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Don't Tempt Me (Nora Jacobs Book 4)

Page 17

by Jackie May

  I step out from behind Nick so that I can see the vampire, but I keep well out of his reach. He watches me a moment, as if debating whether to share his suggestion or not. He gives Nick a wary look, which makes me wonder how much I’m going to hate his idea. Decision finally made, he pulls his shoulders back, lifts his chin, and confidently says, “I could compel you not to use your power.”

  “Hell no,” Nick says while I back up a step and say, “You’re not coming near me.”

  Henry gives me that condescending sigh that he’s so good at, as if I’m acting like a petulant child. “Nora, you have to do something. This is a very easy solution.”

  He may be right. It’s really not a bad idea. But I’ll never admit that to him. I scoff. “It also lets you into my head again and leaves me powerless against you. It’s not happening.”

  Henry’s jaw tightens, and he takes a moment to check his temper before he speaks again. “You may have no choice, Nora. Do you want to become a danger to those around you? Would you risk hurting your men? I will not take your memories from you. I won’t compel you to do anything else. I’ll simply make you stop using your siren’s song. You can trust me.”

  I laugh. It’s a bitter sound. “Henry, I will never trust you.”

  He finally glares at me. I don’t really care.

  Finished with this conversation, I turn to leave again, meeting Nick’s gaze as I do. “Let’s go.”

  He doesn’t question me. “Go home, Henry,” I say as I reach the passenger door of Nick’s truck. He’s still standing in the beams of the headlights, watching me walk away from him. “I can deal with my own problems.” And because I can’t help it, I add, “I have plenty of men whom I actually love and trust to help me. I don’t need you.”

  I don’t wait for any kind of response from him. He’s probably too mad to give me one anyway. He hates being reminded that I have lovers and friends when I won’t give him the time of day. Maybe constantly throwing my relationships in his face is petty, but it always makes me feel better.

  Nick and I drive through the wards and pull up to the bridge. Nick puts the car in park and quietly says, “You know…his suggestion isn’t a bad one.”

  I sit back in my seat, deflating a little as the tension that comes with seeing Henry leaves me. “I know.” I scrub my hands over my face. I’m tired already, even though I woke up so late. I need a good night’s rest, not a night of unconsciousness from a violent imprint. “I wasn’t about to admit that to Henry, though. Not when I have my own vampire who could do it for me. Parker can just as easily compel me, and then Henry doesn’t have to know that I’ve made myself vulnerable to him.”

  Nick grips the steering wheel and gives me a curious glance. “So do you think you’ll do it?”

  I shrug. “I’m willing to try it to see if it works.”

  “It will make you very vulnerable, though.”

  That is a major downside, but I shake my head. “I don’t have any other options. I’m slipping out of control.”

  “So far, you’ve only hurt people who’ve been a threat to you.”

  I give Nick a flat look. “Sabin was not a threat to me. My siren went after him because she’s vengeful, and I’d already opened myself up to her power—which I didn’t do on purpose. And the worst part is, I was killing him and I didn’t even care. It’s like my siren has a mind of her own, but she’s still me at the same time.”

  Nick nods as if this makes perfect sense. “It’s the same with my dragon. I believe it’s the same for all shifters.”

  Again, I wonder if I’m a shifter like Giselle. All signs point to me having an alternate form.

  “Well, I don’t like it. My siren is dark. She feeds off power and likes to hurt people. I didn’t need to go after Sabin tonight. But I wanted to. It wasn’t until you snapped me out of it that my morals came back to me. And then I was horrified. I’m disgusted with myself, Nick.”

  He sighs. “I get it. And maybe you should have Parker compel you. But you should at least discuss it with your clan before you make a choice that impacts your ability to defend yourself.”

  “Keep in mind that I have half a dozen of the city’s most powerful underworlders watching my back.”

  Nick frowns, but he can’t argue with that. I reach across the cab of the truck and place my hand on top of his. “And, just so you know, you’re as much a part of this clan as any of us. Maybe you don’t live under the same roof, but you’re family. My siren has claimed you.”

  Nick finally cracks a smile, and he winks at me. “My dragon’s claimed you, too, partner.”

  I grin. “Good.”

  I give him one last pat and open my door. “Good night, Nick. Get some sleep, and we’ll talk to Oliver in the evening.”

  As I close the door, Nick yells, “It’s still Gorgeous, Nora!”

  I chuckle all the way down the stairs and as I hang up Charlie’s coat. All is dark and quiet in the den. I’m tired, but I’m not really ready to sleep yet. I poke my head in to peek on Oliver. My heart warms at the sight of Oliver and Enzo conked out on the bed, and Charlie asleep in the chair beside them, as if both Enzo and Charlie refused to leave Oliver’s side.

  I decide Enzo can stay where he is, but Charlie looks very uncomfortable, so I wake him and send him to bed. “Charlie,” I whisper, giving his shoulder a gentle shake.

  He wakes with a start and looks around as if trying to figure out where he is. He relaxes when he sees me and quietly gets to his feet. He follows me out of the room, turns out the light, and closes the door softly behind him.

  I’m starving. I’ve not had anything to eat except a few bites of chili since Oliver and I were attacked, so I head for the kitchen. Charlie follows me, rubbing his eyes and yawning. “Are you just getting home?” he asks, after looking at the time on the microwave.

  “Yeah. Most of us live on a swing shift. About a noon-to-four thing. Oliver is a little earlier because of school, and Parker is a little later, being completely nocturnal. It’s not bad, but it takes some getting used to. What about you?”

  Charlie sits at the table and watches me rummage through the fridge. “I’m on a normal human schedule, but I’ll probably adjust it to be more in line with the rest of you. My office hours are a little later anyway to accommodate for people coming to me after work. It’ll be fine. I just need a week or two to adjust.”

  I find some chicken and roast potatoes in the fridge and hold it up curiously. “Rook cooked,” Charlie said. “I admit I’m not much in the kitchen beyond the basics.”

  I smile and put a plate in the microwave. “Me either. Thankfully, Rook and Terrance both enjoy cooking. I lived on cereal, box mac ‘n’ cheese, and frozen foods before I met them.”

  When I sit down at the table with my dinner, I ask Charlie, “Did Oliver wake up again?”

  Charlie shakes his head. “No, but Enzo said that’s normal. The magic wrecked his body pretty good. It needs time to heal. Even with Enzo speeding up that process, he’s still going to be tired for a good week. Enzo worked on him for a while before passing out beside him again. The poor man is going to run himself ragged.”

  “Yeah, we’ll have to encourage him to take it easy now that Oliver’s out of trouble. I don’t like seeing Oliver so weak, but I don’t want Enzo to get that way, either.”

  “He’s a good man,” Charlie says, his eyes drifting out of focus as he loses himself in his thoughts.

  I couldn’t agree more. “They all are. Even Illren, to an extent. He’s got his own moral code, but he’s extremely loyal and protective. You certainly found your way into a great clan.”

  Charlie pulls himself back to the here and now and smiles brightly. “I never dreamed I’d be so lucky.”

  I match his smile. “Me either.”

  He yawns again and covers it with his fist. “Well.” He scoots back from the table. “I’m going to go to bed.” He gets to his feet and kisses the top of my head. “See you in the morning…er…the afternoon, I guess.”
  I smile again. “Good night, Charlie.”

  Once he’s gone to bed and I’m left to my own devices, I decide a nice, long hot bath is in order. After the last horrible couple of days, I really need to relax. I go so far as to light a couple of scented candles and turn on some quiet classical music. Then I put my hair up, slip into the enormous spa tub, turn on the jets, close my eyes, and let out a blissful groan.

  Only seconds pass before a throat clears in the doorway of the bathroom. “Care for some company?” Parker murmurs in a thick voice. The heat in his gaze warms me from the inside out.

  A shock of desire shoots through me, and I surprise us both when I nod. “You’re sure?” Parker asks, but he’s already stepped in the room and shut the door behind him.

  “I’m sure.” I sit up a little. “Join me.”

  Parker takes his time getting undressed. He’s being cautious, as if unsure this is what I really want. But the vampire can’t help his graceful, seductive nature, and the way he watches me as he bares himself for me turns me into a big ball of need long before he’s ready to enter the tub. He stands there for a moment, just letting me look, and really, he is a sight to see. Tall and lean but with more bulk than Oliver, every beautiful inch of him is perfection. My body tingles and my mouth waters at the thought of getting to touch him.

  “Scoot forward,” Parker says softly, brushing his fingertips across my bare shoulder. I shiver violently at the brief touch.

  I scoot forward and he slips into the water behind me, stretching his legs out on either side of mine. Before I can get nervous about being naked in the bath with him, he grips my shoulders and digs his thumbs into my tight muscles. I can’t stop the moan that escapes my lips as he kneads the tension out of my shoulders and neck.

  “You’re tense,” he says, his voice soft as if he doesn’t want to disrupt the peaceful mood.

  “It’s been a long few days.”

  “Yes, it has. How are you doing?”

  He works out a tender knot in my shoulder, and my head falls forward until my chin meets my chest. “I’ll be better when Oliver’s back on his feet, but this is definitely helping.”

  It’s not just the massage. I’ve found that one-on-one time with each of my men is precious. I don’t get enough of it. Especially not with Parker. “This may sound strange, but I miss you. We don’t get enough time together.”

  “I’m here now.” Parker’s hands drop from my shoulders to my back, and I let out another moan. The sound has Parker ducking forward to kiss my neck. I lean my head to the side to give him better access. He trails hot kisses from my bare shoulder to my ear and whispers, “I love you, Nora.”

  I turn my head, and he takes my lips. His hands drop from my shoulders and roam over my body, touching me in ways that have me arching my back. “I love you, too,” I gasp out.

  We speak no more words while Parker shows me just how much he loves me until I cry out his name as I come apart in his arms. “I need you, Parker. I need all of you.”

  Parker’s body stiffens around me. “Are you sure?” he asks hesitantly.

  I’ve never been surer of anything in my life than I am of the fact that I need to make love to him right now. “Yes,” I murmur. “Please.”

  That’s all the encouragement Parker needs. He helps me from the tub and dries the excess water from my body. The act is sensual, seductive—like everything Parker does. The heat in his eyes is enough to keep me warm in the cool room. He takes my hand and walks me to the bed, but I stop before he can lay me down. I don’t want to follow his lead. I need something else right now.

  My men have done nothing but take care of me for days. I need to return the favor. I need to give back. And part of me just needs the control. This new world I’ve finally entered is exciting, yet it’s still overwhelming. I’ve made myself so vulnerable, more vulnerable than I’ve ever let myself be, and as happy as I am, I need a break. This time, I need to be in charge. “Lie down,” I order softly but firmly. “Put your hands behind your head.”

  Surprise flashes in Parker’s eyes, followed by a scorching look that makes my mouth dry. He obeys wordlessly, without a shred of shame for being ordered around. In fact, he’s all confidence and pride as he lies down and tucks his hands up behind his head. His eyes fasten on mine with something that urges me on. It’s as if he’s daring me to keep playing this game. Encouraging me to take charge and be the predator, allowing him to be the prey for once.

  I don’t have anywhere near the confidence he has, but his support gives me the courage to climb onto the bed and settle on top of him. I lean down and press my lips to his. He kisses me back with passion, leaning forward into the kiss. I can feel him pushing against his own restraint, but he doesn’t move his hands from behind his head. He holds still as I asked.

  I break the kiss and look down at him, feeling suddenly shy. “Is this okay?”

  His eyes soften. “It’s more than okay. Whatever you need, Nora. Always. I promise.”

  This man. His promise squeezes my heart until I fear it will burst from my chest. I swallow back a lump of emotion. “Thank you.”

  I kiss him again, and though he holds still, it doesn’t stop his kiss from being passionate and full of heat. We break apart, gasping for air, our chests heaving against each other. We stare at each other for a moment, and he swallows hard. I can tell he wants to touch me, but he still holds himself back.

  Slowly, I move my lips to his neck and then down his chest, tasting his body in a way that I haven’t done before. The more I explore, the heavier his breathing gets. And when I make my way down to where he needs me, the leash on his control snaps and he buries his hand in my hair. I allow it because his touch is comforting. He’s letting me lead, but we’re in this together.

  His low moan of pleasure is all I need to forget my shyness and lose myself in the moment. I take my time exploring him and loving him, wanting to give him as much as he gave me. It isn’t until sunrise that we finally settle down. I know the sun is coming up because his movements get slower, his blinks heavier. I snuggle into his arms and sigh. “Rest, Parker.”

  He squeezes me tightly. “I don’t want to. I don’t want this moment to end.”

  I smile at that. “We’ll have more moments like this.”

  “Not this moment. Not our first.”

  My eyes prick, and I swallow thickly.

  “I’m an old vampire, Nora. In all my years, I’ve never had anything like this. I’ve never been emotionally connected with a lover. Tonight, with you, was a new experience.”

  His confession is so sweet that I can barely speak around my emotions. “It was perfect.”

  “Perfect,” he echoes, as if agreeing with me. “I love you, Nora.”

  “I love you, too. Now sleep.”

  He squeezes me again and kisses my temple but says nothing else. It only takes a minute before his grip on me loosens and his breathing evens out. I lay my head on his chest and let the low thud of his heartbeat lull me to sleep.

  With all I’ve been through the last few days, from being attacked to the intense imprints wiping me out, and even making love for the first time in my life, I crash hard. I fall asleep at sunrise with Parker, and I don’t stir until sunset when Parker wakes me up. Once again, he’s wrapped around me like I’m his personal body pillow. He sucks in a deep breath and gives me a squeeze. “You’re still here?” He sounds surprised and very pleased to find me trapped in his arms.

  I cover a yawn with my fist and say, “I was out cold. Guess I needed the sleep.”

  He nuzzles my neck. “I like waking up with you.”

  I smile. “I’m sure you do. You’re quite the cuddler.”

  He chuckles and finally lets me go, rolling onto his back and pushing his long, lean body into a stretch. “As much as I want to be lazy and stay here all night long with you, we should probably join the others. I bet they’re worried about you by now.”

  I laugh. He’s not wrong. “I’m surprised they left
us alone this long without barging in.”

  We get up, and after a quick shower, I head out to find my guys and figure out what’s going on. Terrance is in his office on the phone, and Rook is in the kitchen wiping down counters. Parker and I must have just missed our clan’s version of lunch, which is okay since it’s more like breakfast for me. A bowl of oatmeal or cereal will work just fine.

  I find the rest of my clan in the living room and stumble to a stop at the sight of Illren and Charlie. Illren is sitting at the end of one of the couches, with a book in his hand and his other arm draped across the back of the sofa. That seems odd enough for reasons I can’t explain, but what’s really shocking is that Charlie is lying on the couch beside him, working on his laptop with his head resting on Illren’s thigh. They’re not cuddling exactly. They’re each doing their own thing. It’s more like they’re just very comfortable with each other.

  I’ve heard that the fey often find comfort in physical contact and aren’t shy about it. And it’s true that I am definitely happiest when I’m touching one of my guys. But I never would have pegged Illren as the affectionate type. Charlie, sure; I bet that man would snuggle with anyone. But Illren? Even if it’s some form of Charlie’s cupid influence, it’s shocking. And unbelievably cute.

  Oliver looks adorable, too, sitting on the other couch, tucked under a blanket with his feet propped up on the coffee table and an empty bowl and glass on the end table beside him like he’s a kid home sick from school. That had to be Ren’s doing. He’s probably gone to work, but I’m sure he was here earlier babying Oliver to death.

  Oliver’s looking much perkier than the last time he woke up, typing away at the laptop on his lap. He’s got more color in his skin, and his eyes are brighter. Nick is sitting beside him, squirming like he’s trying hard to be patient and is about to lose the battle.

  “You’re looking better,” I chirp, gaining the attention of the whole room, though my focus is on Oliver.

  He flashes me a big dimpled smile that nearly makes me cry. For a while, I wondered if I’d ever see that beautiful smile again. I plop down on the sofa next to him and kiss his cheek. He leans over and kisses my temple without pausing his fingers from flying across his keyboard. “Good evening, sleepyhead,” he teases me.


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