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Rescue After Dark: Gansett Island Series, Book 22

Page 27

by Force, Marie

  “I didn’t mean for that to happen! I told you that!”

  “I don’t believe you. And frankly, I don’t care anymore. I’ve moved on, and my life no longer includes you. As to the shit you pulled today, you’re lucky my grandmother and sister are in a forgiving mood. Otherwise, you would’ve been charged with multiple felonies.” She outlined the deal the state police had agreed to and put the papers that Gigi had printed on the table next to his bed. “Do everyone a favor, take the deal, sign the divorce papers, take responsibility for your own shit and tell your fans to leave me the hell alone. Go back to rehab, and don’t leave until you’re well. Get your life together, and stay the fuck out of mine. That’s all I’ve got to say.”

  “Jordan!” The cuffs clanked against the metal rail when he tried to get up to give chase. “You have to listen to me!”

  “Go fuck yourself, Brendan.” Jordan hooked her hand through Mason’s arm. “Let’s go.”

  Under his breath, Mason said, “I’m a little turned on after hearing you tell him off.”

  “Is that right?”

  “Oh yeah. Seriously sexy, babe.”

  Jordan laughed, feeling freer and happier than she had in years. “You know what the best part is?”

  “Better than you telling him to go fuck himself?”


  “Lay it on me.”

  “We’ve got time before dinner to stop at your place. If you can get out of work, that is.”

  When they got to his car, he opened the door for her, put his hands on her hips and lifted her into the passenger seat. “You want to know the biggest benefit to dating the chief?”

  “Other than having him save my life?”

  “Even better. I get to set my own hours.”

  “That’s really convenient at times like this.”

  “Seriously convenient.” He kissed her and pulled back before things could get out of hand again. “Hold that thought for ten minutes.” His driving on the short ride home reminded Jordan of Gigi darting through traffic earlier in LA. Had that really happened today? It seemed like a week ago after the longest flight ever to get to her loved ones.

  On the way home, Mason called Dermot. “You’re in charge for the rest of the day. Don’t bother me unless the zombies show up, you got me?”

  “Yes, sir. I heard your lady was back—”

  Mason ended the call.

  “That was rude,” Jordan said, laughing.

  “He can go fuck himself.”

  She laughed harder than she had in years, her heart full of love for the second man she’d ever slept with. Jordan didn’t care what Gigi said. Sometimes you could fall for the second guy you ever slept with. Sometimes he was just so right and so perfect that looking beyond him simply wasn’t necessary.

  In that moment, she decided that if the network didn’t go for her idea for a show on Gansett, she’d buy her way out of the contract, even if that would take most of the money she’d made since the show became popular. She could sell the house in Bel Air and use the proceeds to finance her new life.

  And she would apply for that activities director job at the senior center.

  The feeling that came with the pieces falling into place was one of peace and contentment and excitement for what was ahead.

  “Wait for me,” Mason said gruffly when he pulled into his driveway, leaving a cloud of dirt in his wake as be brought the car to a quick stop.

  Jordan buzzed with desire and love and so much happiness as she watched him come around the front of the truck like a man on a very important mission. And then he was reaching for her as she reached for him. He picked her up and kicked the door shut and kissed her all the way into the house, even going so far as to press her against the front door until they were in danger of consummating their reunion right there in the open.

  Behind her, he fumbled with the door until it flew open and nearly sent them flying.

  Jordan shook with laughter as he swore viciously under his breath.

  He kicked the door closed and made a beeline directly to his bedroom where they came down on the bed in a wild burst of passion that had teeth colliding with lips.

  “Ow,” she said, smiling at him.

  He shook his head and cracked a big grin. “Let’s try this again with some finesse this time, shall we?”

  “Yes, we shall.”

  “How does this sexy dress come off?”

  “Over the head.”

  He reached under the hem and slid the dress up, setting her on fire with his touch as his hands moved over her sensitive skin. By the time the dress cleared her head, she was trembling.

  “Mmm, what a sight.” His gaze moved over her with barely constrained hunger that only added to her desire. That he wanted her so badly was almost unbearably exciting.

  She’d worn a sheer red bra and matching panties that had his full attention.

  “I still can’t believe that a sweet, sexy goddess like you is in my bed.”

  “Why can’t you believe it?”

  “You’re way, way out of my league.”

  It pained her to hear him say that. She rested a hand on his face and compelled him to look at her. “No, I’m not. Your league is the best one I’ve ever been in—kind and sweet and thoughtful and funny and sexy and loyal. I’ve never had anything like you.”

  “You’ve definitely got me. When you left, I thought I’d lose my mind. I was so afraid I’d never see you again.”

  “That wouldn’t have happened. All I could think about was getting back here to you, even after Gigi said…”

  “What did Gigi say?”

  “Nothing. It’s not important.”

  He kissed her neck and rolled her earlobe between his teeth, sending a jolt of pure need cascading through her that settled into an intense throb between her legs. “Tell me.”

  “She said no one falls for the second guy they sleep with.”

  “You never told me I was only the second.”

  “I told you that.”

  He shook his head.

  “Well, you are.”

  “What did you say when Gigi said that?” he asked as he kissed her throat and chest.

  Jordan squirmed as she tried to get him to focus on the places that burned with need. “I said it can happen.”

  “Has it happened to you?”

  She nodded, thrilling in the relief that overtook his adorable expression.



  “That’s exceptionally good news, because I’m crazy about you, Jordan. So crazy, I had a little sobriety challenge after you left.”

  “What? You did? What happened?”

  “Nothing, but it was a struggle not to give in to old demons when I thought maybe I’d lost you.”

  “You never lost me. You could never lose me. You not only saved my life, but you showed me something so much better than I ever knew existed. I was always going to come back. I swear.”

  He found the front clasp of her bra and released it, his eyes going hot with desire as he gazed at her bare breasts.

  Jordan’s nipples tightened in anticipation, and he didn’t disappoint, taking her right nipple into the warmth of his mouth. For what felt like hours, he focused only on her breasts, licking, sucking, tugging, kissing. He made her crazy with everything he did. “Mason.”



  “I’m in no hurry.”


  He laughed and moved down to her belly. Before she caught up to him, he had her panties off and her leg hooked around his neck as he destroyed her with his lips, tongue and fingers.

  She came so hard, she saw fireworks behind her closed eyes, which flew open when she felt the hard press of his cock against her sensitive flesh.

  “Easy, baby. Nice and easy. Let me love you.”

  Jordan gave him everything she had, heart and soul, as he made passionate love to her, holding her just right as he filled her to capacity.

  “So good,” he whispered. “So hot and tight and sexy.” He grasped her ass in one big hand and pushed hard into her, triggering a full-body orgasm that made her scream from the pleasure that overtook them both.

  He came down on top of her, holding her while their bodies cooled and trembled. “I love you. Maybe it’s too soon or too much or whatever, but it’s true. I love you.”

  “I love you, too. And I don’t care that you’re the second guy I ever slept with. I’m wise enough to know I’ll never find anyone better than you.”

  He hugged her so tight, she could barely breathe, but being breathless had never felt better. “What about the show and everything in LA?”

  “I pitched the idea of doing it here.”

  “What did they say?”

  “Our meeting was interrupted when I got the call from Riley about what was happening here.” She ran her fingers through his hair as she gazed up at him. “But it doesn’t matter what they say. I’m here to stay. If they don’t want to do the show here, I’ll sell my house in LA and buy out my contract. I have options, and it’s time I take control of my life and do exactly what I want. And what I want is you.”

  Mason leaned his forehead on hers. “Best words I’ve ever heard.”

  “I’m worried about the sobriety challenge. What happened?”

  “I aired it out in a meeting and worked the program, which is what keeps us sober when things go sideways. I told them about you, that I was in love with you and worried we weren’t going to be able to make it work.” He rolled to his side, bringing her with him and smoothing the hair back from her face. “I told them it’d taken me a really long time to find perfect, and it was terrifying to think about losing you.”

  “You’re not going to lose me.”

  “Hearing that makes me happier than I’ve ever been.”

  “I want you to know you can always talk to me about the challenge of maintaining your sobriety. I’ll always want to hear when you’re struggling and do anything I can to help.”

  “Having you here with me, in my life, in my arms and in my bed is the best incentive I could ever have to stay sober.”

  “Don’t do it for me. You have to do it for yourself first and foremost.”

  “I know, and I will, but you give me added incentive.”

  She smiled at him. “I’m happy to be your incentive.”

  “I’m happy to be your everything.”


  Mac climbed the stairs to the deck, bringing a plate full of grilled burgers and chicken breasts with him. He delivered the food to the kitchen, where Abby, Stephanie, Owen, Laura and Grace were getting everything else ready. “More coming,” he said.

  “We’re almost ready to put it all out,” Laura said.

  As he went back out the door to the deck, his cousin Shane and his wife, Katie, were coming in, carrying a huge plate of cookies.

  “Oh, I want one now,” Mac said. Katie’s cookies were to die for.

  She held the plate so he could take one for himself and one for Maddie.

  “Thanks, Katie.”

  “You’re always my best customer, Mac.”

  “I’m wondering if I could pay you to make me a couple dozen every week.”

  “Talk to my business manager.” She used her thumb to point to Shane. “I’m sure we can work something out.”

  “You can’t afford my wife’s cookies,” Shane said.

  Mac laughed. “I’ll pay any price for regular access.”

  “I’ll take that under advisement.”

  “You do that.”

  Mac glanced toward the right side of the deck, where Owen and Julia Lawry had set up to play later on with Mac’s brother Evan and Niall Fitzgerald, another local musician.

  He went to the left corner of the deck, where he’d arranged Maddie’s lounge in the shade. Baby Mac slept in her arms as she gabbed with friends and family, her caramel eyes dancing with happiness the way he liked them best.

  He took a quick look to make sure Thomas and Hailey were still running around in the yard with the other kids, being supervised by Blaine and Tiffany. “Excuse me, ladies,” he said to the other women, who included Maddie’s friend Daisy Babson and some of the others she used to work with at the inn. “I need to have a word with my wife.”

  “Great party, Mac,” Daisy said. “Thanks for having us.”

  “Thanks for coming.”

  Mac took a second to hug Sydney, who had her daughter, Lily, in her arms. Lily had her mother’s strawberry-blonde hair and hazel eyes. “How’re you ladies doing?”

  “We’re okay,” Syd said with a small smile. “It took about three days for my hands to stop shaking.”

  “Totally understandable.”

  “We’re counting our blessings.”

  Mac leaned in to kiss her cheek. “As are we, and you two are high on our list.”

  Sydney blinked back tears. “Thanks, Mac, and thank you for all the food and everything you guys have done for us.”

  “Anything for you.” To Maddie, he said, “Make room for your baby daddy.”

  She scooted over to give him room to sit on the lounge with her.

  He handed over the cookie he’d stolen for her.

  Her pretty face lit up with pleasure. “Is that one of Katie’s?”

  “You know it.”

  After adjusting baby Mac to find a more comfortable position, she took a big bite of the cookie and moaned.

  “Don’t do that. It makes me think of appetizers.” He loved the sound of her laughter almost as much as the sight of her happy smile. Having their friends and family around always did wonders for whatever was weighing on them. This party, as well as the break their loved ones had arranged for them, had gone a long way toward alleviating their stress.

  “I had an idea for appetizers,” Maddie said between bites of cookie. “Something we’ve never done.”

  Mac’s heart nearly stopped at the thought of her thinking such things. Once upon a time, she never would’ve said that sentence out loud. “There’s something we haven’t done?”


  “What is it?”

  After making sure that no one was looking or listening, she pushed her breasts together and touched a finger to her impressive cleavage.

  Mac nearly choked on his cookie. “Seriously?”

  Her face flushed with color as she gave him a shy look that made him immediately hard. “Why not?”


  “You don’t want to?”

  “For fuck’s sake. Of course I want to. I want to right this very fucking second, but I can’t because you threw this at me when everyone we know is at our house.”

  She laughed so hard, she shook with it. “Think of it as something to look forward to.”

  “Sure, as I walk around entertaining our guests while sporting a huge boner.”

  Her laughter had others looking at them.

  “Nothing to see here, folks,” Mac said, scowling. “Carry on.”

  “Is Maddie laughing at you, bro?” Grant asked.

  “So what else is new?” Lowering his voice, he said to his wife, “You’ll pay for this later. Dr. David didn’t say anything about spankings.”

  “Oh, can we? Please?”

  “I’m going to die of boner-related high blood pressure before this party is over.”

  “Don’t do that. I need you too much.” She leaned her head on his shoulder. “Thanks for having the party. You were right. It was just what we needed.”

  “Can I get the part about me being right in writing? I’d like it signed, dated and notarized.”

  “In your dreams.”

  Mac didn’t need to dream. Not anymore. He had it all, as long as he had her, their kids, their family and friends and the beautiful island they all called home.

  Mac McCarthy Junior threw one hell of a party, Mason decided as he took in the action from Mac’s huge deck and even bigger yard, where half the town seemed to have gathered for th
e impromptu get-together.

  From his vantage point on the deck, Mason spotted Jordan talking to Riley, Nikki, Evelyn, Gigi, Finn, Chloe, Kevin and Chelsea, who was holding her baby daughter, Summer.

  Jordan glanced up, caught him looking at her and smiled as she waved him down to join them.

  Eager to get back to her, Mason grabbed several bottles of water from the cooler and took them with him when he went down the stairs to the yard.

  Two weeks after she’d returned to Gansett, he still couldn’t believe Jordan was here to stay and as in love with him as he was with her. He’d been through a lot before he found her, but all the heartbreak had been worth it because it had been leading him to her.

  Brendan had signed the divorce papers and had gone live on Instagram a week ago to come clean to his fans, telling them to leave Jordan alone, that she’d been a loving and faithful wife and that she deserved better than what she’d gotten from him. On that, Mason and the man known as Zane were in complete agreement, and Mason planned to make sure she had what she deserved every day for the rest of her life.

  Mason handed Jordan a bottle of water. “Anyone else want one?”

  “I’ll take one,” Gigi said. “Thank you.”

  Mason was fascinated by the exotic creature who was Jordan’s longtime best friend. Even dressed “down” in a summer dress and sandals, she was the ultimate fish out of water among the island residents, who were the epitome of casual. After having spent time with Gigi over the last two weeks, he’d concluded that she would come across as glamorous even if she wore a burlap sack.

  And while Gigi was stunning, she had nothing on his sweet love, who slipped an arm around him and leaned her head on his chest.

  A week ago, Matilda, the show’s producer and show runner, had visited the island to try to wrap her head around Jordan’s idea of filming the show there. Jordan and Gigi had put a lot of effort into planning for Matilda’s visit, going so far as to rough up several scripts for the show that had shown Matilda how it might work there.

  As always, the chemistry between the two women had jumped off the screen in the short videos they’d filmed ahead of Matilda’s arrival. They were working the fish-out-of-water angle to showcase life on Gansett, and Gigi had agreed to relocate for the summer to film the season before returning to her real life in LA. Under no circumstances, she said, would she be caught dead there in the winter.


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