Warlord 4

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Warlord 4 Page 1

by Chen Ran


  Chapter 237 - Similar (II)

  Chapter 238 - Invaders

  Chapter 239 - Unscrupulous means

  Chapter 240 - Insect Sea (I)

  Chapter 241 - Insect Sea (II)

  Chapter 242 - Assassins (I)

  Chapter 243 - Assassins (II)

  Chapter 244 - pseudo-domain

  Chapter 245 - Triple Shock

  Chapter 246 - Hand of God

  Chapter 247 - Memories

  Chapter 248 - Assassins in Darkness (I)

  Chapter 249 - Final Bullets (II)

  Chapter 250 - Cheap Shot (III)

  Chapter 251 - Monster Rampage (I)

  Chapter 252 - Monster Rampage (II)

  Chapter 253 - Killing Intent

  Chapter 254 - Contest

  Chapter 255 - Weaknesses

  Chapter 256 - Lord (I)

  Chapter 257 - Lord (II)

  Chapter 258 - Conspiracy

  Chapter 259 - Encroachment

  Chapter 260 - Deep Base

  Chapter 261 - One Thousand Average

  Chapter 262 - One Thousand Average

  Chapter 263 - Graduation (I)

  Chapter 264 - Graduation (II)

  Chapter 265 - Graduation (III)

  Chapter 266 - Graduation (IV)

  Chapter 267 - Rebirth Plan (I)

  Chapter 268 - Rebirth Plan (II)

  Chapter 269 - Rebirth Plan (III)

  Chapter 270 - Rebirth Plan (IV)

  Chapter 271 - Rebirth Plan (V)

  Chapter 272 - Returning to the Wilderness (I)

  Chapter 273 - Returning to the Wilderness (II)

  Chapter 274 - Returning to the Wilderness (III)

  Chapter 275 - The Night Before (I)

  Chapter 276 - The Night Before (II)

  Chapter 277 - Interests Only (I)

  Chapter 278 - Interests Only (II)

  Chapter 279 - Extinction (I)

  Chapter 280 - Extinction (II)

  Chapter 281 - Flame Devil (I)

  Chapter 282 - Blazing Demon Two

  Chapter 283 - Ripping (I)

  Chapter 284 - Ripping (II)

  Chapter 285 - Ripping (III)

  Chapter 286 - Ripping (IV)

  Chapter 287 - Ripping (V)

  Chapter 288 - Crisis Outbreak (I)

  Chapter 289 - Crisis Outbreak (II)

  Chapter 290 - Crisis Outbreak (III)

  Chapter 291 - Creator

  Chapter 292 - Returning to the Battlefield (I)

  Chapter 293 - Returning to the Battlefield (II)

  Chapter 294 - Thunder

  Chapter 295 - Corpse City (I)

  Chapter 296 - Corpse City (II)

  Chapter 297 - Corpse City (III)

  Chapter 298 - Corpse City (IV)

  Chapter 299 - The Chaos Battlefield

  Chapter 300 - The Queen

  Chapter 301 - The Dead Land (I)

  Chapter 302 - The Dead Land (II)

  Chapter 303 - Guide

  Chapter 304 - Eyes of Flame

  Chapter 305 - Fall (I)

  Chapter 306 - Fall (II)

  Chapter 307 - Fall (III)

  Chapter 308 - Jodtenheim (I)

  Chapter 309 - Jodtenheim (II)

  Chapter 310 - Lilith (I)

  Chapter 311 - Lilith (II)

  Chapter 312 - Memories

  Chapter 313 - True King

  Chapter 314 - Live

  Chapter 315 - The Night is Dark

  Chapter 316 - Blade of Pain (I)

  Chapter 237 - Similar (II)

  The woman called Eva had arrived at the Cossack Army base two years ago. She had also explored underground bases before, and just like how the Asgard had conducted their military operations, Eva's footsteps stopped at the base on the fifth floor as well. It was just that compared to the vague information Callio had regarding the Sixth layer base, Eva had pointed out that there was an enormous will resting below the Sixth layer base.

  As a result, she could only arrive at the first five-tier base and no longer explore further. But looking at how she was able to explore the five-tier base by herself, with a relaxed tone, it was as though during the entire process of exploration, Eva had not come across any obstacles that would stop her from moving forward. It was as easy as walking around her own courtyard until she found the so-called great will.

  The Asgard's army was almost driven out by the monsters. In other words, Eva had strength that was above Callio. It was at least stronger than the Callio of three years ago, but with zero knowledge, it was only three years. If nothing unexpected happened, the increase in Callio's strength was not too great.

  From the looks of it, the power this Eva possessed was not to be looked down upon. It was no wonder that she dared to live alone in the two-tier base s who ran rampant for two years.

  After occupying this hospital, Eva began her research work on biochemistry. In her own words, she was not only a soldier, but also a scientist. Therefore, she used the living corpse which was almost everywhere as a model to research, and used to improve the genes of the living corpse, and transformed a new breed "Sovereign King" that had intelligence, and its combat power was even greater than butcher and lacerator.

  But looking at the progress of the research, Eva had only completed half of the work. Su Yun and the others saw that the two-headed living corpse 'Gemini' was the latest finished product of Eva. But in the end, it was not her own intelligence, so it belonged to the semi-finished product. But the Gemini was able to carry out Eva's orders, and through the Gemini, Eva had more control over all of the living corpse outside.

  The living corpse only possessed the intelligence of a wild beast. Unless one had met the leader of the living corpse s in the Silver Tree City before, otherwise, all the living corpse in one region would only listen to the orders of the strong in the group. Elite-ranked monsters like the ordinary living corpse listen to the butcher, and the Gemini was obviously above the butcher, so it was as if the living corpse and the others in this area were under Eva's control.

  But Eva was unwilling to explain the reason why he was hiding in the base and why he wanted to train the Bio-transformation Legion. In the end, with the rest time as the reason, Eva made the few of them stay in her clean rooms.

  On a simple sickbed, Nocturnal's tactical suit was taken off and laid on the bed. There was an orange light on the bedside lamp, its dim light falling on Zero's face. His eyes were still open and he had not fallen asleep.

  He thought about Eva, this woman, and held back his own attitude towards everything she said. He had learned long ago not to easily trust others, especially a woman who had been alone with many living corpse s for two years.

  How much water there was in Eva's words, probably only she herself knew. But what was certain was that Eva hiding in the Sky Base and staying isolated from the outside world for two years was definitely not just a simple "hobby" from her words.

  Besides, when Zero first saw her. When that woman walked out from the crowd of living corpse, his intuition told him that she had created a biochemical army to protect herself.

  However, a woman who could clear five-tier base on her own, was strong enough to run amuck in the wilderness. Why was she plotting to build an army, or what was she afraid of?

  Zero's train of thoughts suddenly stopped, and he felt a slight prickling sensation on his skin. It was a sense of danger, but not a strong one. As he felt it, the door of the ward swung open.

  Zero bounced up from the bed and the Browning's pistol that was placed on top of the bed also fell into his hands. But it wasn't any danger that came through the door, it was a sexy woman.

  Eva was wearing a loose pajamas that revealed a large amount of light. The V-shaped, low-cut neckline almost exposed half of the mountain ra
nge. A pair of bare feet extended from under the train of the robe. It was full of temptation. If Feng was here, just this scene would be enough to make him into a werewolf. But Zero did not react at all. His body was being controlled by him with absolute calmness, so that Eva would not detect any reaction at all.

  "Miss Eva, it's getting late. Why aren't you sleeping?" Zero said coldly.

  Eva revealed a charming smile and said: "I came to sleep. Honestly speaking, I have stayed here for two years, and I have not done it for a long time. I really can't hold it in right now. How about you help me release it? "

  As she spoke, she had already walked up to Zero. Eva reached out her slender hand and pressed down on the wrist holding the spear. With a stuffy groan, his wrist became numb and he could not hold the gun. The gun fell onto the ground with a thud, causing Eva to laugh as he rolled over the pile of bullets. Suddenly, Zero felt as if he was thrown by an elephant, and his entire body involuntarily fell onto the bed. Just as he was about to spring up, he felt something from his waist, and it was Eva who sat on him.

  Strength and speed? At the same time, he slashed towards Eva's neck, he was not used to being pressured by women to do such a thing.

  Eva smiled, then suddenly opened her mouth and used her crystal white teeth to gently bite on Zero's palm. She was so relaxed and at ease, but she could only stare blankly. That palm attack from before had at least used the strength of a third step, even if it was made of steel, it was still able to make a slight dent. But unexpectedly, the strength of this palm strike did not even touch Eva's teeth, this woman was simply a human female dragon!

  After biting onto Zero's palm, Eva grabbed onto his body with his other hand. Instantly, a few pieces of cloth flew up from the bed and then fell down. With his other hand, he pushed towards Eva. Unexpectedly, she was able to catch Zero so easily. Then, she gave it to Zero, letting it land on her plump chest. A soft feeling came from the center of his palm, as well as a firm cherry.

  Eva's body suddenly trembled, and let out a soft moan. Then, he used his waist strength to push his toes against the hard bone.

  A surge of electricity rushed straight into his head, causing him to almost lose control of the wild beast in the depths of his soul.

  When he regained his senses, Eva was already lying on his chest. The woman stuck out her tongue, long and thin, like the tongue of some cold-blooded animal. Using this long tongue, Eva slid down from his chest all the way down to his abdomen, then down again.

  Then, Zero felt itself entering a warm place. He spouted hot air from his nostrils, straightened his body, and struck Eva ruthlessly.

  Eva embarrassedly coughed and looked at Zero again. With a groan, she tore open her pajamas, then used her hands and legs to hold on to Zero. Finally, she lowered her waist, allowing herself to be tightly connected with Zero.

  The terrifying suction force almost made Zero lose control. He only felt himself being sucked in by thousands of suction cups, and the feeling made his soul tremble.

  The war in the bed went on for two hours, and by the time the two men had satisfied themselves to stop, the bed could no longer bear the burden of the announcement. Due to the intense impact, cracks appeared on the walls of the bed.

  "Satisfied? If you are satisfied, then please leave. I still need to rest." Zero said coldly, looking at the woman who had been riding on him for two hours.

  Eva laughed: "Don't talk about it like an abandoned granny. Your body just told me that you also enjoy yourself. Alright, the entertainment is over. Then let's talk about what you're doing here, the same kind! "

  Su Ming frowned and said, "Can you get up first?"

  Eva did not answer and shrunk his body. He felt the connection between the two of them tighten and almost became impulsive again. He could only helplessly accept the fact that Eva didn't even want to move at all, and said: "I've already told you, we're going to the underground base to execute a mission."

  "You're lying!" Eva's face sank. "You smell him, don't tell me you're just here on some bullshit mission. Let me guess, you're looking for me, aren't you! "

  "I don't understand what you're saying. Although we are all human beings, there is no need for us to call you fellow human beings, Miss Eva." Zero said coldly.

  "Human?" Eva revealed a smile: "Don't be confused with us and those low level carbon-based organisms. We are gods, creatures above all living creatures!"

  Seeing the confused look on Ling Xiao's face, Eva suddenly bit on his neck. The second defense of zero was useless under her white teeth. Suddenly, she felt a pain on the side of her neck, followed by the sound of sucking. Su Yun was shocked that Eva was actually sucking his blood. Just as he was about to resist, Eva had already left his neck.

  Eva's lips were stained with blood, but her eyes suddenly became empty. In a way that Zero could not understand, Eva shared his memories through Zero's blood.

  As a result, one image after another flashed across Eva's eyes. Her memories were played backwards, and Eva saw the zero point of the training she received in the Asgard; then, the scene where she was chased and killed by Rhine in the Shadow Capital. After that was the battle to the north. Memory played all the way back to Z7, and beyond that was a hazy image.

  With the end of the memories, Eva's eyes once again shone with radiance.

  She looked at Zero with interest and said, "How interesting, you actually don't know anything. He had completely forgotten about his own power. So they gave you a memory block. "Looks like they take care of you. If it wasn't for this, I think you would have gone crazy, just like …"

  Saying that, Eva suddenly closed his mouth. Then she finally left Zero's body, lifted her long legs, and threw on the pajamas on the ground.

  She turned to go, but Zero called out to her, "Wait. I... Who was it? Or rather, I. "What is it!?"

  From Eva's words, even the dumbest person would be able to tell that Eva and a few others had had similar encounters with Zero. It's just that they seem to have retained their memories, while zeros are obscured by some memory, thus forgetting something important.

  However, Eva didn't answer his question. Instead, she said, "It's not good for you to know too much. Even though you have his scent, it's very faint. As long as you don't remember, perhaps, you won't be discovered by him. This may be a good thing for you. "

  She walked to the door.

  Zero suddenly asked, "Who is he? Are you afraid of him? "

  Unexpectedly, these simple words, made Eva's Qi suddenly change!

  Chapter 238 - Invaders

  Energy tornado formed around Eva's body, causing the ground to shatter with a 'shua' sound, forming a spiderweb of veins. As for Zero, as Eva's main target, he was directly struck against the wall and was stuck tightly onto the wall, unable to fall.

  Eva turned around, her eyes shooting red flames. That sexy body, under the skin, had stripes of movement. In this short period of warmth, the muscles all over Eva's body twisted into steel bars, and his body suddenly grew much heavier, her bare feet directly sinking into the ground.

  Zero could not breathe. Only now did he completely understand how terrifying Eva was. In Su Yun's eyes, Eva's biological energy was as bright red as blood, the energy contained within was a faint silver light, it was extremely strange. The red coloured biological energy showed that Eva was a person with a level 8 ability. The fact that there was silver in the middle meant that she was advancing towards the twelfth step in order to create such a sight.

  In the face of a raging Adept, Zero Sense was like facing a giant sun. He could destroy himself at any moment. Fortunately, the sun in front of his eyes continued to dim its brightness. Finally, the energy pressing against Zero disappeared, allowing him to slip to the ground.

  It had only been a minute or so, but it had already caused Ling Chen to perspire and the energy within his body had been reduced by nearly half. It could be seen how shocking the energy he used was when facing off against Eva.

  "You don't understand how terrif
ying he is, so you dare to say that." Eva said with a cold snort.

  Zero sat on the ground and revealed a smile, "I can understand your feelings, just like how a normal person would when facing a ferocious metamorph, unable to retaliate at all. However, if I were you, I would be afraid, but I wouldn't hide in a dark place. You should understand that this won't solve the problem at all. The best way to defeat this fear is to make it disappear! "

  "Kill him?" Eva seemed to have heard something funny and suddenly laughed. She laughed until she was out of breath, coughed, and pointed at Zero. "You actually said you killed him, you actually said you killed him."

  "What's so funny." Zero frowned.

  Eva retracted her smile, and shouted towards Zero: "Because you don't understand what he is, he is our Terminator. Find us, kill us, eat us! to gather our strength. "He's a devil. It's laughable that someone like you, who has yet to awaken, would dare to spout such big words."

  "Awakening? What awakening? " Eva knew too much about him, or their secrets. Zero had to seize every opportunity to learn more about himself.

  Eva pointed to her own head and said, "As expected, I don't even understand awakening. I'm not afraid to tell you, you and me and the other eleven. The body is implanted with some kind of organ, which is the organ of God. See, it could be an eye, blood, or a pair of wings. Awakening is the ability to awaken the god's organ, activating its high level authority, thus allowing us to obtain the power similar to that of a god! And that person, is collecting our body's organs, he wants to become the most perfect God! "

  "Eyes?" Su Yun could not help but touch her own golden right eye. So this was the so called Divine organ by Eva. And after the Asgard analyzed it, she concluded that inside this eyeball, there were actually seven layers of gene locks. Looking at it now, unlocking the deep level of the gene lock was the awakening that Eva mentioned.

  "One person might not be able to deal with him, but what if there are two, three, or even more?" Zero threw out the olive branch and said, "If, if you can help me awaken it. Perhaps, we can join hands to deal with him, or find our other … "Same kind."

  "Impossible." Eva shook her head: "The awakening process varies from person to person, and due to the difference in the god's organs, the awakening method is also different. There are a total of thirteen of us who have different god organs, so everyone's awakening method is different. Even I don't know what the awakening method of your Eye of God is. As for the others, he had already absorbed the organs of two men, while the others, like me, were probably hiding in various parts of the world in order to escape his hunt. Finding them is easier said than done. "


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