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Shut Your Eyes (The You Don't Know Me Trilogy Book 3)

Page 13

by Lee, Mandy

  ‘That’s where it belongs, Maya. Don’t ever send it back to me again.’

  ‘I won’t.’ I face him.

  ‘Tell me you love me. I need to hear it.’

  ‘I love you.’

  ‘And I love you too. Never forget that. You and me. We’re for keeps.’

  He pulls me into his arms, holding me for an age before he delivers another perfect kiss.

  ‘How long have we got?’ I ask.

  ‘Not long enough.’ He touches the sweet pea. ‘Two days. It’s all I could manage. Have you got your mobile?’

  I nod to my handbag.

  ‘You need to ring Lucy. Tell her you got lucky with Gordon.’

  ‘But he’s gay.’

  ‘And firmly in the closet, perfectly happy to provide an alibi.’

  ‘But me and Gordon?’

  ‘Yes, you and Gordon. You’re a terrible slapper. Did you know that?’

  ‘Takes one to know one.’

  ‘Touché.’ He saunters over to the handbag. ‘Tell Lucy you’ll be spending the next couple of days with your latest conquest. He’s insisting on it. Tell her not to worry. Gordon’s arranging for her to be picked up tomorrow morning by one of his people. She’ll be shown the sights of Manhattan, wined and dined and all that. Lap of luxury. Money no object.’

  He picks up the bag, places it on a side table and opens it.

  ‘And Boyd?’

  ‘If he finds out about Gordon, he’s got his confirmation that we’re over.’

  Rummaging through the bag, he pulls out a receipt and an empty crisp packet.

  ‘And then he’ll start on Gordon.’

  ‘Let him try. The big G’s got his own security team. We’re talking billionaire territory. No one can get to him.’

  ‘But our family, our friends.’

  ‘He told us to keep apart. He didn’t tell you to keep away from other men. Worst case scenario, he’ll just try to threaten Gordon. Good luck to him.’

  ‘Lucy’s going to go mad.’

  ‘She’ll soon forget.’ And now he pulls out a clump of tissues and gives me a disapproving glance. ‘Gordon’s man’s a bit of a looker by all accounts. He’ll keep her happy.’

  ‘Don’t tell me …’

  ‘Strictly no shenanigans.’ He rummages some more. ‘He’s under strict orders to be a perfect gentleman. Clive wouldn’t be too impressed with anything else. We’re not the only ones who’ve been waiting, remember?’

  ‘You really are sneaky.’

  ‘It’s one of my strengths.’

  At last, he manages to locate my mobile.

  ‘Now, Miss Scotton …’ He holds it out to me. ‘It’s time to piss off your best friend.’

  Chapter Ten

  I’m still reeling from Lucy’s ear bashing when Dan takes the mobile from me and lays it on the coffee table. With a glint in his eyes, he leads me through the suite to the master bedroom.

  Like the rest of the penthouse, it’s top-notch, everything luxurious, antique, solid. I’m surrounded by a range of dark wood furniture: a wardrobe, a chest of drawers, a cream sofa and over by the window, two armchairs next to an occasional table. But without a doubt, the centrepiece of the room is the huge bed, complete with a slatted wooden headboard. Draped with rich cotton covers and a cream silk throw, it’s sprinkled with an array of cushions in a range of deep browns and reds. And behind it, along the entire length of the room, windows give out over Central Park. I’m gazing in awe at the scene when I feel his hands around my waist.

  ‘Nice dress,’ he murmurs into my ear. ‘Where did you get it?’

  ‘Harrods, I think.’ His lips brush against my neck, just under my ear lobe. ‘I was a bit drunk at the time.’

  He laughs and turns me to face him.

  ‘You are a bad, bad woman. One of the many reasons I love you.’

  ‘Are you going to draw those blinds?’

  ‘No. Nobody can see us.’

  ‘But Boyd …’

  He places a finger on my lips.

  ‘Isn’t out there in the park, isn’t over on the West Side, isn’t here full stop.’

  We lock eyes for a few seconds before he draws me in for a long, deep kiss. While one hand comes to rest between my shoulder blades and another on my buttocks, I drift away into a dream world, forgetting Boyd, tracing my palms across Dan’s biceps, up his shoulders, finally clamping them across the back of his neck. I’m knocking on the door of my own personal promised land when, in the midst of it all, a simple fact bubbles to the surface of my brain.


  I haven’t been taking my pill for the last week, not since the nightclub incident. After Dan’s apparent rejection, I couldn’t see the point.

  Double shit.

  I really should tell him, because I’m willing to bet he’s not come armed with condoms, and seeing as he’s not supposed to be here I have no idea how he’d manage to get hold of any at short notice. Within a matter of seconds, I’ve made a rash decision. I won’t fill him in on the situation because I’m fired up on lust. Instead, as soon as I’m out of this place, I’ll get myself to a pharmacy for the morning-after pill.

  He releases me and steps back.

  ‘Stay exactly where you are.’

  I do as I’m told. After all, I know the deal … and I like it too. Fizzing with anticipation, I wait as he circles me, slowly, surveying my body. At last, he reaches out and trails a finger lightly down my bare arm. A spark of electricity erupts at my core. I close my eyes, throw my head back and groan.

  ‘Head up,’ he whispers into my ear, behind me now. ‘Eyes open.’

  His hands come to my waist and hold me firm.

  ‘You’ve lost weight.’

  ‘I’ve been on a wine diet. Broken heart and all that.’

  ‘You need to eat, woman. I love your curves.’

  Releasing me, he takes hold of the zipper, patiently draws it down and slips both hands inside my dress, running warm palms across my skin, easing the fabric away from my shoulders until it drops to the floor. The spark of electricity erupts again. This time, it’s joined by others. Flinging themselves around my crotch with wild abandon, they’re already transforming me into a melting, quivering mess.

  ‘Oh good Lord,’ he breathes.


  ‘White knickers, black bra.’


  Instinctively, I try to bend down to retrieve the dress, but I’m stopped immediately and urged back up.

  ‘If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years,’ he says, wheeling me round. ‘When a woman goes out to get laid, she always wears matching underwear.’

  His eyes flash with amusement.

  ‘So, here’s your proof. I wasn’t planning on fucking anyone else, including Gordon.’

  ‘I’m sure he’ll be relieved to hear that.’

  He reaches round, unclasps my bra and draws it away. With a smile of appreciation, he throws the bra to one side and cups my breasts for a moment before leaning down to seal his lips around my right nipple. He sucks gently, licks and sucks again. A sudden flood of heat in my breast quickly spreads through the rest of my body, wrenching the air out of my lungs, causing mayhem in my stomach and homing in on my crotch. Trying to steady myself, I grab his shoulders. Immediately, he releases the nipple and lowers himself to his knees. Slipping an index finger into my knickers, he tears them away, leaving me in nothing but stockings and suspenders.

  ‘Hello again.’ He smiles at my crotch, parting my pubic hair. ‘Long time, no see. How have you been?’

  ‘A bit bored actually,’ I answer on its behalf.

  He raises an eyebrow. ‘Really? You didn’t indulge in a little finger action?’

  ‘Well …’ A blush rises in my cheeks. ‘Maybe a little.’

  ‘Vibrator?’ he asks, tenderly smoothing a fingertip across my labia.

  I shake my head.

  ‘Never owned one.’

  ‘Good God, woman. We’d better put that rig
ht. I’ll buy you one for Christmas.’ His eyes darken. ‘And then I’ll use it on you.’ He kisses my crotch. ‘Get your backside on that bed.’

  Again, I follow orders and by the time I’m in position on my back, he’s standing again, watching me

  ‘Right,’ he says, growing serious. ‘I need to get this out of the way.’

  ‘Get what out of the way?’ I sit up.

  He wavers.

  ‘I’m a little different.’

  ‘What do you mean?’

  Keeping his eyes fixed on mine, and clearly uncertain of himself, he unbuttons his shirt. He slips it from his shoulders, drops it to the floor … and waits. A silence extends between us. Finally, I break eye contact and look down, past the broad shoulders, the perfect chest and the six-pack, finally coming to rest on a scar that appears just above his waistband, crossing the lower half of his abdomen. Although I try not to react, I take in a sharp breath.

  ‘Does it bother you?’ he asks.

  ‘No. It’s just bigger than I thought.’

  ‘Well … they didn’t exactly have time to be careful.’

  ‘It makes no difference to me.’

  ‘It’s not the end of it.’

  Slowly unbuckling his belt, he lowers his trousers to the floor, steps out of them and straightens up, presenting himself for inspection. Apart from the scar on his stomach, everything else is exactly as I remember. After a few weeks laid up in hospital, he must have been determined to get himself back into shape because he’s as close to perfection as he’s ever been. I’m about to tell him I see no difference when he turns to the side.

  ‘How about this, then?’ He nods down at his right leg.

  I follow the direction of his gaze. Focussed on the lower part of the leg, but travelling up a little past the knee, the scars are vicious this time.

  ‘It’s a mess.’

  I hear it in his voice and see it in his eyes. I’m not the only one who’s been dealing with anger and frustration. For the time being, lust has flown straight out of the window. All I want to do is throw my arms around him, give him the reassurance he needs, but as soon as I begin to move, he raises a hand to stop me. No sympathy. All he wants is acceptance.

  ‘Damaged goods.’

  ‘You’re not damaged. You’re perfect in every single way.’

  ‘Far from it.’

  ‘Perfect for me. I don’t care about the scars. They’re part of you now … and I love you, everything about you, every last imperfection.’

  ‘I’ve got a few.’

  ‘You had a few before the accident. It didn’t stop me then, and it won’t stop me now.’

  Because each one of them is a mark of his suffering, proof that regardless of all the slings and arrows thrown his way, he’s always been determined to pull through and make something better of his life. I gaze at him in utter admiration, noting that his breathing’s quickened a little. His lips part, and I wonder if he’s about to say something else, but as soon as it arrives, the moment’s gone. Maybe it’s time to inject a little humour into the situation.

  ‘I’m willing to bet your cock’s still in full working order.’

  ‘It certainly is.’ He smiles. ‘A fact I’m about to prove.’

  ‘Better get your pants off then … seeing as they’re too tight.’


  He takes off his underpants, his cock springing free, erect and ready to go. Straightening up again, he doesn’t move. Instead, he stays exactly where he is, standing at the end of the bed, studying me.

  ‘Lie back down. Show me your body.’

  With my heart rate zooming off the chart, I do as I’m told, raising my arms above my head and wrestling for every single breath as his gaze moves from my face down to my breasts, further down, across my stomach, to the stockings. At last I can’t take it any longer.

  ‘Just get on with it.’

  He bites back a laugh.

  ‘Do you know what Winnie the Pooh said?’ he asks.


  ‘Winnie the Pooh?’

  ‘Fuck Winnie the Pooh.’

  ‘What an awful thing to say. I’d rather not, if you don’t mind.’

  I giggle.

  ‘So, what did Winnie the Pooh say?’

  ‘Although eating honey is a very good thing to do, there’s a moment, just before you begin to eat it … I think it’s called anticipation.’

  ‘And I think you’ve anticipated enough.’

  ‘Fair enough.’

  He climbs onto the bed, manoeuvring himself onto his side next to me. Still making no contact, he leaves just enough space between us for me to feel the warmth of his body. Propping his head on his right hand, he rests his left arm along his side.

  ‘But just a little more. Fucking hell, woman, I’ve missed you. How can that happen? How can you miss someone like they’re a part of your body?’

  ‘I have no idea. Just touch me. Please.’

  He surveys my body again, enjoying the view.

  ‘Where?’ he asks at last.


  ‘Where do you want me to touch you?’

  Oh God. What to say? My skin’s effervescing.

  ‘Anywhere. Everywhere.’

  ‘Not good enough. I need specifics.’

  And I need his hands on me now. I opt for an obvious start.


  ‘Which part of your breasts?’

  ‘Dan …

  ‘Specifics,’ he warns me.


  He reaches over and takes hold of my right nipple, gently squeezing and tugging, slowly elongating it, causing me to moan. Satisfied with my reaction, he lets go, swirling an index finger around my areola, again and again. I moan some more.

  ‘Enjoying that?’

  ‘God, yes.’

  ‘And now?’

  ‘The other one,’ I stammer. ‘Do the same.’

  ‘Magic word?’


  He pulls back, removing all contact, and I squirm in disappointment.

  ‘Try again.’


  ‘That’s more like it.’

  He moves to my left nipple, repeating the process, watching my every reaction.

  ‘Now, where shall I go?’

  ‘Down,’ I falter. ‘Run your fingertips over my stomach.’

  ‘Like this?’ he asks, following my instructions. He splays his fingertips and touches them lightly against my skin. Starting just below my breasts and skimming downwards at a snail’s pace, he leaves a trail of superheated flesh in his wake.

  ‘Exactly like that,’ I gasp.

  He traces a path back up my stomach, stopping beneath my breasts, and then down again.

  ‘And now?’

  ‘Along my sides, and then inwards … to that place.’

  Eyes still firmly locked on mine, he moves his hand to my flank, laying his palm flat against my skin, and cocks his head.

  ‘Which place?’ he asks, trailing the palm downwards.

  ‘You know …’

  ‘I’m afraid I have no idea.’

  His eyes glimmer. He’s teasing me.

  ‘You know.’ My breath jitters as he moves back up, down again. ‘My lady garden.’

  The hand’s removed. He takes hold of my chin.

  ‘I don’t deal in euphemisms, sweet pea. Say the word.’

  ‘My … you know.’

  He laughs.

  ‘Say it.’

  ‘Clitoris … ah.’ I squirm and close my eyes. I haven’t got a clue why this makes me feel so embarrassed.

  ‘Well done.’ Releasing my chin, he brushes his fingers through my pubic hair. His index finger finds my clit and begins to circle, lazily. ‘You know, for a woman who swears like a trooper, you’re remarkably coy about your own body. It’s just a word. There’s no need for shame or embarrassment.’

  ‘I can’t help it.’

  ‘Oh yes you can.’

  I open my ey
es to find him staring down at me, stern and tender all at once. His finger finds exactly the right spot and my muscles come alive.

  ‘This is about intimacy, Maya. Feeling ashamed of nothing. Knowing what turns us on and why, what we like to give and receive, where we shouldn’t go.’ The finger continues to move, creating a bundle of heat just behind my clitoris. ‘This is about knowing each other like no one’s ever known us before, creating a bond so tight, no one can ever break it.’

  ‘Well, if that’s the case,’ I manage to breathe, fired up by his words. ‘I want your fingers inside my … oh.’ I’m temporarily halted by a ripple. ‘My vagina,’ I rasp. ‘Right inside it … and your thumb on my clitoris … and I want you to suck my nipples while you’re doing it.’

  He smiles broadly.

  ‘There, it’s not so difficult, is it?’

  His fingers enter me. One, then two, then three. He pushes deeper, rubbing against the underside of my clit and dispatching fireworks through every single nerve ending. At the same time, his thumb works at the outside. The fingers move, changing position slightly, finding another super-sensitive spot and bringing me right to the edge. And all the time, he watches me, gauging my state, stopping as I begin to quake inside.

  ‘Oh no,’ I whimper.

  ‘Oh yes.’ He begins again. ‘Let’s drag this out. So, that’s the fingers inside the vagina and the thumb on the clitoris. What was the other thing?’ A glimmer passes through his eyes. His lips twitch with mischief. ‘Oh, I remember.’

  Still working at my clit, he takes my left nipple in his mouth, licking and sucking. And before long, I’m quaking again. He’s giving me pleasure … pure pleasure. ‘But how much?’ my brain screams. ‘Because you know what this man’s capable of. He can pleasure you to death if that’s what he’s in the mood for.’ And judging by the way he’s trailing his tongue around my nipple right now, I’d say that’s exactly what’s going on. I have no idea how long it carries on, the fingers and thumb thrumming down below, his lips and tongue working at my nipple, but before long, I’m on the verge of becoming a sexual fruitcake.


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