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3012: The Artifact

Page 27

by John M Grier

Suzie’s Dig

  In the blink of an eye, Suzie changed into something more appropriate for a government official on an expedition. She even managed to copy styles from Australia, which would be in character for her disguise. Suzie actually had a great advantage in that she could quote rules and laws verbatim, whereas Janet and every other flesh and blood person on the planet could not. There were simply too many of them these days.

  They came to a stop near, but not too close to Janet, hoping she wouldn't question the ancient hovercraft or the travel trailer it was towing. Jack held the door for Suzie as she got out. She walked over to Janet and introduced herself “Hi. My name is Suzie and I think this is my dig site. Are you here to help us? Suzie flashed a government issued ID card, with appropriate badges and signatures.

  She also had a government issued data pad showing documentation stating this as her site. Janet was stunned at first, but seeing Suzie’s documentation, she was at a loss as to what to do. She said “This site has been closed and has not been opened to my knowledge. And I would have been informed if it was re-opened. Let me see your documentation again.”

  Suzie sent a copy to Janet’s data pad. Janet looked at it and noticed that none of the signatures were people she knew. She said “This is a forgery. I will have to place you under arrest.”

  Suzie said “Let’s not get too hasty. I just transferred here from Alice Springs and the paperwork was completed there. Perhaps I am simply missing a document.”

  Seeing Paul and Jack, Janet completely forgot about the questions she was about to ask about the ancient trailer they were towing or the out dated model of hovercraft. She said “You certainly do not have authorization to have those two people with you. They have been assigned to me.”

  “They were idle at the moment and I will only need them for a week or so. I am sure we will be back before you have another need of them. Now, I really need to get over to our site and get started.”

  “I thought you said this is your site, right here.”

  “It is, but it is approximately five kilometers due east of here. I was wondering why you were this close, but not actually at the site.”

  Suddenly unsure of herself, Janet said “Oh. I was unaware of that dig. My dig was actually right here. I’ll let you go for now, but rest assured, I will be checking on your validity.

  Suzie smiled and said “Of that, I have no doubt.”

  They all got back into the hovercraft and slowly drove the last few kilometers. When they were close, Paul said “Jack, with Janet this close and watching us, we will need to act as we always do. I know you are eager, but the best course of action to raise the least suspicion is for you to set up camp and I’ll get started with the ground penetrating radar to locate the boat.”

  “You are right, as usual, Paul. I just want my boat back. I honestly don’t care which of us finds it, as long as it's found.”

  Jack got busy setting up camp while Suzie walked around looking important. Paul broke out the radar and began his search. Based on Jack’s description, he was able to assume much from Janet’s position on the ice. He began with small circles advancing to a much larger search area.

  After only four hours of searching, he called Jack. “Jack, I may have it, what do you think?

  Jack walked over to the spot on the ice where Paul was holding the radar. With excitement building, he said “The outline certainly looks like a boat, and the depth indicates it isn't on the ocean floor. Shall we begin digging?”

  Paul broke out the old Mark One Hole Melter and they began carving a hole in the ice. Jack however, stopped them after only a minute or so. “Paul, we made a huge mistake. We don’t have anything to use for an elevator.”

  Thinking rapidly, Paul suddenly smiled and said “That’s okay, Jack, I’ll just come in at an angle so we can simply walk down the slope.”

  “Great idea! Let’s make it wide enough to take the hovercraft down. As I recall, it wasn't very easy climbing out ten years ago.”

  “That should be easy enough to do” Paul said as he repositioned the melter to allow for the slope of the ice shaft.

  As they worked, they didn’t notice Janet approaching. Suzie, alert as ever, was waiting for her. “Suzie, I have been running checks and found nothing on Jack, but Paul will need to accompany me back to Harmony.”

  “I cannot allow that, he is needed here.”

  “I’m afraid I must insist. He left some unfinished business that must be seen to before he can be released from my supervision.” Janet knew this was a reach for even her authority, but she could see no other way to rescue Paul from what she saw as nothing more than a work gang in a harsh environment.

  “Please wait here and I’ll see to them” Suzie said. She walked over to the growing hole in the ice and approached Paul. “Janet is back and says you will have to accompany her back to Harmony." Turning toward Jack, she said "She didn’t say anything about us, however.”

  “I have no idea what she’s up to, but I guess I have no choice. At the moment, I think she’ll ignore you." Paul adopted a sad expression on his face and continued "I suggest you keep going, get your machine and go home. As fun as it’s been knowing you, I can’t bear to see you stuck here longer, if you would rather be elsewhere.”

  “Elsewhen” Jack said. “The word is elsewhen, weird, I know, but it’s the only way to properly express yourself with these complex time jumps.”

  “I’ll miss you, Jack” Paul said before turning and walking back across the ice to Janet.

  Jack and Suzie stood at the edge of the hole watching Paul go away. Suzie said “Are you just going to let her take him?”

  “I don’t see what choice we have." He looked at the barely started hole in the ice and muttered "I guess my job just got harder, though.”

  Suzie didn’t say anything. Jack kept working in the ensuing silence. Finally he said “What if I get this boat free, jump us back in time to get free of the ice, and then move south to the Washington, DC area and jump back here to rescue Paul?”

  Suzie jumped up and said “That sounds like a great plan, Jack!” She stepped over and kissed Jack on the cheek, or, as close as she could without passing through his head. She said “Its times like this that I wish I was a real person.”

  Jack saw her attempts and said “Suzie, spending these past ten years with you has been wonderful for me. I know you are not ‘real’ so to speak, but as a man getting up in years, companionship is more important than other things. Yes, it would be nice if you had a real body, but you are who you are. And a kiss on the cheek would have really been nice. Thanks for the effort.”

  Suzie's expression changed from glum to something close to her normal self as Jack spoke. After a minute or so of silence, Jack turned back to his work. At his current pace, it would only take him a few days to melt his way to the boat. Hopefully, it would be the right boat!

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