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My Girl

Page 2

by Shaw Hart

  He gets the door for me and waits until I’m settled inside before he closes the door, throwing his equipment in the trunk and then slipping behind the wheel. The traffic has started to thin out and we’re able to pull out of the school lot pretty quickly. Theo heads home and we pull in and are getting out of the car as our parents pull into the garage. I glance over and can clearly see the scowl etched onto both of their faces and I sigh. Tonight is going to be a long night of hearing them scream at each other and anxiety floods through me.

  Theo slings his arm over my shoulders as he leads me into the house.

  “We’ll be ok, Winnie.” He whispers in my ear as I slip past him and into the house.

  Chapter Five


  I close Winnie’s bedroom door behind me, trying to drown out my dad and step-moms yelling. They used to try to hide their fights but over the last year things have gotten worse and worse and now it’s like they don’t care who knows how miserable they are. I wish that they would just split up already. Then I could date Winnie without anyone thinking it was weird because she’s my stepsister.

  She’s never felt like my sister, step or otherwise, but most people just wouldn’t get that. They would hear that our parents were married and think that it was wrong but there has never been anything wrong with how I feel about Winnie. She’s always been mine and I’ve always been hers. Nothing will ever change that.

  Winnie collapses back onto her bed and I set my drink down onto the bedside table before passing her the bowl of popcorn. She pulls herself up to sitting before she grabs the bowl from me.

  “Ok, Monty Python or The Princess Bride?” She asks as she reaches for the remote.

  “Princess Bride.” I say right away.

  “As you wish.” She says back cheekily.

  Winnie and I both love older British movies and I know that The Princess Bride is her favorite. She smiles over at me as she clicks the buttons, bringing up the movie. She presses play and we both settle in. I throw her blanket over us as she grabs another pillow to prop herself up. She puts the bowl of popcorn between us and I scoot closer to her as the opening scene starts to play.

  Our arms and legs are pressed up against each other and I’m amazed at the fireworks that still go off after all these years when I touch her. We finish the popcorn in the first half hour and Winnie sets it down on the bedside table before she settles back next to me. We both scoot further down the bed so that we’re laying instead of sitting up. I wrap my arm around her shoulder when she rests her head on my chest and I can’t help myself any longer. I tip my head down and breathe in the scent of her clementine shampoo before I kiss the top of her head.

  She tilts her head up to smile at me and suddenly, her lush lips are so close. They’re a breath away from mine and the temptation is too much. I have to know what they feel like. Does she taste like clementine’s too?

  I lean down and brush my lips over hers before I can second guess myself. I’ve waited years, my whole life to kiss Winnie Vaughn and I can’t wait any longer. Winnie moans into my mouth as her lips part under mine. I’ve never kissed anyone before and I wasn’t sure what to expect but this is so much better than I could have ever imagined. Winnie’s lips are firm under mine and when my tongue slips into her mouth it’s me who moans into her mouth. She tastes like popcorn and something sweet and I’m instantly addicted.

  I roll Winnie onto her back under me as my hands come up to rest next to her head. I hold most of my weight off of her. Our lips never break apart and soon I feel Winnie’s hands as they find their way into my hair. She pulls me down closer to her and her legs spread to wrap around my hips. We both moan then and my brain struggles to remember every detail of this. I can’t believe that I’m finally kissing my girl.

  It’s hard for me to believe that this is really happening. I’ve spent so long dreaming and fantasizing about kissing Winnie and being with her that I’m worried that I’m going to wake up any minute and realize that this is all just another dream.

  I want to tell her that I love her, that she’s all I’ll ever want or need and that I want to be the same for her but I don’t want to scare her off. I know that the fact that our parents are married makes everything messy. I don’t know what I would do if I told her how I felt and she rejected me. Everything would be ruined between us and I already know that I couldn’t survive without Winnie in my life.

  I tried that before when our parents had first gotten married and I had gone to live with my mom while Winnie lived with her dad. Everyone was pretty pissed off and upset when everything went down and we both wanted to get away from the new happy couple. Neither of us lasted long.

  Three weeks without Winnie and I was starting to lose my mind. I wanted to see her and talk to her every day and not just on the phone. I needed to see her with my eyes. To make sure that she was ok and was safe. We both moved back in with my dad and her mom a week after that. Living with Winnie was a dream but seeing my dad and her mom together made things awkward.

  I debate in my head if I should tell her I love her or not when she starts to rock her hips against mine. My cock was already hard but feeling her moving against me has me almost spilling in my jeans. I bite back a moan as she grinds against my hard length and I’m about to start rocking against her when a door slams down the hall.

  We both pull apart as our parents continue to fight down the hallway. I collapse next to her on the bed and we both try to catch our breath. I look over at Winnie to see her face is flushed and her lips are swollen. My cock is still painfully hard but I think the mood has been ruined.

  I try to think of something to say but come up empty and I notice that Winnie is refusing to look at me. I decide to just let it go for right now and we both settle down to finish watching the movie. The opening credits start to roll across the screen and my eyes feel heavy. I look down to Winnie is fast asleep, curled up next to me.

  I know that I should probably go back to my own room but I’m weak when it comes to Winnie and I’m not willing to miss out on the chance of feeling her wrapped up in my arms tonight. I slip my arm around her waist as I slide my body behind hers, spooning her smaller form against mine.

  Winnie snuggles further into me and sighs happily as my warmth surrounds her. I kiss the top of her head again before I bury my face in her neck and breathe in her scent. I already know that, like every other night, I will dream about Winnie and the life I hope that we have with each other someday. Hopefully, someday soon.

  I close my eyes and drift off to the comforting feeling of Winnie laying curled up in my arms. I listen to her even breathings until mine match hers and I finally let sleep pull me under.

  Chapter Six


  I wake up with Theo wrapped around me and I smile to myself and I snuggle deeper into him trying to soak up the last few minutes before he wakes up and leaves. Theo and I usually fall asleep together after our Friday night movie nights but after our kiss last night, I wonder if he stayed for a different reason now.

  That kiss last night took me completely by surprise. No one has ever even tried to kiss me before and I’m suddenly glad that no one else has ever shown interest in me. It feels right that my first kiss was with Theo. Boy, was it hot too. I swear that my lips were tingling for an hour afterwards.

  I study Theo’s face as he sleeps, brushing a few loose strands of hair off of his forehead. He looks peaceful with his eyelashes resting gently against his cheeks. His lips are parted slightly and I can feel his warm breath as it fans over my face.

  My eyes linger on his lips and I remember how they felt when they were moving over mine last night. It was my first kiss and I wonder if it was his too. He’s never gone out with anyone; Theo would have told me or I would have heard gossip around school if he had a girlfriend or had taken someone out.

  He actually spends most of his time with me. If he’s not in class or at football practice then he’s with me. I’m the same way. If I’m not with him then I’m
in class or I’m watching him at football practice. I’ve never had many friends, besides Theo, and my only girl friend moved away last year.

  The longer I stare at him the more something dawns on me.

  We love each other.

  I thought that he loved me when we were kids and I even thought that he was going to tell me that he loved me, as more than a friend, when we were younger. I can still remember how he showed up at my house with a bouquet of flowers on the day that our parents told us they had been having an affair. He had looked so devasted and I had been too, our parents were divorcing after all. I was upset over that but also because whatever I could have had with Theo couldn’t be now.

  I’ve never stopped loving him though. I could just never get those feelings to go away. With the way that he’s acting, and that kiss last night, I wonder if he still loves me too. What popular eighteen-year-old boy has never had a girlfriend or been on a date? I’ve seen girls at school and they all practically throw themselves at him but he’s never once shown interest in them.

  I wonder if I should say something to him. We’re going to leave for college soon so if things went badly, then at least I wouldn’t have to see him for that much longer. If things went well, then maybe we could figure out a way to be together. We could go away to college where no one knew that we were step-siblings and finally be together.

  On the other hand, if he doesn’t feel the same then not only would it be awkward between us, but I could lose Theo altogether. I can’t even picture my life without Theo in it. We couldn’t even last three weeks apart when we went to live with our other parents.

  I bite my lip as I think over how to handle this. Theo starts to wake up and his eyes flutter open to meet mine. He smiles as his eyes meet mine before he glances down to my lips.

  Looks like I’m not the only one remembering our kiss from last night.

  Chapter Seven


  I stare at Winnie’s lips as I remember our kiss from last night. Her tongue darts out and licks across her bottom lip and my cock starts to harden inside my boxers. She leans in closer to me and that’s a green light if I’ve ever seen one.

  I close the gap between us and the same spark that I felt last night is there again. This time Winnie deepens the kiss right away, pushing her tongue past my lips and into my mouth to duel with mine. I moan as she rolls me onto my back and climbs on top of me. I had kicked my pants off before I fell asleep and it’s just her thin sleep shorts and tank top and my boxers separating us.

  Her hips rock against mine and I know that she can feel my erection rubbing between us. The tip of my cock is starting to peek out of the top of my boxers and it rubs against her stomach where her shirt has ridden up. The feeling of her warm skin rubbing against my cock is the sweetest pleasure that I’ve ever felt.

  Winnie grinds down on the base of my dick and the tip slips out even more from the waistband of my boxers. She gasps against my lips and I can’t hold back any longer. I’ve wanted this girl my whole life and feeling her rubbing herself on top of me while she gasps and moans in pleasure has me hotter than I’ve ever been in my life and I can’t keep it together any longer. I groan as I come all over the both of us.

  Winnie moans as she grinds herself down on top of me and I can feel her wetness through our thin layers of clothes. She leans back and I can see my come where it coats her bare stomach and soaked into her shirt. I’m hard again all over at the sight.

  “Winnie! Theo! Breakfast!” My step-mom calls from downstairs and both of our bodies tense as we scramble out of her bed.

  I tug on my clothes while Winnie rifles through her dresser for new ones. I’m about to head out of her room but I rush over to her one last time and spin her around, fitting my lips against hers and kissing her deep. She moans into my mouth and I slip my tongue past her lips one last time before I have to pull away and head to my own room.

  I get changed and head downstairs to eat breakfast with my family. I wonder if they can feel the tension between us but then I realize that they’re too occupied arguing with each other to pay attention to their kids. Winnie and I eat in silence as our parents bicker at the other end of the table.

  It’s Saturday, so we have the rest of the weekend to ourselves. Our parents are supposed to be going to some farmers market this morning and then a dinner with their friends tonight so Winnie and I should have the house to ourselves. I wonder if we’ll get to kiss again and I find myself staring across the table at her lips.

  “What are you two planning on doing today?” My father asks us.

  Kissing Winnie.

  “Homework.” Winnie says right away.

  “Yeah, I need to get caught up on some homework too and then I’ll probably just hang out around the house.”

  Our parents’ nods as we start to clear away the dishes and say goodbye as they head for the door. We can hear them argue all the way out to the car and once again I hope that they’ll just split up already.

  I help Winnie with the dishes and we stand silently at the sink as she washes and I dry. I want to talk to her, to tell her that I love her and I want her, that I’ve only wanted her, but I’m not sure how she’ll take it. As she hands me the last plate, I realize that I just need to man up already.

  Winnie has to feel something for me or she wouldn’t have kissed me. She wouldn’t have let me kiss her twice or rubbed herself against me until we both came. I’ve waited too long to tell Winnie how I feel already. I’m not waiting any longer.

  I watch as she lets the water out of the sink while I hang up the dish towel.

  “Hey, Winnie?”


  Deep breath, Theo. You can do this.

  “I love you.”

  Her body tenses up and she keeps staring at the floor.

  “I’ve loved you for years, ever since we were kids. If our parents hadn’t screwed everything up then I would have asked you out a long time ago. They’re not even happy anymore and I can’t take it any longer. I don’t care if people think it’s weird. I want you, you’re all I’ve ever wanted and my feelings for you are never going to change.”

  Winnie looks up at me with tears shining in her eyes and my heart drops. She’s going to tell me that she doesn’t feel the same way, that we can’t be together, and it’s going to break my heart. I try to steel myself for her rejection.

  “I love you too.”

  “Huh?” I ask, shocked.

  “I love you too. I’ve loved you since we were kids but I just never knew how you felt and then when our parents got together it just made everything weird.”

  “I know.” I say as I wrap my arms around her.

  She wraps her arms around my waist too and smiles up at me.

  “What do we do now?” She asks.

  “I want to date you. I want you to be my girlfriend.”

  “What will our parents say though? Or people at our school?”

  I knew this would be a problem. We live in a small town and people will talk. I want to protect her from that and I know that once we go to college, we’ll be able to go public.

  “What if we dated in secret? We wouldn’t have to tell anyone and, in a few months, we’ll be away from here and we can date in public.”

  “You’ve thought this all through, huh?”

  “Well I’ve had a couple of years to figure everything out.” I say with a chuckle.

  She leans up on her tip toes and I bend down, meeting her lips in the middle. Her fingers tangle in my hair and pull me closer. This kiss feels different from the other ones we’ve shared and I know that it’s because now everything is out in the open between us and we’re finally on the same page. We’re finally together.

  Winnie is finally mine.

  Chapter Eight


  Theo and I have been dating in secret for the last two weeks. Not much has changed in our relationship except for the kisses and secret touches that we share now. He sneaks into my room every night now a
nd we make out and cuddle until he has to sneak back to his own bed. We’ve just started to go beyond the kissing and cuddling in the last couple of days.

  It started with him trailing his hands down my body while we were making out one night. He had slipped his hands under my shirt and trailed them up my stomach until he cupped my breasts. His deft fingers had pinched and played with my hard nipples until I was begging him for more. I could feel his hard length where it pressed against my hip as Theo rolled me onto my back and pushed my sleep shirt up to my shoulders.

  His lips wrapped around my hard peak then and he laved the tight bud with his tongue before biting down gently on it. I moaned loud at the feeling and we both froze as we waited to see if our parents head heard me. Once the coast seemed clear, Theo had sucked my nipple back into his mouth while his other hand came up to cover my mouth. He had used his other hand and his lips, tongue, and teeth to drive me out of my mind that night.

  That wasn’t the only time that Theo had to cover my mouth or whisper for me to be quiet. Turns out I’m pretty loud in bed but I can’t seem to help it. Having his mouth and hands on me always feels so good.

  The next night we had gone a little further. I had slipped my hand into his athletic shorts and wrapped my hand around his hard cock. I was surprised at the feeling of him against my palm. His skin had been so soft and silky but I could feel the hard steel underneath the skin. Theo had shown me how to jerk him off, wrapping his fingers around mine and squeezing slightly while moving my hand up and down his length. I had jerked him off until he came, his sticky release coating my fingers and his shorts.


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