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Professor X

Page 31

by Kiki Leach

  "Okay." A collective sigh of regret filled the room as Boone slammed his gavel on top of the table and shook his head. "Now that we've had some actual time to process the shit we've been told..." He scanned the sullen faces of his brothers as they sat around him in silence, then fell back into his chair and pinched the bridge of his nose in aggravation. "Where the fuck are we gonna go with this shit from here?"

  "I told you from the start how much it was a bad fuckin' idea, Prez," muttered Tractor. "Told you somethin' would get us fucked -- that this motherfucker would somehow manage to get us SHIT. ON. in even bein' out there!"

  "We all fucked up with this shit, VP." Cheddar crossed his arms and shrugged. "T-Bone managin' to get on campus with some goddamn help beyond those pussy pricks traffickin' our dope shoulda been the only motherfuckin' thing we kept on our minds in spite of havin' the place swept and LapDog on lockdown. Wasn't just X or Coco on this shit -- that motherfucker's got closer connections to that campus just like he said."

  "It still sounds like this Pugh asshole might be his biggest connect to me," said Sniper. "If the motherfucker ain't lookin' to turn over these so-called tapes and wasn't tryin' to call the cops on X before he bolted, it's 'cause he knows he could get fucked on some shit too; especially if the fucker knew X would flip his shit -- if he knew that was T-Bone's purpose to keep him off campus for good."

  "Maybe, but..." Rugger sat up and cleared his throat; he dropped his hands to his lap and eyed the table. "This asshole still said somethin' about an investigation into what happened, yeah? Doesn't want you back 'til the shit's cleared."

  "That's the whole goddamn point," said Scooter. "The investigation is horse shit -- this asshole just needed to keep X from comin' back. He's involved."

  "And you know this shit for a goddamn fact now?" snapped Tractor. His eyes narrowed as he leaned against the table and knit his brows. "Maybe you finally heard some shit from your girl?"

  Scooter snarled. "I already told you that Gabi don't know shit beyond what the fuck she's been told by us, asshole."

  "Maybe she's only continuin' to let you think that shit while gapin' those legs wide open and confessin' her sins elsewhere to stay within' the club this time; maybe she's hopin' to keep your goddamn dick inside her mouth just to keep flutterin' around here like she's on the same level as Mariah or some shit. Fuck, even this Kyla bitch has been gainin' more status with the rest of 'em out here."

  "Fuck you, prick--"

  "Yeah, fuck your ass right the fuck back, you dumb son of a bitch. You are fuckin' stupid as shit if you think this bitch ain't somehow fuckin' your ass over to get somethin' more somewhere else for herself."

  "You don't know that shit, but wanna fuckin' believe it."

  "I know more shit than you. Or maybe I fuckin' don't. Everybody's been seein' how your ass has been doin' nothin' but mopin' between cars since the shootout. That bitch told you some shit when you took her ass home and you can't fuckin' deal with how the club might react to it."

  Red peeked over at him and jerked his chin. "That shit true, brother?"

  Scooter tightened his arms across his chest and flared his nostrils. "No, it ain't fuckin' true -- this asshole just remains paranoid as fuck."

  "MOTHERFUCKER, YOU GODDAMN RIGHT I'M PARANOID AS FUCK!" Tractor slammed his hands on top of the table, rattling it beneath them, and hollered. "You think I ain't got a goddamn reason with the way you batch of stupid assholes keep fuckin' around with shit? We are this. fuckin'. close. to losin' every goddamn thing we've built from the ground up out here over some rerun pussy and fat mouthed snitches, and you think I ain't gonna be suspect of whatever shit is goin' down around here that ain't the fuckin' norm?"

  Prez lifted his hand and raised his gavel. "Alright," he snapped.

  "No, not fuckin' alright, brother -- We are gettin' fucked up the ass with this shit and not a single motherfucker in here is walkin' around with extra lube, includin' you. We. Are. Fucked."

  "We might not be as fucked as you wanna keep sayin," mumbled Chopper. "Think Scooter's right -- you just wanna believe that shit and to look better than the goddamn rest of us."

  "I already look better than half of you motherfuckers in this goddamn room." Tractor looked over at him and squint. "You can't fuckin' tell me how the fuck your ass manages to figure everything else."

  "There's no way that he can, at least not without twistin' himself into a goddamn pretzel to do it." Rugger shook his head and continued. "We don't know what the fuck is goin' on with this Pugh asshole outside of theories and shit he's said. Look, I didn't think this shit was a good idea either; alot of us didn't despite agreein' to it last minute -- Sorry." X stared into his face and glowered. "Maybe 'cause we weren't brought in on the initial round, but VP was right; we got fucked on this shit in a way nobody else but T-Bone seemed to be thinkin' about."

  "Agreed." Red shrugged. "'Cause even if this Pugh motherfucker does nothin' with these tapes right now, there might be nothin' to stop his ass from havin' 'em sent out wide later -- especially if he's in with the Kings, and the club is done. That 2% the motherfucker's now claimin' belongs to him?" He stopped and wagged his head. "The shit won't fuckin' matter anymore 'cause he'll have ACE'S free and clear regardless." He peeked at X and clinched his jaw. "The minute you saw that fucker, you shoulda realized what the hell his game was gonna be and got the fuck out."

  "You don't think I realize that shit?" X bent forward and balled his fist, dropping it along the edge of the table as he glared. "You don't think I wouldn't take back what the fuck happened inside that goddamn classroom to keep us from bein' here?! Think I wanted to jeopardize the fuck outta my entire goddamn club over bullshit?"

  "Over pussy, motherfucker, get it correct." He whipped his head around to Tractor and grimaced. "Your 'beat the fucker up' session was over some goddamn pussy. That bitch has got you fucked. up. just like I knew she fuckin' would."

  "You were the main motherfucker callin' her an asset," said Scooter.

  "For the goddamn club," he returned. "The bitch has always been good for us and a motherfuckin' danger to this prick's cock. His mind spazzes the fuck out -- he stops thinkin' rational shit where she's concerned. It's just punch, fight and fuckin' kill." He paused and wagged his head. "Shoulda brought her back in as community pussy."

  Xavier shoved the table into Tractor's chest and jumped from his chair.

  Prez stood up and threw a hand into his stomach, shoving him back. "Cool on this shit -- the asshole is drunk and pissed."

  "I ain't drunk." Tractor rolled away from the table and pushed himself to stand, then leaned forward and pointed. "This asshole is gonna keep us even further inside the goddamn hole--"

  "Xavier!" A hushed mumble floated through the room as a sharp but small voice echoed from the other side; the brothers eyed each other with suspicion and reached for their Glocks. "XAVIER!" X turned on his heel as the voice became shrill, and yanked the door until it opened.

  His eyes bugged as a shaken Mariah stumbled toward him, her hands and clothes stained with dried blood. "Jesus Christ."

  "X," she muttered as the remaining brothers fell behind him in unison.

  Scooter's mouth dropped. "Holy. Fuckin' shit."

  Xavier rushed forward and lifted Mariah from the floor, sweeping her into his arms and carrying her fairly numb body to a nearby couch.

  Prez's eyes searched the room as he snapped his fingers and pointed toward the bar. "Get some towels and shit -- some warm water for her hands and clothes. And check on that asshole in the goddamn basement, make sure he ain't moved."

  "You got it, Prez," hollered Cheddar.

  As the brothers took off in a range of directions, Xavier dropped to his knees in front of Mariah and rested the back of her hands inside his palms. He swallowed hard in taking note of the cuts between her fingers and inhaled before lifting his eyes back to her face. "What happened tonight, darlin'? Where'd all this goddamn blood come from?"

  She clawed her fingers as tiny pieces of
glass loosened from her skin and fell into her lap, and peeked behind Xavier as Scooter, Boone and Tractor stepped forward.

  "Where the fuck is the prospect that was supposed to be watchin' your ass tonight?" asked Tractor. "You take him out or some shit?"

  She wagged her head and gulped. "No--"

  "Then where the fuck is he?"

  "Still at X's place," she replied.

  "And he let you walk outta there lookin' like that?" asked Scooter. "How the fuck is that possible if you didn't club him over the goddamn head first?"

  "I didn't do anything to him -- he didn't let me walk out like anything..." Her voice faded as her gaze slid across the room. "I called a few of the girls to keep him distracted while I met with T-Bone."

  "Jesus Christ -- Fuckin' BARTLESVILLE, AGAIN?!" Tractor spun away from her, throwing his fist into the air and rolling his eyes into his head as he groaned. "The shit with you two motherfuckin' knuckleheads just keeps gettin' better and fuckin' better tonight--!"

  "Where did you meet with this asshole, Mariah?" asked Xavier, his warm voice full of concern.

  She dragged her eyes back to his as they filled with tears, then leaned into his face and sniffed. "The Kings compound..." She deeply exhaled as her eyes lowered to her hands. "He's still there -- we were alone... he closed off his club to meet with me in private."

  "Yeah, I fuckin' bet," Tractor muttered.

  X shifted his jaw and glowered. "Were his cams workin'?"

  "He said they were turned off," she said. "I asked about any in his office and he made it sound as if I was insane for questioning him."

  "Why are you covered in dried up blood, Mariah?" Boone's brow arched as he gulped. "Where'd those cuts on your hands come from, darlin'?"

  She stared into his eyes and shook her head again as tears spilled across her face. "I'm sorry."

  "Jesus." Shadow took a swig of vodka from an open bottle behind the bar and poured a row of shots for each of his brothers. "We're gonna need more than pussy to get through the rest of this shit out here tonight."

  "What happened, darlin'?" Xavier's brows knit as his face tightened, as his skin flushed and his breathing heightened with anger. "He tried hurtin' you?"

  "He tried to attack me," she answered.

  "Of course he fuckin' did!" snapped Tractor. "It was one of the many goddamn reasons I said your ass didn't need to go the fuck back down to that compound and see his ass in person -- he was lookin' for your pussy to make its way back to his cock before pimpin' it the fuck out, and he was gonna use this club and ACE'S to do that shit--!"

  "He told me about the contracts," she blurted. "He mentioned that the Kings are only named for that 49%."

  "He confirmed they don't own the 2%?" asked Rugger. "It's just him?"

  She nodded. "The night he went to Tractor's, he was looking for both sets of contracts."

  Xavier looked over his shoulder, his eyes lifting to Prez as he sighed. "There was no need to confirm that shit for a second time if it wasn't true," he said. "Rocka still has those contracts hidden somewhere. We need our hands on 'em or at least need to know where the fuck they are 'fore Flex and the others find 'em first."

  Prez bobbed his head and pointed toward Red. "Tell Cheddar to loosen the ropes on that fat neck fucker and bring him up here. We got more shit that needs handlin'."

  "Yeah, Prez," he replied before heading out.

  Poker glanced between his brothers and leaned against a table after handing a pile of warm towels to Xavier and Mariah; he soured. "What if that 2% contract ain't even real and Rocka was just playin' that motherfucker for kicks? He lied about every other goddamn thing under the sun."

  "It's some shit we need to find out," said Tractor. "Just like we need to know why the fuck Mariah was down at that asshole's compound after bein' told NOT to fuckin' go."

  "Because T threatened to have the police or Kings come after X and the club as a result of what happened between them," she snapped. "He claimed that he wanted to talk about ACE'S; I tried to use as much of the opportunity as I could to get information."

  "He ever say anything 'bout Pugh bein' his main connection on campus?" asked X.

  "No. He might've been leaning toward it, but was never specific."

  "Maybe we can ask this fucker." Cheddar shuffled around the bar with LapDog at his side and shoved his hand into his back, forcing him to fall face first onto the floor. "Tell 'em what the fuck you told my ass downstairs."

  LapDog rolled to his back and massaged his swollen wrists.

  Tractor stepped next to him and dropped to a squat. "Hey. Asshole." He slapped the side of his face with the back of his hand and frowned. "What the fuck did you tell Cheddar down there?"

  "That Leonard Pugh..." he started, his voice strained as he spoke. "Is a longtime visitor of the compound..." He stopped to swallow and gradually sat up, then rolled his eyes to Xavier and leaned against the bar. "That asshole gets a hefty supply of pussy from T every Thursday night at 9pm on the goddamn dot; pays a pretty fuckin' price for the youngest bunch out there -- nothin' over 18."

  "How'd they get hooked up?"

  "Don't know. Asshole just walked in one day after mentionin' he'd been referred and the shit went off from there."

  "He into the coke too?"

  "Not much of what I'd ever seen."

  "How long has this shit been goin' between 'em?" asked Shadow.

  "About three goddamn years now."

  Boone grumbled. "Fuck."

  "The shit rules out Gabi bein' involved with any of it now," replied Scooter.

  "Fuckin' hardly." Tractor rolled his eyes and turned back to LapDog. "Why'd you tell Cheddar all this shit, and why are you now tellin' us without bein' beaten for it first? What the fuck is in it for you bein' a sudden snitch on your own goddamn Prez and club?"

  "Prez," he said. "Not the club. T never tried findin' my ass after the shootout; motherfucker had to know I was out here and didn't give a fuck. Now he's dead and Flex'll soon be in charge."

  "Did you know from jump that Pugh was the asshole doin' this interview with X?" asked Red.

  He wagged his head. "Didn't know anything 'til Cheddar showed me his picture downstairs."

  Tractor sneered. "This Pugh prick has to be the goddamn reason T picked Wexley to get us fucked in the first place. The only motherfucker who'd know the ins and outs of a whole goddamn campus and its students would be the fuckin' Dean."

  "What about this 2% of ACE'S that T claimed he would personally get from Rocka in the case Rocka ever snitched on your club?" Rider lifted his brows and swallowed hard. "He ever tell you some shit like that?"

  LapDog's eyes sank to the floor as he gulped. "He mentioned wantin' to make a side deal with Rocka after we got our 49%, but the asshole never said shit about gettin' Rocka's 2% for himself. You sure it's legit?"

  "We ain't sure of anything yet like we need to be." Xavier stood up and dropped the towels to the floor; he stepped next to Prez and lowered his voice. "You think we're gonna need to lock this shit down before the Kings find T? 'Cause every brother and whoever's connected to us is gonna be at risk with this shit beyond the contracts -- even if the goddamn cams were off like he claimed. We're gonna need to retaliate with full force this time, brother."

  Prez dragged his hand across his mouth and nodded in agreement. "We gotta get 'em all out here before the sun comes up; start makin' the necessary phone calls to connects and charters -- arrangin' rides for the girls and their kids; order some food and more beer and booze, set up the beds and bring in more from the garage. And call up that prospect and the pussy back at your place. Gonna have a word with that slick motherfucker."

  "We can get on all that shit," said Chopper. "Includin' dumbass Smoke." He waved his hand toward the chapel as Red, Rugger and others followed.

  Tractor returned to his feet and dusted his cut. "The Kings are gonna come out here first goddamn thing after findin' T out there. Retaliation means we're gonna need to be a fuck of alot more prepared this g

  Prez glanced at him and nodded again. "We will be." He looked to Cheddar and jerked his chin. "Kyla's gonna have to come back down here given the connections to you and now everybody else. You think she'll be good with that?"

  He leaned against the edge of the bar and folded his hands. "She'll be good as long as I'm here with her."

  "Alright, get on that. Your girl too, Scooter. We can figure out what the fuck she might know or doesn't while we're all under the same goddamn roof."

  Scooter clinched his teeth and eyed Tractor, then turned back to Prez and gulped. "Yeah, I'll get on that shit too."

  "Good." Prez bypassed Xavier and showed Mariah his hand. As she slid her fingers into his palm, he lifted her from the couch and nodded behind himself. "Let this asshole help you get cleaned up in the back. You both are gonna be stayin' out here tonight."

  "Okay. But... what about my car?"

  "We can get the shit clean for you, darlin'." Sniper gripped his cane and winked. "Have it lookin' brand fuckin' knew before you've gotta take it back to that rental place."

  "Maybe we should just chop the shit and sell parts for extra money instead," muttered Tractor. "Might need it 'til we figure out how the fuck to actually get our coke back now."

  "We're gettin' the coke back," said Prez. "Just gonna take some extra time and a few more bodies; includin' one of their own."

  LapDog slumped to his side and groaned.

  Xavier gave a quick nod to each of his brothers and walked Mariah to the clubhouse apartment, closing and locking the door once they were inside.

  She walked around the room for a few seconds, quietly recalling the lack of decor and brown paneling, then sat down on the bed and brushed her hands against her skirt. "I don't want Smoke to get in trouble for this," she said.

  "Rules are the goddamn rules, Mariah, you know that shit; the asshole couldn't keep you still."

  "It isn't his fault that I was out there tonight, X."

  "Nah, baby, it was mine. I know that shit and own that shit."

  "No." She returned to her feet as he stood in front of her and reached for the edge of her tank; her eyes lowered to his hands as his fingers tickled the fabric. "What happened today was all about T-Bone. And the truth is that if it wasn't me, it would've been you or the club taking him out."


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