I was a Bet

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I was a Bet Page 27

by Mansi Negi

  "She doesn't want to talk to you Jonas! What part of 'it's over' are you not comprehending?" Casey pulled her phone from her pocket.

  "Take another step closer and I'm calling the police!" She barked out.3

  I hesitated, she couldn't be serious. "This doesn't concern you Casey! Delilah, please, Tyler knows you were with me, he was there, he saw us!" I ran my hands through my hair.

  "Why won't you answer my calls? I tried to call you!" The panic in my voice didn't go unnoticed by Lyla, she poked her head out from behind Casey.

  "I don't have that phone anymore." Her voice was quaking.

  "Are you fucking kidding me Jonas? You have the nerve to ask her why she isn't answering your calls! How about the last month that you've been dodging all of hers?! You need to go! It's over, she doesn't want you here!" Casey raised her phone and began to dial.

  "Tyler's coming for you, he's going to hurt you Lyla, please baby! I need you to come with me! I can keep you safe if you're with me and..." I was cut short by Casey.

  "You manipulative piece of shit! Don't try to scare her into going anywhere with you!" Casey screamed, prompting me to step forward and follow suit.

  "You think I'm trying to manipulate her, but you have no fucking clue what you're talking about!" I was seeing red. Casey needed to shut the fuck up on all matters she had no clue about.

  "Jonas, I'm calling, I'm calling the police unless you go now!" She turned the speaker on her phone on.

  "911, what is your emergency?" The dispatcher's voice sounded and I could hear Lyla sobbing from behind Casey's body.

  If she'd just look at me, she'd see the urgency. I counted the steps it would take to make it to her and throw Casey aside. I could force her to go with me, but I'd scare her and she was already trembling.

  "Fuck! Casey are you kidding me?" I ran a hand through my hair.

  "Lyla..." my voice came out sad and defeated. "Lyla, I'm sorry about everything, but you have to believe me. I'm begging you to believe me!" I sounded broken, not like myself.

  "I need an officer." Casey stated flatly into the phone, and urged Lyla toward the door of the house.

  Fuck, this is not happening!

  I climbed back into my car and took off up the road. An officer would be there soon and I couldn't get thrown in jail now, I'd be rendered useless against my brother from behind bars. I dialled Theo's number, thanking god he was into the shady shit he was.

  "Hey man! You ready for your fight tonight? I hear it's going to be twice the turnout as last time!" He sounded pumped, that would mean close to $20,000. For each of us, which I had a feeling I'd be needing with I was about to ask him.

  "Are you still in with that gang?" I asked, ignoring his question about me.

  "Uhh, not unless I have to be. Why man what's up?" He sounded more serious now.

  "I need a tail..." I hesitated for a moment before continuing, "and a mark." The line was silent on the other end.

  "You there?" I questioned.

  "Yes... fuck dude, a mark? I can do the tail easy, it'll cost you, but a mark... what did you get yourself into?" He loosed a heave and I could tell he was nervous.

  "Nothing, it's Lyla... she's in trouble. Just, man please make the tail someone not shady. I don't want some pervert watching my girl.

  I'll be there at night, but during the day and during fights when I can't be." I'd lose my shit if whoever followed her was a creep.2

  "Yes, I can have Alfonzo do it, he likes the jobs like that... and you know he won't let anyone near her unless he has you say yes." Theo offered his little brother as the tail and I felt relieved immediately.

  Alfonzo was a good kid. Young, but loyal. I knew I could trust him, and I knew he could fight and would at any chance given.

  "But the mark... that's serious Jonas, like prison time serious. I just want you to know the consequences of what you're asking." He sounded not so sure.

  "Yes, I know. I want him dead Theo." I didn't even have to hesitate. This was the way it had to be if I ever wanted Lyla to have a chance at normal life. If I ever wanted a chance at normal life myself.2

  "Ok, I know a guy, but it's expensive. He takes five grand up front and then another ten after it's done. It's pretty much going to break the bank bud, but tell me who you want it on and I'll put him in touch with you." Theo mostly stuck to selling pot and illegal betting, but I knew he had done darker things when he'd first gotten wrapped up in the bullshit street life.

  He pretty much knew every shady fucker from southern Florida to New York.

  "It's Tyler." I said without hesitation. This was going to be the end of the line for his sociopath bullshit.1

  "Fuck dude, Tyler? Are you sure man? He's your fucking brother." Theo really sounded unsure now.

  "He's not my fucking brother. Not anymore. I'm sure." I said, no wavering in my voice. I was really doing this.

  I was putting a hit on my own fucking family and I didn't even feel bad about it. He had threatened Delilah and I wasn't going to sit idle and wait for him to make good on it.

  I knew he would. He always did.

  I stopped at the gas station on the sketchy side of town, once I was far enough away that I knew the police wouldn't be looking for me.

  I filled up and went inside grabbing a chicken salad sandwich. Devouring gas station food — when had my life come to this.

  I pulled into my place a few minutes later cursing under my breath at the police car sitting in the parking lot. I had a fight in less than three hours and the police sniffing around here was the last thing I needed.

  I climbed from my car and met the officer standing at my door.

  "Jonas Landry?" He questioned, as I took the last bite of my sandwich.

  "Yes?" Fuck! What now?

  "We had a report of a domestic disturbance today. You know a Lyla Moore?" He looked at me stone faced.2

  "Yes... I know her." I didn't know whether or not I should lie about going there. I was also waiting for confirmation that Alfonzo was posted outside of her house, so this could end badly if I didn't get rid of this guy.

  "You paid her a visit today?" He asked, a frown line creasing his forehead.

  "Yes, I went to see her, she's my ex. Look I just wanted to talk to her. I didn't touch her and I left, so unless she's pressing charges or something can I go inside?" God what if she had gotten a restraining order or something? Tyler would have a hay day with that.

  "She's not, but her parent's are. They don't want you within 100 feet of their property." He handed me a paper.

  "You've been served. Oh, and son... she was adamant about not slapping a restraining order on you, but I think I would think twice before you go and pay her another visit, because her parents’ were not happy. I have a feeling next time won't have the same outcome." He nodded his head at me as he turned back toward his cruiser.4

  Fuck! Could my life be any more fucked?

  I unlocked my door and stepped into the garage.

  "Mr. Jonas, I..." Frank's eye's glanced from me to the door of the apartment. "How'd you get out here Mr. Jonas?"1

  "Is there someone in there, Frank?" I grabbed his shoulders and gave a slight shake.

  "It's Mr. Jonas..." his toothless mouth hung agape. Fucking Tyler was here in my house right now. I ran for the door. Fuck this! I'd end it right now!

  I threw the door open and saw nothing. "Tyler!" I roared, my voice echoing through the vast empty space. There was nowhere for him to hide in here.

  An open window caught my eye and I ran over to it looking down at the trash bin underneath. This was how he left.

  What had he been doing here? I looked around the place. Nothing looked different. Was he just casing it out?

  I ran back out to the garage. "Frank, look at me, what was I doing? What did Mr. Jonas do when I was here?" I asked, hoping he had come down from his high enough to process what I was asking.

  "Pictures... having some pictures Mr. Jonas was." He still looked shaken by the fact that I had been ins
ide and outside at the same time.

  "That wasn't Mr. Jonas Frank. That was my twin brother, is that who gave you the dope?" I looked at him seriously.

  "Not Mr. Jonas did." He hung his head.


  I walked back inside. Taking pictures of what? The whole space was wide open. What could he have been taking pictures of?

  That's when the small Manila envelope sitting on the couch caught my eye.

  I grabbed it up and reached inside. Pictures. He hadn't been taking them, he'd left them. I pulled out the first few.

  Pictures of Delilah... pictures of her at school, by the pool, sleeping. I grabbed another handful of them, most had been from when we lived there.

  How long had he been taking pictures of her? The second pile were more recent. There were pictures of her crying taken from outside of her window, more pictures of her sleeping. My stomach churned.

  He'd been inside the house watching her sleep. One of the pictures wasn't even from her house. It had to have been taken at Casey's judging by the brown hair in the top corner of the picture.

  Finally, I came to pictures of her and Tyler. Like he had set up his phone on my dresser and recorded the night he'd tricked her into sleeping with him. All of them looked like stills from a video.

  Fuck! That bastard had recorded the whole thing.6

  I stopped when I flipped up a picture of Lyla in white lace lingerie holding a pair of handcuffs and Tyler had his arms reached out for her to come to him. I couldn't see any more of this. This was him torturing me.

  This was Tyler's fucked mind. Why he had to be stopped. He was obsessive and possessive and impossible to stop once he made his mind up on something and he had clearly made his mind up on Lyla from the very beginning.

  At least I knew he wasn't with Lyla right now.1

  A text came through my phone. It was Alfonzo.

  A: I'm here. Everything's good. She's inside. I'll update later.

  I couldn't help but feel like a creep. Delilah's privacy had been completely violated by my brother and now I was doing the same, but it had to be this way. It was the only way to keep her safe until Tyler was gone.

  I let the rage of the photos Tyler had left me consume my body.

  I had a fight tonight and I needed to hit someone, to fucking kill them! I was going to do damage to whomever I fought.



  In the night

  Lyla’s point of view

  Why was this my life? I stared down from my window wondering if I could ever out run the demons of my foster brothers. Jonas had come here for me.

  He'd come to take me away with him and if Casey wouldn't have been here, I'd probably have let him convince me to go.2

  Thank god for Casey, I probably should have listened to her advice and just filed the restraining order against Jonas, but I couldn't. I just couldn't do that to him.

  It wasn't like he would hurt me, not physically, ever. Even though we were done and I wanted to move on, I still didn't think he was a bad person, not on purpose at least.

  I think he really believed in his sick mind that he was going to protect me from something, not from something, from Tyler, but I hadn't actually talked to Tyler since he'd left, so his theory on Tyler coming after me was inaccurate.5

  I couldn't shake the horrible feeling of listening to Jonas beg though. It's not like him, and it had me second guessing myself off and on all day.

  Casey had just left and my mom and dad were downstairs putting together puzzles with the younger kids. I had heard Tristan ask if Jonas had been here earlier after she'd over heard the police mention it.

  She missed him. They had been close. He was for all intents and purposes her father. That was perhaps what I felt worst about.

  That little girl lost him and he her all because I'd been selfish in my wanting him. I'd never forgive myself for that. I still hoped that some day I'd be able to convince my parents to at least let Tristan and Jonas visit each other.

  I lifted my new phone up as it lit up. It was actually my older model phone from the previous year, but a new plan and number.

  I was fine with it. I didn't really use social media, so as long as there was calling and texting I was good.

  The text was a reply from Jack. I'd sent a text of my new number earlier just to be sure he had it and we had kind of been texting back and forth the rest of the night.

  It was a pleasant distraction from my whirlwind of an evening and day.

  Jack: I had to work in produce at the store today so I'm freezing my sac off from being in the fridge. I need someone to warm me up.

  He had been flirty with me every time and it was evident that he liked me. Which was great, because I liked him too. I just wanted to make sure I took things at a reasonable pace for myself.

  My life was clearly a mess and I needed to sort out so much of it before pulling in anyone else.

  Lyla: are you flirting with me again? For shame sir! Maybe we can get together this week again.

  His reply rang through almost immediately.

  Jack: I'm definitely flirting with you, I'd be lying if I told you, you haven't been on my mind since that kiss the other night. Are you sure? Are you, you know, done with that Jonas guy?

  Lyla: yes, we're done... like completely over, never want to see him again, DONE.2

  I kept waiting for my heart to get on board with what I was saying. It would just take time I imagined.

  I settled into my bed and pulled my covers up, reminiscing on the warmth of Jonas' body wrapped around mine.

  Just last night his warm mouth had brought me to orgasm, he'd practically begged me to let him make love to me. I tried to push the memories from my mind. This wasn't going to aid in me moving on with my life.1

  Eventually sleep settled in and I woke several hours later.

  "Jonas... please." I moaned, and felt the words leaving my lips.

  Fuck. I turned on my light and made my way to the bathroom to get a drink of water from the tap.

  I pulled my robe around myself and walked to the window. He was out there somewhere, and I wondered if he was thinking about me too.

  I sat on the edge of my bed facing the window, and chugged a few gulps of my water. A bead of sweat let loose from my hair line. I was hot after the dream I'd just had. I slipped my robe off and hung it on my bathroom door.

  It was two in the morning, but I didn't see myself falling back to sleep. I slipped off my underwear and walked into the bathroom flipping the shower on. I needed to rid the sweat from myself and the memory of Jonas.

  I let the water cascade over my hot skin bringing it to a near boil. My skin turned red at the heat.

  Whether I was still in love with Jonas or not, I knew I was hot for him, on fire for him and I wondered if this longing would ever go away.

  It had been a complete mind - fuck to have him tell me I was his, and that no one could make me feel the way he did.

  Not only because it left me breathless, but because I feared it was true.

  I knew I shouldn't but I rubbed my hand down my body. I Closed my eyes "that's because he doesn't know your body like I do, no one does, and no one ever will." Jonas' husky voice played through my mind as I rubbed over myself.

  "Mmmm Jonas, no one can make me feel like you." I increased my speed, I was close. I tried to keep my moans quiet. I kept going, doing what he had done to me last night, until I felt my legs weaken.

  "Jonas, baby... oh fuck Jonas."

  I came hard with his name falling from my lips. I hated that I'd done it, but I needed to squelch the burning heat my dream had caused. Now maybe I could put my Jonas thoughts aside.


  ***** *****

  Jonas’ point of view

  "Aaaaaaaaahhhhh!!" I roared out and pounded my chest, jumping up and down over the bloody, mangled, body of the guy I'd just beaten the fuck out of.

  I raised my gloves over and over egging on the screams of the crowd gathered around the fight rin

  Theo had been right, there were a shit ton of people here tonight. I'd say maybe four times the amount of people as the first fight.

  "Jonas! Jonas! Jonas!" They chanted as I jumped on the ropes and held my hands over my head. My adrenaline was through the roof. It was what I'd needed — To beat the fuck out of some poor bastard who had no idea how fucking much pent up rage I held in these hands today. I'd broke his nose for sure.

  Theo walked up and patted my back.

  "You're going to like the outcome of this. I got a hold of my guy. Meet him here tomorrow at noon. You'll have plenty to pay him!" He lifted a bottle to his lips and chugged the entire contents, sticking his tongue out afterward and shaking his head around.

  "Woo! Let's go boys!" He shouted, turning to a few guys collecting money from the bets.

  "I've got to go, make sure everyone gets the hell out will you?" I yelled to Theo. I had to get to Delilah's. Alfonzo was set up outside and I was going to go in tonight and keep an eye on things just to be sure Tyler didn't have some way to sneak in like he clearly had in the past.

  "Jonas..." a dark-haired girl motioned to me from a few people away. She was hot, but she was no Delilah.

  "I'm Britt, good fight." She walked closer and held out her hand for me to shake. Damn, she was really hot.

  Her eyes told me what she wanted from me as they wandered down my body and if I weren't completely in love with Delilah I'd have thrown her over my shoulder, taken her to my apartment and fucked her like a rag doll.

  She made it clear that she saw that in my eyes as she took her lip between her teeth.

  "What are you getting into tonight?" She asked, her voice low and husky.

  Fuck! All this adrenaline and no outlet. I'd have loved to get inside of Delilah tonight, but that was never going to happen... I fought myself to not just take this girl into the bathroom and pound myself into her until I couldn't feel my dick anymore. It had been months since I'd had sex and I was desperate for it.

  "I've got plans tonight, sorry." I hated myself for saying it... for holding back, but I was so fucking whipped over Lyla, no one else did it for me anymore.2

  "Oh..." she looked surprised by my answer, not many guys turned this girl down. How could they, but not many guys knew Delilah.


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