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Royally Treasured (Royal Sons MC Book 4)

Page 13

by Elle Boon

  “Thanks, you really have been great. Let King know I said thank you too.” She walked away before she did or said something stupid. The room they’d given her was as Ayesha had said, kitted out like a five star hotel. A huge bed piled high with different shades of grey pillows topping a darker grey comforter. “Did someone have Fifty Shades of Grey on their minds while decorating?” she asked while walking through to the bathroom. Looking around the large space, again no expense was spared, just like at Duke’s place. She shrugged out of the clothes she’d been given and took a shower, used to the cold water so she didn’t wait for it to warm. Luckily for her, King or Ayesha had stocked the shelves with everything a guest would need. Inside the glass enclosure, she allowed herself to relax and let go.

  She’d almost been killed. Would have been had it not been for Duke. Her shoulders shook as she cried. She cried for the girl she had been when she left California and the girl she’d lost in New York. Her tears washed away down the drain like they had after...after. Everything in her life seemed to be a series of afters for her. She took a deep breath, pushing her wet hair back from her face. No more. “No more,” she said. Hearing herself say the words gave her more courage.

  Where Duke had gone, she didn’t know, but if she was going to have any type of a relationship with him, she’d have to accept the fact he’d leave with no explanation. Like Ayesha did today, she’d have to buck up. She’d come to terms with all she’d lost in New York. Some would’ve pressed charges, but like her roommates had pointed out, it would’ve been her word against theirs. Her chest rose and fell on a shaky breath. If anyone would’ve asked her if she thought the two women she’d lived with were capable of such deceit, she’d have said absolutely not. Grace’s boyfriend Marco had seemed too into her and himself to do what he’d done. Monsters don’t look like monsters though; she’d found that out the hard way. “I will never allow anyone to have that power again.” She rolled her shoulders, making the vow to herself. As she washed her hair, then conditioned it, she recalled how wonderful it was to be held by Duke. Yeah, she was definitely on the mend.

  She got out, drying off with a large fluffy towel in a shade of grey. The sight made her smile. When she realized she didn’t have any clean clothes, she groaned. “Shit,” she muttered.

  With the towel wrapped around her, she walked back out to the bedroom, coming to a hard stop at the sight of King standing with his back to her. “Eep,” she said, stopping at the entryway with one hand holding the towel in place.

  “I knocked, but you were in the shower. Ayesha sent something for you to sleep in and another outfit for tomorrow. How you holding up?” King stared at her, his stare assessing not interested in her like a man.

  “I’m good.” She swallowed, her mouth feeling as if she’d swallowed a cotton ball.

  “You pissed at Duke for bringing you here then leaving like he did?” he asked.

  She bit her lip, wondering how to answer that. “I don’t know. I’m mad that he hasn’t called or texted, but at the same time, I understand. Does that make sense? This is my life, yet I’m here without a word as to what’s going on like I’m too stupid to handle whatever the fuck is happening outside these walls.” She clapped a hand over her mouth.

  King tilted his head to the side. “Yeah, I figured that. You need to realize that Duke is one of the best men I know, not just because he’s my brother either. When he makes a promise, he will do whatever the fuck he’s gotta do to stick to his word, unlike a lot of people who just pay lip service. Like all of us, he’s gonna fuck up, mainly because he’s Duke, and he’s a man. That’s just reality, girl. But at the end of the day, you either love him, or you hate him for who he is. You sure as shit can’t change him. Hell, would you really want to?” King asked.

  She stared at the older, scarier version of the man who’s held her heart and soul for as long as her body knew what it meant to want the opposite sex. “No,” she answered honestly. “Put it that way, and the answer is no.” God, hearing him talk made her sound like a whiny ass little bitch.

  King put his hand on her shoulder, his touch comforting. “Lennox, I don’t know what happened or why he took the run he did. What I do know is the Royal Sons have an oath we follow. It’s one that we take very seriously. Do you know what that is?”

  She swallowed, knowing what he was going to say but didn’t, couldn’t form the words.

  “I can see the answer in your eyes. Death Before Dishonor. When you hear a brother say RSFR or RBRF or if you see it tattooed on their body, usually on their knuckles.” He showed her his right fist with the capital letters displayed for all to see. These mean Royal Sons Forever Royal. When my father died we, Duke and I decided to merge with the Royal Bastards. That’s why this hand has RBRF, for Royal Bastards Royal Forever.”

  She was aware of the history. You didn’t grow up around the Sons, now the Bastards without knowing at least a little about their pasts. “I know.”

  “Duke had some shit to take care of. When he gets back, it’ll be you he comes to. If he didn’t give two shits about you, he wouldn’t have asked or rather told me to watch over you like I would my own. You’re in my house being looked after like I do Ayesha and Tiana. If I couldn’t have ensured your safety, then Traeger would’ve. That’s the level of care Duke has for you.” King stood there, his hands in his front pockets, waiting. A minute or two, but seemed like a lifetime.

  “I understand what you’re saying, King.” She also was aware of just what King wasn’t saying, other than the fact he was the President of the MC. He was a dominate man who took responsibility seriously. Having to explain to a woman wasn’t something he did.

  “Good. You need anything else?” he asked.

  “I’m good.” Or she would be once he left, and she could breathe without fear he was going to beat her ass. Not that he would but that worry was there. Damn, he only had to look at a person to instill fear.

  “Stop looking at me like I’m the big bad lion about to tear you to bits,” he growled.

  “Well if you’d stop growling like one, she’d probably do that,” Ayesha said as she slid under his arm. “Hey, you.” She snuggled into King’s side.

  Lennox watched the two of them melt into one another, wishing she had that same easy relationship with Duke.

  “I told you to wait for me in our bedroom.” King looked down at Ayesha, his hand held her face up toward him.

  “You did, and I did. I was thirsty and then I thought I’d check and see if Lennox needed anything else. You good?” Ayesha asked without taking her eyes off of King.

  “Yes, I’m fine. You two go on. I’m going to read a little.” She pointed toward her phone; glad she had a big enough device she wouldn’t be squinting when she pulled up her reading app.

  “You reading dirty books on there?” Ayesha asked.

  King bent, lifting her over his shoulder, making Ayesha squeal. “Ain’t none of your business,” he said, slapping her ass.

  “King, dammit. Put me down, I don’t have anything on under here.” Her hands went to her bare ass as he marched them out the door. Ayesha’s shout was followed by a moan as he gave her another slap followed by what Lennox could only guess at as their voices faded the farther they walked away.

  She put the borrowed clothes on, then took all the decorative pillows off the bed, placing them on the side away from the walkway to the bathroom. Once that was done, she climbed in, sighing at the absolute perfect mix of firm, yet softness of the mattress. She moved to the middle, stacking pillows behind her so she could sit up, then realized she forgot to shut the lights off. “Shit,” she muttered as she got up, moving to the door, and looked down the hallway out of habit before closing and locking it. After turning the light off, she eased the bathroom door shut, leaving the light on for a little glow, then moved back into the spot she’d created. Her reading app came up with several books she had planned to read. Once she selected a book, she began reading until her eyes kept falling shut.

  One last trip to the bathroom, she looked at herself in the mirror and grinned. “Good lord,” she laughed. After her shower, she’d forgotten about drying her hair. Now with sleep ready to drag her down, she swept a brush through the long mass, then did a quick braid.

  Sleep would be welcome, then tomorrow she’d decide where she’d go, regardless of Duke’s order to stay. She wasn’t a pet he could pick up and put down whenever he chose.

  Chapter Eleven

  Duke stared down at Lennox, knowing she was where his home was, didn’t matter where he or she happened to be, his heart and soul wouldn’t be whole unless they were together. Watching her sleep made something in him settle. Whoever said man had moved away from that primal animal had clearly not met him. Before he’d been able to settle, he had to see for himself she was safe. All the way from New York until this very moment, he was ready to tear shit apart. He’d known he’d be coming back to her with blood on his hands, and he was. Some would think he was fucked up since he wasn’t all screwed up in the head at what had gone down. They could go take a flying leap off a damn bridge for all he cared. Knowing the sick bastard and the little bitches were no longer a threat to his woman eased his mind. If that made him fucked in the head, then so be it.

  Lennox stirred, the sheet moving down enough he could see she wore what appeared to be a T-shirt with Care Bears on it. He nearly snorted out loud at the cute image, knowing his brother’s ole lady was the owner of the shirt. The woman had taken to buying the most outrageous apparel in her efforts to get King to punish her. Duke could’ve saved her the time and money by telling her King would gladly spank her ass without any reason other than he enjoyed it. However, it wasn’t Duke’s place. She shifted again, a frown creasing her forehead. He knew all about nightmares and wasn’t going to allow one to fuck up her sleep if he could help.

  He kicked off his boots, sliding in next to Lennox. “Ssh, it’s me, Lennox. I got you.” Truer words had never been uttered from him in his entire life.

  “Duke,” she whispered.

  “It better be me slipping into your bed,” he teased, pulling her into his side.

  Her breath fanned over his neck. “Did you have a good trip?”

  He ran his hand up and down her back, staring down at her. “Good isn’t what I’d call it. Got shit done. Did you have fun while I was gone?” He changed the subject, unsure how she’d react to what he had to tell her or when he’d tell her the truth of what happened to her.

  “I did actually. Ayesha and her sister are very nice and fun. A little crazy, but that would be a necessity for anyone who dated King.”

  Duke chuckled in agreement. His brother was a hardcase, that was a given. “Get some rest. Tomorrow we’ll go get some of your things and bring them back to my place.”

  She leaned up on her elbow, staring down at him. “My dad won’t be very happy with those arrangements.”

  He pulled her on top of him so that her body was flush with his. “My give a fuck done gone and fled about three years ago, babe. I let you go when you were eighteen because he demanded I did so. Now that you’re here, and not too young for me, not to mention you got danger riding your ass, there’s not a snowballs chance in hell I’m gonna let you outta my sight. Your dad don’t like it, too fucking bad. Quit wiggling or I’ll paddle this fine ass and then you’ll find out what else I’ll do.” He held her in place, letting her feel exactly what he meant. No way could she miss his straining erection.

  “Holy shit, you sporting a bat in your pants?” She stopped moving her lower body, using her arms to lift her upper half to stare down at him. “Seriously, that can’t be real.”

  He grinned, holding her hips in place. “The only thing in my pants is my dick. I assure you, it’s one hundred percent real. If you don’t settle and stop looking at me like that I’ll have my jeans open and cock in hand in less time than it takes for you to say your prayers. But you’re not ready for that so give me a kiss and go back to sleep.” He let one of his hands smooth over her back, gliding under her borrowed T-shirt. Fuck, she was soft, too soft for the likes of him.

  Her shiver was one of need, not fear, setting his own desires up another notch. He gripped the back of her neck after moving his hand from under her shirt, giving her a little massage. “I said kiss me, my little dancer.”

  She turned her head to the side, slanting her lips over his, doing as he’d asked. The hesitant way she brushed her mouth over his, had the bastard in him pushing for more. His hand palmed the back of her head, moving her the way he wanted, opening his mouth as she came in for another teasing brush. Duke wasn’t going to let her get by with the almost kisses. He would show her what he liked and how he liked it. Lennox had never been with a man. All that would change once he claimed her. When he sucked her bottom lip into his mouth, she moaned. He couldn’t help but smile around the little bit of flesh giving it a little nip before releasing it.

  Duke continued to make love to her mouth, licking, sucking, and biting in teasing little nips, allowing her to do the same to him in turn. His dick was so fucking hard. He didn’t think he’d ever been as turned on as he was with Lennox. Hell, kissing her had been as close to heaven as he’d ever been. The reality of making love to her would probably send him into that subspace he’d put others in. The notion had him rolling to the side, easing her from him. One of them needed to keep their head. Although it nearly killed him to be the one to do it, he lifted his lips away from hers. “Shit, I could lose my entire focus when I’m with you.” Which was putting it mildly.

  Lennox licked her lips, blinking up at him as if she was coming out of a daze. “And that’s a bad thing, why?”

  He ran the pad of his thumb over her wet lips. “Because the first time I stick my dick in you, I don’t want to be worried my brother will overhear, or be in a hurry because his ole lady might come check on you.”

  She sucked in a breath, her eyes looking toward the door before bouncing back to him. “What makes you think I’d...we’d be doing it?”

  Duke palmed her sex. Even through the shorts and panties, he could feel how soaked she was. “You gonna try to tell me you’re not wet for me? That if I was to strip these shorts off, you wouldn’t be ready for me like I am for you?” He grabbed her hand, placing her palm over his dick. “You think you can lie to me, to yourself?” Her little hand squeezed, taking the air from his lungs. “Motherfuck,” he groaned.

  “You were right, that’s not a bat. Still don’t think it’s normal though.”

  He found himself laughing in spite of the situation. “You really are a treasure, Dancer.” He yawned. The lack of sleep mixed with everything he’d done in the last forty-eight hours was hitting him. Tomorrow he’d have to give King a report on what went down. For tonight, he’d hold Lennox and let the knowledge that she was safe with him ease the demon that had been riding him since she’d told him what had happened to her. When daybreak came, he’d face King, then he’d take Lennox to his place and reveal the truth to her. She still wasn’t safe, not when there were some assholes willing to take her life when they’d mistaken her for someone else. No, he’d seen it happen too often. Loose ends needed to be tied up, and Lennox was that to whoever tried to take her.

  “You can’t sleep if you keep grunting and squeezing me so hard, Duke.” Lennox patted his chest, her voice strained.

  He eased his hold. “Sorry, was thinking about tomorrow. You okay?” he asked, trailing his hand down her side.

  She nodded, the light from the bathroom allowed him to see her. “Yeah, I’m good. Tired,” she said, her mouth opening in a yawn.

  “Sleep. I’ll be right here.” If he had his way, he’d be next to her for a long time to come.

  LENNOX STRETCHED, HER body coming into contact with a warm hard figure. She’d know Duke if she were blindfolded and made to touch a hundred men. Not that she wanted to touch anyone but him. She inhaled, snuggling deeper into his side.

  “You keep that up and I’ll be rolling you to your bac
k for a morning pick me up that has nothing to do with coffee, Dancer.”

  Duke’s sleep roughened voice rolled over her, making her shiver in unexpected need. “You’re really here,” she whispered, without looking up at him.

  His finger sifted through her hair, tugging until she looked up at him. “Did you think you were dreaming?”

  She shrugged, bringing her hand to cover her mouth. “Yeah.”

  He laughed. “What’re you doing?”

  “Morning breath. I don’t want to kill you the first time you...I mean I don’t want to have you keel over first thing in the morning.” Good lord, she knew her face had to be brighter than a tomato at her outburst.

  Duke gave a little tug on her hair until she met his stare. “I don’t give a flying fuck about morning breath, my dancer girl. In fact, I’d be happy as a motherfucker to wake up with my face buried between your thighs, or with your face between mine, then to share a kiss with our fluids mixing on our tongues. To me, that would be the best fucking thing to wake up to.”

  She glanced down at the place where his dick was, knowing from the previous night the man was definitely blessed in that department. Sure as shit, he had a boner to rival all boners. “Holy shit, Duke, you can’t just say stuff like that,” she muttered.

  “Yeah, I can. You should kiss me so we can start the day the second, or third best way.” He gave another tug on her hair. Lennox felt an answering tug of need shoot straight to the heart of her at the action, trying to hide her body’s reaction, she sighed. “What am I going to do with you?”

  “For starters, you’re gonna kiss me. If we were at home, you’d be doing a lot of other things.” Duke pulled her on top of him, lifted his head and pulled her down at the same time, taking the kiss he demanded.

  Lennox didn’t even think to fight him. Not that she thought about fighting him, nor did she care about morning breath or anything other than Duke. Like the night before, he kissed her like a man who took control and demanded what he wanted. She gave, accepted he was the one in charge, and loved every second of it.


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