I was a Bet

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I was a Bet Page 4

by Mansi Negi

  "No, of course not, it's just... I just… Jonas, did you?" I was losing it. I needed to get Lorna and get out of here before my parents woke up.

  "Don't you have a boyfriend? Why are you worried about it? You certainly weren't interested in anything last night." He lowered his head looking at me inquisitively.

  He stepped forward, grabbing his towel and I let my eyes slide down his body.

  God Lyla, what's wrong with you? I shifted my gaze back to his face, and my face reddened at the smirk he was wearing. He saw it. He'd saw me looking. "Don't be mad at me Princess, I can't help that you want me and the feeling isn't mutual."

  He pressed his lips into a kiss and pulled the curtain closed.1

  I stormed out of the bathroom completely irritated. I smacked Lorna's leg.

  "Wake up we're going." I hissed at her. "Put your clothes on." I barked. "Slut."

  I said the last part under my breath hoping she would hear it anyway. I grabbed Jonas' truck keys off of his night stand hoping I'd make him angry by taking it.

  Lorna pulled her clothes on, rolling her eyes at me.3

  "You don't have to be pissed Lyla. I'm sorry I didn't mean to step on your toes." She said, her annoying voice like nails on a chalkboard.

  "You know what Lorna, never come back over. I'm so over you right now. You are..." I stopped myself, not wanting to waste the breath it would take to finish.

  I stormed down the stairs with Lorna on my heels.

  "I'm sorry Lyla, you're my only friend, please don't be mad." She was really putting it on.

  "Yes, Lorna and why do you think that is? You are not my friend, you haven't come over since we were in sixth grade before last night, and you know what. I am fine with that. I'm fine if I don't see you again...ever!" I was so mad. Part of me felt bad for taking it all out on Lorna, but her behaviour had been ridiculous.7

  I drove her home in silence.

  Taking my time to get back, making good and sure Jonas would know I'd taken his truck.

  His old beat up pick up that smelled like cigarettes and oil. He would be the owner of this thing.

  I slammed my fists on his steering wheel, hoping it would do some sort of damage, but it just ended up hurting my hands.

  I drove up our road and saw Jonas standing in bare feet at the end of the drive. He dragged a hand through his hair as he glared at me from where he stood.

  Good, I hope he's mad. I pulled into the drive and hadn't even parked before he threw open the passenger door and jumped into the seat.

  "What the fuck Delilah?!" He yelled, turning the key and ripping it from the ignition. "You stole my fucking car!"

  He moved across the seat as I threw the driver's side door open. His hand reached around me grabbing it and pulling it shut.

  "You think you're entitled to my things? The things that I have worked hard for! Unlike you Princess, I don't have everything handed to me. I actually had to work to buy this truck.

  Just because I offer to fuck you, doesn't give you the right to storm into my fucking room when I'm naked in the shower and to steal my fucking car!" The veins in his neck were popping out, and I realized that I had done exactly what he'd just said, but it wasn't unwarranted.

  "You wouldn't leave my room last night!" I yelled back, pointing a finger at him, realizing just how minuscule that sounded in comJonason.

  "And you had sex with my friend!" Again, I realized that was none of my business. Especially because I had denied him last night.

  "Get your fucking finger out of my face right now Delilah!" He grabbed my hand forcing it behind my back and sliding across the last bit of seat so that he was practically on top of me.

  "Just admit to yourself that you want me instead of acting like a jealous, crazy, bitch!" He grabbed my other wrist and brought it behind my back on the other side of my body.

  "I had to work this morning Lyla. If I lose my job because of you..." he said defeated, hanging his head over me and closing his eyes.

  "Oh... I'm sorry, I didn't know that." I wanted to yell at him some more, but I did feel bad about making him late to work.

  "Yes" He said, letting me go and sitting up. "Just get the fuck out of here."

  He held his head in his hand as I climbed down out of the truck. I made my way inside and was greeted by the sound of screaming children in the kitchen.

  "Delilah Moore!" My mom yelled from the kitchen. "Did you really take Jonas' truck without even asking? Young lady, he had to work this morning, and you don't do that, I raised you better than that. I want you to go to your room, you're grounded this week. Which means no leaving your room. Got it?" She raised a brow.

  I hadn't seen her this mad since I'd gotten into a fist fight with the pastor’s son in third grade over a bible verse and been kicked out of Sunday school for three Sunday's.2

  "Mom, I'm 18." I rolled my eyes.

  "Yes, and you just broke the law. Unacceptable." She quipped back, pointing toward the staircase. I really hated Lorna and Jonas right now, but I'd take my punishment, it was worth it to make Jonas as angry as I'd been.

  I threw myself on to my bed and looked over to Tyler's room. His door was shut. I picked up a shoe and threw it at it. It slowly opened. He was still in bed.

  "Yes?" He asked with his eyes closed.

  "I hate your brother." I said in a groan.

  "No, you don't." He said back, still not bothering to open his eyes.

  "Yes, I do, I really hate him, like on a hate scale of one to ten, he's at an eleven." I continued, even though Tyler clearly didn't want to talk.

  "What did he do Lyla? Did he sleep with that girl?" He finally raised his head up to look at me and stretched his arms above his head.

  "Lorna? Yes. he did, but that's not why. I just think he's so pompous and rude and he's just a horrible person." I sighed and rolled my eyes. Tyler sighed back.1

  "Yep, you don't hate him Lyla, you like him, that's why you're pissed. For God's sake you were literally moaning his name in your sleep last night." He scoffed at me, rubbing his hand over his chin in thought.

  "I don't like him. I hate him, and he got me grounded. I just want to punch him." I said irritated that he wasn't agreeing with me. Just then Jonas walked around the corner.1

  "I didn't get you grounded, babe. You got yourself grounded, acting like a psycho bitch." He drew out the last couple of words letting his accent wrap them and making them sound even worse than they already would have. He stormed passed me and upstairs.

  "Yikes, who is pissed now?" Tyler asked, grinning ear to ear at me.

  "I stole his car." I said quietly.

  "You did what?" He raised his brow letting his grin grow into a smile and snickering.

  "I took Lorna home in his car without asking...and he had to work." I said loud enough so he could hear this time.

  "And you're still alive... he likes you too." Tyler laughed, but I got the feeling he wasn't totally joking.

  "I mean that, he likes you Lyla. You should..." he stopped as Jonas stormed back by in his boots this time.

  "Dick." I said as he walked by my room, not even realizing that it was going to come out of my mouth.

  "What did you just call me you pretentious little bitch?" He turned on me, storming to where I sat on the bed and leaned over me.

  He pressed the palm of his hand over my mouth and grabbed the back of my hair. "Shut that mouth before I shut it for you." He growled down at me before pulling my hair back so I was looking directly up at him.

  "Don't fuck with me anymore today Lyla."9

  My hand connected with his face.

  "What the fuck?" He brought his hand from over my mouth to his cheek and rubbed it. His eyes glared down at me, fire burning in them, his breathing was getting heavy and I felt scared for how he was going to react to that.

  Had he been abused, did I just trigger him in some way, but before I could apologize his mouth crashed into mine and his body collided into me forcing me down on the bed.4

I moaned his name against his tongue, and he pulled back, groaning.1

  "Break up with your boyfriend." He ordered, as he stood and turned on his heel.

  He stormed out of the room slamming Tyler's door on the way.

  "Quit talking to him." He barked at me and ran down the stairs. Tyler's door creeped open again and I looked at him with red cheeks.5

  "Told you." He half smiled at me. "Just be careful, is what I was going to say. Tread lightly with Jonas, he has a temper..." he ran his hand through his hair.

  "I'm not interested." I said, straightening my hair where it was tousled from Jonas' grasp.1

  "Yes, you are." He lazily said, laying back in his bed and looking over at me.1

  "Why do you say that?" I asked, laughing.

  "I can just tell, you two are always staring at each other when the other ones not looking." He smirked.

  "And then there was the kitchen yesterday and the pool." He redirected his gaze to the bed behind me where Jonas had just made me moan his name and I felt like an idiot for even asking.

  "It's him, it's not me. I hate him and I stare at you too." I said before I had thought it through.

  “That's been a little confusing." He admitted.

  "I'm sorry Tyler." I said. "I mean, it's wrong for me to be with either of you. This is all really the opposite of what I want to do." I said, trying to back pedal a bit.

  "It's cool Lyla really... I mean you're hot as fuck, but I'm not really the dating type." He shrugged.

  "So, what are you, the hit it and quit it type?" I laughed because it wasn't a phrase I ever thought would come out of my mouth and he smiled too.

  "No, not that either, I'm more of the fucked-up mess, can't do either type, but I'd try, for a girl like you." He laughed, making it a joke, but his eyes met mine and I could tell he meant it. I wished I felt the pull toward him that I felt toward Jonas, we got along so much better.2

  First day of School

  Monday morning came too soon as I'd spent the entire day Sunday in my room, binge watching shows.

  I'd even ate my dinner in my room thanks to Jonas.

  Tyler hadn't been much company he left me and went shopping with my mom for new clothes and school uniforms.

  I put on my school uniform and helped Tristan get ready for her first day of Montessori.1

  "You can ride with Jonas and Tyler to school to help them find their way around." My mom said.

  "I've got to take Tristan in and talk with her teacher this morning." She finished.1

  Great, absolutely great.1

  I gathered my books and threw them in my book bag, holding my face from a smile when Jonas walked down the stairs in his uniform.

  He shot me glare and headed straight for the truck. Me and Tyler followed him out.

  "Something amusing Princess?" He asked from the front seat.

  "No, nothing at all...just thought you weren't a mindless zombie." I said, pulling my lips between my teeth to hold back laughter.

  "Oh, you think you're so funny huh?" He answered, glancing back at me in the mirror with a scowl on his face. I didn't answer.

  Pulling up to St. Edward's I felt a little nervous.

  I knew how Lorna had reacted to the twins, that was going to be the reaction of every girl here. I couldn't wait to break away from them so I wouldn't get the twenty question interrogation from the entire cheer squad.

  I walked through the front door ahead of them so no one would know we had come together.

  I already saw the wandering eyes of all of my classmates in the parking lot. Lorna ran over to them.

  "Hey guys, have you got your schedules yet? I can show you around." She smiled and led them to the office.

  I was thankful she had volunteered and taken that load off of my back. The fewer people that knew who they were to me, the better.1

  At lunch I walked into the cafeteria with a group of my friends. Tyler was sitting alone at a table.

  "Isn't that your foster brother?" Casey, from my cheer squad asked, before leading us to his table and plopping down next to him. I nodded my head and took a seat across from him.

  "Hey Tyler, how is it going?" I asked, meeting his eyes.

  "I hate school." He responded with a smile, before all the girls sitting with us started talking to him, asking what he thought of St. Ed's, how he liked his teacher's, how he was adjusting, and a million other questions.

  I glanced around the room looking for Jonas and caught him looking at me from a table across the room.

  He had somehow managed to find the group of popular jocks, and seemed to fit right in with them. I gave him a smile and went back to chatting with my group of friends.

  I didn't notice him walk over, until all of the eyes at my table redirected to something behind me. I turned around and saw him standing there.

  "Hey Delilah." He smirked at me.5

  "Yes Jonas." I tried to hide the distain in my voice at him using my full name in front of my entire friend group.

  He smacked his schedule down on the table in front of Tyler and I.

  "This is my last period class." He pointed to the eighth period algebra class.

  "Meet me here at the end of the day if you want a ride home." He looked between Tyler and I. Tyler nodded.

  "That's my last period class too, so I'll already be there." I said, not looking in his direction.

  "Oh goodie, we have class together." He said sarcastically, before snatching up the paper and walking away.

  "Hey Delilah." Casey said sensually, faking a British accent. "What was that all about?" She asked, "and why is he staring over here at you."

  I turned around and saw Jonas' eyes locked on me. He gave me a little smirk before joining the guy sitting beside him in laughter and adding to the conversation going on at his table.

  "How would I know." I said, looking back at her and then at Tyler who gave me a knowing wink.

  I knew he was just confirming with me what he had said before, that Jonas liked me, but I hated this. He was my foster brother, and everyone here would find his affection totally creepy.

  Even I, myself, found it to be a little off putting. He didn't know anything about me, nor did I about him.2

  I was the first student to arrive to eighth period algebra. I took my usual seat at the front of the classroom and greeted Mr. Schultz.

  He was everyone's favourite teacher. Aside from coaching basketball, he was drop dead gorgeous and fresh out of college as of last year.5

  "Good afternoon Miss Moore." He smiled at me, and I blushed.

  "Good afternoon Mr. Schultz." I beamed back. Jonas walked in and gave me a funny look as his eyes bounced between the teacher and I.

  "You must be..." Mr. Schultz walked over to him extending a hand.

  "Jonas." He said coolly, pinching his brows together in a scowl.

  "Ahh, yes, Jonas." Mr. Schultz snapped his fingers and shook Jonas' hand. "Why don't you take a seat beside Miss Moore here and that way if you have any questions? I'm sure she can assist you." Jonas smiled down at me as he slid into his seat, scooting his desk closer to mine at the same time.

  "I'm going to need lot's of help Miss Moore." He whispered mockingly toward me.

  "Lorna also tutors, I'm sure she'd be more than willing to help you Mr. Landry." I said dryly, not even bothering to look up at him this time.

  "Nope, you'd be far too jealous. I wouldn't want to see which of my things you would take for that one." He joked and I pretended not to hear him.1

  Class began and I made an effort not to look at Jonas the entire time. Casey tapped my back and handed me a small piece of paper. "Your brother is staring at you again." It read.

  I glanced over at Jonas and his eyes were focused on me.

  "What?" I mouthed raising my shoulders and arms in question. He shot out his bottom lip into a pout.

  "I'm sorry." He mouthed back and I rolled my eyes, but the corner of my mouth turned up into a crooked grin. I couldn't help it. He had looked so cute wear
ing a pout.

  The bell rang and everyone made their way out of the classroom. Jonas and I waited for Tyler.

  "Can you kids close this door when you leave?" Mr. Schultz asked, looking at his watch.

  "Sure." I smiled back to him, fighting my blush as he walked out, turning out the light on his way.

  "Miss Moore don't be so obvious." Jonas mocked me.

  "Shut-up Jonas." I said, rolling my eyes.

  "You still pissed at me Princess?" He asked stepping closer.

  "I'm not pissed Jonas. I just don't like you." I responded in a flat tone. To which he leaned his hands on either side of the desk beside me and met my eyes.

  "I said I was sorry Lyla." He stared at me.

  "Apology not accepted." I looked up at the clock behind his head. Come on Tyler, get me out of here.5

  "I didn't sleep with her ok?" He said, and I looked back at him.

  "She was in your bed half naked Jonas, now you're lying."

  "No, really..." he ran a hand through his hair before setting it back on the desk. "I laid in bed with you all night, and when I went to my bedroom in the morning she was there, so I jumped in the shower and then... well, you know the rest." He leaned closer to me.

  "Look at me Lyla, I'm not lying to you." My eyes landed on his and they stared at me intently, like he was desperate for me to believe him.2

  "Then why didn't you just tell me that?" I asked, sighing an annoyed heave.

  "Because it wasn't your business Lyla, also because I kind of liked the fact that you were jealous." He looked away from me for the first time and I thought I saw his cheeks darken a little. His confession was almost sweet. I felt his finger graze mine on the desk and pulled my hand up right away.

  "Why won't you forgive me Lyla?" He asked me, cocking his head to the side and leaning his face even closer to mine.

  "Did you break up with your boyfriend yet?" He smirked at me and I felt my heart beat pick up as he grabbed my hands and brought them behind my back, causing my upper body to jolt forward against him.

  "Am I making you nervous Princess?" He asked in a whisper against the side of my face and I felt his body crash into mine again, like he had done yesterday in my bedroom.

  The desk slid across the floor under our weight and his mouth was glued to mine feverishly.3


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