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The Fires of Tartarus

Page 15

by Emma V. Leech

  “But he'll still be Corvus?” I pressed. “The madness will be gone?”

  He nodded. “Yes, he will still be Corvus. The characteristics that made him who he was will still be there but he will be as he was when he was first changed, Jéhenne.” He took a step closer and it was all I could do not to back away from the intensity of his eyes. “You must remember that it has taken close to two thousand years for him to become the man you knew in this lifetime. Everything he has experienced, everything he has learned will be gone. Think how the human race has evolved over this time, think of what you have achieved. The change in morality, the value your kind put on life now compared to back then when a slave could be thrown away with no more thought than a broken cup if you had wealth enough. Corvus will have lost everything he had learned through experience and be stripped down to the essence of the creature he was when he was created.” He paused, and I knew his next words were a warning. “He will have the temper and thirst of a new vampire with the power of a Master. You will have to take care ... or I will be forced to intervene.”

  I nodded my understanding and swallowed the lump in my throat. “Will ... Will he ever remember?” I asked, feeling the tears prick at my eyes. “Will he remember me?”

  There was sympathy in his expression as he answered. “I don't know, Jéhenne. I have seen cases like this before and ... it is ... possible. If he begins to remember it is possible that, in time, I could intervene again. Perhaps then he would respond better.” He looked at me and clearly saw the hope in my eyes. “But truly, it is not likely.” I fought to keep myself from crying. At least he would be whole again. He would be sane. Anything else I could deal with. He'd loved me through two millennia; surely his heart would be the same? “You still wish for me to continue?” Sariel asked. I nodded. “Yes. Yes, of course.”

  He looked at me, as if waiting for me to change my mind.

  “Please, Sariel.”

  “What are your plans now?” he said, his voice mild, but I knew what he was asking.

  I looked him in the eyes so he knew I meant every word. “I'm going to make him pay. For everything.” We both knew who we were talking about. “I've made a deal with Hekatê. We have the beginnings of a plan.” I looked at him, curious. “But you knew that?”

  There was satisfaction in his eyes. “I wanted to hear it from you, Jéhenne.”

  “Why do you hate him so much?” I asked. “You do hate him don't you?” I pressed, but he remained silent so I carried on. “Dis Pater has ruined mine and Corvus' lives, he's hurt people we love, he betrayed Hekatê ... What did he do to you?”

  He was still, silent as I waited, and I assumed he wouldn't tell me. His voice when it cut through the quiet was a surprise, his anger quite audible. “You know why Gabriel did this.” He pointed to the ragged scar crossing his chest, and I nodded. Predictably for an angel, Sariel was incredibly beautiful. Perfection in fact, except for the scar Gabriel had left him with. He had his heart back now, but the scar remained.

  “He took your heart for loving a woman, a demon.”

  “A half-demon,” he corrected, his voice gentler now. “Do you know how he found out?” he asked, his tone neutral.

  “Shit,” I whispered. It wasn't hard to figure out. “Dis Pater told him.”

  He didn't nod or respond in any way. He didn't have to. No wonder he was eager for me to put the boot in.

  “I ... cannot be seen to be involved in any of this, Jéhenne.”

  I gave him hard edged smile. “Oh, don't worry, Sariel. I have enough grudges to pay back Dis Pater for, but I'll make sure I carry one for you too.”

  For a moment I saw a gleam in his eyes, and I knew he was pleased but it was quickly gone, and he was all business again.

  “Very well,” he said. “Let us get this done. But I would suggest you have Lucas and Cain here and anyone else you feel appropriate to back you up. You will need, in no uncertain terms, to make sure he accepts you as Master of this family, Jéhenne. If he realises the power is rightfully his, you could have a difficult situation on your hands.”

  “The restraints will limit his power,” I replied, gesturing to the cuffs on Corvus' ankles and wrists. “But I know I have to be tough with him. I understand.”

  Sariel said nothing, but I got the feeling he was no more convinced than Cain.


  Kai, who was looking both appalled and awestruck, tore his eyes from Sariel's massive form to look at me.

  “Run and wake Lucas, tell him I need him and Cain. Tell them Sariel is here. Tell them it's time.” Kai nodded, too terrified to speak and ran from the room as fast as he could go. Max leaned into me, his eyes on Sariel and the angel smiled, reaching down to caress the big cat who gave me an anxious look until I reassured him it was alright.

  A few moments later Lucas came into the room, raking a hand through his messy hair with my brother close behind him. I saw Cain hang back and realised what I was asking of him to be here with Sariel as I saw him avoiding the angel's eyes. If your soul is beyond damaged, an angel can make for an uncomfortable companion. I needed Cain's support for this though. I hoped he'd forgive me for it.

  Sariel opened the cage with a wave of his hand and a glow of light curled around Corvus as he walked in. He crouched down and laid his hand on Corvus' head, his eyes closed and the faintest trace of a frown on his face. He stayed like that, unmoving for some minutes as Corvus stirred, restless beneath his hand, his body lit up in the soft light of Sariel's power, and then he sighed, returning to sleep as the angel stood up and stepped away.

  “That's it?” I asked. I wasn't sure what I'd been expecting but it seemed too simple somehow.

  Sariel smiled and nodded. “It is done.” He reached out a hand and touched my face. As once before, I felt suffused with calm. I could do this. “Be strong, Jéhenne. I will be watching.” I kept my mouth shut with difficulty, not liking the sound of that one bit but he moved away from me and turned to Cain who was looking determinedly anywhere but at Sariel.

  “A reckoning is due soon,” Sariel said, his voice harsh.

  Cain nodded, looking at the floor. “I know it.”

  Sariel stared at him, and I racked my brain for a way to take his attention from my brother who was sweating visibly under the angel's scrutiny. “Well, then. You have made your bed after all ...”

  Before I could intervene and demand what Sariel was talking about and ask what could be done for Cain, Sariel was gone, and I felt the pull of the night awaken the vampires. Their consciousness was a physical stir in my blood as their eyes snapped open, and I turned to look at Corvus. He was gone.

  I swung around, wild eyed as Lucas grasped my arm. “There.” He gestured to the furthest corner of the room. In the shadows there was a figure.

  I took a step towards him. “It's alright, we're not going to hurt you. You're safe.” I stepped a little closer, thankful that Sariel had helped me out by calming my emotions because otherwise my heart would have been beating out of my chest for all to hear. As it was I appeared calm, outwardly at least.

  “Who are you?” he demanded and the question tore at my heart. But it had been his voice, taut and on edge, but he sounded the same.

  “I am Jéhenne Corbeaux,” I said softly, moving a little closer. “You may know me as Jéhnina ...” He didn't answer, but I could feel the tension rolling off him in waves as I approached. He was as far back into the shadows as he could get, but I could see his eyes, watching us. He was weighing us up, deciding who was the biggest threat. His eyes lingered on Lucas, and I moved in front of him so that his view was blocked. He looked directly at me for the first time, and I felt my breath catch in my throat. The desire to run to him was so strong I had to clench my fists, shielding my emotions from him with everything I had. I felt Lucas behind me, the touch of his hand at my back, and I was calmed immediately by the connection. There was a low growl, and I saw Corvus staring at Lucas with utter loathing.

  “Stop that.” His eyes snapp
ed to mine. “This is Lucas,” I said. “He is my second and your superior. You would do well to remember that at least.” My words were harsh, and I could see the confusion in his eyes as he returned his gaze, mentally weighing Lucas up. “Do you remember anything?” I demanded, not wanting to give him time to consider.

  For just a moment I could see naked fear in his eyes, but it was quickly gone, shielded behind a cold façade. He shook his head. “No.”

  I had to take a moment before I could speak again. “Do you know your name?” I asked.

  He looked at me, a frown over his eyes. He opened his mouth to speak and then hesitated. “Corvus.”

  I sighed and nodded. “Yes. Yes you are Corvus.” I tried to take another step towards him, but I saw him react, every limb rigid, ready for attack. “Corvus you are safe here. You are with your family, and I ... I am your Master.”

  He jolted at that, I felt the shock ripple through him. “You ...” he began and then frowned. “What are you?”

  “I am your Master,” I snapped, forcing myself to be hard with him. If there was any doubt now, we would all be in trouble. “What else I am is not up for debate.”

  He was still frowning, and he took a step closer, out of the shadows so that the dim light of the room fell across his face. My heart ached with the need to reach out and touch him, and I knew he must be getting a strange impression of me. It was unlikely I could completely hide how much I desired him. He took another step, curiosity and calculation in his eyes, and I heard another growl, this time from Lucas. From the corner of my eye I could see Cain moving closer too. So could Corvus. He paused. I knew he was weighing up his options, knew there was a decision to make but it still shocked me. He struck out towards me, but I was prepared. Before either Lucas or Cain could get close enough to intervene I had thrown a binding spell at him and opened my connection to the Underworld with the key. Corvus fell to his knees, his eyes wide with horror as he looked at me and saw the limitless depths of the Underworld looking back.

  “Stop!” I yelled at Lucas and Cain who were poised to tear him apart. I held them back and turned to face Corvus again. “Try that again and it will be the last thing you ever do,” I said, making sure the anger in my voice was unmistakable, the voices of the dead echoing through me.

  He looked back at me, defiance and fury in his eyes. “You are not vampire,” he snarled.

  I laughed, mocking him and crying internally. “No. At least not completely.” I leaned forward and smiled at him, whispering, “You don't want to know what I am, you just need to know that I will tear you to pieces if you ever try to harm me or anyone else.”

  I stood over him, looking down, staring into his eyes and at last I saw respect there, and fear. He looked away. “Yes ... Master.” I breathed a sigh of relief and closed my connection to the Underworld. I watched as his attention was drawn to the cuffs on his wrists. “What are these?” he asked, holding them up.

  I knelt down so that we were facing each other. “Corvus, do you really remember nothing?” My voice was gentle now, aching with sadness, but I couldn't help it. He looked at me, clearly perplexed and then shook his head.

  “Nothing. I ... I awoke in this room. Before that ...” He took a ragged breath and this time he couldn't hide the terror in his eyes. “What happened to me?”

  I reached out and put my hand on his arm, and he flinched but didn't move.

  “You ... Corvus, you were hurt. Very badly hurt. It ... affected your mind. I have been able to have you cured but ... But it has taken your memories. I hope they will come back to you, but I don't know for sure that they will.”

  I waited while he took this in. “Hurt how?” he demanded.

  I looked up at Lucas and Cain and could see the warning clear enough in their eyes, but I wouldn't keep everything from him. I needed him to trust me and that was going to be hard when I was forced to make him believe lies. “You were protecting me,” I said, hearing the catch in my voice. He frowned, hearing it too.

  “Because you are my Master?” he asked, confusion in his eyes.

  I shook my head.

  “No,” I said, feeling tears prickle behind my eyes. “Because you loved me.”

  Chapter 20

  He just looked at me. There was no recognition. Curiosity, perhaps, but I felt a chill as I realised the look was far more calculating than that. He was wondering if I loved him too ... and how he could use the information. I swallowed down the emotion clogging my throat and got to my feet.

  “For the time being you are confined to the Château. You will only be allowed out once I am convinced I can trust you.” I put as much force into my voice as I could, keeping the words sharp and impersonal. “Until then you would do well to behave and fit in with the rest of the family.”

  He looked incredulous, his body taut, fists clenched. “I'm hungry,” he growled, not even trying to hide the fact that he was annoyed by the restrictions. “I need to hunt.”

  My concerns grew as I realised he had no concept of what it meant to be a vampire in the twenty-first century.

  “No hunting,” I said, my voice implacable. “There are donors and you may feed from them but you will not harm them in any way.”

  His jaw almost hit the floor at that and now he looked to Lucas in alarm. “Is this a punishment?”

  Lucas shook his head. “You have forgotten so much, Corvus. You do not yet understand the dangers we face in this world. Life is not how it was, how perhaps you feel it should be. We are all forbidden to kill. It is against the law.”

  “Her law?” he sneered, looking at me with disdain. “She's little more than a child!”

  Lucas moved before I could stop him and pushed Corvus, so he was forced to take a step back. He snarled, baring his fangs at Lucas who responded in kind.

  “You're a fool if that's all you can see in her,” Lucas said in outrage, as the power from the two men burned over my skin. “You have no idea what you're facing, nor what you owe her.”

  “You will stop this!” I commanded and abruptly they both stepped back, their eyes on mine. I glared at Lucas whose face was a mask. Corvus' was easier to read. He was furious.

  “Corvus these are the laws as set by the vampire Senate. They are not my laws, but for the record, I am in agreement with them and if you kill, you will greet the next sunrise in accordance with that law.” The words almost choked me, cold and impersonal as they were, but he had to understand, and he had to believe I would do it.

  I could feel the fury and frustration burning from him. Even with the cuffs draining his power he was a force to be reckoned with. He turned to Lucas once more. “Has she pulled your fangs too?” he mocked. “Do you drink the blood of vermin from a fine cup now? Where is your pride? Have you forgotten everything you are?”

  “Lucas,” I said, a warning in my voice as I saw his fists clench and felt the desire in him to respond, to illustrate exactly what he was.

  “I ... have forgotten nothing,” Lucas said, the words dripping ice. “I know exactly what and who I am.”

  The two of them stared at each other with rage and loathing, and I was suddenly exhausted. I needed to get away from Corvus before my emotions got the better of me and he sensed how weak he made me feel.

  “I think we should show Corvus to his room now,” I said.

  He snorted, his disgust apparent. “Why don't you just put me back in the cage?” he demanded.

  I stepped up to him, staring up into his eyes. “Don't tempt me,” I said, biting off every word. He looked away with a hiss of fury and began to pace, looking like a wild thing caught in a trap. It was an apt enough parallel.

  We had in fact prepared a room where he would in effect be a prisoner, until we could gauge how far he could be trusted and who with. The windows and doors were reinforced, warded, the room sound proofed along with every other room in the Château so he could not overhear our conversations, and he would be well guarded. I wasn't about to point that fact out though, it would become clear
soon enough.

  We led him through the Château, flanked on all sides by select members of the family for security. I would tell the rest of the family about the extent of his recovery once I'd had time to calm myself. It was going to be hard seeing him physically restored but so very changed. As commanded their faces were carefully blank and they showed no visible signs of recognising Corvus, but I could feel the shock and the first tremors of hope run through them as they watched him pass. There was something else too that I hadn't expected, a surge of love and affection that nearly swept me off my feet. To my surprise it wasn't for Corvus, but for me. I felt their gratitude for everything I had done and was still doing, to try and bring their Master back to them. I fought back the swell of emotion, finding it hard enough to stay calm with my own tangled thoughts as the man I loved walked behind me like a stranger - a stranger who would kill me at the first sign of weakness.

  There was a surge of movement at the top of the stairs and Corvus tensed. sending everyone into alert as Cyd appeared at the top of the stairs.

  “Corvus!” she cried, her joy apparent for everyone to see. She'd been in such a state the last time I'd seen her, I had asked her to stay away from the Château for a while and she'd been staying with Amelia in the village. Cyd seemed to have problems doing as I asked, though, unless I made it a command. It was unbelievably bad timing for her to appear now. She could ruin everything with one misplaced thought or word. Corvus looked at her, frowning, and she made to run towards him.

  “Stop!” I commanded and Cyd froze, her eyes on me in anger and frustration.

  “Get her out of here,” I hissed to Lucas, who nodded and bodily removed her from the hallway.

  “Who was that?” Corvus asked.

  “Someone who's missed you,” I said with a tight smile.

  He smirked, and I felt a tremor of unease. I didn't have time to consider it further, though, as Kai appeared. Dammit, did we have to meet everyone right now? He beamed and ran towards Corvus, moving like quicksilver, and I had no power of command to stop him. I grabbed him by the arm as he passed, terrified that Corvus would attack him but he just watched curiously as I tugged Kai to a halt.


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