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Professor X

Page 9

by Kiki Leach

  "Average," he replied. "Nice tits, plump ass, dark brown skin from what I saw; her face is okay. Why?"

  "Thinkin' maybe I should be the one to take her for a spin. The pussy last night wasn't up to par."

  Scooter shook his head and chortled. "Thought you titty fucked?"

  Cheddar shuffled behind the bar to grab a beer for himself and pointed. "And that's why."

  "Jesus." Xavier massaged his temples in mild frustration, then looked to Scooter and sighed. "You hear anything from Gabi in between all this shit?"

  He nodded. "She let me know that two people are vying for one of the last open positions for Home Economics -- class is full of nothin' but pussy with a few cocks enrolled for good measure. Both women, both in their mid-thirties -- both single and never been married; both live on the outskirts of OKC. She also said that nothin' else out there with a main audience of pussy is hirin' right now; not 'til the summer at least."

  "Shit. You got the names of those two lookin' to take over that spot?"

  "Yep. Big Tech does too."

  "Alright. He can find out more info and we can see how the fuck that shit shakes out. In the meantime, I need to get with Rocka 'bout this shit with Mariah and ACE'S."

  Scooter cleared his throat. "How the fuck would you feel about her actually workin' back up there again, brother?" he asked. "I mean, as good as she still looks, motherfuckers from across Pink and beyond will be all over her ass more than they were three years ago."

  "It's her choice to do this shit," he gruffly mumbled. "I got no say in what she's needin' to do right now to make money for school."

  "You think she maybe asked you to help her out in the hope you'd try talkin' her ass out of it? Maybe hoped you'd throw it in another direction? 'Cause the fact is if she wanted that job back long before we showed up, she coulda trotted her cute ass back down here and just asked that motherfucker in person for it."

  He shook his head. "Nah, she couldn't have. Not with the way they left shit."

  "Brother, all she'd need to do is flash her tits and that asshole would've forgotten about burnin' the goddamn grass; he wouldn't have given two shits anymore about you two fuckin' back then had she just gone to him first."

  "You think he's gonna try rollin' me sideways when I go to him about her?"

  "Not if he thinks you two aren't back to fuckin'. But I also think that asshole would only take her back just to fuck her for himself and make you watch it happen."

  "She wouldn't fuck him for a job."

  "Desperate people do shit they normally wouldn't, X. If she needs the money as badly as she claims, his cock in her mouth might not be lookin' as bad to her as it did three years ago when yours was an option. Just think about some of this shit before you roll back down there, yeah?"

  He gradually bobbed his head and pinched his brows in fear that his brother was right, then crossed his arms and turned to Cheddar as he moved to the window and lifted the blinds.

  "Fuck!" He whistled. "Is Prez comin' out from the back to see this bitch with Big Tech?"

  Scooter looked over at him and scrunched his brows. "He's on the phone with Baker about the run we're makin' to Tulsa later this week, so no. Why?"

  "'Cause it looks like he's rollin' through with her right now. Jesus, she looks like a chocolate fuckin' goddess." He drank back some of his beer and exhaled. "Dark brown eyes and wild black curls flyin' all over her goddam head. Fat, heavy thighs bouncin' beneath a short red skirt -- fatter tits behind a tight white shirt that would fit perfectly around my cock. Shit, I could fuck her 'til she creamed all over my cock and screamed for me to stop in a voice that'd break my goddamn eardrums."

  Xavier grumbled. "We need info from this bitch, asshole. Not you tryin' to fuck the life out of her 'fore we finally get it."

  "She is askin' to be fucked to goddamn death. And by nobody else but me out here, brother." He gulped the rest of his beer in a single swig and tossed his bottle onto a nearby couch, dragged his arm across his mouth and raced to the door, yanking back and leaning against the frame as she approached. "Hey there, darlin'." He dipped his chin as her wide eyes latched onto his gaze; she gripped her purse and gasped as he leered. "You can come on inside unless you wanna tell us what the fuck we need to know from out there."

  She glowered as her fingers sank into the leather of her purse. A tremble tickled the back of her throat as she exhaled. "Are you Scooter?" she asked in a quiet voice.

  "Nah, babe, that'd be me over here." Scooter waved and pointed toward the bar. "You want a drink or somethin'?"

  "A glass of water, please -- no ice."

  She brushed past Cheddar as he eyed her from the back, and took a seat in front of the bar as Scooter stepped behind it to make her drink.

  Cheddar sneered and removed his hand from the door, then hobbled to the bar and took a seat alongside her. She flinched as the back of his hand swept across the corner of her thigh, and soured as his gaze lingered on her breasts. "Big Tech brought you out here on his bike?"

  She took a sip of water while attempting to cover herself and nodded. "He said he would be inside soon, but needed to make a few phone calls first."

  Scooter eyed Xavier and jerked his chin, then dragged his eyes back down to Kyla and squint. "He mention who the fuck he'd be talkin' to?"

  "No. And I didn't ask."

  "Good girl." Cheddar smiled. "You know why the fuck we needed your ass out here today?"

  "LapDog." She griped her glass and gulped. "I didn't know anything about him being a member of an MC until you called. He told me that nickname was something he picked up from friends at his garage because of an ex-girlfriend."

  "The ex shit is true," said Xavier. "He followed her around like a bitch to the point his club damn near bought her a leash and collar for his neck -- that's how he got his name." He paused. "How the fuck long have you two been hookin' up and hangin' out?"

  She glanced at him over her shoulder and wrinkled her nose. "A few months at the most."

  "When the fuck did it start?" asked Scooter.

  "I don't exactly remember the day--"

  "How the fuck did you two meet?" asked Cheddar. "He come out there sniffin' around campus pussy durin' orientation or some shit?"

  "We met at one of the local bars near campus. He was alone after getting off work at his garage, or so he said, and found me sitting with girlfriends; we talked for a few hours about nothing."

  "That motherfucker talked?" His brows arched in surprise. "For hours? Jesus Christ -- He must've been desperate as fuck for both pussy and attention."

  Scooter bent forward and leaned his head. "He didn't know who the fuck you were before meetin' your ass at that bar?" he asked. "That you were a student on that campus?"


  "You're sure?" Xavier stepped closer and jerked the lapels of his cut. "'Cause no offense at all to you, darlin', but a motherfucker like LapDog don't ever need to go out and find pussy when it comes to him in all shapes, sizes and colors at his own goddamn club. And he sure as fuck ain't rollin' out to OKCity from Bartlesville for pussy when the Kings ain't never been welcome that far out, so what the fuck gives?"

  "If he was ever looking for something from me outside of sex and a possible relationship, I don't know what the hell it was," she replied, her eyes filling with tears as she sniffled. "We've only ever talked about me and school, his ex and his dog."

  "How often are you two fuckin'?" asked Cheddar.

  She whipped her head around to him and guffawed. "What?"

  "Think I made myself pretty goddamn clear. I ain't askin' for personal reasons, darlin' -- though I'm curious about your skills without him. Right now, I'm attemptin' to seek a pattern. 'Cause see, your campus has shit goin' on that you may or may not know about -- shit that could've easily led to a King fallin' at your feet that night at the bar. Shit that could get us all fucked if you don't start tellin' us more of the goddamn truth."

  "I don't know anything outside of what I've already said," she shot back

  "I think you're full of shit." He sat up straight and locked his jaw. "I asked how often you two were fuckin', what's the goddamn answer on that?"

  She rolled her eyes across the room and swallowed hard. "A few times a week."

  "And in those 'few times' of a goddamn week, how often have you seen his tats? Especially the giant ass crown on his goddamn back?"

  "He told me that was something personal to him, nothing about his club--"

  "What the fuck do you know about some assholes sellin' dope around your campus?" Scooter interjected.

  "Only rumors," she said. "I've only ever heard rumors about it."

  Xavier's eyes narrowed as his jaw shifted. "You've ain't ever seen powder bein' exchanged from one hand to another in all the time you've lived on that campus? LapDog never asked you shit about it?"

  She thought about his question for a few seconds, then leaned across the bar as her shoulders sank. "Once," she said. "He asked once after sex, but I didn't think anything of it."

  Cheddar grumbled. "What the fuck was he askin' about?"

  "Coke. He said he heard something about it being a stamina drug and wondered if he could score some for himself nearby or on campus. I told him that I didn't know anything about it -- I still don't."

  "You didn't tell him there were rumors of the shit floatin' around?"

  "No. If it was true, I didn't want him scoring any only to come back to me for another round while high as a kite."

  Xavier peeked at Scooter and rested his hands at his waist. "Is that the only time he ever asked you about some shit like that?" She nodded. "Do you know anything about where the fuck he goes when he leaves your room?"

  "I assume that he leaves campus?"

  "Tapes have your boy not leavin' campus grounds 'til at least an hour after seein' you each and every goddamn time he's out there, darlin'," said Scooter. "We're not sure where the fuck he's actually goin' after kissin' you goodbye, but his ass don't ever hit that bike when you think it does."

  A line of panic formed between her brows as she pushed her water aside. Her lips burned as her mouth became dry. "Should I ask him if he's seeing someone else?"

  "He wouldn't tell you either way," said Cheddar. "And if you start askin' questions about his shit, he'll start askin' about yours."

  "Then what the hell should I do?" she pleaded.

  "Keep playin' dumb and bein' mum 'bout all this," muttered Xavier. "We need to see what the fuck is up with him and the Kings 'fore takin' shit any further... You plan on seein' him again tonight?"

  She wagged her head. "He told me that he worked tonight."

  "Probably full of shit when that garage don't stay open after 7. We need to talk to Prez 'bout puttin' a tail on that motherfucker -- see where the fuck he's actually goin'. We also need you to remain available. 'Til we find out what the fuck is goin' on, your ass can't disappear on us, understand?"

  She anxiously bobbed her head as Scooter reached into his back pocket for a set of one-hundred dollar bills and placed them on top of the bar. "It's five there," he said. "We find out you were full of shit on anything, that you ran your mouth to Lap or try takin' off, we snatch that shit right back and you've got the Devils as a new problem. We need more info that you can give, you get another one-double-zero added to the stack, alright?" She nodded again and stuffed the money into her purse.

  Cheddar chuckled. "Now what about you and this goddamn ride?" he said.

  She eyed him with confusion and slid out of her chair. "What ride?"

  "You on top of a motherfucker in a cut. Pick one and we'll take you in the back to show you what the fuck a King tries but fails to do with a pussy like yours."

  She scoffed. "What is a 'pussy' like mine?" she asked.

  "Soft, sweet, delicate to the goddamn touch." He leaned into her face and flared his nostrils as his cheeks flushed. He wagged his tongue between his lips and grunted. "One in need of a cock and tongue like mine."

  "I'm not interested." She stepped around him and headed back to the door, then stopped and smiled to herself. "But I still need an actual ride back to my car in Guthrie and your 'Big Tech' said that he needs to stay behind. Would an Uber travel this far out?"

  "You ain't gonna need no goddamn Uber." Cheddar looked between his brothers and tugged at his pants. "Seems I'm the only one able to provide that kinda ride for you, darlin'. The one on my cock will remain pendin' 'til you hop off the back of my bike. Let's roll out."

  After Cheddar walked her out the door and to his bike, Big Tech stepped inside the club and tossed his cell into the front pocket of his prospect's cut.

  He moved in front of Xavier and nodded. "Background info on the two lumps of pussy lookin' to overtake you at Wexley should be comin' in like a steady stream by tonight," he said. "I'll be updatin' your shit beforehand and scrubbin' what I can from the sites, replacin' it with actual credentials and shit. By tomorrow AM, you should be the only contender."

  "Alright, good. Gonna need more info on the Kings too -- how many have been out to Wexley's campus and if anymore outside of LapDog were ever caught hangin' around more than once. We need to know if these motherfuckers are buildin' relationships out there; sexual or otherwise could lead to some serious shit with 'em bein' involved with these tighty whitey pricks and the dope."

  "You think it's possible the Kings are the ones who intercepted and got our shit rerouted to those assholes?" asked Tech.

  "Anything's fuckin' possible," replied Scooter.

  Tech rattled his head. "How the fuck would they have known about our shit to intercept it when everything was kept local and low-key?"

  Xavier glanced at Scooter and grinded his teeth. "I'm 'bout to see a motherfucker who would know and find the fuck out." He threw a hand along Tech's arm and headed for the door. "Get on that other shit. Let Prez know that I'll be back later for church."

  Chapter Six


  After pulling into ACE'S parking lot and removing his helmet, Xavier shut off his bike and hopped to the ground, kicking up a pile of dirt with his boots. He brushed past a group of topless dancers as they took pictures of each other outside the building and shook his head between chuckles, then moved inside and headed straight for the bar.

  "Yo, Shauna," he called to the woman standing near a cash register before taking a seat. "What's goin' on out here, darlin'?"

  As the busty redhead with a beaming smile to match the flicker in her bright hazel eyes turned on her heel, she placed a wad of dollar bills into a steel box beneath the register and slammed it shut. "You're early if you're looking to get a piece of one of those girls out there," she said. "Though I'm willing to bet they would oblige if you asked as nicely as possible." She dropped her hands on top of the bar and tilted her head. "What brings you out here at this time of day, X?"

  "Lookin' for your boss." He dragged his eyes from corner to corner of the club and swallowed hard. "Need to talk to him 'bout some shit."

  "Mariah?" she questioned. His brows arched as he sat up straight. "Rocka has been running his mouth about her since getting word from LapDog about you being out there last night... You two hooking up again?" His eyes skimmed across her recently sunburnt skin as he turned aside and wagged his head. "Well, I think that thought might be on Rocka's mind right about now. Why were you out there to see her last night if it wasn't to hook up?"

  He swiped his hand across his forehead and stepped away from the bar in frustration. "Is that motherfucker out here somewhere or do I need to drag my ass back down here at a later time, darlin'?"

  She fell quiet in realizing he was losing patience with her questions and lowered her eyes before pointing toward a set of stairs near the stage. "In his office. He was on the phone but might be off of it by now."


  After making his way up and strolling to Rocka's office near the end of a hallway, Xavier knocked once and pulled back. As the door swung open, he walked inside and dropped his hands into his pockets to keep from swinging th
em across Rocka's face as soon as he stepped forward.

  "You lost out here, motherfucker?" A slurring Rocka wrapped his lips around the neck of a vodka bottle and snickered. "'Cause your ass is lookin' mighty fuckin' lost out here right now."

  Xavier gulped back the urge to spill the truth on sight and wiped his mouth; he looked to the ceiling in an effort to remain calm and cleared his throat. "I found what the fuck I'm lookin' for in your ass bein' up here," he returned. "Mind if I sit the fuck down or is this place still too goddamn pussified to touch anything but the goddamn floor with my feet?"

  Rocka's eyes drifted as he nodded. "Still funny as shit from what I remember--"

  "You just saw my ass at the clubhouse two goddamn weeks ago."

  "The shit feels like a motherfuckin' lifetime now." He stumbled to his desk as the vodka began to throttle his brain and dropped down to his chair, shoved the bottle between his legs and lifted his chin. Xavier walked further into the room and sucked in a breath, eyeing his former brother with a lack of reverence as he spoke. "What the fuck brings your ass out here before the sun's been shot down and unclaimed pussy's gone wet?" he snapped.

  "I know LapDog told you the shit 'bout seein' me with Mariah last night on her campus. I need to talk to you 'bout the reason behind it."

  "You think you still owe me some shit when it comes to that bitch anymore?" he spat between his teeth.

  "I don't owe you a motherfuckin' thing, Rocka -- that shit ain't why the fuck my ass is out here right now."

  "Then why the fuck did it manage to darken my goddamn door?"

  "'Cause she needs a job, asshole. One that pays enough to stay in school and wants to return to ACE'S."

  Rocka's face fell as he gnashed his teeth and clinched his jaw. "She call you for that shit or you just fuckin' knew 'cause your name on her back started flashin' red goddamn lights and sendin' sirens out to fuckin' Pink, Oklahoma?"

  Xavier pushed out his chest in deep inhale and gnashed his teeth. "She didn't think your ass would be willin' to help after the shit that went down 'fore she left."

  "She's goddamn right," he spat. "Bitch fucked you the second I was outta sight and goddamn mind."


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