucas, she’s not going to talk to you right now, sorry.”

  He listens before saying, “Lucas, be safe, man.”

  A message pops up.

  - You don’t hate me, Tessa. We love each other, and when you’re ready to talk, I’ll b
e right here, not fucking up. Take as long as you need. I love you, baby, and I’m so sorry … LL

  Chapter Fifty Two

  It has been two weeks of feeling nothing and acting as if my entire world hasn’t been blown up, but if you ask anyone around me, they’ll tell you I’m fine.

  I am not fine.

  I’m so not fine that I believe there is something wrong with me, with my head, and with my heart. My head that still worries about him and wonders if he’s okay. A heart that’s sick, diseased, and still loves that boy. One that can’t love someone like Ben. One that knows what good love feels like because of Toby. One that is cursed with each beat to be like this.

  So, I am not fine, but I am learning to live with my disease, and I am doing it hoping my tainted blood doesn’t spill onto anyone, causing it to spread like a virus and ugly their hearts, make it like mine.

  I wonder if it beats backward, and that’s the problem.

  We’re all getting ready for the Homecoming dance together at Jade and Ryan’s place, a place I avoid, but with Lucas’s game in Miami, there is no chance of running into him, like I nearly did last week when I was dropping by on a random Wednesday to hide his phone in his room, a phone I let die that night he killed our love. One I have replaced and spent way too much money on. But, when Ryan got Jade one in case she needs to call him—he has a work phone—I knew I needed one for the same reason—for Jade.

  Ryan also has a work truck. A big navy-blue diesel that I get to see daily, and splayed across the doors is “Links Construction,”, and on the tailgate “SU” in orange and the number twelve in white, like all the trucks in their fleet now have.

  She’s in a pickle, I’ve heard that term a million times and never really thought about what it meant, let alone had deep thoughts for hours about what being in a pickle would feel like.

  I do now.

  My pickle is that my best friend and my cousin, my family, lives in the house of firsts. Her husband works for Links Construction, and she’s carrying what is left of my ex’s best friend, his brother.

  If anyone ever doubted Tommy was in heaven, I would tell them that he wasn’t just there; he was sitting on a golden throne, wearing a crown, because he was a saint. Had to be to deal with someone like Lucas, who you can’t help loving but never failed to make you wonder what was wrong with you to love him so deeply.


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