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Celebrating it All (Punishment Pit Book 8)

Page 7

by Livia Grant

  He did.

  In a flash, Tiffany felt herself falling towards the floor, dropping to her knees as she grasped at Lukus’s waist to keep some semblance of her balance. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the DM take a step over so he could get a better view of the action, a shit-eating grin on his face.

  It only took her husband seconds to unbuckle his belt, open his pants, and spring his hard cock that she loved free. “Position, sub. Have you forgotten all of your training?”

  She may have been slow to react, but was eager to please her Dom. Tiffany spread her legs wider, in part to stabilize herself, but more so because that was how Lukus liked her—open. Her hands went behind her back, each hand holding the opposite forearm. Her tits lifted taller as she arched her back as she’d been taught, just as her mouth popped open obscenely wide. At home, she’d been made to wait to be face-fucked by Lukus’s cock for long minutes—sometimes in the privacy of their loft—more often at The Pit as he greeted friends or members. Tonight, he didn’t make her wait long.

  His shaft was at the back of her throat with his first thrust. From the corner of her eye, she noticed new couples coming to sit on the bench near them, spectators watching as her husband weaved his fingers through her hair to grasp her head to hold her steady before pulling out and shoving back in even deeper.

  One of Lukus’s favorite sex-acts was a blow job. She’d learned early how much he loved waking up in the morning by her sucking his penis into her mouth, suckling him until he awoke slowly along with his erection. Morning BJ’s were almost always sensual and lovingly intimate between them.

  But at night, at the club, the Master’s Master loved to show off his sub’s impressive ability to handle his often animalistic use of her throat. In the beginning, he’d scared her with his urgency and rough demand, but he’d proven to her over and over how much he could read her body language. She trusted him, sometimes better than herself, to know exactly where her comfort line was and he was the Master of taking her to her line, sometimes pushing her a bit beyond, but never pushing her where she didn’t love going.

  Tonight was no different. Tiffany relaxed her body as much as she could, turning herself over to her Dom completely, letting him use her mouth and throat as a receptacle for his own pleasure. As embarrassing as it was, a kinky part of herself only Lukus had the power to uncover loved the gagging sounds she made as he thrust in and out. Tears from her exertion ran down her cheeks, certainly taking the mascara he loved to see streak her face with them.

  As he humped against her, chasing his pleasure, she knew her tears and snot were merging with the strings of drool spilling out of her mouth, dripping down onto the swell of her breasts. If tonight was like normal, he’d make her leave all of the wetness behind as his calling card. She knew it was the caveman part of him that loved leading her through a club full of other Dominants with his fluids marking her as his own.

  Maybe some women would bristle at the outwardly callous treatment, call it barbaric. Tiffany found it adorable. In part because it turned her on, but more importantly, because she knew the real reason he did it—out of jealousy and possessiveness. As confident and demanding as the Master’s Master was, even when among other Doms, she knew he needed to lay his claim on her, as surely as the strongest lion fought for mating rights with the best female during the rut.

  Tiffany was forced back to focusing on the cock currently cutting off her air supply. Fighting down panic, she closed her eyes.

  He reminded her with one word, “Eyes.”

  His gaze penetrated her as deep as his rod. He was close, yet he pulled out, allowing her to gasp for a several deep breaths before filling her again.

  “Are you learning your lesson, little girl? Subs on their knees, servicing their Masters do not call them by their first name, do they?”

  She couldn’t answer, and he knew it. He waited for her to choke for another breath before pulling out again. Tiffany was lightheaded, but from her neck down, her body was on fire. As if he knew she was desperate for him, Lukus moved both hands down from her head to grab onto her tits through her sheer gown instead. Pinching each nub hard, he used his grip as his new leverage to pull her body forward again. Pain shot through her breasts, beelining it strait to her clit. Her nub had to be visibly throbbing with need as Lukus’s rhythm in her mouth grew erratic.

  The first hint of salty cum was her only clue that he was about to explode.

  “You know what to do,” he growled. “Every fucking drop, Tiffany.”

  He said more, but she couldn’t understand as he yelled out his pleasure for anyone in the back of the club to hear. His first hot spurt shot directly down her throat, with ropes two and three filling her mouth as he pulled out slightly. She had to swallow fast and furious, using her tongue to clean his deflating erection as the last dribbles spurt onto her tongue. The trickiest part of taking a Lukus Mitchell face-fuck was making sure to never miss keeping in every drop of jizz, while still holding enough inside your mouth to satisfy his last command.


  As she had dozens of times in the past, Tiff opened wide, snaking her tongue out while holding the last remains of his essence out for his inspection. Their eyes still bore into each other and she saw his love and pride for her shining bright in his gaze. She waited for his normal “swallow” command, but it didn’t come. This time, his fingers found her mouth, scooping up his own cum and then swishing the wetness all across the top swell of both her breasts.

  By the time his “swallow,” command came, there was little left. She knew better than to wipe the wetness from her body, despite knowing she had to look like a hot mess. As he was helping her regain her feet, it dawned on her that she was about to meet not only the Dungeon Master of Black Light, but also sit next to the half-dozen DMs Lukus would be interviewing to take the position of Master of Shows for The Pit.

  He just made sure to telegraph that I’m taken.

  Which was more than fine with her.

  Chapter Six


  “Well, that was fun,” Tyler said with glee. “I can’t wait to see what you guys come up with later on the main floor. Speaking of which, if you’re ready, we can keep going with our tour. I’m sure Elijah will be waiting for us by now.”

  Lukus’s pulse was barely returning to normal by the time he tucked his softening cock into his pants. Between the anticipation of playing and the top-notch scenes they’d seen on their tour, he’d known he needed a bit of release if he was going to concentrate on the meetings he had coming up.

  Leaning down, he helped Tiff to her feet, linking their fingers, as they followed Tyler in the same direction they’d been going before their intermission. He was so damn proud to have easily the hottest woman in the place by his side.

  As they reached the end of the hall, it opened up to the right with steps taking them back down into the big open space of the club. From this angle, he could see the primary focus was now a long lap pool running the width of the end of the room. Surrounding the pool were old Roman style marble columns every few feet. Only at Black Light, those columns had been turned into old-fashioned torture poles. Hooks, rings, and pullies were part of each pillar, and several members were putting them to use, stringing submissives up until they were at their Doms’ mercy. Behind the pool was a smaller hot tub with several naked couples lounging and visiting.

  Jesus, Cartwright-Davidson has spared no expense. Next time we come, Tiffany will spend quality time on display there.

  He tried to pay attention as Tyler added, “We also have a nice sized sauna down there that many members love to enjoy, and over there we have a shower for anyone to rinse off before heading back to the locker rooms.”

  Next, the DM weaved them through the main open area of the club where a half-dozen platforms were spread out with miscellaneous sex toys and pieces of furniture on each. This section of the club reminded him the most of home, because much like at The Pit, comfortable seating areas and groupi
ngs were set up mixed among the play platforms, in part for members to socialize and relax between scenes, in part for them to have a comfortable place to watch scenes in action.

  He realized they’d gone in one big circle when they got back to the elevator. Unlike when they first arrived, he noticed four curtains near the elevator, one much larger than the other three.

  “What’s behind all of these curtains?” he asked.

  Tyler pointed at the small ones first, indicating “Those are our three cooldown rooms. Doms can take their subs there after particularly intense scenes. They have either a couch to lie down or one has a small, padded massage table. They all have a small fridge with cold beverages and juices as well as a basket of snacks and chocolates to help with sub-drop.”

  Lukus nodded his approval of the important rooms. They were similar to those he provided for members at the Punishment Pit.

  Tyler then led them to the edge of the longest and heavy looking curtain, pulling it aside to announce, “And this is the separation between the main floor and our social bar area.” Once they were in the social area and the curtain fell back into place, the sound level of the music dropped dramatically.

  Tyler lowered his voice to a normal volume and continued on with his tour. “Members need to be at least mostly clothed when in the bar area, and we try, not always successfully, to discourage scenes from getting started out here. Believe it or not, we have quite a few Black Light members who aren’t necessarily into the whole BDSM scene, but they love coming here to the bar because it’s even more exclusive and private than Runway upstairs. I mean, sure, they can go to Runway and be sure no one will snap a pic of them doing something stupid, but pretty much anyone can pay the cover charge and get into Runway. Black Light is members only. That means we have celebs and VIPs who come here just to get out of the public’s eye for a while.”

  “I bet that is popular here in L.A. I’m not so sure I’d get away with that in Chicago, since it’s not really a hotbed of celebrity,” he added.

  “Probably,” he added before pointing to the far end of the room. “Through those doors we have a theater where we usually have soft porn movies running during business hours. It’s a great place for dates to go and hang out and get revved up before heading into the club. We also host a lot of educational seminars in there along with Roulette ceremonies, of course.”

  Spinning to face the other direction, Tyler pointed at the double doors where a new couple was just arriving. “That’s the main entrance to the club. Black Light has its own private parking lot and members go through security and drop off all their electronics through there. The entrance to the office is down that direction too. That mirror there is a two-way so Elijah can see we’ve made it here and he’ll be out here any minute. In the meantime, let me introduce you to Susie, our head bartender. She’ll be able to get you hooked up with drinks. Then I have the corner round booth set aside for you over there with the reserved sign. I figured you’d want to be out of the main thoroughfare of the club as you got to meet some of my co-workers.”

  Lukus was impressed by the dungeon monitor. He knew he would be interviewing Tyler along with his coworkers soon. As nice as the guy seemed, there was just something he couldn't put his finger on that told him Tyler wasn't right for the job at The Pit. He was too, well… nice.

  “Thanks for your help, I appreciate you showing us around. I'll grab us some drinks from the bartender while we wait for Elijah. Will you be coming back to sit with us for an interview?”

  For the first time since they met Tyler looked a bit sheepish. “I really do appreciate the opportunity, but I've thought about it and I need to stay in California. My whole family is here and anyway, I’m a Californian. I couldn’t handle Chicago winters.”

  “Hey man, I get it.” Lukus said while putting his hand out for a shake. “I appreciate the tour. Maybe we’ll see you again later when we head back over to play more.”

  “Sounds good. Let me know if you want me to reserve a room for you guys.”

  Lukus had no more than stepped up to the long bar to place their drink orders with the busy bartender sporting a pixie haircut when he heard his name being called.

  “You must be Lukus Mitchell,” a deep gravelly voice said behind him.

  Letting go of Tiffany’s hand, he spun to find himself face to face with the Dungeon Master himself. Even if he hadn’t done some research in advance, he’d have figured out this guy was in charge. It wasn’t his height, which was the same six-two as Lukus. It wasn’t the greying hair that showed that he had a good ten to fifteen years on Lukus, or even the leather pants. What gave him away was the same air of confidence he’d seen in Jaxson Cartwright-Davidson hours before. It was the same self-confidence that stared back in his mirror every morning.

  Elijah Keaton was a Dom’s dom.

  “And you’re Elijah.” Reaching out to shake hands, Lukus added, “I can’t thank you enough for hooking us up this weekend. We’ve been treated like royalty by everyone.”

  “I’m damn happy to hear it or some heads would have rolled.” Releasing their grip, he added, “I was a bit worried when I heard Madison was going to be away. She’ll be happy to hear everything didn’t fall apart in her absence.”

  Lukus chuckled. “She must be well liked around here. Everyone’s been talking about her.”

  “Yeah, well she’s a little spitfire that can be a real pain in my ass at times, but she sure knows how to run a tight ship with the upstairs club and hotel portion of the business. We’re all super happy for her. She got engaged on Christmas Eve to her longtime boyfriend.”

  Lukus turned towards Tiffany before adding, “Speaking of getting married, let me introduce you to my bride, Tiffany.”

  Acting the gentleman, Elijah took Tiff’s hand, but instead of a simple shake, he raised her hand to his lips in a gallant show of chivalry. Placing a chaste kiss on the back of her hand, he added, “Welcome to Black Light, Mrs. Mitchell. I hope you and your Dom have some fun tonight. Not many women would want their husband to spend one of the first nights of their honeymoon working.”

  He was so proud of the sunshine smile that lit up his wife’s face. “Oh, I don’t mind at all if it will help us find someone to take over the nightly shows.” Throwing him a devilish smile, she added, “I can’t say I enjoy watching my Dom punishing other submissives, if you know what I mean.”

  Elijah chuckled. “Yeah, I bet most women wouldn’t enjoy that. It sounds like he got lucky when he found you.” Turning back towards Lukus, he added. “I hope we have some time later for me to hear more about the kind of shows you put on at the Punishment Pit. It sounds like an intriguing angle for a club. I’d like to think I had someone here that would be a good fit for you, but… and don’t get me wrong… I have some really good guys here, but I’m just not sure any of them have what you’re looking for.”

  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the bartender pushing their drinks across the bar. He was reaching for his wallet when Elijah waved him off.

  “Put this one on the house tab, Susie,” Elijah instructed.

  “Thanks for that. You really are spoiling us. You’ll have to come to Chicago so I can reciprocate.”

  “Sure thing… in the summer.”

  “Exactly what Jaxson said.”

  “So, you two connected? I wasn’t sure if they’d be back from Colorado in time to meet you.”

  “Yep, we met his whole family. It seems there’s an interesting story there.”

  The older man took the bottle of beer Susie pushed across the bar before answering. “I’ll say.” Taking a swig, he added. “Jax can be a real hard-ass, but he’s a great businessman and an even better boss.”

  Elijah led them over to the table in the corner of the bar. Lukus let Tiffany slide into the booth first, and she waited patiently as the two Doms shot the shit for a half hour. Every minute that passed by, Lukus found himself wishing more and more that Elijah was interested in taking the job in Chicago.

nbsp; When the conversation finally returned to filling his opening, Lukus decided to go on offense. “I know you already told me you weren’t interested, but I just have to ask—any chance you’d change your mind about moving to Chicago? I have a feeling you’d fit right in.”

  Elijah chuckled. “I’m done being in front of crowds. I do appreciate the offer, but I have a good thing going out here.”

  “Hey, can’t blame me for trying. It sounds like your number two has taken his name out of the running already, too,” Lukus added.

  “Tyler? I can’t say I’m not relieved, but I thought he’d be interested. In fact, he’s the closest thing I have to the Goldilocks Dom you’re looking for.”

  Lukus had been taking the last swig of his drink and started to cough. “Say what? Goldilocks?”

  Elijah grinned. “That’s what I’ve started calling what you’re looking for, based on what you told me on the phone. You hired one guy who was too soft. He didn’t have the balls to really punish a sub like they sometimes need. Then the other guy you’d hired was too hard. He pushed subs past their breaking point and couldn’t read the subtle nuances that each submissive has.

  “Now, you’re looking for someone who’s just the right level of confidence and dominance, but you also need them to be a showman, too, along with single and available to play with different people every night, without becoming attached to any of them. So yeah… I call it the Goldilocks position. But just saying all that out loud, it sounds a bit more like you’re on a mission impossible. I’ve worked with Tom Cruise on a few movies. Need me to give him a call?”

  “That’s one way to get membership numbers up, but I doubt I could afford him,” Lukus said, still thinking about how Elijah had described who he was looking for.

  He had to admit, hearing the job description said back to him, it did sound a bit like mission impossible to him as well. And over the course of the next ninety minutes, he began to realize just how impossible the mission really was.


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