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I was a Bet

Page 18

by Mansi Negi

  His hand returned to my mound and began to move more harshly back and forth, until the moisture of my arousal made its way through the thin material and onto his fingers. There was no denying what he was doing to me now.

  "Lyla, baby... so ready for me." His voice a low growl, sounded at my ear. His fist found my hair gently squeezing and releasing handfuls of it at my roots, causing the most perfect blend of pleasure and pain that had all of my senses going haywire.

  "I'm going to cum Jonas." My voice was constricted by lust as my hands fisted into the sheets.

  He immediately withdrew his hand from my shorts. Holding me in place still pumping himself against me, grunting in pleasure with every thrust.

  "This is how you make me feel..." he whispered into my ear. "Sleep tight, Princess." He slowed his movements to a stop and pulled his boxers back up.

  "Jonas... please." I sounded desperate for him.

  "Please what?" He gripped my hip and leaned over my head to my ear. "I want to hear you say it. Please what Lyla?" The amusement in his voice irritated me.

  He was always in such control of his emotions when we were together. I'd only seen him lose control a few times.1

  "Please... keep going..." I said, grasping his hand at my hip and urging it back toward where he had been rubbing me moments ago.

  "Sorry Delilah... I want my birthday to be perfect." He laughed, wrapping me in a tight hold and burying his head into the pillow behind me.

  "I love you baby." He said in amusement.

  "I hate you Jonas." I groaned.

  "I know you do... I'm sorry." He said, planting a kiss on the back of my neck. He kept me locked up that way for what felt like an hour before I felt his grip loosen against me and light snoring sounded from behind my head.

  I slammed the snooze button on my alarm for the third time.

  "You better get up sweetheart, you'll be late." Jonas' early morning voice was still laced with sleep.

  "Are you sure you don't want me to drive you?" He asked, pulling me to him and kissing my cheek.

  "Yes, I'll be fine." I said, stretching my hands over my head and turning to see him with his eyes closed again. He would be back to sleep in no time.

  "Happy birthday, you're looking incredibly old these days." I smiled and kissed his cheek. I watched a faint smile touch his cheeks before his soft snore overtook and his lips fell lax.

  I took a bit of time in the shower, making sure no bit of hair was left behind as I shaved, and taking special care to make sure I had washed and lotioned every bit of skin until it looked soft and smelled delicious.

  I picked a sleeveless white sun dressed that wrapped around my body and tied in the front. It would be perfect for what I had in mind for tonight.

  Donning a pair of white dainty heels that made my tan from the weekend stand out, I examined myself in the mirror one last time. I added a little more hairspray to my fresh curls making sure they'd stay in place all day and decided I couldn't take any more time on my appearance if I wanted to make it on time to my group visit to St. Thomas University.

  I had already spent too much time to stop at the adult store that I wanted to hit before the visit. I'd just have to stop on my way home.

  I made my way down the stairs, surprised to see Tyler was already up. I was even more surprised to see Lorna sitting on the couch with him, whispering something into his ear.

  "Hey Lyla..." Lorna said, her voice riddled with sarcasm.1

  "Hi." I clipped the word. I didn't have time to deal with whatever it was that had her panties in a twist so early in the morning. Tyler's eyes followed my movements around the kitchen curiously.

  "Happy birthday Tyler." I said finally as I shuffled an umbrella free from the coat closet and grabbed my purse. I turned to leave, grabbing the keys to my parent's Audi.

  "Bye Lyla... see you this evening." Tyler's voice sounded heady. I could only imagine what him and Lorna had been up to, on their own down here, before I had appeared.

  I heard her laugh lightly at his response and wondered if she too planned on being here tonight. I certainly hoped not.

  I pulled up to the campus, and parked. I had fifteen minutes to kill so I fumbled through my purse looking for my phone, figuring I'd send Jonas a happy birthday text, and let my mom know I had made it to the visit.


  Of all of the times to forget my phone. I knew I'd put it in my purse this morning. I remembered grabbing it off of Jonas' bedside stand and bringing it straight down to my purse.1

  I scanned the seat of the car making sure it hadn't fallen out, taking extra care to reach in between each seat crack and make sure it hadn't fallen in between. No such luck. Damn it! I was so frustrated with myself.

  I finally gave up and made my way to the hall where everyone was meeting. The tour was taking forever, and I was happy I'd brought an umbrella, heat like this always came with thunderstorms and today was no exception.

  We ate lunch and the first thunder sounded followed by the sound of a downpour beating against the metal roof of the cafeteria.

  "Hey! Mind if I hop under your umbrella too?" A dark haired boy with dimples asked me, looking a little bewildered as we stood at the glass doors, ready to walk a mile through the monsoon, to our next destination.

  "No come on in." I laughed.

  "Do you mind?" He asked reaching for the umbrella handle. I hadn't realized how tall he was, he didn't fit under with me. I watched his tattooed arm and hand grasp the handle and raise the canopy a few feet.

  "Jack." He smiled at me, shaking my hand with his free one, that too, was covered in the black ink. All the way up to his short sleeves the ink swirled, until it disappeared beneath.

  "Lyla." I smiled back, thankful to make a friend after such a long boring morning.

  "What's your major Lyla?" Jack asked.

  "Early childhood Ed. You?" I asked, pegging him for more of a trade school type.

  "Same." He smiled back. I was surprised by his answer, and had to mentally slap myself for being so judge mental.

  The rest of the day we chatted back and forth and finally the time came to leave. I couldn't wait to surprise Jonas.

  Jack and I said our farewells, and planned to meet up our first day for lunch. It was great knowing I wouldn't be completely alone on campus once school started in the fall.

  I was excited to tell Jonas about my day, and even more excited to finally make love to him.

  Although my nerves were well aware of what I had planned out and for someone who had only had sex once in her life, it was a bit more than they could handle.

  Getting the perfect gift

  I drove the half hour to the adult store with my nerves on high alert. I felt like I was breaking some forbidden rules going into a place like this.

  The man at the register eyed me as I walked through the door. His ears were stretched with large gaged earrings and his eyes lined with thick black liner.2

  I gave him a smile and felt my face heat as I rushed forward toward the lingerie.

  I found the perfect white Lacey strapless bra, with lace panties that tied on the sides.

  I held it up, examining the tiny triangles of lace that were meant to cover my most private areas and swallowed back the lump in my throat at how exposed this would leave me. Thankfully I'd bought a bottle of bourbon to drink prior.

  I quit over thinking and headed toward the register, stopping along the way to grab a pair of silver handcuffs.

  Jonas was so much more experienced than me at this kind of thing and I wanted to surprise him. Thinking of all the girls he'd probably been with before me, had me sweating.

  I wanted to leave him wanting more of me. I wanted to show him that despite my lack of experience, I wasn't a prude.

  I slapped the skimpy garments of clothing and handcuffs onto the counter embarrassed by the metallic clang they made against the countertop.

  I ruffled through my purse grabbing a handful of money and staring at my hands as the odd man sc
anned the items into the register.

  "That will be $85.90." The man said in a monotone, uninterested voice. I counted out $86.00 and laid it on the counter.

  "Keep the change." I didn't recognize my high pitched voice. I grabbed the items and scurried out the door.

  I hoped Jonas would appreciate the effort. I started to panic that I hadn't actually gotten him a real gift. Was I being selfish to think that this was something he would be excited for?

  I needed to stop somewhere to change before I arrived home so as I drove by the mall I ran in, deciding to pick up an actual gift for him as well, that way I didn't end up looking like a complete idiot.

  I went into the restroom and switched my cotton underthings out with the lacy ones from the bag. I eyed myself in the mirror in the tiny lace lingerie set. I was definitely on full display.

  My breasts overflowed from the top of the strapless bra, and a small lace bow sat between them, drawing attention to the line of cleavage there.

  The panties barely crested my pubic bone, and I was so happy I'd taken the time to shave myself so well, because there was no hiding any imperfections in this.

  The thin triangle that covered my butt left both cheeks completely exposed and while I hadn't noticed at the store, the material that was resting on my bottom was completely transparent, leaving nothing to the imagination.

  I wrapped my dress around my body. Too late now Lyla.

  I told myself as I retied the bow at the front of my dress and made my way out of the dressing room, grabbing a mustard coloured sweater that caught my eye on the way. Jonas would look incredibly hot in it.3

  I checked out and all but ran back to my car, I was running a half hour behind and didn't have my phone to call Jonas and give him the heads up. I hoped he wouldn't be mad.

  By the time I pulled into the driveway I was forty five minutes late. I noticed Jonas' truck wasn't in the drive and felt my heart sink.

  I hoped Tyler had taken it somewhere like he often did. Calm down Lyla... this is Jonas. I said out loud to my reflection in the rear view mirror.

  I knew as soon as I saw him all my worries would disappear, he always made me feel incredible, it was one of the reasons I could never resist the man.

  I walked in the door and looked around the empty house. No one was here it seemed. I scanned the room for my phone, I had to have left it in Jonas' room, but I remembered grabbing it this morning. I took a moment to dig a gift bag from the coat closet and placed the sweater in it. Making my way to the kitchen I grabbed two glasses for the bourbon and filled a bowl with ice.

  In an incredible balancing act, I took advantage of the empty house and made my way upstairs to set up Jonas' room for what I had planned.

  I stopped at the top of the stairs startled to see him laying across his bed with a book in his hand.

  He looked up at me with a wry smile, closing the book and jumping up to help me carry some things. "Welcome home Lyla... is all of this..."11

  "For your birthday." I smiled at him. "I hope you didn't try to call me, I left my phone today, I'm so sorry." I apologized, letting him take the bowl of ice and cups from my hand.

  "I did, but it's ok, you're here now." He said fidgeting with the long sleeve of his dress shirt. He looked nervous too. I was really depending on him being his cool collected self to get through tonight.

  "Drink?" He asked twisting the cap off of the brown bottle.7

  "Yes, please." I said, walking over to where he had sat on the bed to make them. I sat on his lap wrapping my hands behind his neck and bringing my lips to just below his ear, his favorite spot, I had learned from spending my nights with him this week. I felt his breath catch and watched his jaw tighten ever so slightly.

  "You're awfully tame today." I whispered into his ear and watched him fumble the glass in his hand and almost drop it. "Are you nervous?" I asked in a purring tone letting my breath fan over his neck, surprised that he was letting me take the lead on this, it was so unlike him, but I didn't hate it, especially because of the reaction I was having on him.15

  "Lyla..." he purred, running his hand from my knee up the inside of my leg, stopping just shy of the lace panties.

  "You're so soft." He whispered at my lips as I opened my mouth and let my tongue run over his lips and sweep into his mouth.

  "Did you not smoke today?" I asked, tasting only his delicious minty taste and no cigarettes.

  "You noticed?" He asked proudly, pulling back, before setting down the second glass of bourbon and grabbing my face, pulling me back to him and letting his mouth completely encompass mine.

  Sweeping his tongue deep into mine and nipping at my lips. "I'm quitting." He whispered at my chin as he moved lower and began to devour my neck.

  I moved my body to straddle him and let my hands rub through his dark, messy, hair, grabbing it at the back and pulling at his roots.

  A feral sound came from his throat and he grabbed my arms, quickly bringing them behind my back.

  "Slow down Lyla... drinks..." he purred, his chest rising and falling much faster than usual. I couldn't tell if I was turning him on or making him nervous, which made me feel more self conscious.

  He lifted his glass to mine.

  "To you and I?" He half made a toast, half seemed to be seeking my approval.

  I laughed, clanking my glass to his before lifting it to my lips and chugging the entire contents out of nervousness. I'd have been embarrassed if Jonas hadn't done the same. I couldn't believe it, he was every bit as nervous as me. It was actually cute to watch.

  I leaned forward pouring us both another glass. I'd have to be careful, I hadn't eaten since lunch and two glasses of bourbon would have me seeing double with nothing on my stomach.

  I watched Jonas drink all of his glass again and pour a third while I took a sip of mine setting it on the bedside stand.2

  I grabbed the gift bag, opting to break some of the tension by giving him his gift before we continued.

  "This is just something I picked up for you." I moved to sit beside him and give him room to open it.

  "No, you stay right here." He wrapped an arm around me pulling me up his lap so my legs draped over his upper thigh in between his spread legs. Using one hand he pulled the sweater from the bag. "I like it." He smiled at me. "I don't think I have any jumpers." He winked at me.

  "Jumpers?" I raised a brow at him. "You mean sweaters?" I laughed.

  "Don't you think sweater is a gross word? It's a wooly jumper Lyla..." he was serious, and I laughed at him, biting my lip.

  "Put it on." I said, looking at the sweater against his skin and realizing I was so right, he was going to look incredibly sexy in it.

  "Right now?" He asked.

  "Yes, why not?" I said, rubbing my hands down his shoulders and chest and unbuttoning his top button. The bourbon was taking effect and I could see that both of us were becoming more relaxed. He lifted his glass to his lips and finished the contents, setting me down on the bed.

  "Ok, I'll be right back." He stood and walked to the bathroom, stumbling a little at the door.

  He was definitely feeling the effects of the alcohol too. He disappeared inside and I took the opportunity to let my plan go into full affect.2

  Thankful for the buzz radiating through me, giving me the extra courage that I needed, I untied my dress and let it fall to the floor. Sifting through my bag

  I grabbed out the handcuffs and let them dangle from my finger. I looked to Jonas' dresser mirror and caught my reflection. Holy shit! I looked like a porn star.

  I grabbed my glass taking a big gulp to settle my nerves and moved to the post of the bed and leaned there waiting for Jonas to re-emerge from the bathroom.

  The door pushed open and we both stood wide eyed, looking at each other. Jonas came out wearing only the sweater and his record sized boner. I let my eyes stare at him, taking in every inch of his length that he no doubt would be using on me momentarily.

  "Oh fuck..." his voice was raw and unforgiving
. His eyes scanned my body like he was seeing me this way for the first time and I felt my skin turn hot with flush.

  His eyes fixed on the handcuffs I was playfully dangling from a finger at my side. His breathing drew ragged as he began to step forward.

  "Oh fuck..." he repeated, letting his lips turn into a smirk that sent heat straight to my core.

  "You like?" I asked shyly, searching his dark eyes.

  "Oh! fuck yes 'I like' baby." He sat on the bed and held his hands out to me, beckoning me to come sit on his lap again. I swung the handcuffs around my finger as I made my way to him slowly, taking my time to set my legs on either side of his muscular naked hips. He sat back staring at me, watching my every movement.

  He let me climb onto him and made no move to touch me, he had the look of a cat playing with its prey... I knew he was going to attack, I just didn't know when.

  "Happy birthday." I whispered into his ear seductively, letting my hands thread through his dark brown hair, grabbing it by the fistful.

  Making love

  Jonas' hands cautiously ran up my thighs, it was as though if he move too quickly he was going to snap and lose all control over the situation.

  I pulled his mouth to mine by his hair, letting the handcuffs dangle from my hand behind his head.

  "Jonas, touch me." I pleaded against his lips as his hands squeezed into my hips and pulled me forward to rub against his erection.

  I took his cue and brought myself down against it, grinding my body into him desperately, the barely thin material, the only thing separating us from coming together as one.

  His hands ran the length of my back and his fingers began to dig into flesh feverishly. He was losing control and I loved it. I grabbed his arm bringing the handcuffs to his wrist and he growled into my mouth.

  All at once he had my hands pinned behind my back and the cuffs were digging into my own wrists.

  He gave a little tug at the metal chain linking my hands together forcing my chest forward to him as he licked his lips at my body like it were his own personal buffet.


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