I was a Bet

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I was a Bet Page 15

by Mansi Negi

  "How long..." he swallowed. "How long have you been standing there?" He asked, looking at me with hooded eyelids.

  "I just came in..." I lied. "I'm sorry, I just needed a drink."

  I lifted the glass to my lips and swallowed, trying to moisten my throat that felt like it was closing in on itself.

  "It's ok." He smiled at me with a slight pink blush on his cheeks and took his bottom lip between his teeth.

  I watched as his eyes slid down my body and his chest began to rise and fall more quickly.

  He moved his hand, slowly rubbing it down his stomach, tracing over his perfect abs and lower. My eyes followed the movement, shocked by what he was doing.

  He slid it back down his pants and began to slowly pump himself again. I couldn't move, I felt my eyes go wide as he stared at me. My feet felt like they were stuck in concrete.

  "Are you going to just stand there watching me, or do you want to join?" He asked, sucking in a breath, his eyes glued to my body.9

  "Oh my god." Was all that I could manage to force out as I turned away quickly heading for the back door.

  "Lyla..." I heard him moan again, more loudly this time, like he intentionally did it so I'd hear. I ran out the door slamming it behind me, trying to escape the scene I'd just witnessed. W

  hat in the fuck just happened? I checked my phone as I wrapped my towel around myself protectively and sat back in my lounge chair. Jonas had messaged me and I so wished he wouldn't have, I wished Tyler hadn't seen me and it could have just been an awkward moment for me and nothing more.

  Jonas: I love you, I'm going to come home early, keep your swimsuit on it's hot out. We can go for a swim.

  I responded quickly.

  Lyla: ok, hurry

  I had no intentions of going back inside now anyway. I couldn't believe Tyler had done that.

  At first, I had felt bad for walking in on him, but now I suspected he had wanted me to. My blush coated my entire body just thinking about what had just happened.

  It was the most embarrassing, off putting event I had ever experienced in my life.1

  I found myself drawing my legs up and wrapping the rest of my body inside my towel too.

  Had he been watching me out here? I hated the uneasy feeling it had left me with.

  The back door slid open and Tyler waltzed out. I couldn't even look at him. He walked over and took the seat beside me.

  "Listen Lyla, I'm sorry about that." He said, turning his feet toward me. I kept my eyes to the ground and felt myself move uncomfortably to the other side of my chair.

  "I don't know what to say to that Tyler." I said, my voice cracking a bit with nerves.

  His shadow moved across the concrete as he leaned over toward me and rested his elbows on his knees. "It, kind of felt like you wanted me to see you." I said, my voice barely audible.

  "Well, I didn't... but then when you were there, looking at me like you were... like you do. I just, I guess I just got caught up in the moment." He said. I watched his feet shuffle against the concrete and an uncomfortable nervousness sent shivers through my body.

  "Am I making you squirm?" He laughed.

  "I just don't want to talk about this Tyler, can we just pretend it didn't happen? If Jonas knew he'd be so pissed." I finally looked up at him to see him smiling down at me.

  "We can pretend it didn't, but it did..." he said, cocking his head to the side a little and running his eyes over my body, which was cradled beneath the towel.

  A gleam shined in his eye as I fidgeted my hands on the sides of the towel, trying to wrap myself a little tighter. "You find me attractive, don't you?" He leaned a hand on my chair bringing himself uncomfortably close to me.

  "I don't like you like that Tyler." I stated flatly so he'd get the point.

  "I think you're incredibly sexy Lyla." He leaned down closer to me and I pushed against his chest to keep him from kissing me. The back door opened and Tyler immediately stiffened and drew back in his chair.

  I jumped up, running to Jonas, and wrapping my arms around him. I'd never been so happy to see him.

  "Thought he wasn't out here with you?" Jonas whispered to me in a low growl.

  "He just came out. I'm so happy you're here." I threw my arms around him and he hugged me back. I debated with myself on telling him what had happened. I didn't want to be the reason for a falling out between them though.

  Jonas made his way to a lounge chair and I followed, cuddling up next to him as close as I could. His very presence set my nerves at ease, but I could still feel Tyler's eyes following my every move.

  "Shouldn't you be getting ready for the dance?" Jonas asked Tyler with a half grin.

  "Fuck...I guess." Tyler rested his hand under his chin, his eyes catching mine once more before he stood and made his way inside.

  "God damnit Lyla!" Jonas barked right away. "What was that? What was he out here saying to you?"

  I hesitated momentarily and Jonas caught it. "What? Tell me." He said, grabbing my face between his hands. I didn't know what to say.

  Part of me knew I couldn't tell him everything that had just happened. It was his brother and he was already incredibly insecure about Tyler being around me, but part of me thought he needed to know, because I needed to know why he was so afraid.

  Was it because of things like what happened today, or was this just the tip of the iceberg?

  "Why don't you want me to be around him Jonas, I need to know, I need you to tell me now." I said sounding a little more frantic than I intended.

  "Why? Did he do something Lyla? What did he do? Did he touch you?!" Jonas moved up the seat, and jumped to his feet pulling me with him.

  He locked his eyes to mine and searched them angrily.

  "He just... he didn't do anything, or touch me... he just made me really uncomfortable." I lied and he knew it.1

  "He did something, I can see it on your face. He said something at the very least. You can tell me Delilah, or I can go beat it out of him." He exhaled sharply and looked at me for an answer.

  "He just asked if I thought he was attractive...." I said, and Jonas narrowed his eyes. "...and told me he thought I was sexy." I said, swallowing the lump in my throat.

  What I'd just said wasn't even the half of what had just transpired but Jonas didn't need to hear the rest.

  The anger on his face from the small bit I'd already told him was all the confirmation I needed to know he couldn't hear all of it without losing it.

  "Fuck." He said, dragging a hand through his hair. "What did you tell him?" He looked back at me.

  "That I didn't like him that way, I didn't really know what to say to him." I felt Jonas' hands grasp my waist. He pulled me against him and hugged me to his body.

  "I'll deal with him baby." He said at the top of my head, rubbing a hand over my hair. He pulled away and tore his shirt over his head, and pulled his jeans off.

  "I'm getting into the pool right now though, it's hot!" He said, his whole demeanour changing back to playful.

  “Give me a second” I rushed to the nearest bathroom and removed my pad and replaced it with a tampon.

  I came back.

  He leaned in and gave me a quick peck on my nose before picking me up bridal style and tossing me into the pool, diving in, himself, right behind me.


  Tyler walked downstairs a few hours later. I looked up from the couch where Jonas and I had been napping, his eyes met mine again and he was wearing the suit.

  It looked nice, but I wasn't going to tell him that. I didn't want him getting the wrong idea.

  He continued to hold my gaze. Jonas rolled over in his sleep and pulled the blanket off of me, leaving me laying in my swimsuit with no blanket and Tyler's gaze lowered, turning absolutely feral.

  I grabbed the blanket, tugging it back over me and watched him swallow and loosen his bow tie.3

  Jonas' hand came around me, pulling me into him.

  "How long have we been out?" He asked blinking his ey
es and kissing my cheek. He stretched his hands over his head, pulling the blanket back again before he saw Tyler standing in the room, looking over at me.

  "You!" He jumped up from the couch, covering me with the blanket.

  "What's with you coming on to Lyla? You stay the hell away from her." He shot across the room to where Tyler stood.

  "Last I checked you don't own her bro... and maybe you should ask your girl why she was watching me today, I mean I enjoy a good show too, but..."3

  "What's he talking about Lyla?" Jonas interrupted, turning toward me. I didn't know what to say.

  "I-I... I walked in on him... you know...touching himself." I said, sitting up and slapping my hand against my head in embarrassment.

  "Yes, and then stood there staring at me..." Tyler said, staring in Jonas' face.

  "Because you asked me to join you!" I defended myself, "I was shocked Tyler!" My voice was loud and high pitched with nerves.

  "You did what!?" Jonas yelled, slamming his forearm into Tyler's chest and holding him against the wall.

  "I'm done taking orders from you Jonas! I've done it for years, and I'm through letting you control my life!" He grabbed the neck of Jonas' shirt and flipped him so that he was the one up against the wall.

  "I'm ready to have a little fun brother, don't you chastise me!" He spit at him, just inches from his face.1

  "Fun?! Is that what you're calling it now?!" Jonas yelled back. "I told you no more!" He pushed Tyler off of him. "Stay the hell away from Lyla!" He barked stepping forward toward him.

  "Fuck you Jonas... remember why you are the way you are and why I am this way!" Tyler spat at him.

  "Don't you forget what I had to endure for you to lead the fucking normal life you lead!"

  "I don't forget Tyler, but not this time, not Lyla! I won't fucking let this happen!" Jonas said, not yelling this time but sounding equally as lethal.

  "You don't get to call the shots anymore brother! You fucked with me on the wrong night..." Tyler turned toward the door and stormed across the living room.

  "Game on!" He yelled as he slammed the door behind him.2

  "Fuck!!" Jonas screamed, connecting a fist to the solid wood door of the coat closet and pulling it back in pain as blood dripped from his knuckles.

  I brought the blanket up to my chin, afraid to speak with Jonas flying off the handle the way he was.

  "Why Lyla, why didn't you tell me?" He turned toward me pleading.

  "I didn't want you to flip out." I said quietly.

  "Well I'm flipping out now!" He said a little louder.

  "You know what? I can't do this with you right now. I just need a little space." He held his hand at the wrist and stormed into the kitchen, turning on the faucet and letting the water run over his damaged knuckles.

  I went up to my room and changed into some normal clothes. I came back down and Jonas was sitting on the couch holding a dish towel around his hand.

  "I'm sorry Jonas. I should have told you. I just didn't want to deal with any more drama." I looked at him and he said nothing, he didn't even look up at me. I walked closer and sat beside him.

  "Please don't hate me." I said, my voice sounding small.

  He let out a sigh. "I couldn't hate you if I wanted to Delilah. Come here."

  He wrapped his arm around me and kissed me at my temple. "You are infuriating woman." He said, bending a knee and folding his leg in front of him on the couch so that he faced me.

  "You can't lie to me about this stuff Princess, you don't know my brother. I need to know everything he does and says to you from here on out, got it?" He said grasping my hand and tracing circles on the back with his thumb.

  "I didn't actually lie, I just omitted part of the story." I said back.

  "But I promise I won't again." I took his hand and unwrapped it.

  "Let me take a look at it." I said softly, examining his hand. A large gash dripped blood from one of his knuckles and some light bruising was visible around the fingers next to it.

  "Well, it doesn't look broken, but you could probably use stitches Jonas." I looked at him, waiting for him to tell me no.

  "Not happening Princess." He said, smirking that I'd even entertain the idea.

  "Ok, stay here." I said, standing and making my way to the bathroom to get the first aid kit. I came back and held his hand. I pulled some gauze from inside and moistened it with peroxide.

  "This shouldn't sting too bad." I said, "but it will leave a scar if I disinfect it with this." I looked at him for approval.

  "Go on then." He said, nodding to me.

  I wiped it clean and pulled out the liquid bandage tube. "This however is going to burn like hell." I said, looking to him again.

  "Wait one second on that." He said, standing and disappearing into the kitchen only to re-emerge with a bottle of dark whiskey.

  "This should help." He smiled at me. Sitting down, he handed me the bottle and I twisted the top off, catching him off guard by taking a swig before handing it back to him.

  "You always surprise me Princess." He smiled before lifting the bottle to his lips and taking three big swallows.

  "Ok, you ready?" I asked, as I pulled the cap off of the tube. It smelled strong like rubber cement glue.

  He brought the whiskey bottle to his lips and swallowed one more large gulp.

  "Let's go." He said, making a slight pre-emptive grimace. I brought the tube over his gash, squeezing the clear liquid over the jagged edges of his skin that hung together, it oozed out and coated his knuckle.

  "Fuck!" He said, throwing back another drink and handing the bottle to me. I obliged and had a few more drinks before closing up the first aid kit and returning it to the bathroom.

  On my way back I popped into the kitchen and grabbed a bag of frozen peas. I tossed them to Jonas.

  "That should help with the swelling." I smiled at him.

  "Thank you, for taking care of me... I'm lucky to have you. I don't deserve you Lyla." He said, his words sounding a bit heavy from the alcohol.

  "I agree, you are lucky to have me." I joked, giving him a wink. I was a bit tipsy too.

  "I wish we could have gone to the dance together." He looked at me. "Are you disappointed that you couldn't go?" He asked, looking at me thoughtfully.

  "No, I hate dances honestly." I lied, I loved them, but I wasn't disappointed, there was nowhere else I'd rather be than here with him.

  "I am, however, disappointed that I didn't get to see you in that suit again." I laughed, waggling my eyebrows at him. He did look delicious in that suit.

  "Come here!" He laughed, grabbing my hand, he pulled me into the kitchen. He plugged his phone into the speaker on the counter and Ed Sheeran's voice flooded the room.

  Jonas pulled me to his chest and grabbed my hand. "Let's dance." He whispered at my ear as he began to sway with me, moving around the kitchen until we reached the light and he dimmed it, making it feel much more romantic.

  "I love you Jonas." I said as I let the side of my face rest on his chest. I don't know if he heard it or not, but it didn't matter. He knew it.2

  We danced for the rest of the evening. At some point headlights shined through the front window and we realized Tyler was home. Jonas sucked a sharp breath.

  "I've got to try to smooth this out with him, or it's going to end badly." He said, walking toward the living room.1

  I hadn't asked about any of the things they had yelled at each other during their fight because it was still too fresh, but I planned on asking Jonas in the morning.

  It was so hard to know which boundaries I could cross with him.

  So far, he hadn't been too harsh about anything, but it's not like he was an open book either. It was like pulling teeth to get him to share any information with me.

  Tyler walked in the door and kicked off his shoes, noting the bottle of whiskey on the table. He walked to it and took a swig.

  "So, do I owe you two hundred more?" Jonas asked, smiling at him. His way of smoothin
g things over was, I guess, pretending that everything was fine.

  "Tyler smiled back. "No, I'm good." He laughed.

  "Did I not tell you?" Jonas laughed.

  "She didn't suck my dick... she gave me something much better." Tyler winked and Jonas swallowed, looking obviously disturbed.2

  "She's, she's alright though?" He asked, concern painted all over his face.

  "Yes, she's fine, she's coming over tomorrow." Tyler looked at Jonas a little confused.

  "Oh, by the way, I think I broke that Chad guy's nose. I mean you broke his nose." He laughed, prompting a smile from Jonas.1

  "What was he doing there?" I asked, walking further into the living room. Jonas lowered his brows in disapproval of me asking Tyler myself, but I wanted to know if Chad had been trying to follow me around.

  "Came with Casey." Tyler said, fixing his eyes on me as I walked to Jonas' side.

  "Why did you punch him?" I asked, and Jonas reached down and squeezed my hand, a silent "shut-up" move.

  "He threatened me...well, you." He said pointing to Jonas and smiling. "Anyway, he got in my face, so I punched him." He said.

  This was so bizarre to me. The way they were acting like they hadn't just had a screaming match a few hours ago.

  "So, are we good then?" Jonas asked Tyler, motioning between himself and his brother.

  "Yes, we're fine..." Tyler said.

  "And you will stay away from Lyla?" He asked, cocking his head to the side.

  "Goodnight Jonas." Tyler said, smiling at me and walked up the stairs.1

  Actual Past

  Jonas blew out a breath. "Fucking hell." He covered his face with a hand.

  "Don't talk to him. Don't go anywhere alone with him... and STOP being nice to him." He said, planting his hands on my shoulders and bending down to my eye level.

  "I need some answers Jonas. What in the hell is going on?" I swallowed back an uneasy feeling.

  Would Tyler hurt me? Is he a rapist or something? Hundreds of worst-case scenario thoughts flooded my mind. Jonas pulled away, looking like he was trying to find the right words to tell me something. "What?" I urged him to say something.2

  "He... Tyler I mean, he's competitive." He looked at me like maybe I would understand what he was trying to say. I had no clue.


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