I was a Bet

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I was a Bet Page 5

by Mansi Negi

  I felt my legs part as he slid his knee between them and he wasted no time sliding his large body between them before I could get my bearings, and actually make a move to stop him.

  "Jonas." My voice was muffled by his lips and tongue attacking my mouth.

  "Jonas, stop." He ground against me and grunted, making no move to stop what he had started. "Jonas please, someone will see you." He pulled back at that.

  "Is that it, Princess? Are you embarrassed of me?" He said, looking at me with hate on his face. "Afraid I might tarnish your perfect little fucking image?"

  He knocked my book off my desk and it collided with the floor sending a loud boom echoing through the room.

  "Find your own fucking ride home Miss fucking Moore, I'm sure your teacher friend would gladly take you." He scoffed and stormed out, grabbing Tyler's arm as he was headed in and leaving me there with no way home.2

  I was grounded from my phone so I didn't even have a way to reach my mom.

  I sat there stunned at Jonas' audacity for the longest time, hoping he'd walk back in looking for me, but when I went to the parking lot, his truck was gone.

  I made my way to the office, where I asked the secretary if I could call home. I made up a story about some confusion with who would be picking me up and dialled my mom.

  "Umm, I kind of need a ride mom."

  "Delilah honey, Jonas is on his way to get you, he should be there any minute. He felt terrible that he forgot to wait for you." She replied to me.

  He was such a liar. I should have told her right then, the way he'd told on me when I'd taken his truck, but I didn't.

  "Oh, ok... thanks." Was all I managed to get out, before I looked through the office window and saw the truck pull up to the front of the building.

  I made my way outside and opened the passenger side door, flopping my book bag in first so there was a barrier between us.

  I wanted to prevent myself from strangling him to death after he had been such a jerk. He didn't look at me.

  "Get in!" He barked.

  "You know what? On second thought, I'll just walk." I grabbed my bag back and slammed the door as he pressed the gas and flew through the parking lot straight passed me, squealing his tires as he whipped the truck in a circle and drove back toward me.

  He cranked his driver's side window down as he pulled up next to me.1

  "It's like ten miles Lyla, get in." He said through the window.

  "No thanks, Jonas." I blew passed him in a huff. He put the truck in reverse and backed up in front of me blocking my way out.

  "I'm sorry ok? Now get in the damn truck!" He ordered.

  "Actually Jonas, I don't take orders from you, so no. I will not be riding with you anymore."

  I folded my arms across my chest and tapped my foot waiting for him to move.1

  "I'm not going to move this truck so you might as well just get in Princess!" He said with a sigh.


  I turned around to walk back the way I had come from. There were plenty of other exits in the school from which I could leave.

  I heard his door slam shut and picked up my pace. His hands grabbed me around my waist and before I had time to fight, he had thrown me over his shoulder.

  "Stop Jonas!" I screamed. "Put me down, right now!" He carried me with ease over to the truck.

  "Not a chance, I came to get you, and you're coming with me." He said amused by the fight I was putting up against him.

  I think even more so by the fact that it was having absolutely no effect on the outcome of what he was doing.

  He pulled open the driver's side door and heaved me in, grabbing my wrists before I could scramble to the other side and jump out.

  He jumped in and took off through the parking lot, still holding my wrists.

  "Ugh, Jonas, I seriously hate you, let me go!" I screamed, kicking a foot against the dashboard in anger.

  "No, can’t Delilah... you're a flight risk now." He laughed at me. When he turned on to the highway, he finally let my arms go and I sat up, my hand instinctually swatting him in the back of the head.1

  "This isn't even the way home." I said, rubbing my wrists where he'd held them tight enough that they were red.

  "No shit Sherlock. I want to take you somewhere." He said, looking at me, amusement still shining in his eyes.

  "How about you take me home." I rolled my eyes and scooted across the seat away from him.1

  "Aww, Lyla don't be like that, I said I was sorry." He stuck his pouty lip out at me again and I covered my face so he wouldn't see me smile.1

  "Stop it! Don't do that!" I peeked out from between my fingers at him and he deepened the pout.

  "Don't do what Lyla?" he questioned, laughing and pulling my hands from my face.

  "Don't be all cute when I'm trying to be mad at you Jonas. It's not ok!" I swatted his hand away from me.

  "You think I'm cute! I knew it!" He laughed at me, biting his lower lip between his teeth playfully.

  He continued driving for a while before pulling off on an exit that led to country roads.2

  "So where are you taking me all the way out here? Should I be scared Jonas?" I laughed.

  "You know I'm grounded right, my mom is going to be so mad." She was too, she rarely grounded me, but when she did, she meant business and I knew it.

  "Fuck your mum Lyla." Jonas said matter of factly.1

  "Jonas!" I scolded him, shocked at what he'd just said.

  "I mean, I'll deal with her, you're fine, consider it...sibling bonding time." He smiled at me and bit his lip in a way that oozed sex appeal, and had me staring at his mouth again.4

  Dang it.

  I had to get rid of these hormones that were making me hot every time he payed me any kind of sexual attention.

  This could not continue between us. I looked out my window as he turned down what appeared to be a trail in the woods and I watched the road disappear in the rear-view mirror.

  "This is a murder isn't it?" I laughed, hitting his arm as we drove deeper and deeper into the woods, until we emerged into a field, still surrounded by trees.

  "What is this place Jonas?" I asked, thinking it was beautiful and not pegging him for the type to appreciate nature's beauty.1

  "Come on and I'll show you." He turned off the truck and hopped out, rounding to my side and opening my door. He grabbed my hand helping me down and began to walk toward a small trail on the other side of the clearing.

  "This way." He said over his shoulder.

  We walked down the trail for a short time before I heard water. He peeled his shirt off and discarded it in the branches of a small tree and turned to me.

  "Well?" He said running his eyes over my clothes. "Get undressed then." He finished.

  "What? Umm, no, no way. This was a bad idea for you to bring me here Jonas, we should go." I said, staring at the tattoo on his bicep.

  "You like that do you?" He asked rubbing his hand over it.

  "Yes, what is it?" I asked.

  "A tattoo..." he arched an eyebrow at me and I laughed.

  "Duh, I mean does it have any meaning to you?" I laughed at him as he stumbled out of his boots.

  "No, not really, not many things have meaning to me Delilah." He said, as he began to unbutton his pants.

  "Are you really not going to swim?" He asked hanging his pants in the tree and stepping toward me.1

  "No, I don't think so Jonas." I said, stepping away.

  "Fine, suit yourself, but I'm betting you'll change your mind on that Princess." He grabbed my hand and took off down the trail. The trees were so dense that they were hard to see through, and I found myself wiping sweat from my brow.

  We had walked quietly, when we came to a small clearing and I saw it — A waterfall ran from the peak of a tall ravine.

  The water cascaded over smooth rock and fell probably 40 feet into what appeared to be a large pond. It seemed to be deep as it was clear and the bottom was definitely not visible after a few feet.

>   It really was beautiful like something you would see in a painting or a magazine. Jonas climbed the ravine and disappeared.1

  "Cannon ball" he yelled as he reappeared at the edge of the cliff and took flight.

  "Oh my god! Jonas!" I yelled as my body flinched in fear and he hit the pool of water below disappearing beneath the surface.

  I waited for him to re surface, my heart started to beat through my chest. "Jonas!" I yelled his name at the water's edge, thinking he would eventually pop up, but he never did.

  Oh shit.

  I quickly removed my dress shirt and skirt, kicking off my shoes and peeling my socks away as I ran in terror into the water and dove toward where Jonas went under.

  It was deep, really deep and I dove under again and again searching for him with my hands frantically.

  Suddenly I felt large, warm, hands wrap around me from behind, and Jonas' breath at my ear.

  "Searching for something Princess?" He asked, pulling my body against his.1

  "Oh my god Jonas. Don't ever do that to me again." I exhaled, and felt my shoulders relax.

  "Hey you got in, didn't you?" He said, turning my body to face him, pulling me close and hoisting my body up by my thighs so that my legs wrapped around him.

  "I'm happy you were worried about me." He smiled at me, rubbing his hands up my legs and letting them slide under the bottom of my tank top.1

  "You have to stop Jonas. This can't happen between you and me." I said, wrapping my arms around his neck and laying my head on his shoulder.

  My words sounded ridiculous. They came out so seductive. My chest felt heavy against his, and I could tell by the way he pushed his body against me, he noticed.

  "I know Lyla," he said, turning and nipping at my earlobe, sending shivers down my spine. "We can't do this." He said, lowering his mouth, and opening it over my neck, sucking my flesh all the way down to my collar bone.

  "And we can’t do this." He said, reaching his hands the rest of the way under my tank top until he met my breasts. He began rubbing them with one hand while he lifted my bra and tank top over my head with the other and tossed them to shore.

  He moved his mouth to the soft flesh and began to suck it into his mouth, as his hips started to move against me until I felt my back come in contact with the rocky shore behind me. "And we most certainly cannot do this." He whispered, pushing my body up shore and tugging my panties off.

  "Jonas..." my voice was breathless as he lowered himself bringing his mouth to my sensitive flesh and sucking it into his mouth, his tongue traced between my folds and I felt my back arch off of the ground.

  "Yes, Delilah, let me make you feel good baby." He said as he drew me into his mouth again and again until I felt pleasure begin to unravel inside of me.

  My breath started to turn into moans and my fingers locked into his hair, pulling him against me, until everything exploded, and I began to convulse against his tongue.

  "Jonas!" His name fell from my lips in a lust filled pant. He dug his fingers into the thick flesh of my thighs, swirling and lapping his tongue against me until my body stilled.

  "We should definitely never do that again." He said, moving himself over top of me and hovering above my naked body. Soul crushing guilt over took me and I moved my hands to cover my face. Embarrassment reddened all of my skin and I'd never felt more disgusted with myself.

  "Ugh, Jonas, this is so wrong... I mean...I don't even know anything about you." I said, drawing my hands over myself to cover my nakedness.2

  "Don't be embarrassed, Princess." He smiled at me, gently pulling me up from the rocks and lifting my legs and back to carry me back to my clothes.

  He placed me on the ground and handed me my wet tank top and bra and my panties, that I quickly threw on, before slipping my feet into my shoes.

  "You're beautiful Lyla. Seriously, you shouldn't be embarrassed." He leaned in to kiss me and I pulled away.

  "It's not that." I said, unable to meet his eyes, I swallowed the uneasy lump forming in my throat. He looked at me, his eyes full of curiosity.

  "It's this," I whirled a finger between the two of us. "It's never going to be right between us."

  "How can you say that after what just happened Lyla? Don't you want this? Or do you just think that I'm not good enough for you?" He looked at me with hurt in his eyes.

  "No, Jonas, it's not that. I mean it's our situation. You living with me. It would never be accepted by anyone, not my parents, not the kids at school. It's just wrong." I let him wrap his arms around me and pull me into a hug.

  "Why are you so worried about what everyone else will think Delilah? We can keep it a secret.

  I'll be 18 in less than two weeks... and we can get our own place. I'll pick up hours at the shop, and you can graduate and get a job." He pulled back looking at me.13

  Yikes! He couldn't be serious.

  "Jonas... I don't want to move out with you. I don't even know you and you don't know me. I'm going to college next fall... what you're talking about is crazy." I pulled away a little, wondering why he would even entertain the idea of what he'd just suggested.

  He brought his hands to his face and rubbed them over it.

  "I know Lyla... I'm sorry... it's just that my whole life I've felt like I'm not good enough for girls like you. Like I'm just a piece of shit that doesn't deserve 'the girl'... but you... you don't make me feel that way. You always see me. You never act like I don't matter." He looked really emotional. His eyes pleaded with me and I couldn't tear my gaze away.1

  "Listen Jonas, I really like you. I promise I do, but for now I just really want your friendship. Let's get to know each other before we even begin to think about that, and that means that this...intimacy between us," I motioned between the two of us again, "has to stop."

  He heaved a disapproving breath, but nodded to me. It could actually never happen between us, but I didn't want to completely crush him after what he'd just said.

  "Ok, I get it. We can get to know each other." He grabbed my hand and the rest of my clothes.

  "Let me show you something." He took me back down the trail, only stopping briefly along the way to slide on his shoes and gather his clothes from the tree he'd placed them in.1

  Just Friends

  When we emerged back into the field, the sun was blinding. The heat of it felt nice after walking under the shade of the trees in cool wet clothes. With heat like this our clothes would be dry in no time.

  He led me toward a mowed section in the clearing and as we drew near I saw two small headstones. Both were rectangular shaped and sat almost flush with the ground. He turned to me.

  "This is where I grew up Lyla. Tyler and I used to swim in that water hole every day in the summer."

  I watched him walk to the bigger of the two stones and run his hand affectionately over the name — Della Landry.

  My eyes pulled away to the smaller one that read, Daniel Landry. I stood and watched him kneel in front of it and lower his head.

  "Who were they Jonas?" I asked, walking forward, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder and crouching down beside him, resting my chin on his shoulder.

  "Della was our mum's best friend from University. When our mum got sick, she adopted Tyler and me. Daniel was her son." He loosed a breath and let his head fall against mine. "These were the best years of my life." He whispered, then pulled his

  Head back and angled it toward the sky.

  I swallowed back any questions that threatened to spew from my mouth, not wanting to pry too deep on such an emotional subject for him.

  I thought through anything I needed to know and decided to ask only simple questions, but only after I'd given him enough time to think through what he'd just told me.

  "What happened to them?" I asked, brushing a hand through his hair.

  He sucked in another breath and slowly moved to a sitting position in the grass. Reaching over, he took my hand in his.

  "There was a house fire. The house was over there."
He pointed to the opening where the grass was grown up higher. "It was all I could do to get Tristan out. I woke Tyler that night and he grabbed the twins. They were just babies.

  Tristan was only two. After I grabbed her the fire was too hot to go back in." He ran a hand through his hair and we both laid back on the ground.

  He lifted his head and looked at me, his eyes full of emotion, I held his face in my hands as he moved his body closer and nuzzled his head to my stomach. I looked down at him as a tear ran down his face.

  He reached a hand up to my hair taking a tendril and twirling it between his fingers. I placed my little hand over his and looked up at the sky.

  I didn't have words to comfort him, but somehow laying with him like this felt more intimate than any words that could be spoken.6

  Poor Jonas. If only there hadn't been a fire his life may have been so different.

  "I'm so sorry Jonas." I whispered.

  "Me too." He said, and we just laid there together. This was him letting me in.

  This was everything for someone like him. I could tell this was not something he shared with everyone. Finally, I broke the silence.

  "How many people know about this place?" I asked, looking down at him and catching him staring at me.

  "Just Tyler and me and now, you." He looked at me tenderly. This was definitely a big deal to him.

  "Thank you, Jonas, for bringing me here. Thank you for showing me this part of your life. It must have been magical growing up here." I smiled at him, and he looked back toward the sky.

  "It was, for me." He said, lifting himself off of me and into a sitting position.

  "Well Princess, I guess I should get you home. I told your mum I had a few errands to run, we've been gone for hours. She's going to be suspicious." He stood, reaching a hand down to me, pulling me to my feet.

  We walked back to his truck holding hands, I don't know why him sharing this part of himself made me feel so much closer to him, but I didn't want to break contact with him. I wanted to remain this close.

  I didn't want the push and pull we would go back to. I pulled him to me in an embrace and he brought his lips to mine.


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