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Page 16

by Renard, Loki

  But I don’t give him more. I let my tongue curl under the head of his cock, keeping him on the very edge of rough climax.

  “More,” he demands, tugging at the follicles, making my body flush with erogenous charge. I feel his desire for me, and his need for conquest. This will not end until we both have what we want.

  “MORE,” he nearly shouts the word, barking the rough command in desperate hope that these soft human lips can bring him to the powerful orgasm building between us.

  I pull back, giving him nothing, letting the cool air flow around his thick, hot rod, rebelling as I have rebelled so many times before.

  “Brat,” he growls, pulling me up from the floor. It is my turn to experience sensual torment as Krave grasps my thighs with his massive hands and holds me nearly above his head, his horns folded back as he puts my legs over his shoulders and uses the flickering ends of his forked tongue to tease me the same way I just teased him, the lightest of wet brushes against my soft, tender clit making me moan with impending orgasmic release.

  He can only take my whimpers of desire for so long. His patience was already wearing thin and my sex grinding against his face does nothing for his self control.

  Krave handles me with rough ease as I am swung down, turned around, pressed over the control board and penetrated with rough urgency which makes me scream and grunt like an animal. I will never get used to the feeling of his alien appendage inside me, the thick ridges stretching me with every thrust, claiming me, marking me, demanding I milk him into the soft chalice of my sex.

  We make love in orbit around the planet of humans who know us not, who sense us not, who have likely long forgotten the thirteen people who gave up the safety of the simulation and near eternal life.

  They might not know where they come from, but I am coming hard above them, my body shaking with the force of the dominant lust being inflicted upon me with every rough thrust, my hips captured, my sex conquered, my knees pressing against the floor of the shuttle as Krave drags me down with disciplinary rutting, teaching me a lesson every time his thickness plunges inside me, drawing wetness from the deepest parts of my body.

  “You kneel so prettily for me,” he growls, pulling both arms back behind my body, using them to slide my hips back, impaling my sex on his impossibly hard erection.

  I answer with a scream of desire. He is not showing me any mercy. He is making me kneel, just like I asked him to. Krave holds me down against the floor of the shuttle, one massive clawed hand on the back of my neck, the other on my hip to spread my ass for him. He holds me down and makes thorough love to me, making sure I am well used and completely satisfied.

  I kneel because it is hot as hell.

  I kneel because kneeling pleases us both.

  I kneel because I am human.

  And humans must kneel.


  Enjoyed Humans Must Kneel? Want more? The Possessive Aliens series has a spin-off!

  Read all about Vulcan’s adventures as an alien marooned on an ancient Earth in CAVE ALIEN, the first book to be published in the Ancient Earth Aliens series.

  Excerpt follows:


  I’m hungry.

  Not the kind of peckish you get between meals. Or even the deeper ache you get during a fast. I’m ravenous.

  A fly lands on my lips and my tongue darts out to try to catch it, but it is gone in a flutter of wings, more free than I will ever be again.

  My arms and legs are bound to the starving board. Soon I will become nothing but bones for the mouth of the cave, big and small littering the entrance as warning to those who disobey the chief of my tribe.

  When they first tied me down I screamed, but it made my throat sore and it did nothing to hasten the end, nor did it bring any hope of rescue.

  When I stopped screaming, I started singing. Now my voice is faint, nothing but a whisper, but still I sing to the ancestors. I sing to my mother and her mother, all the women who sacrificed themselves in blood to enable me to draw the breath my tribe are trying to take from me, the very thing that allows me to sing.

  I wish I could see the stars, but they positioned me in such a way I can only see the top of the cave. I am becoming intimately familiar with each of the handprints painted on the walls, blown in place with dyes through straws. In several months they will come for my bones and add the new prints of the young warriors who have survived the ordeal of adulthood.

  A male must become adult by trial, but a woman becomes an adult when she bleeds and brings an infant into the world. I have bled, but no man has mated with me. I was born cursed with hair the color of blood, and eyes the color of trees. My tribe is sky-eyed and coal haired. It is said my father was not of our tribe. It is said that he was a demon from the stars. It is said that I was born singing, not crying. So many things are said, but I will not hear any of them again. Soon my hearing will fade. My senses will turn inward and end in darkness. I was born out of darkness and now I prepare to return to it. I find myself anticipating it, the peace which might come without the burdens of existence. Soon I shall sing and dance with the ancestors who wait to embrace me, their hand prints forming a welcoming fan above me, reaching toward me. If only I could reach back, we might touch, and this would be over…


  A silver cylinder falls from the sky and lands more or less at my feet, blinking gently with red and green lights. It speaks as I pick it up.

  “Vulcan, you idiot.”

  It’s Tyank. My broodkin. I would never admit it, but hearing his voice brings an absolute cascade of relief running through me.

  “Tyank! What’s happening?”

  “You're being what Krave’s girl would call a huge dumbass," Tyank says.

  “Massive dumbass!” A female human voice cuts in.

  “Why do you have Krave’s female? Where is Krave?”

  “Trying to get your dumb ass out of there. I like the word dumbass,” Tyank says. “I think that should be your new name. Dumbass.”

  Ordinarily this level of disrespect would make me perform divine acts of violence upon my mouthy last hatched broodkin, but I am so glad to hear him he could say anything he liked to me. As for the human, I hope Krave returns to her soon because she sounds as if she is getting out of hand, even at this great distance.

  “Stop calling me names and tell me what’s happened. Where am I?”

  “Oh you’re never going to guess,” Tyank snorts.

  “No, I’m not. That’s why I’m asking you to tell me.”

  “Can you guess?”

  “I don’t want to guess, Tyank,” I snarl. “Tell me. Now.”

  “Don't tell him,” Seven chimes in. “Make him guess.”

  “Tell. Me.” I snarl the words into the communicator, knowing how futile it is to try to give orders at this distance. Tyank has always been difficult. He is a brave warrior and a dangerous scythkin, but he is also an utter little jerk when he wants to be. “Or get Krave on this line.”

  “Krave’s really busy,” Tyank says. “You have no idea the mess you’re in. It is really incredible. I always thought I’d be the one to fuck up so badly I was beyond rescue, but it’s you!”

  I fall silent.

  “You still there?” Tyank chirps.

  “I’m still here. Waiting for you to tell me what’s going on.”

  “You’re on Earth.”

  I fall silent.

  “You there?”

  “I’m here.”

  “Good, because the calculations it takes to make this communicator work are incredible. We’ve had to use most of the simulation’s databanks to get it working.”

  I’m on Earth? How humiliating, to be hoping for rescue from a planet which I know very well does not exist anymore. Earth was finally destroyed by a scythkin council after being previously destroyed by Galactor’s poison. It is not possible to be on Earth.

  “You managed to get yourself caught in a time warp,” he explains. “You're stu
ck on ancient Earth. We’re going to try to get a ship through the temporal field, but it’s not going to be easy. You could be there a while. Krave says to stay out of the way of any humans. He left me something to read to you. Hang on. I’ll do it in his voice.”

  Tyank lowers his voice into an even deeper growl, mimicking our beloved brood leader. “A single modern human is a mosaic of thousands of ancestors. If you interfere with even one woman or man on that planet, major figures might never be born. Humanity has relied on the insights of a few great figures throughout history in order to make progress. By the twenty first century, most modern humans couldn’t build a toaster but they routinely used technology capable of sending satellites into space in order to show one another something they called duck face. Point is, you have to stay out of the way.”

  Sit and do nothing. That’s what Krave told me to do in the first place, but I wanted to go into battle. I ignored his order. I insisted on going to fight Galactor’s forces, and now I’m alone on an ancient Earth reborn, somehow living in a world which should have ceased to exist with the passage of time.

  “Keep this communicator close. We will contact you with updates as they come.”

  “Alright. Thank you.”

  “Oh, one last thing.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Stay safe, dumbass.”

  Tyank is talking like he comes from that human prison. He should know better than that. He should have more dignity than that. But I’m smiling as I sign off. He’s ridiculous. But he’s also family - and right now, my only hope of rescue.

  * * *

  I decide to head up to the volcanic plane. It is active and humans rarely travel there. My anatomy allows me to breathe the acrid atmosphere without becoming ill, and I like the cave system which runs through the mountains, old vents pushed out by previous explosions. This planet is alive on every level.

  With any luck, the clouds which often cloak the peaks will provide enough cover for Krave to pick me up in. We do not want these humans to see us. It could be a total disaster if they became used to us, or even worse, were exposed to our technology. It is important this species develops on its own.

  I reach the mouth of a cave high in the mountains and decide it will be my base. It’s dry and its roomy and it will hide me from prying eyes. There’s just one problem, a strange sound coming through the connected cave tunnels, a soft, mournful rasping whimper. It sounds like a wounded animal, something which needs to be put out of its misery. I am hungry, so perhaps we might help each other out, me and this wounded animal which will no doubt be in possession of precious fats, proteins, and amino acids.

  I follow the sound on swift but silent feet. I am not that hungry. Scythkin do not need to eat as often as humans and other creatures on this planet who begin to suffer after a matter of hours. But I am bored, and I do like to hunt. One missing small creature should not overly affect the timeline, and if it is dying anyway then there is no harm.

  As I get closer, I become more certain that this is a dying animal. There is a sound which only emerges from the terminally wounded. Those who are hurt and calling for help have a desperate edge to their tone, a volume and a will to survive. But the whimpers I hear now are so soft they barely count as sounds. These are not intended to communicate anything, they are just the escaping whimpers of a voice soon to be heard no more.

  I round the corner of the cave and find myself in the presence of the beast. There I stop, not sure what I am seeing.

  There is a plank of wood propped up on two rocks, and there is a body on it. A female with a flash of fiery hair. She is tied to the board so tightly she cannot move so much as a finger. For some reason I cannot begin to fathom, she has been restrained and left alone in this cave which routinely fills with gases toxic to humans - but that is not the worst of her predicament. If anything, the gas would be a mercy. They have left her without food or water. They have left her to die a slow death of starvation. Humans truly are nasty little creatures.

  I take a step toward her, then stop. I was specifically told not to meddle in human affairs. It is not my place to save those who would have died, or kill those who would have lived.

  It has always been my opinion that humans are little better than animals. I have no great attachment to them, but I cannot leave this one to suffer. A quick death will be more merciful than the slow one she has been left to endure and the outcome will be the same.

  My claws unsheathed, I reach for her, prepared to end her pathetic, whimpering life. Just before the sharp blades of my body set her blood free, her eyes meet mine. They focus for a split second with a magnetic gaze which captures something at the very core of me. I stand, staring, turned to stone, unable to do anything but drink her innocent, broken beauty in.

  “Fuck,” I curse under my breath, knowing that I am about to save the girl - and destroy the world.


  Liked that excerpt?

  Order CAVE ALIEN by clicking here.

  Also previously published in the Possessive Aliens Series:

  MINE: A Possessive Alien Romance



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