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Royally Treasured (Royal Sons MC Book 4)

Page 7

by Elle Boon

  “What are you saying, Duke? You gonna tell me you’ve not had sex since the night of my eighteenth birthday?” she asked, disbelief thick on her tongue.

  He shrugged, not denying the truth.

  “Bullshit. We didn’t even. I mean, you didn’t wouldn’t have sex with me,” she mumbled.

  “We did everything except me stick my dick in your sweet pussy. I didn’t want you to go off and think I used you. I didn’t want you to stay here because we’d had sex. To me, making love with you would’ve been it. You would’ve been it for me. Nobody else would’ve ever touched you or me once I had you. Fucking ironic that my dick decided it wasn’t willing to get hard after you.” He stood with her trapped between his body and the mirror, sitting on the counter looking as if her world was about to end. “Lennox, I didn’t give a fuck that my dick got hard or not. You were the only woman I wanted. I wanted you to have your dream in New York. I planned to claim you once you got what you wanted. Hell, we got a chapter in New York I’d already talked to.”

  Her eyes rounded, shocked at his declaration. “You’d have left King and the Sons?”

  “The Royal Bastards are everywhere. The Royal Sons are a chapter here in California. Baby, for you, I’d have gone to Middle motherfucking Merica in some podunk town nobody ever heard of. I’m glad I didn’t have to, but if you decide you want to go back to your fancy school, I’m prepared to follow you.”

  “Duke, that means the world to me. What if...if I can’t be what you need. I don’t know if I can be with you. I haven’t slept an entire night since,” she trailed off.

  LENNOX’S SHAME AT ADMITTING her inability to be what she thought he needed her to be, had to be written on her face. Duke just told her he hadn’t slept with anyone since she’d left. He had to be in desperate need to fuck, but she didn’t think she could just do it, not even with Duke.

  “Get that look off your face, Lennox. I’m not a damn monster who expects you to spread your fucking legs for me right now. It’s been three damn years. I can be patient. I think I’ve proven that already, have I not?” Duke lifted her chin again.

  She nodded. “I have yuck mouth.”

  He smiled. “Yeah you do. Here.” He handed her a new toothbrush, raising a brow as if he was waiting for her to ask why he had it.

  She was only too happy to clean her teeth, so she didn’t waste time on the why’s. Duke seemed to anticipate her needs, handing her toothpaste, and turning the water on without being asked. While she brushed her teeth, he did the same, but he didn’t move from his spot, making it almost awkward for her to brush. She leaned over and spit in the bowl he was using, smiling as he turned his head toward her, his toothbrush hanging out of his mouth with a look of incredulity on his too handsome face. She pointed her own toothbrush at him before putting it under the running water and continued to brush, repeating the spitting.

  “You really are racking up those swats, brat.” Duke shook his brush then put it on the recharge stand. “We’ll get you one of these, too.” He indicated his brush.

  Lennox didn’t bother to argue. She’d known both Duke and his twin along with King her entire life. Their sister had been one of her friends before tragedy had taken her life too soon, and then when Luke had taken his life, she had wished she could’ve been there to comfort Duke the way she wanted. If she’d learned anything, it was that both the Royal brothers were unmovable when set on a course of action. And if she was being honest, Duke’s course was one she had wanted since she’d been old enough to know what it was to want a man.

  “You want to shower in your underwear or no?” Duke asked.

  She hated that he was asking her now, since she had no doubt he’d have ripped them from her body before knowing what had happened. He said it didn’t matter, but a man like Duke didn’t like damaged goods. She was so damaged it wasn’t funny. If she’d been in a store, they’d have tossed her out as non-salvageable. “I can shower alone. I think you can see I’m fine.” If her voice shook just a little, she wrote it off as nerves.

  He grunted, but didn’t step away, waiting.

  Lennox growled. “You’re not gonna give up are you?”

  Duke shrugged. “You know me well, baby. What’s it gonna be?”

  She waved at his body. “You getting in like that?” He still had his jeans on and if her memory served her right, he didn’t wear underwear.

  His bad boy grin kicked up. “I’m not adverse to taking them off if you insist on it.”

  She loved it when he played, it was another thing she’d missed being in New York. “Do you think that’s a good idea?” Just imagining that monster cock free and there for her exploration made her mouth water.

  “Stop looking at me like that. My jeans stay on, or I won’t be responsible for my actions. Come on, let’s get you cleaned up. You look ready to fall asleep. I don’t like these dark circles beneath your eyes.” He ran a thumb beneath one eye then the other.

  “Thanks. A girl always likes to hear she looks like shit,” she muttered.

  He grabbed her hand with one of his, the other gripped the back of her head, tugging on the long dark strands. Placing her hand on his dick, she couldn’t miss the fact he was hard. “Baby, you could never look like shit. Even when you were bent over the toilet my body was hard for you. As twisted as that sounds, I wanted you. I’ll always want you until my body is lying six foot under the ground, never doubt that. Feel me?”

  Her heart stuttered at his words. “Why?” She knew she was passably pretty. Her body was nice, with all her workouts and dancing, she was in excellent shape. However, there were a lot of women who were gorgeous, many she’d seen throw themselves at Duke. “I don’t ever want to think of you not on this Earth, Duke. Promise me you’ll never do anything stupid.”

  He pressed her hand harder against him before lifting it to his mouth. “To answer your question of why, it’s simple. Because you were made for me and me for you. Now come on, let’s shower so I can hold you in that bed I bought thinking about you.”

  Duke didn’t give her a chance to ask more questions or protest, taking her off the counter like she weighed nothing and walked to the shower, commanding her and the world around him like he owned it. Lennox had to admit she liked the way he did things.

  Chapter Six

  Lennox took a deep breath and a leap of faith. This was Duke, a man she trusted and loved. He’d seen, touched, and tasted every inch of her. The bruises had all disappeared from her body. Not her mind, she didn’t think they’d ever disappear from there. She hadn’t told him everything from that fateful night and the next day. He’d asked if she’d gone to the hospital to be checked out. Although Marco had reassured her there was no need to worry about diseases or pregnancy since they’d used condoms...all three times, she’d still feared he’d given her some STI. She still wanted to claw his eyes out when he’d laughed at her screams to get out, telling her she was a hellcat, and said if she ever wanted a repeat to give him a call. She’d thought he was Grace’s boyfriend. Of course the other girl had been pretty honest about the fact they were in an open relationship. Lennox never judged others and how they chose to live, but Marco was a creep and Grace...she wasn’t who Lennox had thought she was. Neither of her roommates were. If she never saw any of them again it would be too soon.

  “Stop it, Lennox. Stay in the here and now, with me.” Duke pressed a kiss to her forehead.

  “I hate them all,” she whispered.

  He nodded. “So do I. I’ve got you though.” His deep voice had gone deeper.

  She pushed her forehead against him, letting the water run over them both, feeling the tears she’d held in for so long run free. While Duke held her, she sobbed, freedom coming within his arms. He’d always been her protector. Like every other time, he held her like she was precious, calling her his treasure and let her be. Within his big arms that were covered in tattoos, she felt treasured, and once again, whole.

  Minutes passed without either of them noticing
as steam completely filled the large enclosed shower. She inhaled deeply. “Thank you,” she said but didn’t try to lift her head. It was too good to be held by him, the world completely shut out while Duke and she stood together.

  “You don’t have to thank me, Lennox. I’ll always be here.”

  She wondered if he’d still say that if she couldn’t be what he wanted and needed.

  “Come on, the water’s getting cold,” Duke said.

  She took a shuddering breath, preparing herself for the inevitable.

  The big badass biker, who’d captured her heart and soul long before she’d even known a girl shouldn’t fall for the bad boys, did one more thing in the long list of things that made him the perfect man. He snapped the water off, snagged a towel for her, his eyes never seeming to stray below her chest, and began drying her. She should’ve protested. In her head, she kept thinking she would...any minute. Only one minute turned to another, and before she knew it, he had her wrapped in a huge fluffy towel and was carrying her out to his bedroom.

  Lennox yawned, tiredness hitting her like a freight train. “God, I don’t think I’ve ever been so exhausted.”

  The arms around her contracted as she heard Duke cuss. “The bright lights of the city probably kept you up late,” he muttered.

  She wanted to tell him that was the furthest thing from the truth, only one look at his angry face and fixed jaw kept her from speaking. “You can put me down you know.”

  “I think we’ve discussed this. Now hush and let me take care of you.”

  Her heart fluttered at his words. God, she wished he would say them and mean them like a man would to the woman who was his, forever.

  “You thirsty?”

  Duke’s question brought her out of her musings, finding him staring down at her with a softness in his eyes. “You got any chocolate milk?” she asked.

  He chuckled, kissing her swiftly before placing her on the side of his bed. “As a matter of fact I do. Get comfy. I’ll be right back.”

  If he’d have looked back, he’d have seen her wiping a tear from her eye, this one of happiness. She knew he didn’t drink chocolate milk. Of course, he could very easily have started drinking it, or some other woman he had over liked it. The former made the smile dim. “It doesn’t matter why he has it, only that he does, and he’s getting it for me,” she reassured herself. However the little green-eyed monster made her stomach knot.

  “Here you go. It’s even two percent like you prefer. I...I keep it stocked,” he admitted turning away.

  “You keep it stocked for who?” she asked, trying to get a look at his face.

  Duke shrugged. “You.”

  Her hand froze, with the glass of chocolate milk in it, near her mouth. Surely he didn’t say what she’d thought. “Me?”

  “Finish your drink. I have a couple calls to make.” Duke didn’t look back at her after he dropped what was the equivalent of a bomb on her.

  She wanted to demand he tell her why he kept her favorite nighttime drink on hand, but then another yawn had her jaw cracking and goosebumps popping out all over her. She took a sip, sighing at the delicious flavor of the perfect mix of sweet chocolate and yummy milk blended together. “I can’t sleep in this towel.” Talking to herself made her feel better, less alone. When Duke didn’t return after five minutes had passed, she scooted to the edge of the bed, then got up and went to his closet. She pulled one of his T-shirts down, wishing it had his cologne on it. However, it still had the scent she recognized as Duke which actually had to be his laundry soap. Looking over her shoulder to make sure she was alone, she dropped the towel, hurrying to tug the soft cotton on. “Lord, it’s like a dress on me.”

  “Looks a lot better on you.”

  Lennox spun at the sound of Duke’s voice, her cheeks heating at the way his eyes seemed to see right through the thin material. “Sorry, I would’ve asked you if I could borrow this.” She tried to keep her eyes fixed on his, truly she did. There was just something about Duke that made her want to drop to her knees and submit. Shit, she was in so much trouble with this man.

  “Baby, you can wear or not wear anything of mine.”

  The husky note let her know he would more than likely like it if she went with the latter. Duke was a man who was used to women, a variety of them if she wasn’t mistaken. She had to harden her heart and remember the lesson he’d given her before she’d fled to New York.

  “Come on, Dancer. I’m fucking tired, and you’re making me angry with those thoughts running around your damn head.” He didn’t give her a chance to respond, like before, he reached in and picked her up like she was...his.

  DUKE WANTED TO DEMAND Lennox take his shirt off, and at the same time, he wanted to demand she wore nothing but his things. His shirt, his fucking name tattooed on her, proclaiming she was his property. Fuck, his dick was so damn hard he didn’t think he’d be able to sleep unless he went into the bathroom and rubbed one out.

  “Duke, you’re like one step from a caveman. Seriously, I can see you as one of them stomping out of your cave and bopping the female you liked over the head with your club before dragging her back to your...cave.” Lennox squirmed in his arms, his shirt riding up her supple thighs.

  “I can guarandamntee I’d beat any motherfucker over the head who thought they could take what was mine. And, Lennox...” he paused by his bed, bending down to place her in the center. He kept one foot on the ground while he had one knee on the edge. His mattress barely moved beneath his weight thanks to the fact he paid a fuckton for the fucker. “If I were a caveman and you the female I decided to bring back to my cave, I assure you.” He looked her up and down. “You’d love” He winked, loving the blush that stole up her chest, where the shirt dipped, all the way up to her cheeks. He’d bet his favorite Harley she blushed a beautiful shade when she was aroused, the memory from three years ago had been shrouded in darkness. He wanted to see her in the light, wanted to see how she looked freshly fucked or beneath the palm of his hand. Fuck, he needed to stop that train of thought, or she’d be running as far from him as she could.

  “Ha, I see what you did there, you dirty man,” she laughed. Her eyes sparkled, then she yawned, a jaw cracking yawn that settled the beast inside him. He’d take care of her tonight, then tomorrow, he’d take care of the fuckers who’d dared hurt her. He’d set the ball in motion, contacting a few brothers in New York with the Royal Bastards out East, men he knew and trusted. His boys F.O.C.U.S and The Bishop were already moving pieces into place, getting the things he needed and preparing the place for him. Tonight he’d hold Lennox, make sure she felt his arms around her before he took off in the morning. King wouldn’t be happy, but he’d understand.

  “Now who’s thinking too loud?” Lennox traced her finger over his brow.

  “You’re dangerous, Dancer girl.” He pulled the cover back for her. “Get in.”

  She raised her brows. “You sleeping with me?”

  Duke laughed. “I’m sleeping with you, but only sleeping. You better let me keep my virtue.” Hell, he needed to hit the bathroom before he lay beside her. “Is there anything you need?” he asked.

  “Only you.” Her words were a punch in the nuts. Son-of-a-bitch. She unmanned him with two little words.

  “I’ll be right back. I need to take a piss.” He turned before she could coax him down to her without even trying to. Damn, she only had to crook her finger and he’d be her slave.

  Inside the bathroom, he leaned against the closed door breathing in and out slowly. After about thirty seconds, he stood straight, staring at himself in the mirror. Next to Lennox, he had to look like a monster. She was tiny and beautiful. He was big, dark, and tatted up. He was a bastard while she was all things sugar and sweet. “Fuck, I don’t even know a damn thing about sweet except how to lick pussy that’s sweet, and even that’s lost its allure since a ballerina girl danced her way in and out of my life,” he muttered to his reflection. His knuckles were scarred from years
of fighting. Hell, even the tattoos on them looked like shit now.

  He turned the faucet on, his hands moving on autopilot, grabbing his toothbrush and toothpaste. When he finished, he chuckled, realizing he’d already brushed once. At this rate, he was going to have the whitest teeth or brush his damn enamel off. He still stood there contemplating what the hell he was going to do with a soft woman like Lennox. His next breath was a deep inhale, then exhale. “After I get back, I’ll figure shit out.” Yeah, after he washed more blood off his hands.

  His cock wasn’t hard anymore, which was a bonus he guessed. As he padded back out, he was shocked to find Lennox sitting up against the headboard with her eyes trained on the bathroom door. He looked over his shoulder, then back at her. “What’s wrong?”

  “I was wondering how long you were gonna stay in there.” She shrugged. The action had one side of his shirt falling down to expose the soft curve of her shoulder.

  “Hmm, well I guess it’s a good thing I wasn’t too long then.” Duke sat down on the edge of the bed, giving her his back. He plugged his phone in making sure his alarm was set.

  “What’re your plans for tomorrow?” Lennox asked.

  Duke settled in, easing into the place he called his, tugging her into his side. “I got some club business to take care of. I’ll make sure your safe with King and his ole lady before I go.” Before she could protest, he put his finger over her lips, his dick choosing that instant to flex against his zipper. “Don’t even think to argue with me, baby. Someone shoved a fucking needle in your neck and planned to kill you once they realized you weren’t who they thought. You’re staying right here under our protection until we figure out the who and why. We’ll eliminate the threat without causing any suspicion to come to you or the club. If I didn’t have to take care of this job I’d stay glued to you like white on rice. Until I can be on you like I want, my brother will make sure you are as safe as his lady. Now close your eyes. I can feel your tiredness.”


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