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No Matter What

Page 26

by Nicole Jackson

  Hopping out of the car, she turned plenty of heads in her leopard printed catsuit. A yellow bone with a fat ass was enough for the average hood nigga to snatch her up and call her wifey. Then Cat was pretty, along with having a nice shapely medium built figure. The bleached blonde wig she wore was super long, and extended beyond her ass. Just one glimpse at her, and you’d swear that she was probably one of the baddest strippers in one of the bigger clubs around the city. Mix knew that if she wanted to, she could make a killing, breaking trick ass niggas, but that had never been her thing. She loved the streets, and if she did work the clubs, it would be only long enough to rob the biggest ballers who’d come through there.

  “What’s up?” she questioned, as she sashayed up to him, knowing all eyes were on her.

  He looked her up and down. “I don’t know. You tell me.”

  “So, this your truck?”

  He shrugged.

  “It must be nice. Come out here, live it up, and leave me to deal with all the vultures you made me cross back in Miami.”

  He threw his head back. “Aww, come, man. You know it wasn’t like that.”

  She arched a brow. “Then how was it?”

  “Mix, where Nunnie at?” Fatima, Nunnie’s cousin questioned, obviously trying to check him, since he was out in public conversing with an unfamiliar face. Being that he was in the hood, he should’ve known better. Nunnie’s people were going to speak up if they saw him with anybody that wasn’t family or people they grew up around.

  Mix exhaled. “She at home.”

  “Oh, yeah?” Fatima responded. “Well, let me facetime her ass, and see what she doing.”

  He nodded.

  Cat sucked her teeth. “These hoes don’t me like that. So, that hoe better keep it moving.”

  Mix shook his head. “Aye, leave that alone. You must not know where you standing. You a outsider. Aint no fair shake in a fight. Bitches that you don’t even know and didn’t even see coming would be whupping on your head.”

  “Anyway,” she rolled her eyes.

  “Yeah, anyway,” he playfully mocked her. “Tell me what them pockets looking like. You good?”

  She fluttered her lashes. “I could always be doing better.”

  Reaching into his pocket, he peeled back a few bills, before placing them in her hand. “I aint never forget about the shit you done for me, Cat. That was never the case. I just had shit to handle out here, but you know that I fucks with you the long way.”

  She sighed. “That’s what you say…but you’re the only one eating. These few lil’ bills is cool, but I need some real money.”

  He licked his lips. “I mean, I got a play in mind, but Ion know if you with it—”

  “Nigga, you know I’m always down with a money move,” she cut him off, anxiously. “What’s up?”

  “It’s this nigga I got my eye on.”

  “Okay…would it be just me and you or what?”

  “Nah, it’s a few other people involved.”

  “Oh, hell, nah.” She shook her head. “You know how I am. I don’t go to work with anybody I don’t know beforehand. I gotta look a muthafucka in the eyes, before I go out in the field with them.”

  “Okay.” He rubbed his hands together. “How about we all sit down for dinner tonight at Pappadeaux’s? I remember you used to love eating there.”

  She scratched her scalp through her wig. “Sounds like a plan to me.”


  Approaching the table filled with about five other people, Cat considered doing an about-face and strutting right out the door. When Mix said that she’d meet with the other people who were apart of the play, she was thinking of one or two at the most. She most definitely didn’t expect to see his bitch sitting there, but there her ass was.

  “Hey,” she spoke wryly.

  “Hey,” everyone replied simultaneously.

  “You can sit right here,” Mix instructed, directing her to sit next to him.

  Cat sat down, and unconsciously scooted her chair closer to Mix. Leaning over, she spoke into his ear. “You know you dead wrong for not telling me that all these people would be here.”

  He shook his head. “It’s cool. Everybody at this table is family.”

  One girl openly giggled. “Let me find out that she wasn’t expecting all of us to be sitting here.”

  Cat poked out her bottom lip, as she shrugged. “I wasn’t, but it’s all good. Mix says that yall are family, so it’s all love.”

  Mix nodded. “But yeah, Cat, let me introduce you to everybody. The chick sitting directly across from you is Dreka. Next to Dreka is Tink. On the other side of Dreka that’s my nigga Lickz. And sitting next to me is Nunnie.”

  “His wife,” Nunnie interjected out of nowhere, causing everyone to snicker.

  Cat squinted, as she crinkled her nose. “You didn’t tell me that you was married.”

  Dreka and Tink exchanged looks.

  Pushing Mix back, Nunnie leaned forward, making sure that Cat could see and hear her. “In the state of Texas, you can be considered married if you live with somebody for more than six months.”

  Hearing that, Cat tittered. “Well, if that’s the case, me and him are married, cause he definitely stayed with me longer. And how have yall been staying together for six months, and he was just back in Miami with me less than four months ago?”

  Nunnie grimaced, as she looked from left to right, while holding her chest. “Did this bitch just—”

  “Aye,” Mix caught her attention, as he squeezed her thigh. “What I told you?”

  Trying to gather her composure, she nodded, as she licked her lips. “You’re right. I’m tripping.”

  Feeling victorious, Cat relaxed in her chair. Clearly, the hold this Nunnie bitch thought she had on him wasn’t as strong as she thought. When it all came down to it, a nigga was gonna be a nigga. Seeing this for herself, she was more than confident that with time she and Mix would be able to recapture what they’d established, before he hopped up and left Miami. And if nothing else, Ms. Nunnie was going to share him.

  “Okay, now, Mix,” Cat spoke up. “Are you gonna tell me what the play is?”


  “Rumor, I told you that I can’t make it this weekend. I’ll have to take a raincheck,” Levi spoke into his cell, as he traveled through his house. “Okay, babe. I know you have my kids, and I appreciate you being on your best step-mom duties.”

  “Levi, you make zero sense,” Rumor fussed over the phone. “How are they my step kids, when I’m single? I spend ninety percent of my time in this place alone. You said that things would change once Naveriah left, but everything shifted back to the same bullshit. Now, instead of Naveriah, it’s some coke head hood rat, who isn’t even as half as cute. At this point, it’s a fucking slap in the face. Especially after all the work I put in, Levi. How is this fair to me?”

  Hearing the doorbell sound, Levi felt that he was saved by the bell. “Hey, look, someone’s at the door. Let me handle that, and I’ll call you back.” He ended the call.

  Standing in the middle of the living room, wearing her birthday suit, D-Baby had been waiting patiently for him to get off the phone, so that he could come fuck the shit out of her.

  “Hey, bae, let me answer this door, and I’ll get right back to you,” he promised, before heading to the door.

  Approaching the frosted glass front door, he could see that a female was standing on his doorstep. Stepping up, he peered through the glass, noticing that the girl was wearing an Amazon t-shirt. Assuming that he had a delivery that he’d forgotten about, Levi opened the door.

  “Hi, sir,” the pretty, light skinned girl smiled. “I have a delivery for you.”

  “Okay, cool—” he got out, before his door was forced back, slamming right into his face, knocking him on the floor.

  For a few seconds, Levi was seeing double, and when he could finally focus clearly, Mix was hovering over him, while another man wearing ski mask stood next to him. Right then, Levi�
��s heart sank to his stomach.

  “Check the house,” Mix instructed, sending his partner on his way. “I got this nigga,” he claimed, as he cocked his pistol back.

  “Come on man,” Levi pleaded, as he attempted to crawl backwards.

  “Where the fuck you going?” Mix asked, before brutally bashing the pistol across Levi’s head, causing him to howl in pain. “Shut your bitch ass up,” he gritted, as he gripped Levi’s shirt, before dragging him through the house.

  “Awwwwwww!” Levi released a high-pitched scream, as Mix beat him merciless.

  “Shut the fuck up, before I blow your fucking brains out,” Mix growled, as he placed the gun to his temple.

  “Pleeeease,” Levi pleaded, as he shamelessly cried.

  “Nigga, you crying?” Mix chuckled. “But the shit was funny when you wanted to play them police games. A nigga still didn’t touch you, cause I was letting you get your law abiding citizen shit on. I fucked you up, and I was gon deal with it. But then you decided to jump bad, and break into my people’s shit. That brought your passes to a end, nigga—”

  “Say, my nigga,” Lickz called out to Mix as he held a naked broad in a chokehold. “Why he got this bitch, Dookey Baby in here?” he chuckled. “This nigga running up in anything.”

  Mix turned around, and laid eyes on a broad back from the hood. She was a known pass around, who had a nasty cocaine habit. “Say, Dookey Baby, what you see, right now?”

  “Nothing,” she blurted. “Not a muthafuckin’ thing. Yall know Ion know shit.”

  Mix nodded in satisfaction. “That’s what I thought. And if you change your mind, we know where your mama stay.” He turned to Levi, and viciously kicked him. “Aye, homebody, I need you to listen and listen good. This is how this shit finna go. You finna give up the combinations to all three safes in this bitch. I know where every last one at. So, don’t try me. You hear me?”

  Levi quickly nodded, like a child being chastised.

  “And by the time I go back to court next month, I better hear that them fucking charges are dropped. Do you understand me?”

  Again, Levi nodded.

  “And if you think about calling the laws again, that won’t stop us from raining down on your ass,” Lickz added, knowing that his identity was still concealed. “Cause even if Mix is in jail, that won’t stop me from getting at you, your mama, and daddy, nigga.”

  Mix curled his lips. “You fucking got that? Or do you need some reinforcement?”

  “No!” Levi panicked, throwing up his hands. “I got it! I got it!”

  “Okay, then,” Mix clenched his teeth, before snatching Levi off the floor. “Stand your bitch ass up and take us to the money.”

  Helplessly, Levi watched them go from safe to safe, raping him of all his undocumented money. He was literally sick to the stomach, as they swiped all his watches and rings. And just then he thought it was all over, Mix hit him with a gut punch, killing any hope he had for retribution.

  “Oh yeah, before we go, I’ma need you to un-ass all the surveillance footage from in and outside of your house. Nice cameras, by the way. Too bad them bitches didn’t serve you no purpose when you really needed them.”


  Mix, Lickz, and Cat eased into the stolen van, before Nunnie pulled away from the curb.

  Removing his ski mask, Lickz spoke up. “Aye, let’s get the fuck out of here. This nigga might got mob ties, with the way he was holding.”

  Mix smiled, knowing that Levi wasn’t connected like that. He was a good white-collar criminal, and clearly those types were getting the real bags. That much was clear, after they’d snatched over 500k out of the three safes combined. No there wasn’t an official count, but if he had to guess, it was at least that much money. Still, he’d keep his thoughts to himself, because everyone wasn’t privy to the weight of the lick. He and Lickz had already decided that they’d give Cat ten racks as her cut for getting the door open, and then standing at the door, serving as the lookout. With Lickz knowing Cat personally, he knew that she wouldn’t question a thing after receiving such a payout.

  Jotting onto the freeway, Nunnie made sure to put as much distance between them and Levi’s home as humanly possible.

  Cat sat in the backseat, feeling like her and the old Mix were back. This was obviously their element, and during the good times he’d take her back home and blow her back out after hitting a nice lick. Sure, things were a tad bit different with Nunnie in the picture, but Mix had already let it be known that he was running the show, therefore, she decided to try her luck.

  “Mix,” she placed a hand on his shoulder, as she sat directly behind him, while he rode shotgun.

  “What’s up,” he shrugged his shoulder, causing her hand to fall off him.

  “Are you taking me back to my car?” she asked sweetly.

  “Nah,” Nunnie spoke up. “No, the fuck he aint.” She exited the freeway, while tapping Mix’s thigh. “How much yall paying her?” she asked casually.

  “Ten,” Mix mumbled.

  “Ten?” Nunnie lifted both brows.

  Cat poked out her bottom lip, thoroughly impressed. Mix was really looking out for her, letting her know that he obviously still cared.

  “Well, give me ten, right now,” Nunnie demanded.

  Mix screwed his face up. “For what?”

  Cat giggled.

  Nunnie snapped. “What you chu mean for what? Give me ten, right muthafuckin’ now. In my hand.”

  He sucked his teeth. “Man, you need to focus on the road. You tripping. That’s why I was against you doing this shit in the first place. Somebody else could’ve drove. You should’ve stayed your ass at home. You fucking pregnant and is irrational, emotional, and just flat out crazy. Plus, this fucking car is stolen.”

  Hearing that Nunnie was pregnant made Cat’s stomach queasy.

  “And?” Nunnie bucked her eyes. “I fucking stole it! So, what’s your point?”

  Mix shook his head, as he began rummaging through one of the bags stuffed with cash. Breathing like a dragon, he sat there and counted out ten thousand dollars, before handing it to her. “There. You fucking happy now? Wanna hold the money like we aint going home to the same fucking place,” he grumbled.

  “Thank you,” Nunnie smiled, as she took the money. “Now, hand me your gun.”

  “What?” Mix jerked his neck back.

  “Main,” Lickz stressed. “If my cut wasn’t still in them bags, I’d tell you crazy muthafuckas to let me out at the next light. Let you see his gun? Girl, you losing it.”

  “What?” Nunnie scowled. “Maizun, you really believe that I’d do something to hurt you?”

  Mix shook his head, as he exhaled. “No, Nunu.”

  “Okay, then. Trust me. Now, let me see your gun.”

  Taking a deep breath, against his better judgement, Mix handed Nunnie one of his guns. Right after, she pulled over into the parking lot of a Kroger’s.

  “Girl, what the fuck is you doing?” Mix fussed, as Nunnie placed the van in park.

  Turning around in her seat, Nunnie threw the ten thousand dollars in Cat’s face. “It’s all there, hoe.”

  Witnessing it all, Lickz attempted to hold in his laughter.

  Nunnie aimed the gun, pointing it directly at Cat. “Gather that shit and get the fuck out!”

  “Nunu—” Mix attempted to talk her down.

  “Maizun, zip it,” she cut him off. “I’m dealing with this bitch, right now. I need her to gather that money before I pop her ass in this van, and yall will just have to torch this bitch afterwards with her still in it. Cause if she don’t move the fuck around, she’s dying today.”

  Frantically, Cat picked up her money. “What…what did I do to you?”

  “Bitch, you know exactly what you doing! Flirting with my nigga. It aint that type of party. Now, you done served your purpose and it’s time to let go. If you know like I know. Cause aint nothing coming between me and this nigga. Nothing! So, since I can see that you trouble, I
’ma end this shit right here and now. Aint no next chapter, unless you wanna die, hoe!”

  Cat nodded, before sliding the door open, and hopping out of the van.

  Once she was walking down the sidewalk, headed towards a bus stop, Nunnie backed up, and headed back onto the streets. She then reached over, placing Mix’s gun back in his lap.

  Lickz reclined in his seat, as he stroked his goatee. “And I thought that I had my hands full with your crazy ass sister. Say, sis, what the fuck did I just witness back there?”

  Nunnie pursed her lips, as she gripped the steering wheel. “You just witnessed what it means when I say that I aint playing with nobody. Me and Maizun been getting turned around for over a year. Shit can’t never completely go our way. But we finally fought through all that, and I aint letting some bitch take us back to where we just came from in the fifth hour. This time around, we gon have this shit our fucking way. No matter what.”

  Mix nodded with a smirk on his face. As crazy as Nunnie may have looked at the moment, he couldn’t have agreed with her more. Without a shadow of a doubt he was eliminating any every obstacle in their path. So, any person standing between them was disposable, and it didn’t matter who.




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