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Falling for the Alien Prince

Page 15

by Hannah Davenport

  As someone who had spent years keeping to the shadows, I have to admit, I didn’t like the attention. Not one bit!

  Suddenly cheers erupted, Gar, Venge and Strikr stood, and one by one, they kissed the top of my hand.

  “What are they doing?” I whispered to Murda.

  “Showing you the respect and honor you deserve.”

  Swimming in a sea, while trying to avoid the whirlpool as it pulled me under—that’s how I felt in that moment. Our marriage was one of convenience, to avoid Jyan or the colonel getting the upper hand. But looking around at the bands of deep blue, I saw…loyalty? Yes, that’s what it was…

  And it scared the shit out of me.

  Fantastic sex and a deep appreciation for the man himself aside, I hadn’t even decided if I would stay with Murda if his people arrived and the Tizuns went home.

  Talk about in over your head! I thought, heart pounding against my chest. For the first time in my life, I thought I might have a panic attack and die on the spot.

  Murda pulled me into his arms, tenderly kissing my temple, and whispered, “Breathe, wife. This is a good thing.”

  I was trying but…it still felt final, and I didn’t know the rules. “You will explain later?”

  “I will. For now, we enjoy the company of our people.”

  My eyes flew to his in shock as he led me back to my chair.

  Our people?

  I needed a good stiff drink. Luckily, I was holding that very thing. I poured a glass—glanced at the crowd and downed the bourbon in one swift gulp, pouring another immediately after.



  My hearts swelled with joy as the men swore silent allegiance to my chosen Ryges.

  In the beginning, they had been unimpressed, almost suspicious even as Millie gained the friendship of some of my people. Sutar certainly seemed to enjoy her company more than most.

  When I walked in on him touching her, a wave of jealousy and possessiveness struck; I needed to remind him who she belonged to.

  And then she fought like a skilled fighter and killed Raun without hesitation, just as I knew she would. She shocked the others, their view of her instantly and forever changed. Now respect for Millicent exuded from my men. Then she came to me demanding sex from her Rygee, even though as a male-dominated species, that was technically my privilege. This proved her loyalty to me further; only a true Ryges would be so bold.

  Standing beside her now, I smelled her panic and saw the tremble in her hands even as she gulped down the unfamiliar drink. No doubt the others could as well.

  “What is this?” I asked, holding up the bottle for inspection. The clear brown liquid swirled inside.

  “Liquid courage,” she retorted, and after pouring some in a glass for a third time, tossed her head back and swallowed the contents.

  Everyone watched as she filled her glass yet again.

  “You need liquid…courage?” I asked.

  Is there such a thing, or is this what Humans call a double entendre? I wondered.

  “Actually, I’m celebrating.” She grinned, then swallowed more.

  My lips twitched. “What is the occasion?”

  Beginning to understand the meaning of ‘liquid courage,’ I was fascinated as she poured a little more in her glass, nodding for me to do the same and lifting her glass to mine.

  Her voice rose so everyone could hear. “To the death of Raun, may he rot in hell!”

  And then she clinked her glass against mine and tossed it back again.

  The men cheered as the bottle was passed around.

  “A Human tradition?” I asked, sniffing the liquid before taking a tentative sip.


  It tasted fairly decent, so I downed my own glass and poured another.


  The room spun slightly; my head felt different, unclear. Everyone laughed and talked, including Millie, who was now, as the Human expression goes, ‘the life of the party.’ This ‘liquid courage’ was like the spirits on my planet, but much stronger. The men made jokes and laughed raucously. They were clearly having a wonderful time.

  When the bottle was empty, someone—Strikr I think—searched the kitchen until he found more.

  Gar, Strikr and Venge were taking advantage of this liquid courage, questioning Millie, who now didn’t seem to mind answering.

  “So you agreed to be the Ryges after what, two hours of thought?” Gar looked stunned. Hearing him say it aloud sounded ridiculous even to me.

  “Yep.” She grinned and shrugged. “Well, it may have been only one hour. But I couldn’t resist those sharp teeth and claws.” She fanned her face, winking at me.

  I leaned in close and snapped my teeth. She laughed, the sound so carefree and happy.

  How could I ever have found her ugly? The joy on her face radiated beauty. And by the expressions on my men’s faces, they thought so too.

  I leaned back and crossed my arms, satisfied that Millie had seamlessly integrated with my people.

  Our people.

  Yet in my fuzzy state, I worried slightly about her place if we were rescued. How would Father react? Matings on Tizunai needed approval, and some were even arranged. Both male and female must be from the same rank, or at least close, although technically it could be overridden. That rarely happened with high ranking officials, however. Millie was Human, and possessed no equivalent rank. Who knew how that would go over?

  Staring at her flushed cheeks and easy smile, it was wonderful to be with a woman who wasn’t after anything that my family name and status offered.

  She laughed again, then caught me staring. The heat in her eyes, the subtle hitch in her breath…I wanted her now.

  Standing behind her chair, I swept her hair away and kissed her neck.

  She shivered.

  The room grew silent.

  “Ready for bed?” I asked, massaging her shoulders.

  She glanced back and swallowed. The air ignited with lust and sexual tension as I spun her chair and scooped her into my arms. Face-to-face, her arms went around my neck and she leaned in and kissed me.

  The room cleared fast.

  When her hand threaded under my shirt, I raked everything off the table with one arm and stretched her out in front of me.

  “Dangerous woman,” I murmured. Standing between her parted thighs, I ran my hands up the sides of her hips, yanking her in closer. Her legs dangled on each side of my thighs.

  One hand splayed on her bare stomach, the blue shirt bunched under her beasts. My hand on her pale skin showed off our differences. And yet we were still alike where it mattered.

  Her chest heaved and she gazed at me through hooded eyes.

  “Should we be doing this here?” she asked, but it didn’t really sound like she cared.

  I ignored the question and shoved her shirt up to her neck, exposing those large, inviting breasts, so exotic with the dark, erect peeks. Taking her left pebbled nipple between my fingers, she cried out and arched her back.

  Leaning over, I took the other peek gently between my teeth, scraping lightly. I enjoyed discovering the actions which gave her pleasure.

  “Ohhh…” she moaned, hands threaded into my hair.

  Then one hand began to stray downwards. My cock strained against my pants as the change took over, and my hands went to her wrist.

  “Please…” she begged softly. “Let me touch you.”

  Staring into her sincere, lust-filled eyes, I needed control, but also felt this overwhelming desire to grant her whatever she wanted.

  Slowly, I let go of her wrist.

  Arching up to a sitting position, I stood between her spread legs while her hands roamed over my body.

  A slow torture of pleasure…

  She would be the death of me.

  Holding my gaze, she flicked open the button on my pants, unzipping them. One hand wrapped around my cock. I hissed.

  Letting go, she shoved my pants down and slowly slipped off the table.
  It took every ounce of restraint I possessed not to bend her over and fuck her the way I wanted to. But curiosity got the better of me.

  What is she doing?

  She dropped to her knees and grabbed my cock with one hand as our gazes locked again.

  Fear shot through me when she opened her mouth and took my cock to the back of her throat. But there were no teeth sharp enough to do damage. She increased the suction as she worked me in and out of her mouth.

  The pleasure was so different—so intense—that my knees grew weak and I had to steady myself by grabbing the table with one hand.

  “Dangerous woman,” I repeated with a moan, shutting my eyes automatically. “You will surely be the death of me.”

  Opening my eyes again, I watched as she devoured my cock, licking then scraping her teeth along the outside. I thought I would explode!

  Of all the bed play I’d experienced, this was a first for me. How had this female wormed her way into my life? And now, I would never let her go.

  With a sense of last-minute clarity, I pulled out. Her disappointed eyes shot to mine. She frowned. I growled at those sorrowful eyes and wanted to shove my cock back inside. But the swelling would choke her.

  Pulling her to her feet, I ripped her pants down the center and bent her over the table. With one hard thrust, I sheathed myself to the hilt. She moaned as I slowly dragged myself out and surged back inside. Holding her hips, I increased my pace. Her insides gripped me with moist pleasure, almost to the point of pain. I needed to taste her, taste her sweet blood and bind her to me.

  Lifting her up while still inside, her back to my front, I wrapped my hands around her soft mounds while my hips continued to thrust in and out.

  My teeth scraped the fleshy side of her neck. When I clamped down, her scream echoed off the walls as she spasmed around my cock. I knew she’d found release.

  My own release built quickly as I feasted on her blood. My fok engaged, and the most intense orgasm had my hips bucking in spasms.

  With me on top, we both collapsed onto the table.

  Still deep inside, I clutched her outstretched hand over her head. Using my other arm, I shifted my weight slightly.

  “Oh shit, we’re in the dining room,” she said, breath heaving.

  “We are.”

  “Do you think anyone saw us?”

  I chuckled. “No.” But there was no way they had not heard the moaning, the screams.


  When the swelling subsided, I pulled out and scooped Millie up in my arms. My head had somewhat cleared as I carried her back to our apartment.

  The exhaustion kept her from noticing as we passed others in the hall. When they saw us, they quickly averted their eyes.

  Still naked, I tucked her into bed and crawled in beside her. She threw an arm over my chest and snuggled in close, and I wrapped mine around her.

  “Goodnight Murda,” she mumbled, sleep already taking her.

  “Goodnight.” I grinned. Technically, it was morning on Earth. It didn’t matter what time of day or night though; she always said goodnight when dozing off.

  Giving her a few minutes to ensure she wouldn’t wake, I dislodged my arm and crawled out of bed.

  After dressing, I headed to my office.

  Strikr, Venge, and Gar were already there. By their postures and the way they sat draped haphazardly across their chairs, I knew they were still somewhat intoxicated, as was I.

  “Could you have been a little louder, brother?” Gar asked, all formalities gone.

  “Jealous?” I grinned and dropped down into the chair behind the desk.

  “Yes. It has been a long time since any of us has felt the comforts of a female body.”

  Just thinking about Millie on her knees brought a smile to my face.

  “Although everyone had a good time, we will need to be more diligent,” I said seriously. “We cannot afford to be caught unaware.”

  Venge nodded. “I agree. Had I have known the effects, I would not have drunk so much.”

  The others nodded their agreement.

  Strikr seemed to sober a little. “Colonel Petroff keeps sending threatening messages, demanding to see his niece.”

  “Hmm…how does he know that Millicent is here with us?” Realistically, we could have been spotted together the night I caught her trying to sneak into Andore Territory… “Or could it be an assumption when they couldn’t find her?”

  Both were plausible scenarios.

  Strikr crossed his arms. “What would you have me say?”

  “Set up the meeting. I will speak to Millicent and see if she wishes to attend. For now, I have to appease the colonel somewhat.”

  “I will send a message. When would you like to meet with him?”

  “Twenty-four hours’ notice should be sufficient.”

  This would be a delicate situation. Until I knew for certain that a rescue ship was arriving, I needed to play by Human rules.

  For now.

  But no Human—not even Colonel Petroff—could overrule a Tizun mating ritual. The evidence ingrained itself into Millie’s palm. And if they tried to take her from me, it would be a declaration of war.

  “Let us speak of this again tomorrow.”

  Gar grinned. “Are you heading back to your female?”

  “If you had a warm female in your bed, I doubt you would be sitting here with us.”

  The others laughed as I walked out.



  With my leg thrown across Murda’s, my arm across his chest, I looked up and smiled. “Good morning.”

  He kissed my forehead, his fingers gently stroking my arm.

  “Sleep well?” he asked.

  “Yes. But my head hurts a little. I shouldn’t have had so much to drink.”

  “You were more open with your liquid courage.”

  “Ahh…don’t remind me.”

  Bits of images from last night surfaced. Me down on my knees, sucking him into my mouth. Another image of me spread almost naked across the table…

  “Oh shit! Did anyone else see us?”

  “Rest assured wife, nobody saw us.”

  “Good.” That would’ve been so embarrassing.

  After a beat of silence, Murda stroked my arm again. “Tell me about your family.”

  I glanced up at him, surprised by the sudden change of topic. “What would you like to know?”

  “Whatever you wish to share.”

  Always before, when I thought of them, I immediately thought of the man who killed them. And then I plotted how to find and kill the son of a bitch.

  But now… a wave of grief struck hard, and I swallowed.

  “Dad worked as a carpenter. Always helping people with odd jobs, even if they couldn’t pay him. He was good with his hands. My mom stayed home with me and my brother. She was always trying to get vegetables to grow. Some would, but they were puny, sad-looking plants.” I laughed with watery eyes. “Now, my brother Thomas, he was a typical boy. Always peeing off the porch. He didn’t care who saw him.” I smiled up at Murda. “Austin reminds me of Thomas.”

  Murda stroked my arm encouragingly. “Our house was small so when I was older, I stayed with friends most of the time. But we had family, laughter, love... And it was enough.”

  “And what of your friend?”


  He nodded.

  “I knew her growing up. We rekindled that friendship a few years back, but she never really knew me. Not really. By then, I kept everyone at arm’s length.”

  “I see.”

  “You were the only one who saw me—the real me.”

  “I smelled the blood.”

  I chuckled. “And found my daggers when you forced me to undress. I was so mad at you for that.”

  He smiled, his fingers playing in my hair. “I remember. It almost seems like a long time ago.”

  “Who would have thought that night you walked up behind me at the pond that I would
be laying in your bed?”

  “Our bed,” he corrected.

  Our bed…when I accepted his offer, I’d never thought I…

  “What did your men do yesterday, when they knelt?”

  “Ah yes. They swore their allegiance to you.”

  “Me?” My eyebrows shot up.

  “Yes. My Ryges.”

  “But they never said anything.”

  “In my culture, actions speak louder than words.”

  I wished it was that way with Humans too. Some of them seem to talk and talk with nothing to back it up. Especially the government officials; they evaded the truth with lots of confusing and empty words.

  Not that I was any better sometimes. With Jenna, I had consistently skated around the truth and worded things to sound mostly innocent.

  Another wave of sadness washed over me and I had a strong urge to see Jenna and the kids, to reassure her that I was okay and apologize for being dishonest. She had opened her house to me, and I owed her so much.

  Forcing those thoughts away, I ran my fingers over his scar, wondering at the origin and meaning of it, and why he bore it with such pride. I was just about to ask him when…

  “There is something I need to ask you.”

  Murda sounded so serious, it worried me a little. I propped up on an elbow to look him in the eyes. “Okay. What is it?”

  He tugged me back down into his arms. “Nothing is wrong.”

  “That’s good. Okay, ask away.”

  “Colonel Petroff knows that you are with me. I honestly believe he’s guessing, but he has been demanding to see you. Before you say anything, it is your choice. As my Ryges, you do not answer to him.”

  My heart kicked up a notch as I thought about how the bastard had practically given me away regardless of what Jyan would do to me. But staying away would put Murda in a predicament; by now the colonel was out for blood. And one way or another, he’d be determined to get his pound of flesh.

  If I agreed, I could witness his anger firsthand, knowing I’d beat him.

  “It could be a setup.” That was the most logical conclusion.

  “Yes,” he agreed.

  “Maybe if I learned how to better use my gift, we would know.”


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