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Royally Treasured (Royal Sons MC Book 4)

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by Elle Boon

  Royally Treasured

  Royal MC Book 4

  Elle Boon

  By Elle Boon

  © Copyright 2020 Elle Boon

  All cover art and logos © Copyright 2020 by Furious Photography

  All rights reserved.

  Cover art by: Furious Photography

  Royally Treasured

  Royal MC 4

  Copyright © 2020 Elle Boon

  First E-book Publication: April 2020

  Cover design by Furious Photography

  Edited by: Tracy Roelle

  All cover art and logo copyright © Furious Photography

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Elle Boon

  Table of Contents

  Copyright Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Thank You

  Royally Broken

  About Elle Boon

  Other Books by Elle Boon


  Duke stared at Doc worried he might break a major rule and beat the fuck out of an old timer. His jaw clenched so fucking hard he was nervous he was chipping all of his back teeth. “So let me see if I got this right. You’re walking if I don’t promise to leave your baby girl alone?” He’d been the physician for the MC since Duke had been a kid. Doc knew shit about their club most would never be privy to.

  “She’s eighteen, Duke. King, tell him.” Doc pointed an accusing finger at King, Duke’s brother by blood and president of the Royal Sons MC.

  King sat at the head of the scarred wooden table, his arms folded over his chest, dark eyes staring down the long expanse at Doc, then he looked at Duke and he knew what his brother was going to say. Hell, he knew what he’d say as well.

  “Don’t, brother. I won’t put you in that position. Doc, you got your wish. I promised you three years ago when she started giving me a hard time I’d wait until she was old enough. Eighteen still ain’t old enough, but I didn’t think you’d come to me and tell me never was your stipulation. For fuckssake, I had no idea you thought so low of us, of me. As of now, she’s dead to me as are you.” He knocked on the table once. There was nothing left to say, his brother had his hammer, Duke had his fist, pounding on the huge scarred table.

  “I didn’t say that. Don’t put fucking words in my mouth, Duke,” Doc yelled.

  Duke stood up, the large table too wide for him to be able to get up in Doc’s face like he wanted, which was actually a good thing. Shit, he felt a murderous rage unlike any he’d ever felt except one other time. Thoughts of when his sister had been taken crept up, but he ruthlessly pushed them back, turning his focus back on the bastard across from him. “If that’s not how you meant it, then I don’t know what it was. Your precious girl is too good for the likes of me. I get it. Got it etched into my head, what with there not being too much in there to begin with.” The chair made a loud scraping as he shoved it away from him. Doc flinched like Duke had punched him. “King, I’m out. You need me hit me up, but I’ll be gone for a few days, might hit The Club.” The strip club they owned in LA had a bevy of women who’d be more than happy to show him he wasn’t a worthless piece of shit.

  “Don’t do anything stupid, brother,” King warned.

  He was the VP of the MC, but in that moment, he didn’t give a shit what happened other than getting as far away from the club as possible. He walked around the room, putting space between him and the old fucker he wanted to beat the shit out of. Too fucking bad they needed Doc and his medical skills for the MC. Not to mention he was one of the original members from when King Senior had been in charge. Up until Doc had called requesting a meeting with him and King, Duke would’ve called him a friend. Now he wanted to wring the fucker’s neck.

  Traeger stood by the door. “You level, man?”

  Duke looked down at the hand the Sergeant of Arms placed on his chest, then back up at him. “I will be. We got a problem?” he asked.

  “Nope. If you need me give me a shout.” Traeger took a sidestep, giving Duke room to move through the door. The scent of alcohol and sex hit him. He took a look around the space, trying to see what made Doc think his baby, fucking Lennox, was too good for the likes of the place.

  “She’s got a full ride to Juilliard in New York,” Keys said. The brother stood behind the bar, wiping down the gleaming surface.

  “What’s that got to do with me?” Duke asked.

  Keys shrugged. “I might’ve heard she plans to turn down the scholarship, because she doesn’t want to leave some hardheaded biker she’s had a crush on since she felt a tingle in her girlie parts.”

  Hearing Keys talk about Lennox in such a way had him growling. The other man raised his hands, the towel hanging loosely in one big fist. He may be the geek of the group, but he was a big motherfucker with tattoos just like the rest of them. Huge difference in Keys and him was the asshole was smarter than most. He’d been a Navy SEAL with a medical discharge Duke didn’t see he deserved as the man was cut like a swimmer, moved as swift as any of them and had a mind like Bill Gates. Hell, Doc would’ve probably welcomed him into the family if his daughter Lennox had a crush on him. The thought had him moving closer to Keys. “How the hell you know what she has and what she said?”

  “You know you should never leave your computer on. Hackers can slide right in and get all kinds of stuff, and you won’t even know they were there. Not if they’re good. Ps. I’m good.” He winked.

  “You been in my fucking computer, Keys?” He knew his voice had gone deadly low. The tone was one he’d only used when he was on the edge, which usually ended with a dead body or two.

  “Fuck no. You been writing about your girlie parts, asshole? Fuck, you need to chill, brother. Here, have a drink.” Keys grabbed a glass, filling it with amber liquid.

  Duke didn’t miss the way his friend’s hand turned white from the tight way he gripped the crystal. “Alright, if you didn’t mean me, then who and don’t pussyfoot around with none of your clandestine speaking.” He lifted the tumbler, slamming the whiskey down in one swallow, the burn felt amazing.

  He listened to Keys explain how he’d checked on Doc from time-to-time, making sure his correspondence was still loyal. He had a failsafe system set up on both Doc’s and Lennox’s computers in case they mentioned certain keywords, club members names and road names being on that list. When he’d gotten a ping on Lennox’s computer, he’d gone investigating.

  “Fuck,” Duke growled, running his hand down his face. “Give me another.” He tapped the bar.

  “You planning on riding?” Keys asked, his hand on the fifth of Makers like he owned the shit.

  “You want me to come around there and beat the fuck out of you before or after I take that bottle from you?” Duke asked casually.

  “You’re a bastard, you know that right?” Keys poured Duke another drink, his hand steady.

  “Yep,” he said.
/>   He didn’t turn around as the door to the room where they held Church opened. King was speaking, but Doc was silent. Duke got up, grabbed the bottle from Keys, and walked out before the others got close. Yeah, he’d leave Lennox alone but not because Doc asked. No, he’d leave her alone, make like she didn’t exist, because the thought she’d give up her dreams of dancing on stage, a dream she’d told him about on her eighteenth birthday wasn’t something he was willing to let her do. A night when she was too young for the things he’d done to her, but he couldn’t have stopped what he’d done any more than he could’ve stopped the rain. He’d have to wipe her from his thoughts, his plans for a future with the only woman who’d ever made him want to call her his, was out of reach.

  Chapter One

  Duke stood up from the table, shaking his head at Cosmo. “I’m out man. You sticking around?”

  Cosmo looked toward the stage eyeing the newest dancer who walked on. “Oh, fresh blood. I might stay to see what she can do.”

  His friend liked the exotic ladies, and the tiny woman who just took to the stage ticked all Cosmo’s boxes. Long black hair, if it was really hers, and she looked to be of mixed heritage with some Asian in her. Yeah, Cosmo would definitely be hard for her.

  “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” He gave the waitress picking up their drinks a twenty. He’d seen the little bastards at the table next to them leave without tipping. Fucking pricks. The ladies in their clubs were top notch and worked hard to make the patrons happy. Hard being a key word.

  “I get off at two,” she said, her smile was perfect. Her tits big, only she was exactly the opposite of what he was looking for. Oh, he liked his women to have a great rack, a smile that lit up the room, but...the one he wanted wasn’t her. She’d be more apt to kick him in the balls than tell him what time she got off. He still didn’t know why the little minx was back or why she was working at their club. For that matter, did her pops know? Fucking Doc could kick rocks for all Duke cared, but the man had skills the MC needed.

  He looked toward the DJ booth, expecting to see the woman who had him twisted in knots for years. He’d kept from coming into the club for days, trying to figure out a way to corner her and see what the hell she was up to. He’d known who the hell she was even though she’d cut her hair. Although he wanted to beat her ass for allowing anyone to touch that glorious mane. Tonight he’d given in, and he’d done amazing at not looking toward her corner. He been getting ready to quit the place, giving himself the one glimpse he was allowed, and she wasn’t there. Wrecking his plans. Plans he’d been putting into place of following her then having a ‘Come to Duke’ talk.

  Shit, he still couldn’t believe she’d come back, thinking she could slip under his radar and work in The Club without him finding out. Truth be known, the fact she had almost slipped in without him being the wiser pissed him off. They had a hiring issue they needed to deal with, but not tonight. Who was he kidding? Anything to do with his favorite obsession came second, last, and anything after Lennox, his obsession. Fucking bullshit. It had been three years. She’d turned twenty-one a couple months back. He’d almost sent her a present, barely stopping from making an ass of himself. Instead he’d bought something that reminded him of her that he wore. He twisted the leather cuff on his wrist.

  “Are you alright?” the waitress asked, drawing his attention.

  “Shit, sweetheart, sorry. I got an early start tomorrow. You take care of yourself.” He grabbed the back of her head and pulled her forward, kissing her forehead.

  Her sigh was filled with regret, but his dick said nope; not her. The fucker.

  “See you later, Cosmo.” He bumped knuckles with his best friend, heading out the door.

  Out on the street, he took a deep breath, filling his lungs with night air. The humidity not filled with the scent of sex and alcohol cleared his thoughts. His boots crunched across the gravel as he turned away from the alley to make his way to the parking lot where he’d left his Harley. A sound, almost like a whimper, made him turn toward the alley to the side. Two large figures appeared to be pulling something that didn’t look like garbage. Duke moved forward figuring he’d get a closer look. If nothing else, he could claim owners’ rights since it was his club’s lot they were in.

  The light from above highlighted what they were dragging, sending adrenaline through his veins. Lennox, the woman he’d been fantasizing about for weeks, years, was struggling against the hold the two guys had on her. He took in the situation, seeing her mouth covered at the same time he heard her muffled whimper. With her arms restrained, she was unable to fight them, but she was doing her best.

  What the fuck? Her hair she kept in a bun on top her head with chopsticks was half undone hiding her expression, but Duke would bet his left nut she was glaring daggers at the shitheads.

  “I told you she’s not the right one. She’s not even Asian, you idiot.”

  “Well kill her and be done with it,” one of the men said, letting Lennox go, making her fall to the ground with a hard thud.

  “Hey, buddy, what’s going on?” Duke asked, interrupting their conversation. He didn’t have his piece on him, wasn’t armed except for two blades. In his mind, he ran through the best way to kill the two men without hurting Lennox.

  The door to the back of the club slammed open, a cursing Cosmo fell out backward followed by a huge man who looked like he’d fit right into a sumo match. Cosmo rolled to his feet, his hands moving quickly. Duke knew Cosmo would have either knives or guns in both hands within seconds, giving him an opportunity to secure Lennox. He let his knife fly, hitting his mark. He was in motion before the fucker dropped to the ground, watching little Lennox roll away as she tried to avoid the other guy who held the gun. Duke planned to take him out, especially after hearing him agree she was expendable. Lennox’s body curled into a small ball showing she was smart enough to recognize the real threat she found herself in. Duke wanted to go to her first, but he pushed the need back, snatching up the gun that had been dropped. Without pause, he raised his hand, firing off a shot before the other man could. Lennox continued to roll further away, the action sending a shaft of fear through him she was going to hurt herself on shit that could be lying on the ground. “Stop, Dancer,” he ordered.

  Duke rushed to her, scanning the area as he bent down. “What kind of trouble you in?” he asked Lennox, easing the tape off her mouth.

  They were closer to the back door with lights showing him just how freaked out Lennox was. He kept his body in front of her while his friend took on another man.

  Cosmo took out the big fucker that was at least twice his size, stood up with a snarl, staring at Duke with blood on his pristine white T-shirt. “Fuck me runnin’. What the hell just happened here?”

  Duke picked Lennox up, checking her over for injuries. “How many were with those two?” he asked her. When she didn’t answer right away he shook her.

  “Four total, I think. One went to get the car.” Her slurred speech sent alarm through his system.

  “Shit,” he and Cosmo both said at the same time.

  He moved them against the building as he made his way closer to Cosmo. The woman from the stage was on the ground, her eyes closed, but her chest moved up and down. Cosmo leaned over her, smoothing his fingers over her cheek. “She’s gonna have a bruise.”

  “Whass happened to her?” Lennox asked, words becoming more incoherent.

  Cosmo lifted her into his arms. “I saw him waiting backstage for her. I could tell he wasn’t supposed to be there. She kept looking backward then forward as if she were trying to figure out a way to run. I tried to reach her before she got to where I saw he was, but she was stumbling and falling when I got close enough to see them. My fucking heart nearly stopped, brother, when I made it around the corner, seeing him stand up with a syringe. I think I jumped over a few tables and might’ve kicked a few dudes. My bad.” He shrugged, tracing his fingers over her cheek. “If you say anything stupid, remember I know how
to kill a man ten different ways and hide the body.”

  “Did they inject you, too?” Duke asked Lennox, ignoring Cosmo for the moment. If he’d fucked up anything inside the club, they had people to fix it.

  She tried to wiggle out of his arms, but he wasn’t letting her go. “I don’t know what they did.” She licked her lips.

  “Fuck. I’ve got my bike.” He looked at Cosmo, hoping he drove one of his vehicles other than his Harley.

  Cosmo shook his head.

  Lennox whimpered. “Car,” she whispered.

  Her purse lay near where she’d fallen on the ground. He grabbed it, fishing out a set of keys. Pushing the fob, he heard the honk a car makes when the locking system was engaged. “We got wheels. Grab your girl. I got mine.”

  His girl was shooting glares at him, but he’d worry about that later. For now, they had three bodies in the alley and another coming back with a car. Sooner rather than later the cops would show up. He needed to contact King and get a cleanup crew sent over.

  “We should split up,” Cosmo said, standing with ease holding the small woman. She looked even smaller in his big arms.

  “You walking with her over your shoulder like that?” Duke indicated the way Cosmo held the girl. “I don’t see you getting too far before whoever came for one of them shows up. If they were after her, then you’ll be a walking target.” Duke hefted Lennox into his arms, careful not to injure her. Fuck, Doc was going to be pissed but screw the old man. He grit his teeth, anger at the bastard and his damn dictate. Clearly something had happened, or Lennox wouldn’t be working as a DJ in their club instead of in New York at her fancy dancing school.

  Unwilling to stand in the alley any longer with Lennox’s safety in jeopardy, Duke strode toward the sound of the beep after he pushed the fob on the car keys again, anger mounting at the fucking piece of shit she was driving once he got closer. “Where the hell did you get this...this accident on wheels?” he asked.

  When she didn’t answer, he looked down to see she’d fallen asleep. Fucking drugs.


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