The Oxford Handbook of the Phoenician and Punic Mediterranean

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The Oxford Handbook of the Phoenician and Punic Mediterranean Page 112

by Carolina Lopez-Ruiz

  of Sidon 388–9, 389, 398

  of Tyre 391–2, 391

  Sheshonq I 58, 69, 469

  Shiptibaal (or son of Shipitbaal) inscription 91, 225

  shipwreck(s) Bajo de la Campana 410, 429, 432, 592

  Cape Gelidonya 424

  El Sec 454, 595

  Elyssa (Elissa) 339, 344, 425–8, 472

  Marsala 172, 429–30

  Mazzarón 410, 429, 432, 592

  Rochelongue 410, 429

  Sant Vicenç 454

  Tagomago I 633

  Tanit 339, 344, 425–8, 427, 472

  Uluburun 43, 344, 406, 424

  Xlendi 428, 555, 556, 561

  shofet (shofetim), see suffete(s)

  Shoshenq I (Sheshonq) 58, 69, 469

  Siannu 58, 64, 66

  Sicca (Sicca Veneria; Le-Kef) 159, 165, 172, 287, 704

  Sid 149, 284

  Sidi Abdselam of Behar 633, 639

  Sidi Brahim (Gunigun; Gunugu) 636

  Sidi Dris (Beach) 627, 634, 639

  Sid-Milqart 279

  Sidon (Sayda; Saida) Abdashtart I (ʻAbdʻaštart; Straton I, the Philhellene) 92, 101, 389

  Abdi-Milkutti 60, 62–3, 67

  Ain el Helwe rock tombs 718

  Ashtart 92, 94–5, 118, 277–8, 286

  Bodashtart 92, 226, 277

  coins 93, 117, 358, 386–90, 389, 399

  College site 47, 47, 127

  Court Style ivory workshop 361

  Dakerman cemetery 134–5

  dye production 94, 365, 401–2

  Eshmun (Eshmoun) 91–3, 276–8, 351, 388

  Eshmunazor (Eshmunazar) dynasty 128, 277, 286, 398

  Eshmunazor (Eshmunazar) II sarcophagus 91, 226, 304, 718

  Fifth Satrapy 90, 101, 485

  Lulî 60, 63, 67, 425, 426

  in Hebrew Bible 90, 658–68

  political unit with Tyre 59–60, 470–1

  relationship with Attica 101–2

  revolt against the Persians 386, 389–2, 398–9, 475

  Roman period 112–15, 120

  royal necropolis 134–5, 483, 713, 718

  sack of 69, 351, 359, 363, 658–9

  Siduna in Amarna Letters 44, 277

  Tabnit sarcophagus 32, 91, 226, 304

  Tennes 389, 389–2, 394

  Tu-Ba’lu 67

  see also Bustan esh-Sheikh sanctuary

  Sid-Tinnit 279, 283

  Sierra Morena mines (Jaén) 407, 588

  Siga (Syg ʻn) 628, 635

  Sikil (Tjeker; Tjekker) 45, 466

  Silius Italicus, Punica 620–1, 639, 679

  Simirra 59, 64, 67–8; see also Tell Keisan

  Simyra, see Tell Kazel

  Solomon 11, 60, 64–5, 645–6, 660–4, 666

  Soluntum (Solunt; Solous) destroyed by Dionysius I 539, 544–5

  in Thucydides 147, 537, 539

  necropolis 539, 549

  statue of Ashtart 548

  temple 547

  Sparta 149, 162, 266, 543, 674, 676, 700

  Stephanus (Stephen) of Byzantium 494, 560

  Strabo, Geography on Aradus 393

  on Salda 637

  on the foundation of Gadir (Cádiz) 146, 262, 619–23, 676

  on Tyre and Herakles 107

  Straton I, the Philhellene (Abdashtart; ʻAbdʻaštart) 92, 101, 389

  suffete(s) (shofet/shoftim) 104, 108, 147, 158, 183–4, 187–8, 441, 594

  Sulcis (Sulky; Sant’Antioco) 79, 522, 526–7, 531–3

  Sumur, see Tell Kazel

  Syphax, Numidian king 178–9, 635

  Syracuse Agathocles (Agathokles) of 622

  Dionysius I of 161, 539, 544–5

  Dionysius II of 162

  Gelon 150–1, 674, 677

  Hiero of (third cent. BCE) 155, 171, 173

  Hieron of (fifth cent. BCE) 161, 674–5

  Philistus of 142

  Timoleon of 156, 161, 544, 546, 675

  war with Carthage 150–2, 161–2, 539, 543–5, 674

  Syria Phoenice 11, 112, 122, 690; see also Phoenice, province


  Tabnit sarcophagus 32, 91, 266, 304, 718

  Tagomago I shipwreck 633

  Tagus River and estuary 174, 586, 603, 605–8, 648

  Taharqa, Pharaoh 68–9

  Takelot I, Pharaoh 470

  Takelot III, Pharaoh 69

  Tal-Virtù 229–30, 557, 558

  Tamassos 351, 482, 485

  Tamuda 627, 628, 633, 639

  Tangier (tng; Tingi; Thinge; Thymiaterio) 265, 628, 632, 639

  Tanit (Tinnit) –Ashtart 94, 277, 279

  Carthage 163–4, 397

  consort (“face”) of Baal Hammon 146, 165, 233, 282–3, 289, 313, 317, 321

  Es Cuyram Cave inscription 232, 285

  Iberian Peninsula 285

  Iuno Caelestis 283–4, 288

  Sardinia 284

  Sicily 548

  symbol of 69, 359, 363, 439, 637, 638

  Urania 691

  Tanit shipwreck 339, 344, 425–8, 427, 472

  tannūr (tabouna) 132, 303, 446–7

  Tarentum 177, 549

  tariff(s) collection of 385–6

  Kition 229, 234

  “Marseilles” or “Carthage tariff” 234

  “sacrificial” 287

  temple 234, 285

  Tarquinia 511–14

  Tarshish in inscription of Esarhaddon 61

  in the Hebrew Bible 60, 645–6, 662, 665, 667

  mineral resources 403

  see also Tartessos

  Tarsus xvii, 62, 475, 648

  Tartessos connection with Rachgoun, Rūs Šigan 635

  earliest Phoenician presence xvii, 75, 409–10, 646

  Greek trade in 573

  identified with biblical Tarshish 60, 645–6, 665

  myth of the founding kings 263

  relationship with Phoenicians 585, 591, 608, 610

  Tartessian or South-western script 251, 608

  Tas Silġ cult of Ashtart 28, 284, 554, 559, 561–3

  development of 559, 562–3

  earliest Phoencian presence 556, 562

  epigraphic evidence 229, 554, 562–3

  faunal analysis 563

  feasting 563

  Moscati, Sabatino 26, 28

  residue analysis on pottery 563

  worship of Hera and Juno 562

  worship of Isis 559, 562

  worship of Milkashtart 624

  Tavira 231, 604, 611

  Tekke (Teke) tomb 229, 343, 356–7, 471, 496–7

  Tel Akko (Acca; Acre; Akko) 44, 50, 51, 94, 228, 279, 468, 659

  Tell Abu Hawam 128, 132, 392, 436

  Tell ʻArqa conquered by Tiglath-pileser III 64

  intramural interment 134

  Iron Age II levels 127

  part of coalition against Shalmaneser 66–7

  temple 132–3

  upper and lower city 128–9

  see also Caesarea Ituraeorum (Arca)

  Tell el-Barak 126–2, 130, 131, 436

  Tell el-Far’ah 469–70

  Tell el-Mashkuta xviii, 280

  Tell er-Rachidiyeh 226, 339–40

  Tell Kazel (Sumur; Simyra; Zemar) 10, 40, 45–7, 127, 133, 352, 353

  Tell Keisan “Amrit” stela 352, 353

  capital of Amuru of the Amarna Letters 45

  excavations 45–7

  part of Iron Age Phoenicia 10, 40

  part of the Kingdom of Arwad 127

  see also Simirra 59, 64, 67–8

  Tell Khan (Khalde; Khaldeh) 127, 134, 349, 358

  Tell Ruqeish 470, 472, 474

  Tell Sianu 10, 133

  Tell Sukas Astarte and Melqart 94

  domestic buildings 436

  religious buildings 133–4

  on northern border of ancient Phoenicia 10, 90, 125, 127–8

  see also Tell Sianu

  Tennes 389, 389–92, 394

  Tertullian, Apologeticus 11, 322

  tessera coin-shaped 106, 106
r />   hospitalis 148, 148

  textiles 113, 364–5, 475, 493, 591

  Thamusida (Sidi Ali Ben Ahmed) 627, 628, 630, 639

  Thapsus 187, 638

  Tharros carved markers at tophet 318–19

  cemeteries 299, 301, 528

  domestic architecture 436

  interaction with Iron Age Nuragic communities 320–1

  iron working 411

  Moscati, Sabatino 26, 521

  tophet and sacrifice 284, 288–9, 318–20, 528

  Thebes (Boeotia) 108, 494, 673, 723

  Thefarie Velianas 148, 230, 284

  Theocritus 155

  Thera 246, 494, 499–500

  Theron, tyrant of Acragas 150–1

  Theveste (Hecatompylus) 159, 165, 172

  Thucydides 147, 155, 494, 511, 537, 539, 675

  Thugga, see Dougga

  thymiateria (incense burners) 302, 332, 334, 351, 358, 592

  Thymiaterium (tng; Tangier; Thinge; Tingi) 265, 628, 632, 639

  Tiglath-pileser I 44, 66, 467

  Tiglath-pileser III 59, 64–5, 67, 658

  Til Barshib (Til-Barship) 64, 472

  Timaeus (Timaios) of Taormina (Tauromene; Tauromenion; Tauromenium) cited by Diodorus Siculus 675

  on Carthaginian expansion 264

  on the foundation of Carthage 61, 142–3, 145, 263, 679–80

  on the foundation of Ibiza 571

  Timna mines 408

  Timoleon of Syracuse 156, 161, 544, 546, 675

  tin bars and ingots 406, 424

  –bronze 404, 406–8, 412

  cargo in shipwrecks 406, 410, 424, 429, 592

  found on Sardinia 406, 411

  Iberian Peninsula and Atlantic shores 3, 75, 403, 406, 585, 588, 603

  Tin Islands (Kassiterides) 648, 651, 652

  Tingi (tng; Tangier; Thinge; Thymiaterium) 265, 628, 632, 639

  Tinnit, see Tanit

  Tjeker (Tjekker; Sikil) 45, 466

  Tocae (Tokai), see Dougga

  tomb chamber 134, 460, 487, 549, 560–1, 592

  cist 134

  hypogeum 294, 298, 302, 305–6, 574, 576, 578

  rock-cut 134, 554, 556, 557, 561

  shaft 134–5, 294, 560

  tophet sanctuaries Altiburos (Médaina) 288, 312, 315–16

  Bithia (Bitia) 284, 288, 320, 527

  Chapelle Cintas (Carthage) 146, 320

  Constantine (Cirta) El-Hofra sanctuary 234–5, 288, 314

  Dougga (Thugga) 322

  Hadrumetum 320–2

  Lilybaeum 548

  Late North African 288, 314, 314, 321–2, 637–8

  Monte Sirai 284, 288, 314

  Motya (Mozia) 230, 284, 288–9, 320–1, 539, 541–2

  Nora 284, 288, 320–1, 527

  Salammbô (Carthage) 190, 311–12, 312, 315–20

  Sant’Antioco (Sulcis; Sulky) 284, 288, 522, 526–7

  Tal-Virtù (Malta) 558, 560

  Tharros 284, 288–9, 318–20, 528

  Torre Galli 508

  Toscanos (possibly Mainoba) defensive wall 593

  domestic architecture 436, 443, 446

  early Phoenician settlement 585, 586, 590

  palatial building (Building H) 438, 445, 590

  warehouse (Building C) 438, 445, 590

  Toumba (Lefkandi) 500–1

  Trayamar 294, 304, 306, 592

  treaty Hannibal – Philip V of Macedonia 170, 176, 264, 283

  Carthage – Rome 149, 163, 170–1, 543–4, 574, 596, 622

  false Rome – Macedon 667

  Esarhaddon – Baal of Tyre 64, 67, 264, 279, 474

  Greek – Punic (Sicily) 151, 544, 546

  Hiram – Solomon 65, 661

  Tyre – Rome 111, 687

  Tridacna squamosa shells 363, 374, 377–9, 378, 474

  Tripoli(s) xviii, 10, 104, 112, 114, 394, 716

  Truceless War (Libyan War; Mercenary War) 160, 172–4, 177

  turquoise mines 201, 241

  Tuvixeddu (Cagliari) 294–5, 528

  tuyère 404, 405, 414


  udjat (oudjat) – eyes (Horus eyes) 298, 361, 609

  Ugarit (Ras Shamra) Archive, tablets 10, 43–4, 234, 277, 337, 339

  banquet commemorating the dead 303

  collapse of 43–4, 50–1

  myths 274–5

  paleography 202, 242–3

  relationship with Cyprus 481

  Ulpian of Tyre (Domitius Ulpianus; Oulpianos) 111, 114, 116, 687, 689, 690

  Uluburun shipwreck 43, 344, 406, 424

  Um el-Amed 279, 353, 624

  Uni (Ashtart) 148, 230, 284–5, 514

  Ur, Phoenician inscription 227, 244

  Urbanistic inscription 412, 441, 446

  Ushu 10, 68

  Usnatu (Usnu) 58, 64, 66

  ustrinum 300, 608

  Utica deflection to Rome 179, 185

  earliest Phoenician phase 77–9, 599, 613, 647–8

  Euboeans in 146

  foundation xvii, 61, 76

  relationship with Carthage 144–5, 159–60, 171, 173

  trade with Rome 163

  ʻUzzibaʻl 396, 396


  vegetables 456–8, 590

  Veio 509, 511–13, 515

  Venus 121–2, 144, 262, 284; see also Aphrodite; Ashtart; Uni

  Vetulonia 508–9, 509, 512–13, 515; see also Poggio alla Guardia

  villa 437, 459, 564, 594, 597

  Villaricos 231, 302, 436, 585, 593

  vine 83, 454, 456, 590, 605; see also wine

  Virgil, Aeneid 142, 263, 281, 680

  viticulture, see vine; wine


  Wadi Aravah mines 402, 408

  Wâdi el-Ḥôl 201, 242

  Wadi Faynan mines 408

  wall painting 165, 178, 294, 298, 302, 354, 361

  warehouse 375, 409–10, 438, 445, 590

  warship depicted on reliefs of Sennacherib’s palace 425, 426

  depicted on Sidonian coins 387

  from Syracuse 162

  Marsala shipwrecks 430

  of the Battle of the Egadi Islands 431, 431

  shipsherds in Carthage 158, 179

  weight standard Attic 389, 391–2, 394, 398–9

  Carthaginian 184

  Greek 93

  Hellenistic (Alexander the Great’s) 390, 399

  Near Eastern stone pan-balance 424

  Persian 93, 394

  Phoenician 389, 391, 394, 398, 609

  Wenamun (Wen-Amon) 12, 44–5

  wine amphorae 344, 424, 426, 515, 581, 591, 605

  ceramic for consumption of 334–7, 342, 513, 526, 592, 633

  funerary rituals 301–3

  exchange for metals 410

  export from the Greek world to Carthage 162

  introduction in the western Mediterranean 82, 514

  Mago on grape cultivation 266

  presses, cisterns, basins 458, 594, 564

  production in the Levant 113, 454, 469, 475

  production in Ibiza 578, 581

  production in Malta and Gozo 554, 564


  Xenophon 62, 159

  Xlendi Bay shipwreck 428, 555, 556, 561


  Yaba, queen 359–60

  Yamm (Yam) 277, 393–4

  Yanuh 121, 127, 129

  Yariris of Carchemish 64, 243

  Yehawmilk inscription 91, 225, 286, 353


  Zakar-baal 12, 45

  Zama, Battle of 177, 581, 689

  Zechariah 660, 667

  Żejtun 554, 564

  Zemar (Sumur; Simyra; Tell Kazel) 10, 40, 45–7, 127, 133, 352, 353

  Zeus –Ammon 104

  Beelgalasos 121

  on coins 104

  as bull 721, 722

  Meilichios 547, 548

  Olympios 58

  sanctioner of oaths 265

  Zincirli, Phoenician inscriptions 200, 227, 243, 244, 296, 472

  Zita 312, 315, 412

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  Carolina Lopez-Ruiz, The Oxford Handbook of the Phoenician and Punic Mediterranean




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