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Falling for the Alien Prince

Page 13

by Hannah Davenport

  His teeth pricked my lower lip, but I didn’t care.

  Finding a desperate rhythm, his lips were both soft and hard, demanding as I opened, letting him in. The rough texture of his tongue as it mated with mine surprised me.

  I wasn’t sure when things changed, when my anger transformed to burning desire, but right now, I wanted to feel him on me—inside me. It had been so long that even the thought of having sex made me blush, until now. My hips arched and grinded against him, feeling a huge bulge.

  He nipped my lower lip, sucking the blood into his mouth and moaned. I should have been repulsed, but my panties were soaked with desire. I wanted more.

  Threading my fingers through his wheat-colored strands, I touched him as my leg hiked around his waist. Still kissing and nipping, his hands skimmed up my arms and latched onto my wrists, yanking my hands from his head. My leg dropped.

  Disappointment and maybe hurt replaced some of the lust as I wondered why he stopped. And then he stepped back.

  I blinked, confused.

  Without a word, he turned and walked away.

  Turning around, water almost toppled over the edge of the tub. “Shit!”

  I turned off the tap and sagged against the sink.


  I toweled off my hair and wrapped another towel around my body, securing it at the top. I needed clothes and a good stiff drink. This was another reason to swear off men. They were impossible to read at times, and so damn frustrating! In the future, if I needed relief, I’d damn well do it myself. And probably much better, because I knew my body better than any man.

  I found Murda sitting stiff-backed in a chair, looking uncomfortable. He glanced up when I walked into the room.

  “I need clothes,” I announced matter-of-factly.

  “There are some in the bedroom for you.”


  I trudged into the bedroom, still in a sour mood, and threw open the closet doors. To my complete shock, my clothes hung on hangers, and I don’t mean the dirty ones I’d worn here. In the drawer, I found the rest of my belongings.

  A smile crept across my face when I spotted my favorite tank and boy shorts. All modesty was gone as I traipsed back into the living room and dropped down onto the ivory leather couch.

  The silence grated on my last nerve. I never signed on for this. Where was the guy I could talk to and laugh with? The one who would never let his friends laugh at me? I couldn’t decide whether to leave his ass and find another place to stay, or confront him. In the end, I chose the latter.

  “Honesty has been our best asset since we met by the pond,” I began. “Tell me: what changed?”

  At first, I didn’t think he would answer. But then he surprised me. “I did not expect to like you so much.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  He stood, walked over next to the couch and knelt before me. Now face-to-face, his long nail scraped the inside of my thigh, heading upwards.

  “That means, it has been years since I have been inside a female, felt her close tightly around me. I like your honesty, your fighting spirit, and liking all those things makes you beautiful. If I were to take you, I would not be able to control myself. As I’ve mentioned before, dear Millicent, I am not Human. I would not be soft.” His nail traced down the other thigh. “And now you tempt me once again with your inviting clothes.”

  I snapped my thighs close together, anger surging again. “It was your idea to get married. Why do you keep it a secret? Why let those people talk about me that way?”

  A smile spread across his face, but it wasn’t pleasant. Still kneeling and leaning forward, he pressed his nose against my neck and inhaled deeply. With a hand on each of my knees, he spread my legs and angled his body so I couldn’t close them. His hands grazed my nipples through the thin fabric.

  “So soft,” he purred.

  As much as I tried to hold onto my anger, my core clenched tight, needing release.

  His hands skimmed down and circled my waist, and with a small jerk, he scooted my hips toward him while reclining me against the couch.

  I gasped.

  One clawed nail toyed with the lining of my shorts. Almost panting, I barely heard him speak.

  “We are a race of dominant males.”

  He slowly ripped my shorts with minimum effort, exposing my glistening core. His eyes locked onto the prize.

  “If you touch me, I cannot control myself, and I fight the urge to teach you your place.” With a hand on each inner thigh he shoved my legs open wider. “But I will grant you the pleasure you desire while taking some for myself.”

  He buried his face between my thighs. His tongue unfurled and dove inside me, strong and long—and oh heavens—ribbed! I had forgotten how long his tongue was and the rough, ribbed texture… I dropped my head against the couch, eyes closing. He fucked me with his tongue, swirling it around before retreating, only to plunge back in.

  Glancing between my legs, I couldn’t catch my breath as I watched his tongue work in and out. He caught my eyes and the reality hit me hard. Narrow brimstone eyes, his face looked more animal now, and definitely alien.

  He growled as his tongue alternated between licking and fucking me. The pressure built until my orgasm blasted through me like a tornado.

  I screamed, and without thinking, I fisted his hair and pulled. I needed him to stop...I needed more. It was too much, even as my hips bucked against his face.

  Low growling, and then he was gone.

  Breathing heavily, I was so confused. What the hell just happened? Murda sat against the wall looking feral, like he needed to control himself. I didn’t want him to, but I wasn’t sure how much I should push him.

  Closing my knees, I swallowed hard. “What…”

  His glowing eyes were locked onto mine, his chest heaving. “I am in control.”

  “You know that I won’t break, right?”

  He reclined his head against the wall, eyes returning to normal. “Talk to me, Millie.”

  “About what?” I could tell that he was having a hard time, which made me both happy and sad. I didn’t want to push him over the edge, but I couldn’t take indifference.


  I wanted to say that nobody had ever given me so much pleasure, and his tongue felt better than any cock. Okay, I’d only had sex with one man before. But I knew he wanted me to get his mind off of what we’d just done, so I kept it to myself.

  For now.

  “I made a cake today.”


  “Sweet bread. Sort of. That’s why I came to your office. I wanted you to try some of it.”

  “Will you make another one?”

  I grinned. “Sure. I’ve always liked to cook, and there are so many ingredients in that kitchen.”

  He laughed, which made me smile. “Sutar is the ship’s navigation controller, not a cook. But since we are stuck here…” He shrugged.

  “Someone had to do it?”


  “Poor Sutar.” I chuckled. As my smile faded, I needed to clarify a few things, make sure he understood. “Murda…I can’t do indifference, and I won’t be made fun of.”

  He squinted, clearly perplexed. “What do you mean?”

  “I need you to understand: I am not Tizun.”

  His lips quirked. “I know.”

  “Humans need emotion. Good emotions. I didn’t trade one hell for another.” When he still looked confused, I sighed. “This not being able to touch you thing will not work for me. You acting cold toward me in front of others, letting them…” I sucked in a deep breath as the rage began to resurface. “I’m already alone here. Don’t isolate me further.”

  He stood, walked to the couch and to my surprise, effortlessly scooped me into his arms. “They caught me off guard and I was unprepared to answer questions about us. But we will find our way together. Let us go to bed… wife.”

  After laying me on the bed, he stripped down and clim
bed in beside me. He reached for me and immediately, I snuggled into his side, resting my cheek on his shoulder.

  I was still a little upset, but tomorrow would be better.



  After only a few hours, I woke to Murda’s slow breathing. My body was unaccustomed to not seeing the light of day, and I still needed time to think about everything that had happened yesterday. I’d forgiven him, but forgetting was an entirely different thing, and frankly very hard to do. Quietly, I climbed out of bed, careful not to wake him.

  I loved the way he snuggled me last night…err…this morning. It gave me hope. I didn’t delude myself into thinking it would be simple. No marriage was ever easy; each couple had to carve their own way. Why would I expect ours to be any different?

  Quietly slipping on my clothes, a charcoal, long-sleeved top and black cargo pants, (yes, I had several exactly alike) I took one last look at Murda before silently leaving the apartment.

  Sitting outside crossed-legged, the evening sun warmed my face. I picked at the green grass, smelled the blooming flowers as I thought about how things had drastically changed.

  I should’ve asked Murda if he’d told Jenna where I was and what had happened. Because someone had been at her house to retrieve my things...

  I thought of Raun; if the chance presented itself, I’d still cut his heart out. But Murda was right. I’d let go of some of my anger last night, and I did feel a little more content.

  A shadow fell over me. I looked up and shielded my eyes.

  “What are you doing out here?” he asked.

  I recognized him, but had forgotten his name. He was the one cracking jokes in Murda’s office.

  “Just thinking,” I replied coldly.

  His calculating gaze raked over my face. Then he kneeled, grabbed the hand from my forehead and turned it over, revealing the mark.

  He hissed under his breath and I jerked my hand away.

  “What the hell?” I spat. Someone needed to teach him about personal boundaries and manners!

  Suddenly, he sat next to me. “I’m Gar.”

  I knew enough about him that I just wanted to tell him to fuck off. Instead, I ignored him.

  “And you are?” he prompted.

  I was almost positive I remembered Murda introducing me to them already, so I didn’t bother answering.

  He kept scrutinizing my face, my body…even my clothing. His aura held strands of orange; he was uneasy. It also had colors I’d never seen before, or that I hadn’t cared to see recently and couldn’t remember.

  “What are you doing out here?” he asked again.

  With full fury on my face, I finally turned toward him. “None of your fucking business.”

  Yeah, I was still pissed. And then he laughed. Laughed! Now I was on the verge of a volcanic eruption.

  “Good, you’ve had your little laugh at my expense, so now you can move along.” I shooed him like a fly.

  The laugh faltered and a serious look descended. “You heard us yesterday.” I ignored him. “That was not meant for your ears.”

  Inhaling through my nose, he wouldn’t leave and I couldn’t hold my tongue any longer. “If you don’t want anyone to hear, then don’t fucking say anything. God!” I threw my hands up. “You all think you’re so superior and all Humans are liars. Well news flash: you’re no better!”

  I stared for a mere second, and felt better when I saw the bands of anger replaced by unease and guilt. Good. He should feel that way. Who laughs at someone because they’re different? Especially if they’re alone. And as a Human, I was definitely alone here.

  “My apologies. This is an unusual situation and we were not prepared to handle it.”

  I felt a little better at that, but not much.

  “After you overheard,” Gar continued, “the Kyrio spoke with us and warned us to watch our words, that insults would not be tolerated.”

  “He did? Wait, what’s a Kyrio?”

  “He did and that is…unimportant.”

  It took a moment for me to fully relax.

  “I’m Millicent,” I offered nonchalantly.

  “Nice to meet you, Millicent.” He smiled. “I am beginning to see why he likes you.”

  Ignoring his statement, I wondered why he was up. “I thought all Tizuns slept during the day.”

  His lips twitched a little. “The sun will soon be setting, and I have not been up long.”

  “So, is it always dark on your planet?”

  To my surprise, he grinned as he pulled a blade of grass.

  “No. But Earth’s sun is so strong that our skin hurts after lengthy exposure.”

  “You get sunburned?”

  He laughed; it made something inside me relax. “Not exactly, but close enough.”

  “So you do have sunlight on your planet?”

  Now he smiled wide, exposing those sharp canines. “Yes.”

  I must be getting used to Murda, because Gar didn’t seem all that scary. He took my hand again and turned it over, exposing the glyph. “Have you thought about what will happen if we are rescued?”

  No, I hadn’t. But this felt too invasive for me to be discussing it with someone I didn’t know.


  “I see,” he said cryptically.

  Was he baiting me? A smile spread across my face. If he thought I was that easy, he had another thing coming.

  “Do you?”

  “Not exactly, no.”

  “Maybe it’s a strategical move.” That was the word he’d used yesterday, and even though he had just apologized, I still kind of threw it in his face.

  He grabbed my hand a third time, roughly exposing the glyph. “It that was the case, you would not have this.”

  I jerked my hand back. Even if we’d made nice, the glyph on my hand felt private. Smiling to lighten the mood, I stood, then dusted off my pants. “I think I’ll go see if I can whip up some pancakes for breakfast.”

  He must have realized how he’d been acting, because his tone turned polite, and he also stood. “Some…pand- cakes?”

  “Pancakes. You’ll see.”


  “What do you think?” I asked Sutar, letting him try the first bite.

  “It tastes good.” He smiled wide.

  “You can add syrup or spread some peanut butter and powder it with confectioners’ sugar.”

  “Can I try it both ways?”

  “Yep. You have years’ worth of supplies built up.” It made me a little angry that the government sent daily food supplies here, but Jenna and her family went without.

  But I also realized that if they lived in the Human Territory, they would be given supplies as well. Instead, they chose to live off the radar, fending for themselves. Not that I blamed them; I would do the same thing. It was much better to be a little hungry than to fear being handed over to the Andores.

  “You have a little…” Sutar’s thumb lingered after he wiped a spot of flour from my cheek.

  It felt almost intimate. I frowned. “Thanks.”

  “Millie,” a low, deep voice had me turning around. Murda stood in the doorway with an odd expression on his face, indigo bands flaring in his aura. That was a new color for me too.

  “Murda.” I smiled brightly. The heat crept up my neck as I remembered what we’d done this morning. He strolled over, cupped my cheek, searing me with his eyes. A complete change from last time. My heart beat wildly against my chest. His eyes locked onto the rapid pulse in my neck.

  He dropped his hand and stepped back, the flare in his eyes dimming as a neutral look covered his face. Disappointed, I ignored it and smiled. “I made pancakes.”

  Using a pointed claw, he cut a small bite and popped it into his mouth. “Better.”

  “You need to put…oh, never mind. I’ll have to show you.”

  Sutar and two others carried plates of pancakes toward the dining room while I grabbed the butter, syrup, peanut butter and confectioners’ sugar, also know
n as powdered sugar, as my mom used to call it.

  Sitting at the head of the table next to Murda, I spread butter on my pancake, then poured syrup over the top. Murda watched, and then copied me.

  Everyone seemed to be enjoying the food. Apparently the Tizuns had a thing for sweets. I still had some other foods I wanted to try. Like seared tuna, if the government sent any.

  Murda leaned toward me. “Much better.”

  My lips curled upward. “Thanks.”

  Gar kept stealing glances at me. Strikr and Venge were awkwardly silent.

  “Any word?” Murda asked, his tone back to business-as-usual.

  Gar shook his head. “Nothing yet. We did however find the package you requested.”

  Murda stilled, his eyes cutting to Gar’s. “It is here?”

  “No. It will be here tonight, tomorrow at the latest.”

  They spoke in cryptic phrases. I wanted to ask specifics, but assumed it was none of my business. If they wanted me to know, they’d tell me.

  No one talked to me during breakfast after that, and I had never felt more out of place. Murda talked with his men about the Andores and how they kept trying to break into their territory, but not to me.

  “They have increased their efforts,” Strikr said.

  “Double the forces.”

  “We have, and so far, it has worked.”

  I finished, then took my plate back to the kitchen. There was no way I was cleaning up the mess though.

  I spent most of the night by myself. No one bothered me; even Tuar gave me free reign. I explored the ship, but my favorite place was still outside. The cool night air, the bright moon giving some light… There weren’t many people walking around, though; I supposed they each had a job to do.

  Two Days Later

  I woke with Murda spooning me, his hard length digging into my back.

  “Good evening,” he whispered into my hair.

  I turned. “Good morning.”

  His lips tenderly took mine in a warm, loving kiss.


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