I was a Bet

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I was a Bet Page 8

by Mansi Negi

  "But look at you Princess, dreaming of being with me. You're calling my name out in your sleep. Look at your chest, you can't even catch your breath when I'm around, and your lips...always parted for me. Look at those eyes, those fucking pupils completely blown for me." He stepped closer, pulling me against him. "If I had to guess Princess, I'd say that pretty little pussy is dripping wet for me right now, and while you're imagining all the different ways, I could fuck you, your boyfriends at home dreaming of you. So, by default that makes you MY dirty little slut." He was so close to me, the warmth of his body was radiating against me. I had to get away from him, I needed my legs to work and to run before I made a huge mistake.

  "So, tell me Princess, what do you want me to do to you?" He trailed his hand down my leg until his finger tips reached the purple-blue hand print he'd left on my upper thigh last night. "I don't think your boyfriend is going to be too happy about this." I knew it! I had been right. He left those marks on me for Chad to see.

  It pissed me off initially, but right now... with him this close after the dream I'd just had. It only made me want him all the more.

  His lips from my ear to my cheek and to my mouth where he let them float just in front of mine.

  His breath smelled like peppermint with the slight hint of cigarettes, and it tickled and warmed my lips as he held me there, looking into my eyes.

  "F-fuck you Jonas." I fumbled for words before jerking away and running to the stairs.

  I flew passed Tyler's room, ignoring him as he asked if I was alright. I was so angry and hurt and turned on. I didn't know what I was feeling or what Jonas was doing to me.

  I knew he wanted me to break up with Chad, but he was being down right mean.

  He Lied

  Once inside my room, I locked the door and leaned my back against the wall.

  He was right... about everything. I needed to break up with Chad.

  I didn't appreciate him calling me a slut, but the moral of the story was that I was in the wrong and I did want him.

  I could only keep myself from him for so long. It was all just wrong.

  I felt my body let loose tears that I didn't expect. I heaved a sigh and let myself sink down the wall.

  I was exhausted from all of this. Mostly from fighting myself to stay away from Jonas.

  I couldn't do it anymore.

  I climbed into bed with intentions of falling asleep, but my body wouldn't turn off.

  He was right upstairs. He was in this house. The man that I wanted so much was so close.

  I found myself fighting back the urge to go to him. To just get this over with.

  It was so clear to me now that no matter how much I fought back these feelings it was all going to end in the same way — me with him.

  I found myself imagining what it would have been like if I'd have told him about the dream, if I'd have let him have me in the way he wanted me, and before I knew it, I was rubbing myself under the blanket letting his name slip from my lips again.

  This was bad, so very bad. I found myself hoping he was thinking of me and doing the same.

  That was the first night I realized just how badly I had it for Jonas.

  The first night I realized I had completely lost my mind for him, the night I realized I was falling in love with Jonas Landry.5

  I felt a hand brush against my cheek and blinked my eyes to orient myself. I

  t was dark in my room and I knew it was Jonas. I had fallen asleep, after tossing and turning a while ago, it had to be the middle of the night.

  "Jonas?" My voice was groggy.

  "Hey." He whispered.

  "Hi. It's the middle of the night, why aren't you sleeping?" I whispered, scooting over to make room for him to sit on the edge of the bed.1

  "Tristan had a bad dream and she's sleeping in my bed, she kept kicking me so I came down stairs... but I... I ended up here." His hand brushed against my hair as he sat down.3

  "You can sleep in here if you want, just lock the door." I said, trying to hide the excitement that he had been unable to stay away from me either.

  He didn't hesitate to walk over and close the door, turning the lock afterward.

  "I can lay on the floor if you want me to, or the futon." He whispered as he laid across the other side of my bed.

  He clearly had no intentions of doing that, he and I both knew Jonas wasn't one to shy away from me, but the offer was sweet.

  "I'm glad you came in here." I whispered.

  "You are?" He sounded surprised.

  "I wanted to earlier, but I thought I pissed you off... I don't know why I said any of that Lyla, I just hate the idea of sharing you." He scooted closer to me wrapping an arm around my waist.

  "Maybe it's selfish of me, because you've told me you only want to be friends, but I want you all to myself and when I hear you moaning my name like that, I can't even begin to describe what that does to me."

  I felt his body shudder against mine as he said it.

  "I'm going to break up with Chad." I blurted, not knowing what else to say.

  I wanted to tell him that I was falling for him, that I wanted him the same as he wanted me, but I knew where that would lead tonight, and I wanted to be single before I pursued 'he and I' any further.

  I'd already let him get way too intimate with me the day he'd taken me swimming, the least I could do was hold off until I actually broke things off with Chad this weekend.1

  "Good girl, I knew you'd come around." I could hear the smile through his words.

  "Always so cocky Jonas." I laughed a little. "I'm going to do it this weekend, face to face... I at least owe him that. So, until then, I'd really like to keep our relationship PG." I meant that. I could do it if I knew there were an end in sight.

  "No one can know about us Jonas... not yet, this is still wrong, at least until I'm at college. Got it?" I asked, rolling over to face him.

  "It's a secret, got it, but the PG part..." he lowered his hand to my bottom and gave a squeeze. "I can't make you any promises there."

  He rested his forehead against mine. I swatted his chest and pulled his arm from around me, dropping it at his side.1

  "You are just going to have to wait Mr. Landry." I smiled and rolled back over away from him.

  "We'll see about that Miss Moore. I'm accustom to getting my way." He said playfully as he rolled to his back. There was no way I was going back to sleep with him right here.

  After a while I heard a light snore from beside me, and took advantage of him sleeping to study the gorgeous specimen that was Jonas Landry.

  His nose was slightly upturned, his face was the slightest bit scruffy, and his full lips fit together perfectly even though his bottom lip was a bit more full than the top.

  He had a dusting of chest hair in the middle of his muscular chest that screamed masculinity. Everything about Jonas was perfectly masculine in the best sort of way. He literally looked like a mythological God.

  Give him a crown and people would bow for him. I would bow for him.

  I let my fingers trace his pecs lightly and laid my head on his chest, letting his chest hair tickle the side of my face. I closed my eyes.

  The steady thrum of his heart beat gently coaxed me back to sleep.1

  My alarm went off what seemed like minutes later, even though it had been hours.

  I sprung from bed in a panic as I heard the hustle and bustle of my parents searching for Tristan. My mom was practically beating my door down.

  "Lyla! Have you seen Tristan?" She yelled from the hallway.

  "Fuck, get in the bathroom, jump in the shower or something!" I whisper yelled at Jonas, who wore an amused grin across his face.

  He stood, wearing only his boxers. Shit. How was I going to explain this. He sauntered over to the bathroom and closed the door, the water came on and I walked to the door and unlocked it.

  "I think she slept with Jonas or something." I said groggily, like I'd just woke up.

  "Who is in your shower Delilah?
" My mom raised an eyebrow.

  "Jonas, he said she was sleeping in his bed and he didn't want to wake her up, he just came down here. Why must everyone bother me in the morning?" I said, putting my bottom lip out. She glanced at her watch and back to me with a huff and I watched her blonde bob disappear up the second set of stairs to get Tristan. Thank god.

  She believed it. Tyler looked over from his room and his lips held a knowing grin.

  "Stop it." I said, shooting him my, "it's not what you think" look, even though it was exactly what he thought.

  I turned and started rummaging through my drawers for my cheerleading uniform. It was pep-rally day. Although day two of little sleep didn't have me feeling particularly peppy.

  I closed the door and quickly hauled the uniform over my head before Jonas could get out of the shower.

  Standing in front of the mirror, I brushed through my blonde hair and pulled it into a high ponytail. It wasn't my best look, but it would just have to do.

  The bathroom door opened and out walked Jonas with only a small white towel around his waist. I imagine my eyes looked like a cartoon characters when they pop out of their head and steam shoots from their ears.

  Oh. my. god. He paused as the corners of his mouth lifted.

  "Bloody hell Princess, we aren't keeping this PG if you keep looking at me like that in what you're wearing." He wiped the corner of his mouth, pretending to wipe drool off, mocking me, and my face heated.

  I turned away and closed my eyes, only to glance back at him, still standing there with the same smirk.

  "Stop! I'm just... you're practically naked, and I was a little shocked is all." I said, stepping away from him and trying to keep my cool.1

  "It's ok if you like what you see Lyla, I definitely do." He let his eyes slide over my body and I laughed nervously.

  "I've got to go... Lorna's probably waiting." I turned toward the door, but I didn't want my feet to move.

  I wanted to just skip school, rip that towel off of him and spend the day here, in my bedroom. Thankfully auto-pilot-Lyla kicked in again and saved the day by carrying me out of the bedroom and downstairs.

  "Do you know if Jonas has a date to the dance yet?" Lorna asked on the way to school. I deliberately kept myself from rolling my eyes.3

  "I don't know, I haven't asked him." I said back.

  It wasn't her fault that I was having a secret affair with my foster brother, she didn't know what he meant to me.

  I tried to convince myself not to get angry that she was asking me about Jonas again.

  "I was thinking about asking him, do you think he'd go with me?" She asked, biting her lip at me nervously.

  "Umm, he mentioned that he didn't want to go, so I doubt he would." I said honestly, because it was the truth and because I didn't want her anywhere near him, which reminded me that I'd asked her to tutor him, and now I'd have to back track my way out of that too.

  "Yes, but I mean after he and I... you know... did what we did, you still don't think he would?" She asked and I instantly felt the sting of what she just said rip through me.

  Jonas had said that they haven't done anything, and here she was, admitting to me that they had, with absolutely no reason to lie about it.1

  "I don't know Lorna..." I said softly, fighting back the burn of anger that was nipping at my ears, reddening them, making me feel the same way I had that day all over again, only worse, because he'd lied... I couldn't see any other explanation for it but he'd lied to try to get down my pants. I was instantly sick to my stomach.

  We arrived to school shortly before Jonas and Tyler.

  I saw him try to lock eyes with me as he pulled in. I threw my book bag over my shoulder and made my way into the school as quick as I could, taking note that Lorna had stayed behind, no doubt to walk in with Jonas.

  I opened my locker and grabbed my things making haste.

  I needed time to process the news that was just delivered to me before I could carry on a civil conversation with Jonas. To think I was going to break up with my boyfriend for him.

  I was falling in love with him, and he had slept with or at the very least messed around with my best friend and lied to me about it.1

  I slammed my locker shut and turned to walk away only to have a strong arm come down on the locker in front of me. "You're avoiding me again. What could I have possibly done from the time we left home until we arrived at school Lyla?" He chewed his bottom lip clearly annoyed at my change in demeanour from this morning.

  "Maybe Lorna... for starters." I said, pushing his arm away and storming passed. He made no move to stop me, which told me he knew he had been caught in a lie.

  I spent my whole first period taking a test and the next, thinking of ways to avoid Jonas longer, even though I knew I'd have to eventually talk to him about it.

  I didn't want to while I was still so angry. Deep down I knew however, that he at least deserved a chance to defend himself or explain.

  Again, at lunch, I graded papers for Mr. Schultz, who seemed to be growing more comfortable with me and even offered to walk down to the cafeteria and order my lunch for me.

  Too bad I wasn't a little older, then I wouldn't even have to deal with Jonas and could be with a guy who had a little chivalry.

  Eighth period I faked a head ache and spent an hour in the clinic. I had gathered my things before I went to the office, worried Jonas would try to meet me at my locker before the pep-rally.

  As usual, everyone was pumped for the basketball game, it was senior night and our team, although not doing great, was doing better than they had the passed several years.

  I found Jonas sitting in the front row staring at me. An unreadable expression on his face.

  I tried to avoid looking at him, but it proved to be more difficult than I thought, especially with Lorna's and Casey's eyes fixed on him.

  The gym was alive with the roaring of students and I tried to focus on getting everyone hyped rather than the onyx eyes boring into me from a mere five foot distance.

  As soon as we had introduced the team and my part was over, I hurried to Mr. Schultz's to get the homework for the night.

  He was sitting in thought, and I lightly knocked.

  "Why aren't you at the pep-rally?" I asked, being that he was the basketball coach.

  "Just coming up with some plays." He winked back and I felt myself blush at his gesture.

  "Can you close that door for a moment Lyla." He asked me nonchalantly and I closed it walking over to the first desk and jotting down the homework assignment written on the chalkboard into my agenda.

  "What are you planning on doing after high school Lyla?" He asked, rounding his desk and coming to stand beside me. A bit of nervousness ran through me at how close he came to me.

  You're being crazy, Lyla... get it together... this is a professional conversation. I scolded myself. Clearing my throat I turned toward him.1

  "I'm going to Notre Dame for early childhood education." I said, smiling proudly. It was quite a way away, but I had made the decision because it was in the state where Chad had moved, so it had made sense at the time.

  "Really that far?" He brushed a strand of hair into my ponytail, and I realized that I wasn't crazy.

  He was actually flirting with me. Only I was here, alone in his classroom, and I thought I would be way more excited about this, but now that it was happening, it really didn't feel right to me.

  "You should stick around here, I'm up for a student teacher next year and as well as you do in my class, I thought maybe..." he trailed off and let his eyes fix on my lips, before bringing a finger to my mouth and running it across them.5

  The door swung open and Jonas stood there staring at me. I knew I looked terrified, I felt my eyes widen as soon as he had brushed my lips.

  "Get your shit and let's go Delilah... now!" He barked, averting his gaze and staring at Mr. Schultz intensely.

  "Thank you, Lyla, consider it." Mr. Schultz said matter-of-factly, as he walked back ov
er to his desk and pretended he hadn't been moments away from kissing me when Jonas had burst in.

  I hurried out the door, letting loose a breath once outside.

  "There, now we're even." Jonas said, wrapping an arm around me and moving me toward the doorway.

  "Whoa, whoa, whoa, Jonas... we are not even. Not even close. You walking in on, whatever that was, versus you lying to me about sleeping with my best friend, just to get down my pants, is not the same thing." I brushed his arm off of me.2

  "I didn't sleep with her, and I knew that fucking teacher wanted you, I just thought you wanted him too, until today... so me saving you, and a tiny bend of the truth, cancels each other out." He gave me a sideways smirk.

  "Ok, so you didn't sleep with her, but you messed around with her?" I questioned.

  "Why don't you ask her Lyla." He said, shaking his head like I was annoying him.

  "Because I asked YOU Jonas... and because, you still lied to me about it. Nothing would have happened between us if I'd have known that. I was going to break up with Chad, Jonas..." I shook my head back at him.

  "What do you mean 'you were going to break up with Chad' Lyla." He stopped and swung me around. My back met the wall. "You're breaking up with him." He said, looking around, making sure we were alone.

  "Actually, I'm not... you still aren't being honest with me and I'm not ruining a three year relationship for something that was over before it even began." I bit out, and felt the sting of tears rimming my eyes.

  "I thought I was falling in love with you Jonas, can you believe that?" The tears overflowed and I felt the need to run away from him. To run as far away as I could to escape his gaze.3

  "What?" He whispered, and I saw his hand rake through his hair. "Lyla... I...." he bent down and put his hands on his knees, heaving a sigh. "Fuck." He whispered again.

  "Listen, she sucked my dick...ok?" He said, which was not what I was expecting him to say when I'd just told him I was falling in love with him. I held a thumbs up to him and turned to walk out.16

  "No, Lyla, please... I'm being honest this time. I knew you wouldn't give me a chance if I told you that day. I wanted you to get to know me... I shouldn't have done it Lyla... please... please baby, please forgive me." He looked desperate, maybe even on the verge of tears as he brought himself directly in front of me, forcing me to look him in the eyes.


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