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Arcane Summoner: A Post-Apocalypse Progression Light Novel

Page 4

by Wolfe Locke

  Celeste looked uncertain, but she relaxed as they moved past the undead monster. It was clearly unwell. Its rotten skin was falling off it in strips, and the Draugr had started to bash its head over and over against a brick wall. It took no notice of them at all.

  “See?” Zander said, still touching Celeste’s shoulder to get him moving. “Harmless.”

  Celeste shuddered as she looked at the Draugr. She turned toward him, eyes dancing. “Must be a Necromancer thing.”

  “No,” Zander corrected “Everyone knows that about Draugr. Safer in the daylight.”

  She laughed, and he looked at Rocktooth in confusion.

  Rocktooth shrugged. Don’t ask me. I didn't invite her. This is your problem. You can always mute your connection with her like I did if it irritates you.

  Toward late afternoon, they arrived at a complex of tall brick buildings. Massive rusted letters at the top spelled out “Super Market Vendors” in corrugated steel.

  “Oh!” Celeste said. “I totally forgot about this place. We should stop here. It’s were a big sort of indie market was. It’s huge and full of stores. You’ll love it.”

  “Do you think we’ll find artifacts?” Zander asked.

  “I’m not sure. Probably not anything medical or mechanical. I’m sure it was looted pretty badly when everything went down, it was really popular. We used to go for the food hall on the first floor, which isn’t useful to us. But one of my favorite bookstores is here, in the back. Ancient inheritances!” She responded cheerfully.

  Zander eyed the closest building. It was several stories tall, with large panel windows. Most of the glass in the windows was broken, and the metal was rusted and twisted into ominous shapes. There was light inside the complex, though. That made it a bad home for Draugr, and a good place to salvage.

  “Where are the inheritances mostly likely to be location?” he asked as he looked up at the windows. I’ve got a bad feeling about this place.

  “The store are around back. We don’t even have to go inside the main building at all. There’s a smaller court behind it where the gift stores are.” Celeste explained.

  Zander didn’t fully understand what a “Gift Store” was, but he followed Celeste as she led the way. Rocktooth followed behind, his stone feet crunching against the broken red brick of the courtyard.

  “We’ll have to search a bit I’m sure to find some good scavenge items,” he said, before reaching down to grab an inheritance to show it to Celeste. It was rectangular shaped and brittle. The words “The Great” could still be seen why the rest had faded. “The inheritances that’ve been sitting out for a while are usually unreadable. Remember, they’ve been here for centuries. Inside is good, and under something else that would have protected it is the best of all.”

  The store looked like a whirlwind had passed through it. Inheritances were scattered all over the ground outside, and several of the shelves had been smashed against the walls, as if something had deliberately tried to destroy all the inheritances that had been on the shelf. Shame. Zander walked over and picked one up. Rotten.

  “Alright. I got it. Yeah, Those are books.” Celeste nodded and headed into the store. Rocktooth planted itself outside.

  You guys look like you’re fine and call handle all of that. I don’t feel like shrinking any more today to accommodate you small people, the golem said with a edge of complaint. I’ll stand guard out here. Try not to die in there.

  Chapter Five: The Waiting Slime

  * * *

  Notification: Now Entering “The Ancient Ruins – Yaldren’s Book Store”

  Details: Once a place of entertainment, this ruin contains within tomes of knowledge from the world before.

  When he entered the store, Celeste motioned for him to come over and held up a book of fairy tales excitedly for him to inspect.

  “It’s still good!” she said. “That’s amazing! Five hundred years later! Sure, some of the pages are a little warped, but it’s all readable. I think you'd like one of these, it’s about a golem named Pinocchio who wished he was real." Rocktooth would hate that, it’s perfect.

  “We've got room for it.” Zander said, heart swelling with pride. “I mostly look out for manuals if you can help me with that, medical instruction books, that kind of thing—but stories always sell well. Especially for children. The manuals do best though."

  "Manuals? I think I can point If we can find instant meal recipes or find the diet section there's all sorts of manuals for secret holistic techniques of my... people. It’s stupid, but those might be what your wanting," she said with a laugh.

  They kept digging through the rubble and the broken shelves, looking for anything useful. Most of the store’s wares were long-rotted garbage, but it wasn’t a complete loss. They found enough in the debris for Zander to consider the raid a success.

  Celeste found four more books in the ruins to be pawned later at the village, "Primally Keto", "Detoxify Your Life", "Crock Pot Meal Recipes", and "42 Natural Cures Instead of Surgery."

  As for Zander, he found an anatomy book, a history of human society in the hundred years before the Harrowing and (best of all) an atlas of old maps that would be useful when planning future missions. He dropped them all into his [Spatial Ring].

  “Time to move on,” he said, shouldering his pack. “We still need to find a place to rest for the night. I don’t think we can stay here. This area is too exposed and full of items that might draw attention. We don’t have much light left.”

  Speaking of attention, Rocktooth let them know through their link from outside. We’ve got trouble. Or rather, you have trouble.

  Zander walked over to the opening and peered outside. Rocktooth pointed. Over there. An Ancient Slime had appeared in the courtyard. Its massive grey blob like self was rooting around in the garbage.

  “Do you think it knows we’re here?” Zander asked as Celeste approached him from behind and looked out too.

  Unclear. But likely. You two have not been exactly subtle. You’re search as been very noisy. I’d have warned you, but what do I know about subtilty?

  “Ugh!” Celeste said. “This is one of the magical creatures you told me about? It’s disgusting! You can kill the slime, right? Just use another magic spell?"

  “You’re right. I did warn you they weren’t all nice." Zander said with a laugh as he gripped his magic staff. “Outside the cities things get a lot nicer. You’ll see soon, once we’re done with this mission.”

  The Slime came closer. The monster was a noxious looking lime green, and left a snail-like trail of ooze behind it that spread across the ground. Within it’s ooze like body, Zander get see the half-decomposing body of a few rats, and trash it had collected. A metallic glint from inside showed a partially absorbed aluminum can. The Slime made snuffling noises, similar to those of a pig, while its movements were methodical.

  I think the Slime is searching for us, well, you specifically Zander, it might be drawn to your summoner magic. Rocktooth said. See, it’s checking all the stores.

  The three of them watched, staying very still. Rocktooth was right. The Slime was moving in a grid pattern, checking every spot on the courtyard, and sending a tentacle-like slime protrusion out from its body to peer into the shop windows.

  “It can’t see well,” Zander said. “I think we might be able to sneak past it, if we’re really quiet. I’ll go first.”

  Moving very carefully, he crept out into the courtyard. He kept an eye on the Slime as he walked. Something had drawn its attention inside a crafts store, and it was trying to shove a large appendage of slime inside to search around. So far, so good. As long as it was occupied elsewhere.

  He was so preoccupied with watching the Slime that he didn’t bother to watch where he was going. His foot hit a stone, and it skittered across the courtyard with a clatter. The Slime snapped to attention, pulling its appendage out of the store and turned his direction. Zander froze, gesturing at Rocktooth and Celeste to stay very still. Hoping the Slim
e would forget him and move on, he stayed motionless.

  The slime remained still for a moment, pulsing and scenting the air with a slimy appendage. Then it rushed toward him with a sickening, squelching sound.

  “Run!” Zander shouted as he sprinted toward the road. The Slime contorted, forming itself into an L shape and herding him back toward the main market building. It was trying to back him up against the wall.

  He turned to face the Slime, putting his back firm against the brick wall of the ancient building. The slime bubbled at him viciously, waiting for him to make a move. He looked behind it to see Celeste and Rocktooth still frozen in place outside the bookstore.

  “What are you doing?” he said. “I’ll hold the line. Just run!”

  “This rock is screaming into my mind telling me it’s my job as YOUR minion to save you. We’re trying to figure out how to help you!” Celeste shouted back. “We’re not going to let you get killed by that thing."

  Don’t let her confuse you too much. You have all our artifacts, Rocktooth said flatly. And if you get killed, I go back to the Netherworld.

  You’re from the Netherworld! Zander projected to both of them. That’s your home! It’s not like it will kill you to go back!

  It’s more interesting here. Less boring. I don’t get to fight anything down there. At least nothing I can slay. The golem explained.

  Celeste was looking back and forth between them. She was being indecisive about what to do and didn't know how to respond to the banter back and force.

  Zander shook his head. Enough. He fired an [Arcane Bolt] at the Slime, but the attack just sank into its gelatinous body without doing any damage. The creature made a hissing noise at him and moved closer, wobbling with hunger. Behind him Zander could hear Rocktooth’s stone feet slamming against the ground as he ran for the road.

  I can’t fight this one, Rocktooth said. It’s a job for magic. I’ll stand guard to make sure nothing else attacks you from behind.

  Zander felt a rush of affection for the golem. It was a strange companion, but a loyal one. He was lucky to have it. He fired three more [Arcane Bolts] at the Slime in quick succession, trying to hit different parts of its body and drive it back. All three were absorbed without injury, and the creature just continued to advance. His back was flat against the wall, he couldn’t make his body any smaller to avoid the incoming attacks of the slime. Zander had nowhere further to escape to.

  “Do you have any stronger attacks?” Celeste yelled out to him. “It’s going to absorb you!”

  Hm. There was one thing he’d never tried before. [Pestilential Blast]. That wasn’t a Summoner’s ability—it was Necromantic. He’d read about it in a book of magic once—a leather bound dark tome of questionable origins, not one he should have been reading. Well, there was a first time for everything. Raising his staff, Zander said the words to trigger it and hoped it worked.

  Immediately, the weapon began to glow with a dark light that was hard to look at. Zander could feel his staff shaking in his hands as unholy power coursed through it. A cloud of magical influence—or was it a swarm of locusts?—poured out of the wood and covered the monster, biting and stinging it all over its nebulous form. It roared in pain as the cloud swirled and tightened around it.

  Eventually, the magical insects gathered together and flew off into the distance. Zander felt a moment of unease as he wondered where they were going. Would they dissipate on their own, or had he loosed them on the world forever? A Necromancer’s work was never done.

  He turned his attention back to the battle—the Slime was lying flat on the ground, panting, but it was still alive. He knew he only had a few moments before it pulled itself together and went back on the attack.

  “Celeste!” he shouted as the Slime regrouped and turned toward him. “It’s hurt! Can you transform?”

  “First time, but I think so,” she said. “Here goes nothing!”

  The same icy blue light from the chamber filled the courtyard, and Zander shielded his eyes. He looked over the Slime’s back. Celeste was rising into the air, eyes closed, transforming into her monster form. Her skin turned blue, and diamondlike frost crackled across her entire body. When she opened her eyes, they were glowing blue and pupil-less.

  “Disgusting,” she intoned, and her voice sounded echoey, faraway, and unfamiliar. “I will destroy this filth. Return to the dust and the rot and mire. Be gone."

  Still floating, she raised her arms and gathered a ball of ice into her hands. Then, with eyes narrowed, she fired an [Ice Bolt] at the Slime. It squealed and recoiled back from her attack. The bolt had left a serrated patch of black ice on the creature’s body, and it tried to dissolve and re-form without it attached—with no success. The frost spirit’s damage was permanent.

  “Try something new, Celeste!” Zander said. “See if you have any additional powers.”

  She closed her eyes for a moment, searching her brain for knowledge that didn’t come naturally to her, even though this was her new natural state. Something clicked. Then, she opened them; her face full of certainty and fortitude.

  “[Ice Lance],” she said. “That one should be strong enough to destroy this filth.”

  She spread her arms wide, and the blue glow in the courtyard got brighter as magic gathered around her. It crystalized into the form of a large icicle that rested on her shoulders, gleaming with power. Once her weapon had taken form, she wielded it in one hand and sighted down its length, aiming for the part of the Slime where it could do the most damage. Then, with a scream of fury, she threw it.

  The [Ice Lance] pierced the Slime at the center of its body, and it screamed. Crackling frost surrounded the lance and radiated out from the site of Celeste’s attack as the creature tried to crawl away from her. It couldn’t. She had fixed it firmly to the ground. It was time for Zander to deal the final blow and destroy the enemy.

  [Cleanse Abomination]. He brought the power into his staff and fired it at the wounded Slime. It didn’t even have the strength to protest, it just exhaled weakly as the life left its body. As it died, it dissolved into muddy green water, soaking Zander’s boots with foul-smelling liquid.

  Notification: You have slain an ancient slime. The tormented being was finally been allowed to rest.

  “Ugh!” he groaned in disgust as the smell of the slime ichor hit him. “Why?”

  He would have to hang his clothes out to dry later that night whenever they managed to break for camp and before the Slime juice ruined the leather. Rocktooth, far away across the courtyard, shook his head in sympathy.

  Celeste was sinking to the ground. She dropped to her knees, panting, and slowly reverted to her human form. The ice that coated her body melted away, leaving her still wearing the gray uniform they’d found in the Hnology Building. Her transformation had shredded her clothes, though, and the outfit was now very skimpy and revealing. A large hole at the chest revealed the swells of her breasts, and the ugly pants had turned into very short shorts. The leftover material pooled around her feet.

  Her hair had fallen loose around her shoulders, and she looked up at him, breathing hard. His heart was pounding. There was something about seeing her on her knees at his feet…he shoved the thought out of his mind quickly. It wasn’t gentlemanly—she was his servant, bound to him for a year. He had to treat her well, act with honor. But her dark eyes looked up at him, and she smiled knowingly. He wondered if she knew how she looked.

  “Let’s get you some new clothes!” he said awkwardly averting his eyes. “Good work with that Slime. You really saved the day.”

  “Thanks,” she blushed. “I did my best. There’s a clothing store on the first floor of the main building. There might be something in there I can wear. Something more flattering and a little well.. you know.. covers more.”

  More flattering sounds good. He offered her a hand up, and she held onto it longer than was strictly necessary as she rose to her feet. With Rocktooth standing guard on the road, they went inside. Like the booksto
re, the clothing store was a mess—but there were still undamaged items hidden in the back.

  “Should I try the dress?” she said, holding a very skimpy outfit up to her body. “Or the shorts?”

  To Zander, they both looked good. Very good. “Uh, shorts? Whatever you choose?”

  “Hey,” she shrugged. “If I’m bound to serve you, I may as well ask your opinion.”

  When she came out of the dressing room, he had to try hard not to stare. She’d paired the cutoff jean shorts she’d been holding with a very small long-sleeved crop top that tied just under her breasts. Almost her entire body was exposed. Luckily, being a frost spirit, Celeste couldn’t feel the cold.

  “Looks good!” Zander said. “Uh, much better!”

  “Thanks,” she responded seemingly unsure. “Let’s go, elf boy.”

  Nice shirt she chose, Rocktooth said as they joined him on the road. Was it made for a child? Or did she just never learn how to dress yourself.

  Zander rolled his eyes at the golem. Some people just couldn’t refrain from voicing their opinion. Don’t be so negative. It’s a nice shirt.

  Chapter Six: Midnight at the M Golden Arcs

  * * *

  The three of them traveled a short distance down the split asphalt road. Zander and Rocktooth were both looking for a place to make camp for the night. Soon they spotted the place Celeste had wanted to bring them to. The “C-Y MARKET” was surrounded by brightly colored low buildings with blown-out broken windows.

  Notification: Now Entering “The Ancient Ruins – C-Y MARKET”

  Details: Once a tribute to perseverance of the American Spirit, the City Market was built on the ruins of an old Ford Factory. Be wary, for what lay within is beyond what you can handle at your level.


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